13x01 - The Wonderful Tower of Watts

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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13x01 - The Wonderful Tower of Watts

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

[Whistle blows]

Hi. I'm in a neighborhood
in los angeles, california,

Called watts.

Watts is a lot
like your community--

It has schools, churches,
libraries, shops,

And a whole lot of people
who call this place home.

Many people
love this community

And want to
tell others about it.

The watts prophets wrote a song
about the neighborhood.

♪ Watts up, y'all?

♪ Watts up, y'all?

♪ Watts up, y'all?

Ha ha ha!

♪ Watts

♪ A beautiful place

♪ With a whole lot
of space ♪

♪ People--black, brown,
white, red, and yellow ♪

♪ Live together
in good and bad spicy weather ♪

♪ Tacos, burritos,
best in town ♪

♪ Can be found in watts

♪ Or jordan's cafe just might be
one of your soul food stops ♪

♪ Handsome guys
and beautiful girls ♪

♪ Struggle sometimes
to stay alive ♪

♪ To go to school,
to follow rules ♪

♪ Livin' in the projects
next to the tracks ♪

♪ Playin' hopscotch
and listening to hip-hop ♪

♪ Hip-hop, hip-hop

♪ Some don't have a lot

♪ But

♪ Progress never stops

♪ I wanna be a doctor

♪ Progress never stops

♪ I wanna be a nurse

♪ Progress never stops

♪ And a whole lot

♪ Of proud,
great people come from watts ♪

♪ Watts

♪ Watts

♪ People
in colorful spaces ♪

♪ A rainbow of bright
and beautiful faces ♪

♪ Watts

♪ A place where progress
never stops ♪

♪ I wanna be a doctor

♪ Progress never stops

♪ I wanna be a nurse

♪ Progress never stops

♪ Watts up, y'all?

♪ Watts up, y'all?

♪ Watts up, y'all? ♪

A community is a mosaic
of different people and places.

Well, one of the most famous
places here

Is the watts towers.

They are one of the treasures
of this community.

You can see
the different pieces

Of the lives of the people
who lived here

When the towers
were being built.

You see pieces
of cups and saucers.

There are bits
of broken plates and pottery.

There are even kitchen
and bathroom tiles.

Well, one man collected
all of these pieces

And put them together
to create something magnificent.

His story is in here--

The wonderful towers
of watts.

A lot of people
thought old sam was crazy.

Old sam's real name
was simon rodia.

He had come from italy
as a young man

And spoke with an accent.

He bought
a bungalow in watts,

A poor neighborhood
in los angeles.

He baked his bread
in an outdoor oven he'd made,

Like the oven his mother
had used in the old country.

he was friendly and smiled.

Other times, his thoughts
seemed far away,

And he'd speak to no one.

Old sam worked as a laborer
at taylor's tile company.

Every evening,
he got off the streetcar

a large burlap sack

Of broken colored tiles.

"What's old sam going to do
with those?" People said.

On weekends, old sam walked
down to the vacant lot

By the railroad tracks

And collected things

That people thought
were better thrown away.

He brought home blue
milk of magnesia bottles,

Broken bits
of colored pottery,

Even pieces of broken mirrors.

Sometimes, he paid
the neighborhood kids

Pennies or cookies

To bring him
empty green soda bottles

And sea shells.

"What does old sam want
with all that junk?"

People wondered.

Old sam spent
most of his money

On sacks
of cement,

Sand, and steel.

People could hear him
working in his back yard

Behind a high fence.

"Old sam...what's he up to?"
They said.

One day,
to the neighbors' amazement,

Something strange
and beautiful

Rose up over the fence
in sam's back yard.

It was a lacy web of steel
covered with a skin of concrete

In which old sam had stuck
glittering bits of tile,

Glass, mirrors, pottery,
and sea shells.

Was old sam building
a fairy castle?

A church spire?

A tower on which he could
climb to the sky?

Everyone stared in wonder
at old sam's creation.

Sam went on working.

He worked all by himself
for years

In all kinds
of weather,

High off the ground

With only
a window-washer's belt

To keep from falling.

[Opera music playing]

While he worked,
he listened to opera music.

His favorite singer
was enrico caruso.

[Old sam singing along]

Old sam could be heard
singing along with him.

Children of the neighborhood

Grew up
and had children

Who watched old sam's tower
soaring into the sky.

Old sam was
getting older, too,

But he went on working
just as before.

Sometimes, old sam invited
the neighborhood children

Into his yard.

Inside, the children found
a magical city

With little streets,
squares, and fountains.

The walls were covered
with heart shapes,

Sea shells,
colorful tiles,

And a golden bumblebee.

Stuck in the cement

Were all sorts
of curious objects

Which old sam
had collected--

A teapot spout...

