05x08 - Best Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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05x08 - Best Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


Good boy.

Good boy. Yeah.

That's a good pup.
That's a good pup.

Oh. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, yeah.

Oh, hi. As you can tell,
I'm in love--puppy love.

Darla, their mom, just had
this litter.

She's letting me help
take care of them.

They're golden retrievers,
and they're about 7 weeks old.

All they do is lick and play
and a few other basic things.

When you hold a pup,

It's easy to tell
why dogs are man's best friend.

But other friends
can be special, too.

That's what two girls in this
book, best friends, discovered.

Louise jenkins and I
love horses,

But we aren't allowed
to have real ones.

I said, "let's pretend
that a stallion

"Named golden silverwind

Lives in a stable
between our houses."

Louise loved the idea.

After school, we pretended that
we rode golden silverwind.

Our magic witch hats
gave us the power

To make our neighborhood
anything we wanted it to be.

And after dark,
when it seemed to be haunted,

We weren't scared,
as long as we were together.

We were best friends.

Summer came, and so did
louise's aunt and uncle.

They took her
to a mountain resort

For a vacation.

Louise told me
she didn't want to go.

"It will be awful!" She said.
"I'll miss you every day."

When she left, our neighborhood
turned into a lonely desert.

I missed her so much.

I wished golden silverwind
and I could rescue her.

Finally, I got a post card.

It said, "dear kathy,
this place is terrific.

"Yesterday I saw three deer
behind the lodge.

"There are lots of kids
my age,

"And aunt pat and uncle bart
take us camping

"On pine cone peak.

I hope you're having fun.
Love from your friend louise."

Later I heard
mrs. Jenkins say

That louise had made
lots of new friends

And was having
a great summer.

Louise jenkins was a traitor!

She was my worst friend.

I wished that
a volcanic eruption

Would blast pine cone peak
into pebbles!

Mom told me not to be jealous
of louise's new friends.

Later she said,

"The house across the street
has been sold.

Maybe there will be someone
your age in the new family."

I asked the moving man
if it was someone my age.

He said, "nope. It's mr. Jode.
He's 72."

This was the worst summer
of my life.

The new family
was one old man.

Mom said we should be
good neighbors.

She sent me to invite
mr. Jode for a cookout.

When he saw my witch hat,
he said,

"Use your magic to find
good homes

For the puppies
that sarah is expecting."

I ran home to ask mom
if I could have one.

She said yes.

I couldn't wait
to have my own puppy.

If louise wanted
to play with it

After she got back,
I'd say never.

That would fix her.

I told mr. Jode
I wanted a spotted one

Just like sarah.

"The first spotted one
will be yours," he promised.

One day, mrs. Jenkins
showed up and said,

"I understand that your dog
is expecting puppies.

I'd like to reserve one
for my daughter louise."

I couldn't stand to think

Of louise having
one of sarah's puppies.

I told mr. Jode that
I would keep all of them.

Mr. Jode asked me
if I was afraid

That louise wouldn't give
her puppy a good home.

I had to admit
that she would.

A week later,
louise came back.

She started talking
about pine cone peak

And how her uncle and aunt had
already planned a return trip.

I pretended to be
very interested in my book.

Then she told me
she had missed me very much.

She had brought me
a sweat shirt,

A sparrow's feather,
a rock collection,

And a whistle
on a lanyard.

I told her how much
I had missed her,

But I didn't tell her
how mad I had been.

I took louise to meet
my new friends.

I said, "aren't
sarah's spots beautiful?

"I'm going to get

The first puppy
that looks like her."

A few nights later,

Mr. Jode called to say that
sarah was having her puppies.

By the time we arrived,

One puppy
had already been born.

It was brown.
Mr. Jode handed him to louise.

Sarah went to sleep.

Mr. Jode and louise

Tried to think
of a name for her puppy.

I couldn't wait
for mine to be born.

Sarah slept for hours.

Finally mr. Jode said,

"It looks like there's only
one puppy this time."

I felt awful!
It wasn't fair.

Louise got to spend
the whole summer

Camping on pine cone peak,

And now she had
sarah's only puppy.

Louise said, "I think
the brown puppy

"Should belong
to both of us.

We could name him
golden silverwind."

Mr. Jode said,

"I'll build him a doghouse
between your houses."

When I got home,

I kept thinking
how lucky I was

To have a special friend
like louise.

I was already worried
about how much I'd miss her

When she went away next summer.

But at least this time

When she's camping
on pine cone peak,

I'll have golden silverwind
all to myself.

Kathy and louise found out

That friendship meon
through the rough times

As well as the good.

