03x02 - The Patchwork Quilt

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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03x02 - The Patchwork Quilt

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪


Welcome to
boston's best junk shop,

The recycle store
at the boston children's museum.

Its barrels are brimming
with buttons, baubles,

Rickrack, and calico,
and stuffed with scraps

That weren't made
into wedding gowns,

Seat covers,
or ping-pong balls.

One person's trash can be
somebody else's treasure.

These bits and pieces
could have been tossed out

For the garbage trucks,

But with a little inspiration,
they can be recycled,

Used to create
a brand-new whole

Greater than the sum
of its parts.

Almost everything is made

Of bits and pieces
of something else--

The food you eat,
the clothes you wear,

The house you live in,

Maybe even the quilt
you sleep under.

A handmade patchwork quilt
is a warm blanket

Made of small pieces of cloth
stitched together.

It can tell a story.

That's what this book,
the patchwork quilt, is about--

How a little girl and her family

Stitched together
swatches and scraps

To create
a quilt of memories.

Tanya sat restlessly
by the kitchen window.

She wanted to go outside
and enjoy spring,

But she had a cold.

"Mama, when can I go outside?"
Asked tanya.

"In time," mama murmured,
"all in good time."

"I'll talk to grandma,"
tanya said.

Grandma was sitting
in her favorite spot.

Her lap held
scraps of materials

Of all textures
and colors.

Tanya recognized
some of them.

The plaid was from
papa's old work shirt.

The red scraps were from
her brother ted's shirt.

"What's that stuff?"
Tanya asked.

These ain't stuff.

"These little pieces
gonna make me a quilt,

A patchwork quilt."

"Grandma, there's a quilt
on your bed.

It's old and dirty."

"It ain't dirty, honey.

"It's worn, the way
it's supposed to be.

"My mother made it
when I was your age.

But sometimes
the old ways are forgotten."

Mama walked in and looked
at the scattered scraps.

"I just cleaned this room,
and now it's a mess."

"It's a quilt,"
tanya said.

"A quilt?

I can get you a quilt."

Grandma looked
at her daughter,

Then turned
to her grandchild.

"Yes. Your mama can
buy you a quilt,

"But not like
my patchwork quilt.

It won't last as long."

Grandma's eyes
grew dark and distant.

She gazed out the window,

Absent-mindedly rubbing
the pieces of material

Through her fingers.

"Grandma, I'll help you
make your quilt," tanya said.

"Thank you, honey.

"It's going to take a while

"To make this quilt
a good quilt, a masterpiece.

It'll take me a year,
at least."

"A year?" Shouted tanya.

I can't wait
that long, grandma."

"A year ain't
that long, honey.

Making this quilt
gonna be a joy."

One august afternoon,

Ma said tanya's brother jim's
favorite blue corduroy pants

Were beyond repair.

"Bring them here,"
grandma said.

Grandma took part
of the pant leg

And cut a few blue squares.

Jim watched her
add his patches to the others.

"A quilt can tell
your life story."

On halloween,
tanya was an african princess.

She danced in the long,
flowing robes mama had made

From several yards
of colorful material.

Grandma cut some squares out

And added tanya
to the quilt, too.

One day tanya peeked
into the living room.

Grandma was telling mama
all about quilts

And how this quilt
would be very special.

From that moment on,

Both women spent
their winter evenings

Working on the quilt.

Only once did mama
put it aside.

She wanted to wear something
special christmas night,

So she bought
some gold material

And made a beautiful dress.

Tanya knew the gold scraps
would be in the quilt, too.

There was much singing
and laughing that christmas.

Papa said he had never felt
so much happiness in the house,

And mama agreed.

The next day,
grandma didn't feel well.

They called a doctor.

Tanya looked
into the living room.

The patchwork quilt
was folded neatly,

Just as grandma
had left it.

"Can we see grandma?"
Tanya asked.

"Not tonight," papa said.
"Grandma needs rest."

It was nearly a week before
the children were permitted

To see their grandmother.

"We miss you, grandma,"
ted said.

"Your quilt misses you, too,
grandma," tanya said.

"My masterpiece,"
grandma sighed.

"Almost half finished."

Tanya walked slowly
to where the quilt lay.

She knew how
to cut the scraps,

But she wasn't certain
of the rest.

Tanya felt a hand
touch her shoulder.

She looked up
and saw mama.

"You cut more squares, tanya,

While I stitch some patches
together," mama said.

Tanya snipped
the scraps of material

Till her hands hurt
from the scissors.

Every day, tanya worked
on the quilt,

But after a few weeks,
she stopped.

Something was wrong.
Something was missing.

Finally she knew.

wasn't missing.

Someone was missing.

That evening,
before she went to bed,

Tanya tiptoed
into grandma's room,

A pair of scissors
in her hand.

