01x01 - Tight Times

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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01x01 - Tight Times

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪♪ ♪
♪♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪ ♪♪
♪♪ ♪

Hi, there.
It's quite a show.

Pet show.

If you don't have a pet,
make one up.

This is
a special show.

There'll be
prizes for everyone...

Hi, levar.
Good-bye, levar.

...and every thing

There'll be ribbons
for the tallest,

Shortest, fattest,
skinniest, driest,

Wettest, curliest,
straightest, rarest,

Most common,
garden-variety breed.

Everything will walk away
with an award.

Well, unless it would
rather crawl, fly, or swim.

What a menagerie!

Let's see who's here.

Come on!

What kind of pet
do you have?

What's your
turtle's name?


You love him?


He loves you?


What does tim eat?

What is that?


Meat? Hamburger?
Is he hungry?

Feed him.

He likes it,
doesn't he?

Tim likes
that hamburger,
doesn't he, doug?


He wants
some more, huh?


Does that hurt
when he bites?

Do you think
he means
to hurt you?


He's just hungry.

Can we make
some pet prints
with timmy here?

Go, tim. Stick your
paws right in there.

George, what
do we have here?

A sea gull.

What's his name?

Sweet pea.

How did you
decide on that name?

From popeye.

What's he
eating there?


What kind?

I don't know.

Where did you
get sweet pea?

From an egg.

You've had him
since then?


You keep him
at home?


Sweet pea's
giving us a bath.

Where does
he live?

He has a cage.

A cage?
Is it this big?

This big.

And he just
stays in there?


How long have
you had him?

Six weeks.

Six weeks?
He's just a baby.

He's pretty big for
just 6 weeks old, huh?


How will you teach
him how to fly?

I carry him,
and he flies.

He flies on
little trips now,

But he'll learn
to fly on longer trips.


Thanks, george.

These friends have some
interesting pets.

Tell me about
your pet.

Well, it's
a hamster, and--

Where is he?

He's on the stick.

Show me.
Where is he?

Want to pet him?

Where is he?

Right there.

Is that his head?

How come we can't
see your hamster?

He's imaginary.

Why an
imaginary hamster?

My ants are dead.

So you have an
imaginary hamster.

Jane, you have
an imaginary pet.

Yeah. Pet rocks.

Let's see those
pet rocks there.

The big one
is tommy.

The little one
is tina.

Do they do
anything special?

They can sit down.
They can stay.

When I tell them stay,
they stay.

When I get home,
I'll bathe them.

They take baths?

Yeah. They get frisky
when I bathe them.

What do you mean

They go down
to the bottom.

They can't swim.

Some kids just
can't have pets.

You know
what it's like

When you want something
but you can't have it.

No matter what
the reason is,

It still hurts.

This book is called
tight times.

It's about a boy
who really hurts

'Cause he wants
some things he can't have.

This morning
I asked mom,

"Why can't I have a dog?"

"Not now," she said,

And not to bother her
when she's busy.

So I asked daddy,
"why can't I have a dog?

"You said I could have one
when I was bigger.

And now I'm bigger."

"Because of tight times,"
said daddy.

He said I was
too little to understand.

"I'm not too little,"
I said.

Daddy said he'd tell me
all about it at breakfast.

He said tight times are
when everything goes up.

I had a balloon
that did that.

Daddy said tight times are
why we eat mister bulk

Instead of cereals
in little boxes.

I like
little boxes better.

Daddy said tight times

Are why we went
to the sprinkler last summer

Instead of the lake.

I like
the lake better.

Daddy said tight times

Are why we don't
have roast beef on sunday.

Instead, we have soupy
things with lima beans.

I hate lima beans!

If I had a dog,
he'd eat mine.

Daddy said tight times
are why mrs. Mackintosh

Picks me up after school
instead of mommy,

Because of mommy's job.

Mommy was more fun.

Mrs. Mackintosh isn't
good at games.

She never wants
to watch what I want on tv.

I'd trade her
for a dog any day.

How can you run
out on me?

I'm sorry, rosalyn.

