02x05 - A Chair for My Mother

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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02x05 - A Chair for My Mother

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can ganywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪



Hold it.

For that
to work,

You've got
to delay
two counts.

Then the flip
will work,

And we'll get
into "teamwork."

I'll be with you
in a second.

Let's set up
for the pyramid.

Here we go.

Five, six,
seven, eight.

One, two,
three, four.

Five, six,
seven, eight.

One, two,
three, four.

All right!

Real good.

Let's set up for
the diner scene.

Here we go.


We're working
on a song and dance

For reading rainbow

With our choreographer,
sammy dallas bayes.

It'll take a lot of teamwork
to get it right.

When we go on the air,
it'll look easy.

Let's run through
the diner scene.


And playback.

♪ Friends workin'
along with me ♪

♪ I get energy ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

Cut, cut!

We need teamwork

You take that,
and you take that.

Let's do it

and playback.

♪ Friends workin'
along with me ♪

♪ I get energy ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ You have a dream ♪

♪ You want to make it big ♪

Don't look
at the floor.

♪ ...to make your dream work ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ Workin' it through ♪

♪ Workin' together ♪

♪ Whatever we do ♪

♪ Doin' it better ♪

♪ As a team ♪♪

And cut.

Very good,

Take five.

Look what the special is
on today's menu.

A chair for my mother.

Now here's a book
about a terrific team,

A family that works together
as well as ice cream and cake,

Or ketchup and french fries.

When the going gets tough,
this family really gets going

With some extremely
delicious results.

My mother works as a waitress
in the blue tile diner.

Sometimes I meet her there.

Then her boss josephine
gives me a job.

I wash
the salts and peppers.

When I finish,
josephine says,

"Good work, honey,"
and pays me.

I put half my money
into the jar.

It takes a long time
to fill it.

When my mother
comes home from work,

I take down the jar.

My mama empties
change from her purse

For me to count.

Sometimes she's so tired,
she falls asleep.

Usually grandma
sits with us, too.

While we count,
she likes to hum.

When we can't get a single
other coin into the jar,

We're going
to take the money

And buy a chair,

A wonderful, beautiful,
fat, soft armchair.

We'll get the best chair
in the whole world.

That's because our old chairs
burned up.

There was a big fire
in our other house.

All our chairs burned.

So did our sofa
and everything else.

That wasn't such
a long time ago.

My mother and I
were coming home

From buying new shoes.

Outside our house
stood two fire engines.

I saw lots of smoke.

Flames came out
of the roof.

The neighbors stood
across the street.

Mama grabbed my hand
and ran.

Uncle sandy saw us.

Mama yelled,
"where's mother?"

I yelled,
"where's my grandma?"

My aunt ida waved and shouted,
"she's here! She's here!

She's ok.
Don't worry!"

Grandma was all right.

Our cat was safe, too,

But everything else
in our whole house was spoiled.

What was left of the house

Was turned
to charcoal and ashes.

We stayed with
aunt ida and uncle sandy.

Then we were able to move
into the apartment downstairs.

We painted
the walls yellow.

The floors
were all shiny,

But the rooms
were very empty.

The first day
we moved in,

The neighbors brought pizza
and cake and ice cream.

The family
across the street

Brought a table
and three chairs.

The man next door
gave us a bed.

My other grandpa brought us
his beautiful rug.

My cousin brought me
her own stuffed bear.

Everyone clapped
when my grandma made a speech.

"You are the kindest people,"
she said.

"We thank you very much.

It's lucky we're young
and can start all over."

That was last year.

We still have no sofa
and no big chairs.

That's why
mama brought home

The biggest jar
at the diner,

And all the coins
go into the jar.

Mama, grandma, and I stood
in front of the jar.

"Well, I never
would have believed it,

But I guess
it's full," mama said.

On my mother's day off,

We took all the coins
to the bank.

The bank exchanged them
for $10 bills.

Then we took the bus downtown
to shop for our chair.

We tried out big chairs,
smaller ones,

High chairs
and low chairs,

Soft chairs
and harder ones.

Grandma said she felt like
goldilocks and the three bears

Trying out all the chairs.

Finally, we found the chair
we were all dreaming of.

The money in the jar
was enough to pay for it.

Uncle sandy took it home
in his pickup truck.

I tried out our chair
in the back of the truck.

Mama wouldn't let me sit there
while we drove.

We set the chair

Beside the window with
the red and white curtains.

Grandma, mama, and I
sat in it

While aunt ida
took our picture.

Now mama sits down
and watches the news on tv

When she comes home
from her job.

After supper,
I sit with her.

She can reach up
and turn out the light

If I fall asleep
in her lap.

Five, six, seven, eight.


