10x07 - The Piggy in the Puddle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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10x07 - The Piggy in the Puddle

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

This is so squishy

And squashy and mushy.

I love how this feels.

It's just a lump of clay,

But when you wrap
your fingers around it,

Something wonderful

Your hand's warmth
relaxes the clay,

And as it softens,
it gets more flexible.

You can mold it
into any shape.

Watch this.

I'll just roll it
into a ball,

And then I'll flatten it.

Now work
a little up here,

And then scrunch a little
down there,

And pinch and smush
a little there.

Flatten out a little
down there,

And, hey,
I made a face.

But look.

With some finishing touches,
you can even add a personality.


I don't know how anyone
can resist playing with clay,

And the magic of clay
is that it turns you

Into an instant artist.

I made fruit
because I like fruit.

I just thought of fruit,

And it popped out
in my head.

I like clay
because it's mushy

And you can create anything
out of it.

You have an idea
and get a piece of clay

And just mold it.

This one's so soft,
you can make anything.

This hot dog is named
t.t. The hot dog.


Um, well, he's...

Uh. Oh, boy.

A wacky sword.
It's powerful,
and it's sharp.

I liked working with clay
because it was sort of squashy.

I'm an artist.

This is fx fighter.

This is a cupcake
with a bite taken.

This is my hot dog,
and it has ketchup and mustard,

And I'm going to eat it!

Every clay creation
starts with an idea--

that inspires you--

And here's our inspiration--
the piggy in the puddle.

It's a funny story
about a piggy

Who gets into trouble
over a puddle of mud.

We're going to tell
this story with clay.

Turning a book
into a clay story,

Or a clay animation,
requires talent and skill.

We've got two people here
with plenty of that.

Hi, becky.
Hi, cote.

Hi, levar.hi, levar.

This is absolutely

The detail
in these characters
is amazing.

It's like
the characters

Jumped off the page.

We give each character
its own look.

Here's piggy
playing in the puddle.

Here's her family.

Each wants her
out of the puddle.

Brother's a goofy guy,
so we made him fat.

little piggy herself.

She's stubborn,
but she's little,

So we gave her
this baby bonnet.

Where's papa piggy?

We haven't
made him yet.

We were
waiting for you.

Ah, great!

Here he is--dad.

He looks great.

put his hat on.

It's so cool
because he really

Where do we go now?

It's off to becky
for backgrounds.

Now that the characters
are finished,

We'll turn this puddle

Into a three-dimensional

How will we
make this puddle?

We need a place
for it.

The book
has the puddle

In the middle
of this field.

This wood doesn't
look like grass,

But it will.

I drew
the puddle's shape.

I'll trace this
and glue rope around it.

That will
keep the clay in.


First, I'll trace
around this...

This special glue
will hold the rope

So that when
the clay is inside,

It will stay in place.

I think
we're finished.

This is our outline
for the puddle?


What now?

You have the job
of cutting the grass.

It looks great.
You did a really good job.

We're ready to glue
everything together.

I made hills
to put back here.

We'll glue
your grass on,

And we'll have
a three-dimensional

By putting a little glue
on these tufts of grass,

They'll stick
behind our hills here

And look
like a hillside.

And now we...

We'll put plaster on

So it looks like clay,
not paper.


I like the way
this feels.

It's a different
than the clay.

It's smoother.

Yes. Right.

It feels good.

We should get
both sides of the grass

So they'll be stiff
when this dries.

Now we can coat this
with green

So it really
looks like grass.

This is exciting

Because it's
beginning to look

Like the picture
in the book.

It is. Thanks.

Mmm. This is going
to be good.

It sure is,
but not to eat.

This may look
like chocolate pudding,

But it will be the mud
in piggy's puddle.

I think it's ready.

We should
pour it out.

Be careful.
It's really hot.

Here we go.

This clay will
have to cool

we can use it.

Our piggies are
going to love this.

But pigs aren't
the only ones
who love mud.

I know some people

Who can't get
enough of it.

The perfect recipe
for a mud puddle.

First, you start with
huge truckloads of dirt.

It doesn't matter
what kind of dirt.

Any kind will do.

Now call in the bulldozers.

Keep the sides in
and straighten.

Now we're ready
for the final ingredient--


Scoop it up
and stir it all together.

Bet you'd like to know
what this is all about.

It's a puddle
for mud-racing.

Ladies and gentlemen,
welcome to the arena.

Inching up is number .

And he's off.

A fabulous run
for number .

Let's watch number now.

He's had some trouble


I don't believe it.

Something going wrong.

Apparently an electrical system

Shut the car down.

We're awaiting the word.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the word is...

The word is mud.

Becky, this clay
is cool now.

Let's put it
in the puddle.

Take a little
and squish it down

In between the rope
that we glued before.


Just press it
onto the...

Yeah. Try to make it
kind of flat,

But we can leave
some lumps.

We want to blend
our pieces together

So it looks
like one puddle.

If you take
your finger

And go
over the gaps--

This clay's amazing.
It blends really easily.

It's like
one piece now.

Exactly. It feels
like mud, right?

and it certainly
looks like it.

Here's where
it starts looking

Like the book.

We are making
a muddy, muddy


And now for
the finishing touch.

Here's a trick
of the trade.