Cowboy boots...

A horseshoe.

heard about the towers

And came to see them.

"What do they mean?"
They asked him.

Old sam just smiled.

"Where are your plans?"
They said.

Old sam pointed
to his head.

"Why did you do it?"
They said.

"I--i just felt like it,"
old sam said.

When sam was ,

He gave his house key
to a neighbor

And went to live
near relatives in another city.

It was the last time
he saw the towers.

He never came back.

Watts is still a poor part
of los angeles,

But no other place
has the watts towers,

And every year,

People come
from all over the world

To marvel at old sam's
crazy dream.

People who visit the towers
know watts can be interesting,

But like any community,
watts has problems.

One problem
is that watts has gangs--

Groups of kids
that make trouble.

I asked kids what it's like
to grow up in watts

And what they'd change

About their community
if they could.

What's it like
growing up in watts?


It's hard sometimes
because of the gangs,

But it's also fun.


It's good. We have
libraries, parks...

I like the library

Because there's tutors
to help you read.

I like the rd
train station

Because it can
take you around.

Church makes me think

About the good things
in watts.

One day, my dad's
friends came

And asked
what area was this,

And my dad
said watts.

They said, "I don't
like this place.

It has sh**t."

My dad said,
"I like it.

I don't
want to move."


Half of
my neighborhood

Is invaded by gangs.

What are some bad things
about gangs?

What are
things gangs do
that are negative?


Try to get kids
to do dr*gs

Or sell them.


I saw this guy
on the corner.

There was
a drive-by.

They shot him.

bloodstains there
and b*llet holes.

This was recently.


The gangs
are responsible

For dr*gs
in the neighborhood

And sh**t.

Why would anybody
join a g*ng?

You see people
in gangs.

The temptation is,

When they see all
the fancy stuff they have

Like the rings, g*ns,
and they want it.

That gets them
right then.

They force you
to do stuff.

When you do it,
you'll be in jail--

k*ll people, rob.


If you be saying no,

They be saying
you are, like, chicken.

You're weak.
Mm-hmm. Marquis?

Their father is
in a g*ng.

They want to be
like their father.

Like father like son.

Is it hard to stay
out of gangs?

Why isn't it hard?

Mom says,
"don't get on a g*ng.

You won't become
a doctor."

It is hard.

I see some parents

That push kids
to join gangs,

The way
they treat them.

Parents push kids
into joining gangs?


What do you mean,

Some parents,
when kids want to talk,

They are
in another world.

They're on dr*gs
or alcohol.

The kids can't get
attention at home.

They have to get it
on gangs.

How can you resist
that pressure?

Trust yourself.

When they say,
"want to join our g*ng?"

Believe in yourself

To not be with them.

That you're stronger
than they are.

Want to add something?

Don't dress or walk
like them.

Stay away from them.

How does g*ng v*olence
make you feel?

The gangs are
embarrassing watts.

The community?

The gangs make it
look bad.

If there was one thing
you could change,

What would that be?

I would change
the gangs.

If there was no gangs,

The world
would be perfect.

The first reason

People think
watts is bad

Is the gangs.

We have
nice things--

Libraries, school,

The martin luther
king center.

Gangs aren't
the only thing

That this community
should be known for.

When people
need help,

People help them.

There's people here that
care about each other

Instead of hate each other.

What will we
grow up to be?

A doctor. I like
to help people.

I want to be
a scientist.

I want to be a cop.

I'm going to
buy a house

And get a husband.

Ha ha ha!

For many kids,
living in a tough neighborhood

Means learning to choose
the right path

Even when temptation
surrounds you.

Do you follow the crowd

Or your inner voice
that knows right and wrong?

Every neighborhood
has heroes,

People who have faced
tough choices

And made smart decisions.

♪ I believe in freedom

♪ I want to live
with my sisters ♪

♪ And my brothers
in harmony ♪♪

My name is latoya howlett.
I'm . I'm from watts.

I have brothers
and sisters.

I'm the baby of .

This is
my elementary school picture.

This is my brother

Who's in college
in simi valley.

This is my brother
who's a mechanic,

And this is me
at senior prom this year.

People think that just because
we're from watts,

We aren't high achievers,

But as you can see,

My family was talented
and gifted.

Growing up, for me,

My mom didn't pay me
a lot of attention,

She had to worry
about my brother

Who was a g*ng-banger.

It was tough.
I had to fend for myself.

I had to dress myself
and cook like I was ,

But I was .

My brother,
he used to get shot up.

He'd go to jail,

And I wanted
to be like him

Because he got
a lot of attention.

I started taking
a wrong route.

I started slipping
off the edge.

By going to the streets,

I felt that I would get
more attention and more support.

On the streets,
I ran with a g*ng of girls.