This afternoon,
something funny happened.

Daddy came home
during the day.

I was making up
a new game.

Mrs. Mackintosh was
watching her program.

Daddy looked mad.

He said something to
mrs. Mackintosh, and she left.

Daddy fixed us both
special drinks.

He said
he wasn't mad at me.

He was mad because
he'd lost something.

I said, "look behind
the radiator.

I found my lost
puzzle piece there."

Daddy said it
wasn't that simple.

What he lost
was his job.

Then mommy came home.

She gave me a candy bar.

She said I could go
and sit on the front steps,

But not to go
near the street.

Mrs. Mackintosh never
let me do that.

I was sitting
on the steps

When I heard something.

It sounded like it came
from the trash can.

It sounded like
someone crying.


It kept on crying.


So I looked
under the lid.

There was something
in there.

It was a cat!

A nice lady helped me
get it out.

I never saw such
a skinny little cat.

I gave it some candy,
but it wouldn't eat.

The lady said
to give it some milk.

I asked her
if it was her cat.

She said no,
and I could keep it.

What a nice lady!

I ran
up the stairs.

I tiptoed
into the kitchen.

I tried being quiet,

But the milk was
too high.

It tipped and
made a mess.

Mommy and daddy ran out
of their room.

Daddy looked funny.

He looked at the cat.

Then he looked at me.

"What's that?" He asked.

"It's a cat," I said.

"A nice lady said
I could keep it."

Then, something
sort of scary happened.

Daddy started to cry.

So did mommy.

I didn't know
daddies cried.

I didn't know
what to do.

Then they both made
a sandwich hug

With me in the middle.

So I started to cry.


Then daddy said,

"Ok, ok.
You can keep it.

"Only one thing.

"I never want
to hear another word

About your
wanting a dog ever."

"Ok," I said.

After dinner,
daddy asked me

What I would
call my cat.

"Dog," I said,

"Because I always
wanted one,

Even if I
don't anymore."

Dog's a great cat.

She's good at games.

She likes to tickle me
with her whiskers.

I sure hope dog
likes lima beans.


It's not easy
to be a grown-up.

Sometimes moms
and dads cry

When something
important goes wrong.

There have been times
when you felt left out.

Even when things
don't work out,

Sometimes they
turn out ok.

But there are times when
problems can't be solved.

Sometimes the only way
people can help each other

Is to show they care.

In tight times, everyone
became a part of that hug.

The boy
even got a pet.

Even when times are hard,

Great surprises
can still squeeze through

Those tight times.

Hi, hillary.

Hi, levar.

Why so glum, chum?

I have nothing to do
and I don't have much money.

Another case
of tight times.

We can figure
something out.


I bet we could
have a great time

Without spending
a cent.

Is it a bet?


Ok, it's a bet.

Watch now
and don't blink.

You might
miss something.

Rag basketball!
Roll a rag into a ball.

Tie it up, that's all.

Find a box
that's not too small.

Throw the rag,
watch it fall.

Rag basketball!

Double dutch!

You need two ropes
and two friends.

Put a friend
at either end.

Twirl those ropes
smooth and fast.

Double dutch!

Bleach bottle bird house!

Take an empty bottle
of bleach, ok?

Make a house for
your tree today.

Newspaper crumple race!

Do it anyplace.

Take some newspaper
in one hand,

Crumple it up
fast as you can.

Newspaper crumple race!

Flying disk!

Get a coffee can lid
and give it a twist.

Make if fly
by flicking your wrist.

Here it comes.
Don't miss.

Flying disk!

Yogurt lid toss!

Make this game
from a yogurt lid.

Cut the middle for a ring
you can toss on anything.

Ring the pins to win.

Yogurt lid toss!

Sock puppets!

Socks are for your feet.

On your hands,
they're neat.

Add eyes and hair,

Take them anywhere.

Gather friends you know
for a puppet show.

Sock puppets!

Tug of w*r.

Take a friend or four.

You must pull hard or
the other team will score.

Tug of w*r!

Do I win the bet?


Still not convinced?

You drive
a hard bargain.

