03x05 - Perfect the Pig

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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03x05 - Perfect the Pig

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow

♪ Butterfly in the sky

♪ I can go twice as high

♪ Take a loo[

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can go anywhere

♪ Friends to know

♪ And ways to grow

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ I can be anything

♪ Take a look

♪ It's in a book

♪ A reading rainbow

♪ Reading rainbow

It's dinner time
at the shinsato farm.

Eating time is just about

The busiest time of day
for everybody, including mama.

These guys
make pigs of themselves.

They hog the food.

They're eating
just like...


Well, I guess
that's only natural.

Pigs are really
very lovable.

They're fun to watch
because they wiggle...

Don't ham it up,

Yeah, he's hoggin'
the good lines...

For a giggle.

We're laughin'
so hard,

We're shakin'
the bacon.

A tennessee pig said,
"oh, me.

"I'm getting as fat
as can be.

"My head is so big
that it's outgrown my wig,

And my pants just come down
to the knee."


That was a pigerick.

A pigerick is a limerick
about pigs.

We'll have more later

Because today
we're going hog wild.

That's swine
with me.

How about a nice
after-dinner book?

This is a story
about a tiny little pig.

Let's take a look
at this reading rainbowbook

About perfect the pig
who's not very big

And soon gets involved
with a crook.

He was so small

That his mother didn't know
he was there.

The other piglets were always
pushing and shoving,

Squealing greedily
for food.

But the tiny pig was gentle,
quiet, and never greedy.

While the other piglets
rolled around in the mud,

He would lie
under his favorite tree,

Wishing for wings.

One day he heard
a terrible squeal.

A large sow had fallen
in the road.

The little pig
ran to help.

He pushed and pushed.

At last
he got her up.

The sow thanked the little pig
and offered him a wish.

"Anything at all,"
she said.

"I want wings,"
he answered.

The sow nodded

And went on her way.

Almost at once, wings began
to grow on the little pig.

He was tilled!

His wings worked.
He flew around all day.

At night he went bagk
to the pigpen.

The other pigs pushed him out.

"Go sleep
with the birds!"

But the birds
wouldn't accept him either.

He flew on until
he reached a big city.

He landed on a fire escape,
too tired and hungry to go on.

A woman
came to the window.

"So tiny.

And with such
beautiful wings."

The woman fed the little pig,
then put him to bed.

She named him perfect.

The woman's name was olive.

She loved perfect and did all
she could to please him.

Olive was an artist.

She liked paintino pictures
of perfect.

He was a wonderful model.

perfect soon grew restless.

He began to look longingly
at the sky.

Olive uíderstood
and took him up on the roof.

From then on, he went flying
for a short time every day.

She did her best

To hide bad things from him,

But she didn't
always succeed.

People liked
the paintings of perfect

And bought them
from olive.

Olive decided it would be best
to live in the country.

She labeled
her savings jar,

"House in the country."

Perfect couldn't read,

But he knew
olive was happy,

And that made him happy, too.

But their happiness
did not last long.

The next day,
while perfect was out flying,

A heavy fog rolled in.

Perfect got lost.

He flew around all day
looking for home,

But he couldn't see a thing.

When the fog lifted,
perfect spotted a park bench.

He landed on it
and fell asleep.

A man's voice woke him.

"Well, I'll be,"
the man said.

"A pig with wings.

"My fortune is made.

Ha ha ha ha ha!"

He picked up perfect
and ran home with him.

The man said, "ok, oink.
Now I'm going to train you.

Fly around this room."

"That's a good oink."

He poured out some garbage for perfect to eat.

Perfect was shocked!

He tried to get away.

"Oh, no, you don't,"
the man said,

And he tied perfect
to a pipe.

When the man thought he had
trained perfect enough,

He dressed him in a costume

And took him to a park
to perform.

At the end of the show,
perfect flew over the audience.

Everyone oohed and ahhed
and gave the man money.

Every night,
the man counted his money,

Then tied perfect up.

"You're not going to
get away from me,

You flying pork chop."

The man bought a cage
and locked perfect up.

Perfect was miserable.

Hys wings ached.

He hadn't had a bath
in months.

The man gave him nothing
but garbage to eat

And never,
ever kissed him.

Every night,

Perfect cried himself
to sleep,

Thinking of olive.

Olive went up to the roof
each day

And searched the sky
for perfect.

Sometimes she wondered
if perfect had been a dream.

But she still had
oíe painting of him.

It reminded her
that he was real.

One day, when olive
was out walking,

She saw a sign,
"the great flying oink."