♪ Alarms are sounding ♪

♪ We've got to move-- ♪

in the wrong place.

The family in
a chair for my mother

Saved up little by little
to buy a new chair.

They couldn't have done it
without friends to help.

When people work together,

They can do things
nobody can do alone.

go to fire school

To learn how
to work as a team.

They learn what to do

And keep practicing

Until they can do it
with their eyes closed.

[Fire alarm]


Firemen are like
everyone else.

They have to go to school.

At the new york fire academy,

People train for when
they'll put out the flames.

All right. Come on.
Let's go.

All right.
Get that hose off.

Each fireman has a special
position on the truck

And a special job to do
at the scene.

Unlocking doors,
stretching out hose,

And hooking up the pumper
to the fire hydrant

All happen at once.

Crack the nozzle.

People who are training to be
firemen are called prbies.

That stands for
probationary firefighters.

It can take
up to two years

Before a probie can become
a full-fledged firefighter.

That was good.

We were slow
on hooking up.

We'll work on that.

We'll review how to
hook up the hydrant
to the pumper.

First check the hydrant
to make sure that it works.

We turn it on
till we get some water.

Then we turn it off.

We know that
the hydrant works.

You have to take
the soft suction
off the rig

And hook it up
to the hydrant.

One of the most important
parts of fireman training

Is learning
to work together.

Everyone has
a specific job to do.

They do it quickly
and efficiently.

When lives are at stake,
you can't make mistakes.

Hook up the other end
to the fire truck.

We have it hooked together.

We can open the hydrant

To give
the fire truck the water.

We come back over here.

We take the hose

And screw it
onto this outlet.

Once I have it connected,

I wait for the signal
to start water.

Then I pull out
this valve.

I have to check my gauges

To make sure
they're getting enough water.

You did pretty good.

You're ready
for a rescue.

Fire engines are the flashiest
and loudest pieces

Of fire-fighting equipment.

When one of
these red and silver trucks

Comes barreling
down the street,

Everyone knows
and everyone watches.

Help! Help!

Someone, help!

Training for a ladder rescue
is especially scary.

The ladders can reach up
to four stories high.

One of the secrets is

Don't look down.

Are you alone?

No one's here
with me.

Let's get
you out.


Two firemen climb
to the rescue point

And get on either side
of the person being saved.

This is
a safety precaution

To keep them
from falling off.

They give lots
of encouragement.

They come down slowly

And make it
as smooth as possible.

Looking good.

Working well together.

Let's try putting out
a real fire.

No problem.

Burning cars
are extremely dangerous.

Tires, glass,
and engine parts

Can explode
with the heat

And cause serious injury.

Never get near one.

That's a fireman's job.

The person holding the nozzle
of the hose has a tough job.

That water comes out hard

And fast.

Firefighters call
each other brothers.

Their lives are
in each other's hands.

That makes them
close friends.

It's more than a sense
of being on a team.

It's like being
in a family.

Five, six,
seven, eight.

♪ This job's
too big for one ♪

♪ But we'll get it done ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

a minute.

It feels
real awkward

To bend down
like this.

What if we
flip it around

And come at you
with the other end?

Then I
could walk
the ladder up

With my hands.

Not a bad idea.

Let's go back
to the top

And try it again
with music.


♪ This job's
too big for one ♪

♪ But we'll get it done ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ You've got a dream ♪

♪ You want to make it real ♪

♪ You need a team ♪

All right.
And cut.

That's going to work
real well.

Good idea,

Everybody, take five.

Thanks, sam.

Feels great
when you get it right.

Better than 1.

Ever wonder what you could do
as part of a team?

I'm the third leg
on the relay team.

I like to play baseball.

I like to play soccer
with all my friends.

I like singing
in a chorus.

I like to play frisbee
with my friends.

I like to play cards
with my friend.

I love going camping,
fishing, and hiking

With my parents
and brothers.

I can't play hide-and-seek
by myself.

Let's go over
the basketball

and playback.

♪ ...see some teamwork ♪

♪ The big game's tonight ♪

Five, six,
seven, eight.

Ok, cut, cut, cut.

It's not working.

something missing.

I think
it's the music.

Steve, I need your help.

Right here.

That section we'll be
sh**ting in slow motion.

Right now,
it feels a little empty.

We can put in
some strings.

For that move
you were doing,

We can use
an electric

Let's do that.


Steve will add
a guitar solo.

It should make
that section
look beautiful.

come up here.

All right.

That's it
for tonight.

You've done
a great job.

The number
looks real good.

You're all
real winners.

I want you to get
a good rest

And be here tomorrow
at 4:00 pm.

Good night.

All right!