What are good times
for you and your best friend?

We go to
the library together.

Go sledding
on a real snowy day.

Me and my sister have fun
in the bath.

My best friend and I
play games together.

My imaginary friend
is a little girl named sarah.

She comes to school with me.

No one ever sees her
because she's invisible.

We play baseball.
I make the home runs.

This is my friend rachael.

We ride bikes
and go to the park.

This is
my best friend lowell.

Good girl.
Yeah. Yeah.

This is darla.

We like to share
a treat.

While I eat
animal crackers for people,

She eats people crackers
for dogs.

Sharing with someone special

Makes you feel like
you're getting the treat.

Sometimes sharing means
giving up something you love

Because someone else
needs it more.


Abby. Hey.

like a dog]


You're ferocious.

My name is beth richman.

The name of my dog is abby,

And she's a black lab.

Good girl.

My friend.
You're my friend.

We'll only have abby
one year

Because she needs
to be trained

To be a guide dog
for a blind person.

My name is elaine o'sullivan,

And I am recently blind,
within the past year.

It's a lonely business.

It's a scary business
being out in the world

And not really being sure
of where you are in that world

And where you are

In relation to the rest
of the world around you.

It's pretty scary.

Walking with a cane

Requires a tremendous amount
of concentration.

To keep yourself walking
straight down the sidewalk--

It's difficult.

I thought that maybe having
a dog would be the answer.

In the last seven months,
abby has really grown up.

Now she's so big,
she can almost lead me around.

Now that she's bigger,
she's learned a lot of things,

Like not to jump up
on people,

Not to bark,
to be kind, to sit.

We're going to
make you
a beautiful dog.

Abby and I are friends

Because we like to
play together,

And I think we make
a perfect couple.

Here, abby.
There's your food.

Beth, what would you like
this morning?


You look sad.
What's wrong?

We're going to
give up abby today.

I also feel sad
that abby's leaving.

You knew
you'd have to
give her back.

It came so soon.

I'm not sure

I want to
do this again.

We've become
very attached to our dog.

It's important
to give

A puppy like abby
a lot of love

So she can give
that love back
when she grows up.

I hope the person's nice.

I'm sure
the person will take
good care of abby.

I hope so.

I'm sure of it.

When you get ready
to go forward...

This is john, my trainer.

He's trying to give me
the feel, the sensation,

Of walking with a dog.

Are we ready?



That's it. Good.
Nice and relaxed.

He's teaching me how to
walk straight ahead

And feel when the dog moves
a little to the right,

Moves a little to the left
to take me around an obstacle.

He's holding on to the handle
in an attempt to simulate

Walking with a dog.

You're gonna
have to trust
your dog.

There you are.

My trainer takes
a lot of time with me

So that he can pick

The dog that will
best be suited for me.


There you go.


Elaine, I have
your dog for you.

It's a female
black lab named abby.


Here's the leash.

Hang on
for dear life.

I'll see you
in a few minutes.

So you're abby, huh?

She sure is bigger than
I expected her to be.

What a nice dog!

That's a pretty doggie.
Smooth dog.

Oh, I love the doggie.
I love the doggie.

Gonna come home
and live with me, huh?

I don't know how
the puppy walker

Could give her up.

He must be
some kind of special person

To have a dog
for a year

And then say, "I got to give
this dog to somebody else."

We're gonna go
everyplace together, huh?


This will be
your very first walk.

Try not to be nervous.

I'll attach
a safety leash to the dog.

There's more to a guide dog

Than I ever thought
there would be.

You have to get your feet
in the right position,

Put your weight
on the proper foot.


If she goes
too fast,

Just a little
snap on the handle,
saying steady.

That's it.
Now try to relax

And enjoy the walk.

Keep looking
down the block.

Walking down the street
the first time was very scary.

I don't know the dog.

I'm not sure she's going to
stop at that curb.

Maybe she'll walk me
into the middle of the street.

Good girl. Straight.

That's my girl.

Good girl.

That's my girl.

Good girl.

Nice and straight.

Abby just has turned
my life around.

She's my eyes,

And by her actions,
she tells me what she sees.

Straight to that curb.

Straight to that curb.
Straight to that curb.

Isn't she
a good girl?

Yeah. We're lucky
she got such
a nice person.

I didn't know how much
it would hurt to give up abby,

But when I saw
the lady with abby,

I knew I wanted to get
another dog

And help somebody else.

Straight to the curb,

Straight to that curb.

Good girl.

Good girl.
Forward. Good girl.

Austin! Austin!


Come here, austin!

Austin, austin!
Come here.

Come here, come here.