She quietly lifted the end
of grandma's old quilt

And carefully removed
a few squares.

February and march
came and went.

One june day,
tanya came home

To find grandma
working on the quilt.

"Grandma!" Tanya shouted.

"Hush, child.

"It's time to do the quilting
on these patches.

"But first, I have
some special finishing touches.

There. It's done,"
she said.

Mama helped grandma
spread the quilt full length.

Reds, greens,
blues, and golds,

Light shades and dark
blended in and out

Throughout the quilt.

"It's beautiful," papa said.

He touched the gold patch,
looked at mama, and remembered.

Jim remembered, too.

There was his blue
and the red from ted's shirt.

There was tanya's
halloween costume.

And there was grandma.

Even though
her patch was old,

It fit right in.

They all remembered
the past year.

They especially
remembered tanya

And all her work.

So in the right-hand corner
of the last row of patches

Was delicately stitched...

You can't buy a quilt
like tanya's for any price.

Tanya's mama and grandma
taught her more

Than just how to sew.

They showed her that her quilt's
secret ingredient was love.

That's what happens when you
make things with your family.

This mess is really
a quilt in the making.

These students from
the joseph lee school

In dorcester, massachusetts,

Are making their own quilt.

Each square will be
as individual as a fingerprint.

Each square will be
designed to say,

"Hey, this is me."

This picture says
a lot about me

Because my sister likes
playing teacher with me.

We play teacher mondays,
wednesdays, and fridays.

I like my little sister
being in my patch.

I really love
and care about her.

I'm making pie
with my mother.

That's me with yellow hair.
I have blond hair.

Using a needle and thread
is fun.

I like making pies
with my mom.

It's one way
she shows she loves me.

In my patch,
I have a skirt on

Because it's easy to jump rope
with a skirt.

The blue and white cloths

Is from the dresses
my mother made for us.

Two people
are turning the rope.

They're my best friends,
so they had to be there.

This is me under a tree
enjoying a favorite book.

I'm sitting under a rainbow

Because I'm the host
of reading rainbow.

I put all of these elements
into my patchwork quilt.

Wow! From this...

To this.

The whole really is greater
than the sum of its parts.

This quilt is made
of individual patches

Sewn together with thread.

Families are made up
of individual people

Whose lives
are sewn together with love.

Just like patchwork quilts,

Families come in all sizes
and colors.

What do you think
a family is?

♪ Someone to hold you ♪

♪ Who you know
is always there ♪

♪ Someone who is working hard ♪

♪ And still has time
to share ♪

♪ A brother or a sister ♪

♪ That you can depend upon ♪

♪ A relative who's older ♪

♪ A baby who's just born ♪

♪ You're all part
of each other ♪

♪ Like branches on a tree ♪

♪ Growin' strong together
as a family ♪

♪ Now, you may have
different faces ♪

♪ All painted different hues ♪

♪ Stepbrothers and stepsisters ♪

♪ From different
backgrounds, too ♪

♪ But because
you love each other ♪

♪ All the differences
you see ♪

♪ They just don't seem important
in a family ♪

♪ You may have
just one parent ♪

♪ Or your family may live
in different places, too ♪

♪ There's always room
for you ♪

♪ And though it isn't perfect ♪

♪ You fit in perfectly ♪

♪ 'Cause you belong there ♪

♪ That's why
you're a family ♪

♪ Growin' strong together ♪

♪ You're a family ♪♪

Oh, hi.
Come on in.

Most everybody will agree

That the heart of any home
is the kitchen.

This kitchen at
the boston children's museum

Shows what your
great-grandmother's kitchen

Might have looked like.

I'm making something
really special.

It's called the levar burton
superduper sandwich.

Are you ready?
Here we go.

There you have it.

You can change the face,

But the taste is
still the same--delicious.

I'm not the only one
with my favorite recipe.

The balducci family brought
their secret recipes

Across the ocean
from bari, italy,

To new york city.

As you'll see, the business
sure has mushroomed

Since grandfather
louis balducci

Started selling fruits
and vegetables 70 years ago.

almost the whole family

Works alongside
mom and pop balducci.

Some work in the office,

Ordering products
from all over.

The balducci family
does at work

What most do at home--


Taste tests
are part of the job.

Very good
smoked chicken.

Pop balducci is sharing
secrets of success

With his grandson joe.

The rest of the romaine
is all right.

You take
the bad leaves.

You trim the top?

Just a little bit.

Not much.

I love working
with my grandfather.

I do blow up sometimes,

But he teaches me a lot.

It's a lot of love involved.

You haven't got time
to sit.

Always got
something to do

To fix them, to make them
look appetizing...

I don't need money,
but I need love.

Money don't mean nothing.

Love each other,
that's the important thing.

Let me try.
Could you do this?

Anybody can do it.