If you thought
a chair for my mother

Was a real winnr,

Here are other books
you might enjoy,

But don't take
my word for it.

Do you know
what it's like

To have
a new baby at home?

My mama needs me
is about a boy

Who has a new sister.

Jason was frustrated

Because he couldn't hold
the baby a lot.

He would tell his friends,
"my mama needs me."

He never played
with his friends.

Finally, jason finds out
what his mama wants--

A great big hug,

And she gets it.

I'm nathan.

This is
my brother nicholas.

I didn't get to hold him
right away,

But if you're potient,

You'll hold
your brother or sister soon.

Hello. I'm nellie.

I'm here to tell you about
everett anderson's goodbye.

It's about a boy
who's lost his father.

At first,
everett doesn't believe

His father is gone.

Then everett says he doesn't
love his family anymore.

He really does
love his family,

But he's just angry.

Finally, he realizes that
even though his father's gone,

He still has his love.

I felt relieved at the end

Because everett found
a way to feel better.

I think this book
helps kids understand

How it feels
to lose someone you love.

Hi. I'm tiffany.

If you've known
a handicapped person,

You probably know

They have the same feelings
as everyone else.

I have a sister,
my sister is deaf

Is about a girl
and her little deaf sister.

Their relationship
is special

Because they
understand each other

Even without words.

Like one time
when they were playing

In a grassy lot,

They pretended
they were stalking deer.

The deaf sister watched for
quick movements in the grass.

The older sister
listened for small sounds.

The deaf sister can use
all her other senses

To communicate
her feelings.

This story
helps you understand

That being handicapped
is nothing to be ashamed of.

Reading rainbow, teamwork,

Take 1.





♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ You have a dream ♪

♪ You want to make it real ♪

♪ You need a team ♪

♪ Workin' up steam ♪

♪ To make your dream work ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ Workin' it through ♪

♪ Workin' together ♪

♪ Whatever we do ♪

♪ Doin' it better ♪

♪ As a team ♪

♪ Haven't got a moment ♪

♪ There's just
too much to do ♪

♪ My feet are really tired ♪

♪ And my back is aching, too ♪

♪ But when I
look around me I see ♪

♪ Friends workin'
along with me ♪

♪ I get energy ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ You have a dream ♪

♪ You want to make it real ♪

♪ You need a team ♪

♪ Workin' up steam ♪

♪ To make your dream work ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ Workin' it through ♪

♪ Workin' together ♪

♪ Whatever we do ♪

♪ Doin' it better ♪

♪ As a team ♪

[Clang clang]

♪ Alarms are sounding ♪

♪ We've got to
move out fast ♪

♪ Hard work to do now ♪

♪ Before the danger's past ♪

♪ No stopping
once the work has begun ♪

♪ This job's
too big for one ♪

♪ But we'll get it done ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ You have a dream ♪

♪ You want to make it real ♪

♪ You need a team ♪

♪ Workin' up steam ♪

♪ To make your dream work ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ Workin' it through ♪

♪ Workin' together ♪

♪ Whatever we do ♪

♪ Doin' it better ♪

♪ As a team ♪

♪ Practicing patterns ♪

♪ Till each move is right ♪

♪ Let's see some teamwork ♪

♪ The big game's tonight ♪

♪ When we put it
all together ♪

♪ And see ♪

♪ We score so easily ♪

♪ And it's got to be ♪

♪ Because we ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ You have a dream ♪

♪ You want to make it real ♪

♪ You need a team ♪

♪ Workin' up steam ♪

♪ To make your dream work ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ Workin' it through ♪

♪ Workin' together ♪

♪ Whatever we do ♪

♪ Doin' it better ♪

♪ With teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ Workin' it through ♪

♪ Workin' together ♪

♪ Whatever we do ♪

♪ Doin' it better ♪

♪ As a team ♪♪


Great performance.

Want to make your dream work?

Try teamwork.

We'll see you next time.

♪ This job's
too big for one ♪

♪ But we'll get it done ♪

♪ 'Cause I know ♪

♪ We've got teamwork ♪

♪ Teamwork ♪

♪ You have a dream ♪

♪ You want to make it real ♪

♪ You need a team ♪

♪ Workin' up steam ♪

♪ To make your dream work... ♪♪

Today's reading rainbow
books are:

A chair for my mother
by vera b. Williams,

Published by
greenwillow books.

My mama needs me
by mildred pitts walter,

Illustrated by
pat cummings,

Published by
lothrop, lee & shepard.

Everett anderson's goodbye
by lucille clifton,

Illustrated by
ann grifalconi,

Published by
holt, rinehart & winston.

I have a sister,
my sister is deaf

By jean whitehouse peterson,

Illustrated by deborah ray,

Published by harper & row.
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