We're going to have
a great year together.


Rub a dub dub,
darla's in a tub,

But I'm getting a bath.

For most dogs, an occasional
shampoo and brushing

Is all they need.

But show dogs get clipped
and cleaned

And primped and preened

Until they look like
the cat's meow.

That feel good?

A dog show is like
a beauty pageant

Where canine contestants
strut their stuff

And compete for prizes.

But the real show is often
behind the scenes,

Where the dogs get ready

With more than a little help
from their friends.

♪ Funny ♪

♪ Not everyone finds you ♪

♪ Quite as appealing
as I do ♪

♪ I know ♪

♪ I couldn't find anyone ♪

♪ I'd like as much as you
if I tried to ♪

♪ There ♪

♪ May be others ♪

♪ More cute or more clever ♪

♪ But just like pieces
of a puzzle ♪

♪ We fit together ♪

♪ We're a perfect match ♪

♪ Bow wow wow
bow wow ♪

♪ We're two of a kind ♪

♪ Two of a kind ♪

♪ It was perfectly natural ♪

♪ For us to find ♪

♪ One another ♪

♪ We were made for each other ♪

♪ We're a perfect match ♪

♪ Bow wow wow
bow wow ♪

♪ 'Cause you suit me to a tee ♪

♪ To a tee ♪

♪ I'm as attached to you as ♪

♪ I can be ♪

♪ And no wonder ♪

♪ We're a perfect match ♪

♪ Bow wow wow
bow wow ♪

♪ You suit me to a tee ♪

♪ To a tee ♪

♪ We've formed an attachment ♪

♪ So instantaneously ♪

♪ Yeah, no wonder ♪

♪ We're a perfect ♪

♪ No wonder ♪

♪ We're a perfect ♪

♪ No wonder ♪

♪ We're a perfect match ♪♪

That feels good, huh?

You may not win a blue ribbon
for being somebody's friend,

But you'll always
come out a winner.

That's true for
all kinds of friends,

Whether you shake their hand
or their paw.

If you are interested
in friendship,

Here are some other books
that will wag your tail.

Listen to this.

My name is kenneth kniese.

I don't like it
when people tell me what to do.

That's why I like

The story of mrs. Lovewright
and purrless her cat.

Mrs. Lovewright is always
very chilly.

When she gets her cat, purrless,

She thinks all her problems
will be solved.

But she finds out

There are lots of things
she doesn't know about cats.

For example,
cats are very independent.

Purrless doesn't want to purr

Or sit on
mrs. Lovewright's lap,

But mrs. Lovewright
forces him to,

So purrless bites
mrs. Lovewright's toe

To teach her a lesson.

At the end of the book,

Mrs. Lovewright and purrless
strike up an agreement.

This book taught me that
no matter who your friend is--

A cat, a dog,
or the kid next door--

You have to let them be
who they want to be.

Hi. I'm chenana, and I want to
tell you about a book

That really captures
what friendship is all about.

It's called
a gift for tia rosa.

The girl in the book, carmela,

Has a special friend
she calls tia rosa.

Tia rosa is old
and very sick.

Every day, carmela visits
tia rosa.

They laugh, talk,
and learn from one another.

It's sad when tia rosa dies,

But carmela finds a special way
to remember her dear friend.

It's great to share your time
with a friend,

So get together with your
best friends and read this book.

Hey, pups, I'm fred.

Here's a great book called
the puppy who wanted a boy.

Petey is a puppy
who is very lonely.

He yearns for a little boy
to play with

And to be his friend.

Petey searches and searches,

And in the end,
he finds a happy home.

I love a happy ending.

Mmm ruff!

Make no bones about it--
this is a beautiful tale.

Trot down to the library
and sniff it out. Great book.

You know, it doesn't matter
who your friends are,

As long as you have them,

Because man or beast,

Good friends
are hard to come by.

I think it's time to find homes
for you guys.

Oh, there you are.

Let's go make seven people
very happy, ok?

It looks like we're
at the tail end of this show,

So I'll see you next time.

Come on, guys.
Here we go.

Come on, darla.
Come on.

Here we go.

Today's reading rainbow
books are

Best friends
by steven kellogg,

Published by dial books
for young readers.

The story of mrs. Lovewright
and purrless her cat

By lore segal,
illustrated by paul o. Zelinsky,

Published by alfred a. Knopf.

A gift for tia rosa
by karen t. Taha,

Illustrated by dee derosa,

Published by gemstone books,

A division
of dillon press, inc.

The puppy who wanted a boy
by jane thayer,

Illustrated by lisa mccue,

Published by
william morrow & company.
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