I'll make you
another bet.

This time
double or nothing.

You've got it.

Ok. Now...

How'd you like
to check out records,

songs, or music?

How'd you like to
take them home free,

Check out
books and magazines

From all over?

And you can
check out movies.

I don't have
enough money.

You want to bet?

"Free library."

Let's check it out.

♪ First you need a card ♪

♪ Your ticket
to the stacks ♪

♪ If you check
a book out ♪

♪ You got
to bring it back ♪

♪ Look around,
check it out ♪

♪ If you need a hand ♪

♪ I'll show you
all the tools you'll need ♪

♪ To help you understand ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Don't shout ♪

♪ Check it out ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Check it out ♪

♪ Books, books everywhere ♪

♪ Find a place
to hide ♪

♪ Settle down and open up
your eyeballs wide ♪

♪ Wish for all you want ♪

♪ Go for all you wish ♪

♪ This is where
you serve yourself ♪

♪ Your very favorite dish ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Don't shout ♪

♪ Check it out ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Check it out ♪

♪ Feast on fantasy ♪

♪ Take a look inside ♪

♪ Meet the fairy queen ♪

♪ Then take her
for a ride ♪

♪ In your
old jalopy ♪

♪ On the
road ♪

♪ Watch out
for the flying fish ♪

♪ And the transylvanian toad ♪

♪ Open up your eyes ♪

♪ And see
the world for free ♪

♪ Sail the crystal skies ♪

♪ And skate
the frozen sea ♪

♪ These are more
than doors ♪

♪ That will
open up your mind ♪

♪ Take a look inside ♪

♪ It's up to you
to find ♪

♪ Stick your head
inside these phones ♪

♪ Records can't be beat ♪

♪ Clip your jets
on these cassettes ♪

♪ With rock 'n' rollin' feet ♪

♪ Magazines and movies ♪

♪ Coming out the walls ♪

♪ Short, tall,
rich, poor ♪

♪ For one and all ♪

♪ Check it out ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Check it out ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ Check it out ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ It's all for free ♪

♪ At your library ♪

Check it out!

♪ Come and see ♪

♪ Check it out, check it out,
check it out ♪

♪ All for free,
yeah ♪

♪ Check-a check-a check-a
check-a check-a ♪

♪ Check it out ♪♪

Speaking of
checking it out,

Here are some other books
you'll enjoy.

This is tom puckett.

Want your mother
to go to work?

The answer's in

The terrible thing
that happened
at our house

By marge blaine.

This book
is crazy but serious

Because the girl
in the book
has problems.

Her mother had
to go back to work

As a science teacher.

Because her mother
wasn't home,

She ate in
the school lunch room.

It smelled like fish
or frankfurters!

Ooh! Gross!

In the end,
everybody cooperated,

And they were
a real family after all.

If you need tips
on living with
working parents,

This book is for you.

Would you like
reading a book

That makes you
sad and happy?

Well, I just did.

It's called
when I was young
in the mountains.

I'm charlene

This book
was about a girl

Who lived in
the mountains with
her grandparents.

My favorite picture

Was when
the grandfather

Returned from
the coal mine

With dust all over
his face.

The only part
that was clean
was his lips.

He'd use them
to kiss the girl's

Even though
this family is poor,

They're rich
with love.

Read this,
because it's good

To feel
happy and sad
at the same time.

Hola, niños
y niñas.

I'm ernie perez.

Ever have
an imaginary pet?

I did. That's why
I like this book
called pet show.

It's about
archie and his friends.

They're bringing
their pets to a pet show.

My favorite part
is when archie
wins the blue ribbon

For his
imaginary pet.

I won't tell you
what archie's pet was.

Read the book
to find out.

The pictures
are so colorful.

I think ezra jack keats
is a good artist.

I learned if you
use your imagination,

You could win a prize
at almost anything.

We were both right
on that bet.

We went all afternoon
without spending money.

You can have good times
in tight times.

Can you
hold this?

We're returning
some books.

You can have good times
in tight times.

All you need
is imagination.

Woof! Woof!

See you next time!
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