She bought a ticket
and ran into the theater.

It was perfect!

The man was saying,
"fly, you stupid oink,

Or it's off to the butcher!"

But perfect couldn't budge.

He as too sad,
and his wings hurt.

Olive cried out.

Perfect raised his head.

He squealed happily
as he flew to her.

Everyone clapped.

"Where you going
with my pig?" The man said.

"This ismy pig,"
said olive.

They began to argue.

"Let a judge decide,"
someone said.

The judge listened
to both sides.

Then he said,"I think
the pig should choose."

And, of course,
perfect chose olive.

The judge told the man
to give olive

Half the money
he made with perfect.

Olive took the money

And bought a little house
in the country,

Where she and perfect
lived in peace and happiness.

These little pigs
are only weeks old.

They're about the same size
perfect was

When olive found him.

Olive was really lucky
to find perfect

Because pigs have
very unique personalities.

You know that saying,
"lazy pig"?

Not true.

People have used pigs
as watchdogs.

I mean, watchhogs.

I'll guard your sty
like a hog.

How pigculiar.

Did you know pigs are the most
intelligent domestic animal?

Maybe they can help
with homework.

E = mpig-squared.
Nyah nyah nyah!

The pig
is a very clean animal

If given
sanitary surroundings.

If someone says
your room is like a pigsty,

Just say, "thank you."

We always pig up
after ourselves.

♪ Folks pass by

♪ They say,
hey there, bud ♪

♪ Why you sittin' round here
with your face in the mud? ♪

♪ I say,
'cause it feels so good ♪

♪ Happy just bein' a pig

♪ You think I'm lazy,
but that's not true ♪

♪ I'm doin' everything
a pig's supposed to do ♪

♪ It wasn't like much to you

♪ Until you've tried
bein' a pig ♪

♪ I wake up in the mornin',
or any old time ♪

♪ I go out to the sty
to see my fellow swine ♪

♪ I have a bite to eat

♪ Shake some flies away

♪ And then I lay myself down
and sing this song all day ♪

♪ Ba ba boo
ba boo bow bow ♪

♪ Ba dum pa dum pa
dop du pa ♪

♪ Ba da ba do ba

♪ And that's why I say

♪ I'm happy
just bein' a pig ♪

♪ Oh, I'm so happy, yeah

♪ And that's why I say

♪ I'm happy
just bein' a pig ♪♪

There once was a pig
from fort lee

Who wished he could see
gay paree.

Without making a fuss,
he hops a library bus,

And read all about it
for free.

♪ Da ta ta ta

If you want to find out
more about pigs,

You know
where to go, right?

Try the animal section
of this library.

Well, let's see.




This library
certainly is thorough.

Ah, here we are.

This is where
the books about pigs are.

Anyone looking
for information on pigs

Would start here.

Let's see--

Hey, you're kermit
the frog, right?


I'm angela the frog.

No, I'm angela
the small green human being.

And I'm levar
the moose.

What are you doing
in the pig section?

The pig section?
Is this the pig section?

I thought this was
the wigsection.

No wonder I couldn't find
any books on hair pieces.

Wait a minute,

It's easy
to figure out
why you're here.

You want information
on pigs, right?


Or one pig
in particular?

Well, being a species
of wildlife,

I'm interested in
the animal kingdom.


To tell you the truth,

The reason I'm here
in the pig section

Is to catch up

On great classics
of pig literature.

Classics like what?

Over here are
some of my favorites.

Just check these out.

Pig classics?


It's very scary.

What's this big one?

That's boar and peace

By that great
russian pig author, tolsty.

Oh, and this one.


Yeah, it's about a puppet
that wants to be a real pig.

Here's one of
the greatest pig plays.


Should have guessed.
By shakespeare, right?

Some say
it was bacon.

You see--

Wait, wait.
What's this one?

How to pamper your pig?

I don't know
how that got there.

Kermit, you can find
any book you need

In the library.

Tell me,

Does this book
tell you

How to make
a pig happy?

I was looking at that
for a friend.

A friend who wears
long, purple gloves?

Let's put
our library cards
on the table.

What's the real story

About you
and that certain pig?

A pig? Moi?

I mean, me?

Moiis exactly what
I'm talking about.

Oh, I see.

You mean finding me here
looking at pig books,

You thought
that I and she--

Ha ha ha!
It's nothing like that.

That's so amusing,
it's almost funny.

Just tell me
the real story.

The real story?

The real story.

The real story is
I like pigging out on books.

That's actually
a great idea.

If you like
to pig out on books,

Here are some
you might enjoy.

