01x14 - The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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01x14 - The Day Jimmy's Boa Ate the Wash

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

Hi, there.

In this cage
live rare exotic birds

From all over the world,
like this guy here.

This is sweetie,
a yellow-naped amazon.

The white birds
are cockatoos.

They're from indonesia.

The blue guy is a macaw,
from south america.

This is
sports arena tropicals,

A pet shop that specializes
in rare pets.

Some people like
spiders and snakes for pets.

This is one place
they can buy them.

Let's talk to willie,
who works here,

And meet his
intriguing friends.

Hi, willie.

Is this what
I think it is?

This is a tarantula.

Where does it
come from?

This one comes from
northern south america.

Are tarantulas
really poisonous?

They're venomous
and they sting.

It's like a bee
if they bite you.

So it can't
k*ll you.

Not unless you're
allergic to it.

What do
tarantulas eat?

Small insects
like crickets
and cockroaches.

Do they eat a lot?

This one here

Will probably eat
three crickets a week.

How big do they get?

This particular kind

Gets about

But some of them get
as large as your hand.

Does this hair serve
some specific purpose?

They pick it off
their behinds

When they feel

The hair gets
into your skin

And causes it
to itch.

It discourages animals
from eating them.

So he uses it
for protection.

Why would anybody

Want to have
a tarantula for a pet?

Well, they're different,

They're quiet,
they don't eat much,

And they're just weird.

I got another friend
you might want to see.

Let me get
this guy back.

This is fang.

Fang is
a boa constrictor
from mexico.

She's about

She should get another

Before she gets
much older.

Hello, fang.

Can I pet her?


What do
boa constrictors eat?

Mostly small rodents
and small animals,

Birds, and so forth.

In captivity,
we feed them
hamsters and mice.

How old
do snakes get?

Some snakes
live for 25 years.

Snakes like fang
live that long?


He feels
soft and smooth.

Most people think
snakes are slimy,

But fang is dry.

He just shed his skin
a very short time ago,

So he's very
brightly colored now.

He's colored this way

So in the wild,
he can't be seen.

He blends in with
natural surroundings.

It helps them hide
from animals they eat.

Markings on his face

Make his head
look like a tail,

And his tail blends in.

His prey wouldn't know
which end was which.

This snake
may look scary,

But actually,
she's pretty friendly.

She'd make a good pet
if you kept her at home.

What if you took

Your pet boa constrictor
to school

On the day
of the class trip

To a place
with other animals?

It could
get loose.

This book,

The day jimmy's boa ate
the wash,

Tells you
better than I could.


Let's see the chickens.

Let's climb the haystack.

Corn is good to eat.

It's a staple food
of the american indian

And a popular favorite
on the cob.

Hi. How was
your class trip
to the farm?

Oh, boring,
kind of dull,

Until the cow
started crying.

A cow crying?

A haystack
fell on her.

A haystack doesn't
just fall over.

A farmer crashed into it
with his tractor.

He was too busy
yelling at the pigs

To get off
our school bus.

Why were pigs
on the bus?

They were eating
our lunches.

Hey, the pants.
The pants!

Why were they
eating your lunches?

Because we threw
their corn at each other.

Why were you
throwing corn?

Because we ran out
of eggs.

Why were you
throwing eggs?

Because of
the boa constrictor.

The boa constrictor?

Yeah, jimmy's pet
boa constrictor.

Why was jimmy's pet
boa constrictor there?

He brought it
to meet the animals.

The chickens
didn't like it.

He took it into
the hen house?

Yeah. The chickens started
squawking and flying.

[Squawk squawk]

Go on.
What happened?

One hen laid an egg.

It landed
on jenny's head.

The hen?

The egg.

It broke
all over her hair.

She thought
tommy threw it,

So she threw one
at him.

Tommy ducked,

And the egg hit
mary anne in the face,

So she threw one
at jenny.

She missed
and hit jimmy.

He dropped
his boa constrictor.

The next thing
you knew,

Everyone was
throwing eggs, right?


When you ran out
of eggs,

You threw the corn.

Right again.

What finally
stopped it?

We heard the farmer's wife

Why was she

We never found out

Because mrs. Stanley
made us get on the bus,

And we left without
the boa constrictor.

I bet jimmy was sad

Because he left
his pet boa constrictor.