Family tradition is honored
in the kitchen

Where uncle andy
and louis make

Bite-size mozzarella
called bocconcini.

fresh-made mozzarella.

Always got to do

Because people
keep eating mozzarella.

The more you make,
the more they eat.

I call my uncle
zio andy,

Which is italian
for uncle andy.

He's a beautiful person
to work with.

You have to be patient

Because you see, in time,
they're right.

They say, "slow down.
Do it right."

Not so fast.
Take your time.

Grandpa always said
you can't get quality
with quantity.

Yeah, but we have
people waiting.

I understand, louis.
The people will wait.

I look at louis,

And I remember my father
talking to me,

And I think
how I reacted

When pop kept telling me
the same thing over and over.

When I look
at louis sometimes,

I sympathize
with his feelings.

How am I doing?

Well, fair.

Aw, that's
beautiful, louis.


Now it's ready
to be sold,

To be enjoyed
by our good customers.


Looks great.

What's happening
in the big kitchen?

Lessons on meatballs and lasagne
from mom balducci.

They're making
a mess.

I don't like
what you're doing.

That's too much.

watch out, kids.

my mother and father
are an inspiration to me

And to my children.

[Another daughter]
they have taught us a lot.

Hopefully, we can carry this
to our children.

The kitchen is the heart
of the store.

You have to love it.

That's what I want
to give my children.

♪ Though it isn't perfect ♪

♪ You fit in perfectly ♪

♪ 'Cause you belong there ♪

♪ That's why
you're a family ♪

♪ Growin' strong together ♪

♪ You're a family ♪♪

The balduccis built
a family business

Out of spaghetti, cheese,
fruits, and vegetables.

Visitors here at
the boston children's museum

Built this library,

A house made
especially for books,

Out of milk cartons.

You can do it, too.

Take two milk cartons,
stuff one with newspaper,

Then put
the two cartons together.


You can build your own library
out of recycled materials.

If you want
some books in it,

Try the patchwork quilt
and others about families.

Here are some
you might enjoy.


I'm here today
to tell you

About the different ways
of becoming a family.

I read about them
in this book.

In being adopted,
by maxine b. Rosenberg,

All the children
are adopted.

Andrew came from india,
karen came from korea,

And rebecca came from
across the united states.

The stories are real.

I especially like the part
when rebecca's sad

Because someone teased her
because she's adopted.

Her brother told her

Their parents
will never give them up.

I came to my family
from south america.

Just like rebecca,

I know my mommy and daddy
will never give me up.

Being adopted
will help you understand

That being adopted
is excellent.

It's no fun
being teased, is it?

Nobody knows that
like the little girl
in this story,

Angel child,
dragon child.

This book
was about a girl

That comes to america
from vietnam.

The girl, ut,
finds it difficult

To come into a new school.

A boy at school, raymond,

Teases her about her clothes
and her english.

One day, the principal
found them fighting.

My favorite part was when
ut and raymond became friends.

The school helps ut's mother
come to america.

I can relate
to this book

Because I came
from korea.

Angel child,
dragon child
will help you see

That all people
should be treated


Would you like to read
a beautiful book,

The two of them?

It's about a girl
and her grandfather.

When she was born,

Her grandfather made her
a silver polished stone ring.

Grandfather made her
a bamboo flute.

Grandfather played
the guitar.

They made music together
under the trees.

At the end of the story,

The little girl takes care
of her grandfather

Because he was dying
and couldn't walk.

The ending is sad,

But this book shows

It's great to have
a special grandpa.









These are just some of
the basic chemical ingredients

That make up one
of the most important items

In the whole world.

Somebody shawn's size
is worth about $1.38

In sodium, calcium, and other
basic chemical ingredients.

But no one could ever
put a price tag

On her real value,
or yours.

You are so much greater
than the sum of your parts,

Aren't you, honey sue?

All the ingredients
in human beings

May be the same,

But the result
is always different.

That's why
you're one of a kind.

Imagine cutting one square
out of this quilt.

It wouldn't be the same,
would it?

Your family, your community,
your whole world

Would never be the same
without you.

Shawny, want to help me
wave bye-bye?

Yeah, come on.
Let's wave bye-bye.

Wave bye-bye.


We'll see you next time.

Yeah, wave bye-bye.



Today's reading rainbow books

The patchwork quilt
by valerie flournoy,

Illustrated by
jerry pinkney,

Published by
dial books for young readers,

A division of
e.p. Dutton, incorporated.

Being adopted
by maxine rosenberg,

Photographs by
george ancona,

Published by
lothrop, lee, and shepard.

Angel child, dragon child
by michele maria surat,

Illustrated by
vo-dinh mai,

Published by
carnival press books,

An imprint of raintree
publishers, incorporated.

The two of them by aliki,

Published by greenwillow books.
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