Yeah, absolutely.

Do you like superheroes?

I always wondered

Where they get
their super powers.

A book gave me some hints.

It's called
the bionic bunny show.

It's about a tv show's

Who's really a weakling.

Wilbur's a regular rabbit,
but he's an actor.

Every day, this tv studio
turns him into a superhero.

But poor wilbur's
always making mistakes.

One time he crashed
through a brick wall.

The director yelled,
"what's wrong, wilbur?"

Wilbur said,
"I need a band-aid."

At home, he tries
to open a jar.

He can't do it.

He sets it down,
and the babydoes it!

Some bionic bunny!

If you're interested
in working in tv--

Even if you're not--

I think you should
read this book.

There's lots
of humor in it.

Canúyou make music
with your nose?

I just read hector
the accordion-nosed dog,

And it showed me how.

I like this book.

At the beginning
of the book,

Hector has one big talent--
pointing with his nose.

He won gold medals
and made a movie,

All because
of his terrific nose.

Then something terrible

Hector hit a wall.

His nose was like
an accordion.

He started singing
the blues.

He plays the blues
with his nose.

Hector uses his new talent,

Making music
with his nose.

This book shows you

That you have more talents
than just one.

Do you ever feel crowded
in your family?

Brothers and sisters
bugging you?

That's how poinsettia felt
in this book,

Poinsettia and her family.

Poinsettia has
this one favorite book.

She can't find
one single place to read it

Without her brothers,
her sisters,

Her mom and dad
bothering her.

One day poinsettia's family
goes to find a bigger house,

But poinsettia hides.

Now she's got the house
to herself.

But poinsettia finds out

I÷'s lonely to have
the house to yourself.

The book's pictures
were really funny.

I really
liked this one

Of poinsettia
in the bathtub.

I have
a little brother.

Sometimes he bugs me,
but after reading poinsettia,

I learned I still love
and care for my family.

A pig from edina named fred

Looked in the mirror
and said,

"I've a cold in my snout.

"I shouldn't go out.

I guess I should
go back to bed."


Today's pigericks were written
by kids across america.

They were inspired
by this book,

Arnold lobel's
book of pigericks.

It's at your library.

Are you ready
for one more?

There once was a hog
named dallas,

Who lived
in a texas palace.

But one custom-made boot
didn't fit worth a hoot

So this pig was a poke
with a callous.

This little piggy
went to market,

The honolulu zoo store
in hawaii.

Most of the items
in this store

Have something
to do with the pig.

[Squeak squeak]

This polo shirt
by calvin swine

Is part
of the hog-wild line.

I'd like you to see
this pork avenue collection.

We'll show you
a hand-pigged selection.

Move over, alligator.

The hog is here,

On belts,




Both front and rear.

There are pigs
that hold candles

And pigs with handles.

Pigs on slippers
for cold feet

And a chocolate piggy treat.

Pig etchings,

Pig earrings,

A key chain and key tag.

Pig tins and dishes

And a hogwash laundry bag.

Say hi to pipsqueak,
whose snout you can tweak.

Cookie cutters,


Paper party goods,

Calendars, post cards,

And ornaments
for car hoods.

Here's some soap.
It's called hog lather.

Or paper clips, buttons,

Or stickers,
if you'd rather.

Open the can
with this porcine punch.

Check out this book
for munch or lunch.

Here's a hot-water bottle

To warm your tummy.

Hog-nosed spectacles
make you look funny.

Here's a doorstop,

A sponge,

And a shiny gold charm.

Did you ever see
this pig on a farm?

We've seen just about everything
but a piggy bank.

Do you know how piggy banks
came to be?

Actually, it was
a big mistake.

Thousands of years ago,
clay, called pygg,

Was used
for pots and jars.

People saved their money

In these pots and jars
called pygg.

The famiy savings became known
as the pyggy bank.

Years later, when people
wanted pyggy banks,

The pottery makers
didn't understand

That pygg
was ancient clay.

They made pig-shaped
money holders.

The piggy bank's
been popular evmr since.

I don't want to be
pigheaded or waste any time,

But this is a perfect chance
to save a dime.

I won't overdo this rhyme,

So you take it easy.

See you next time.

Today's reading rainbowbooks

Perfect the pig
by susan jeschke,

Published by
holt, rinehart, and winston.

The bionic bunny show

By marc brown
and laurene krasny brown,

Published by
atlantic monthly press.

Hector the accordian-nosed dog
by john stadler,

Published by bradbury press.

Poinsettia and her family
by felicia bond,

Published by
thomas y. Crowell junior books.
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