Not really.

One of the pigs
stayed on the bus.

Now he's got a pet pig.

That trip
sounds exciting.

Yeah, if you're
the kind of kid

Who likes class trips
to the farm.

What's the matter?

Never seen
a snakeskin muffler before?

The snake is
still in this one.

If you could have
any strange pet,

What would you choose?

A mouse.

An iguana.

A dinosaur
because I'd like to ride on it.

A cheetah.
I could train it to hunt.

I would like
a duck-billed platypus.

A mermaid.

A snake because
I like slimy, skinny things.

A walrus because it's big
and belongs in the water.

An elephant
with rabbit ears.

A lizard because
it's very, very slimy.

A frog because he can
hop all around the place.

A sea lion
so I can swim with it.

Pigs are
really neat.

Some kids think
pigs are dirty,

But we really
love them.

Every kid should have
something like this

That you can pet.

They're just
as smart as dogs

And probably--
they're a little funnier.

you look at them

And you can almost tell
that they're smiling.

They've got cute faces.

Pigs have
their own personality.

Some fight, some are lazy,

And some are hyper.

It's fun to raise them

And see what type
of pig you get.

I'm putting water
on peaches

Because they don't
have sweat glands

And they get
really hot.

Right now, they're
rooting up the dirt.

They'll lay
in a certain spot

Because it's wet
or shaded.

They like to lay
in cool spots.

They lay in mud puddles
to keep cool.

They like to keep
their bellies cool.

When the white pigs
get bug bites,

They sometimes
go in the mud

To protect
from the insects.

You can't sneak up
on a pig.

They can hear
real well,

And their ears
are really soft.

They have
little hairs inside.

Pigs love having
their ears scratched.

They snuggle down
when you scratch them.

Pigs have
bristly hair.

When they're babies,
it's softer.

As they get bigger,

It gets more bristly,
and it's hard like straw.

Some pigs
have curly hair.

Some have
straight hair.

Pigs with curly hair
usually aren't very healthy,

But some breeds
do have curly hair.

Their noses feel like
an elephant's trunk.

They're rubbery.

Right here is the part
they use to root.

They feel like
rubber almost.

Most people don't think

They can get
too close to pigs,

But I love them.

They're just as fun
as dogs,

when they're little.

They're like
little puppies.

You usually have them
a long time,

And you get
attached to them.

Some people keep them
in their house.

They're so cute.
I love them.

My name is
frank hilliker.

This is
my sister laura.

We live on our
grandparents' farm.

This is herbie.
He's one of our steers.

♪ On the farm
there's open space ♪

♪ And blue sky up above ♪

♪ Well, there's cows
and geese ♪

♪ And ducks and pigs ♪

♪ And lots and lots
and lots ♪

♪ Of ♪

♪ Eggs ♪

♪ Those roly-poly things ♪

♪ That only hens can lay ♪

♪ Eggs, they're
everywhere you go ♪

♪ All the same
in every way ♪

♪ Outside they're like
a white football ♪

♪ Inside they're not
like that at all ♪

♪ There's somethin'
special ♪

♪ About those things
called eggs ♪

♪ They're in your souffles ♪

♪ And mayonnaise ♪

♪ Well, don't you
think it's time ♪

♪ They got some praise? ♪

♪ Three cheers for eggs ♪

♪ They're really
fun to eat ♪

♪ So you won't be
surprised to hear ♪

♪ Eggs,

♪ Get eaten every year ♪

♪ Some are scrambled ♪

♪ Some are fried ♪

♪ Some wind up
on their sunny side ♪

♪ You never met anyone ♪

♪ Who hasn't tried an egg ♪

♪ They don't mind
if you mistreat 'em ♪

♪ You can crack and whip
and beat 'em ♪

♪ But most of all ♪

♪ Folks like to eat 'em ♪

♪ Some of those eggs
will hatch into chicks ♪

♪ And grow up into hens ♪

♪ Those hens will start
laying more eggs again ♪

♪ Eggs for your souffles ♪

♪ And mayonnaise ♪

♪ Well, don't you
think it's time ♪

♪ They got some praise? ♪

♪ Let's hear it for eggs ♪

♪ Hooray for eggs ♪

♪ Three cheers for eggs! ♪♪

Cluck cluck!

I see that twinkle

In your beady
little eyes.