Watch what happens

When we pour
baby oil on top.

Rub it in.

It really begins
to look like mud.

It feels
like mud, too.

This is great.

So this is
enough to spread

Over the whole puddle

Because it only
takes a little.

Yep. I think
we're done.

All right.

We've set the stage
for a great story,

But it won't
come alive

Until it's
under the camera.

O.k., Levar.
We move the characters

And take a picture.

Move the characters
and take another picture--

That's animation.

Clear the frame.

Taking the shot.

And moving
the characters again.

And clear.
Taking the shot.

It takes an enormous amount
of time and patience

To film an animation.

Every moment of the story
has to be carefully planned

And carried out.

When it all comes together,
the results are amazing--

And a whole lot of fun.

See the piggy.
See the puddle.

See the piggy in the middle
of the muddy little puddle.

See her dawdle.

See her diddle
in the muddy middle.

See her waddle

In the very, very middle.

See her daddy--
fuddy duddy, fuddy duddy.

"Don't you get
all muddy, muddy.

"You are much too plump
and little

"To be in the muddy middle.

"Mud is squishy.
Mud is squashy.

"Mud is squishy-squashy.

What you need
is lots of soap."



See her mommy--


"Get out of there.
Skedaddle, daddle, daddle.

"You're much too little
to be in the middle.

"Mud is mushy-squooshy.

What you need
is lots of soap."



See her brother,
silly billy.

"Do that waddle,
willy-nilly, willy-nilly.

"You're too little
to be in the middle.

"Mud is oofy.
Mud is poofy.

What you need
is lots of soap."



They stood in a huddle
beside the puddle.

What a muddy,
muddy muddle!

There was piggy,
plump and little,

In the very merry middle.

She was waddling
and paddling.

She was diving way down derry.

She was wiggling
and giggling.

She was very, very merry.

"Little piggy,
you've made me very mad."

"Little piggy, you have
made me very sad.

"Little piggy,
you are very, very bad."


Very bad."

"Oh, dear.
What's a mother pig to do?"

She thought and thought,

And then, of course,
she knew.

She said,
"I bet my feet get wet,"

And jumped in, too.

See two piggies
in the muddy little puddle.

See the piggy
and her mommy.

"Oh, my.
What's a father pig to do?"

He thought and thought,

And then, of course,
he knew.

He said,
"I bet my tail gets wet,"

And jumped in, too.

See three piggies
in the muddy little puddle.

See mommy, daddy, piggy
in the muddy little puddle.

"Boo hoo. Whatever shall
I do?" He thought,

But not for long because,
of course, he knew.

He held his nose
and yelled, "here goes!"

And jumped in, too.

See four piggies
in the muddy little puddle.

See the piggies
in the middle

Of the muddy little puddle.

See them diddle
in the very merry middle.

"Mmm. Mud is squishy.

Mud is, oh,
so squishy-squashy."

"Mud is mushy. Mud is,
oh, so mushy-squooshy."

"Mud is oofy.
Mud is, oh, so oofy-poofy."



Indeed, I think
we need some soap."

But the other piggies answered,
"oofy-poofy. Nope!"

So they all dove
way down derry

And were very, very merry.

Ha ha ha!

Piggy made quite
a messy muddle

With her muddy puddle.

If our little ditty
made you giddy,

Then try another story
where mud gets all the glory.

But don't take
my word for it.

Have you wondered
what your house is made of?

It's probably brick,
wood, and cement.

But wouldn't it
be incredible

To live in a house
made of earth and straw?

This house is made of mud.

The family in the story
lives in a house

Made from mother earth.

It's round like
the earth, moon, and sun.

The exciting thing
about this house

Is that its back yard
is the desert.

The friends that visit
are mostly animals,

Like mice, birds,
and butterflies.

Isn't sharing your home
with animals nice?

It would be kind of fun
living in a mud house.

Take it from me--
brent boyce.

On a scale of to ,
this book rates a ..

I never thought
a whole book

Could be written
about two hippopotamuses

And their love for mud.

It's called
the hippopotamus song.

It's a goofy story
about a boy hippopotamus

And a girl hippopotamus
and their friends.

The boy hippopotamus
loves that mud.

The girl hippopotamus
is fixing her hair.

Can you see her?

"Mud, mud. Glorious mud."

That's what
the boy hippopotamus sings.

As he does, the girl
hippopotamus comes to greet him.

They have fun and splash around
in the squishy mud.

I'm erica, and this
is a silly story.

I'm glad I don't have
to roll in the mud.

Hi. My name is jillian.
This book is oink.

It's about baby pigs
who run away from their mother

And get themselves
into trouble.

Usually, the baby pigs
follow their mother

Wherever she goes,

But one time,
while the mommy slept,

They left and jumped
into an apple tree

And got stuck.

The mother pig wakes up
and finds out they're gone.

She comes to the rescue.

The pictures are
black and white,

Except the pigs.

They're pink.

This book is special because
it only has one word--oink.

You can understand it
because of the pictures.

There's something
about clay

That makes you want
to pick it up and shape it.

You can give form
to any idea.

In fact, you might say that
your fingers do the talking.

Ha ha ha!

So when you want
to say something,

Say it with clay.

I'll see you next time.

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look...

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know
and ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow...

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow... ♪
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