It seemed they cared
about what I did

And respected me,
but not in a positive way.

We would jump kids,
like take their school money.

We would steal
from stores

And write on walls.

We used to fight a lot--

Like constantly,
constantly fighting--

And we used to just be
horrible little kids.

One night,
I went to sleep and dreamed.

I saw my friends and family
around this box--

A pretty box
with flowers--

And it was
a little black girl in there,

And I was looking like,
"I know this person."

I came closer to the person
in this box,

And I realized
that it was me.

I was dead in a coffin

With flowers and stuff
around me.

With that dream and seeing
what my brother was doing

And seeing
what I was doing

Caused me to change,

To say, "this is you
in a few years

If you don't change."

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh...

It was difficult
to choose to change.

I didn't know
the difference

Between bad and good.

I thought bad stuff
was good.

♪ Ooh...

When I became
a high-school student,

I found colors united.

♪ I sing of freedom...

Colors united
is an organization

For young kids

Who basically need support
and self-esteem.

♪ I believe in freedom

They took me
off the streets.

There's people there
that care about you.

They made me feel
wanted and special,

Like I was somebody.

They brung out my inner talents
I never thought I had.

They made me go
inside of myself

And realize
what I have in there

Should be out
in the open.

With colors united,
I act, sing, dance,

And perform
around the country.

When I started hanging
with colors united,

The girls I hung with
on the streets,

They didn't like it.

They said if I didn't stay
with them, I'd get beat up.

I still said,
"I'm out of here."

Again! Ha!

I want to go back out

And be a part
of it again,

But I got my angel
on my right side

Telling me I shouldn't.

When I was
doing bad things,

I didn't care
about nobody but myself

And the girls
I run with.

Now all I do
is care about people.

To get a bicycle.

I'm helping other kids
by being there for them,

By listening to them,
taking them to the store--

Anything to make them smile,

Let them know
they can keep their head up.

♪ Yes, I'm free

♪ 'Cause freedom believes

♪ In me ♪

Latoya howlett had to choose
between right and wrong.

It took courage.

She made
the decision herself,

Then looked around
for people to help her.

In your community, you'll find
people who can help you.

Here are three books
about communities

You might want to find
at your library...

But don't take
myword for it.

Did you know you're
part of a family

That's bigger than
your parents,

and sisters?

You care about
many people.

Here's a story
about them--

I got community.

A community
is like a family--

People you care about
and count on.

There are neighbors
to spend time with,

Best friends
to tell secrets to,

Teachers who
prepare you for life,

And lots more.

Each has a part
in your community.

I'm marjory,

And I'm
an important part

Of my community.

Neighbors and friends
depend on me.

You're important
in your community, too.

You'll enjoy
this book.

If you like
to read poetry,

I've got the perfect book.

It's called
night on neighborhood street.

Each page has a poem
about neighborhood street.

The poems describe
what goes on at night.

Goodnight, juma
is one of my favorites.

The little boy
wants a hug.

Each poem has a picture
that is beautifully illustrated.

This poem made me giggle.
It's called fambly time.

It's called that because
the girl cannot say "family."

There's a poem
about being at church

And a poem about a boy
named darnell.

I'm latisha.
I enjoyed this book.

I'll share it
with my neighbors.

Check it out.

I'm kenrick.

Let me take you
to a special place

Where exciting things happen.

It's in this book,
the car washing street.

It's a hot, hot day.

Matthew wakes to the sound
of clinking and splashing.

It's car washing day.

The whole neighborhood
gets together.

Mr. Henry hamilton
already has his car soaped up.

Mrs. Kennedy
scrubs her pink cadillac.

Matthew's family
doesn't have a car,

But they hang around

Because you never know
what's going to happen.


It's a water fight!

Everyone has
a good time.

At the end of the day,

All the neighbors gather
on matthew's stoop

And laugh and talk.

Matthew likes
the car washing street.

His neighbors
are his friends.

Why don't you check it out?


No matter what
community you live in,

You have choices.

People will help you make
the right choices--

Parents, teachers,
family members, neighbors.

It's up to you.

How you live
is your decision.

Hey, levar!

You might say
the ball's in your court.

I'll see you next time.

We got another game?

♪ Butterfly
in the sky ♪

♪ I can go
twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

Today's reading rainbowbooks

The wonderful towers of watts
by patricia zelver,

Pictures by frane lessac,

by tambourine books,

A division
of william morrow & co.

I got community
by melrose cooper,

Pictures by dale gottlieb,

by henry holt & company.

Night on neighborhood street
by eloise greenfield,

by jan spivey gilchrist,

Published by dial books
for young readers,

A division
of penguin books usa.

The car washing street
by denise lewis patrick,

Pictures by john ward,

by tambourine books,

A division
of william morrow & co.
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