You'd love to run around
with those farm animals.

We saw what happened

The day jimmy's boa
ate the wash.

You stay here.

I'm going to
the livestock show.

I hope she doesn't
have a crush on me.

That could be dangerous.

Thanks, willie.

No problem.

Take care of fang
for me.

Imagine, having a snake
fall in love with you!

Hee hee hee!

This is the great western
junior livestock and dairy show

In pomona, california.

spend all year

Feeding and caring
for their animals.

All day long
they've been grooming.

Now is the big moment
for over 2,000 farm animals.

The people
challenge each other

In all kinds of events.

These contestants are
shearing their sheep

In a process
called fitting

So they'll look
their best.

This is buck.
He's a shropshire.

He's a yearling.

I bought him
when he was a lamb.

This will be
the first time

I've shown him.

I'll see how I do.

When I got him,
he was pretty big.

I'm kind of excited

To show him
for the first time.

When you have
something new,

You like to show it off.

When I buy an outfit,
I wear it the next day.

When the first fair comes,
I get to show him off.

When you take your sheep
to a fair,

You wash it, card it,
trim it,

Make it look good.

Then you show off
your talent

And hard labor.

You really feel good.

No matter
where you place,

You know you tried.

This is a card.

It's these little needles
that are curved,

And what it does is
it pulls up the wool.

You don't go
all over the sheep.

You just pick an area.

After you get the wool up,

You take your shears
and shear it down.

You try to get it

As flat and as even
as possible.

We started with buck
today about 7:45.

He had a big fluff.

It was trimmed here

And then big and fluffy
up here.

We had to
blend it in here.

It's taken
quite a long time.

It is work.

When you win a ribbon,
even last place,

You think, "I tried."

The contestants have to
bring their animals

Into the show ring

For inspection
by the judges.

A blue ribbon
is the big payoff.

When I take buck
out in the ring,

I'm very nervous.

I'm being judged.

Usually my parents
are there.

After about
five minutes or so,

You start to ignore
the eyes

And watch what the judge
wants you to do.

They just aren't
quite massive enough,

Not enough power
through their front end

Or enough bone
all the way through.

After I do all my work
and it's over with,

I know that
I tried my best

And it was worth it.

Another exciting event

Is the dairy goat
milking contest.

The competitor
with the most milk

In their bucket
is the winner.

The winner
gets a blue ribbon

As top goat milker
of the year.

The runners-up
can try again next year.

If you liked the day
jimmy's boa ate the wash,

Here are books
you won't want to miss.

Don't take
my word for it.

"Could be worse."

There's somebody
in this book

Who says that
all the time,

And that's grandpa.

His grandchildren,
mary ann and louie,

Are getting fed up.

So grandpa tells
a real tall tale.

A tall tale is
an exaggerated story.

Grandpa gets caught
in a giant lobster,

Sinks to the bottom
in the ocean,

And gets rolled up
in a snowball.

If you've told
a weird story like this,

You'd like this book.

It really shows
how your imagination

Can run away with you.

My name's tina engraci.

Snakes are
pretty nice creatures

If you don't molest them.

Some people
have them for pets.

My mom wouldn't
let me have one,

Unless it was a neat snake
like crictor.

is a boa constrictor.

He belongs to
madame bodot.

One night,

A burglar broke into
madame bodot's apartment.

Crictor saved her.

He wrapped himself
around the burglar.

If you don't like snakes,

This book might
change your mind,

Especially if you meet
a neat snake like crictor.

This is eric fong.

This is anne michele

With a special
book bulletin.

First I'd like to ask you

If you've ever really had
a horrible day.

I mean terrible!

If you have,

You'll think this book
is far out.

It's about a boy
named alexander

Who wakes up
with gum in his hair.

He drops his clothes
in the sink.

He gets smooshed
in the car.

There's no dessert
in his lunch.

He has a cavity.

Lots of other terrible
things happen to him.

If you want to find out
what else happens,

Look for alexander
and the terrible,

Horrible, no good,
very bad day.

It's been a great day

At the great western
junior livestock and dairy show.

Animals are important
to all of us,

Whether they're
the barnyard variety,

The exotic type,
or just plain good company.

Even when they slip away
for a few minutes on their own.

Before you slip away,

I just want to say,
see you next time.
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