06x03 - The Robbery at the Diamond Dog Diner

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Reading Rainbow". Aired: July 11, 1983 – November 10, 2006.*
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The purpose of the show was to encourage a love of books and reading among children.
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06x03 - The Robbery at the Diamond Dog Diner

Post by bunniefuu »

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♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

Welcome to rosie's,
an authentic roadside diner.

If you've been to a diner,

You know they're special,
with great homemade food,

A hot grill,
a friendly staff...

What can I get you?

Lots of hungry customers,

And a menu
that just won't quit.

I watch from the counter,

Because the best thing
about a diner is the people.

You never know
who'll drop by.

In fact, who drops by
is what causes the trouble

In the robbery
at the diamond dog diner.

The robbery at
the diamond dog diner...

There were
diamond robbers in town.

Glenda feathers
heard the news on the radio,

Just as she was
delivering her eggs

To the diamond dog diner.

"Oh, my goodness," she said.
"I'll warn lola and harry."

"Lola, hide your diamonds!"
Glenda feathers shouted.

"You shouldn't
wear them today."

"Why?" Said lola.

"I always wear diamonds
when I cook."

"There are diamond robbers
in town," said glenda feathers.

"Oh, no!" Gasped lola.

"We'll lock your diamonds
in the safe," said harry.

"Don't do that!"
Said glenda feathers.

"A robber would
look there first."

"Do you have
a better idea?"

"The eggs,"
said glenda feathers.

"Poke a hole in the tops
and bottoms of these eggs.

"Blow out the yolks,

"And stick the diamonds
through the holes.

"Then cover the holes
with glue,

And put the eggs
in the refrigerator."

The diamonds
were safely hidden

By the time the customers
arrived for breakfast.

"Don't tell anyone,"

Glenda feathers
whispered to lola.

Everyone in the diner

Talked about
the diamond robbers.

Someone heard they
drove a yellow truck.

Someone else heard their names
were shorty and slim,

And they wore
blue knit caps.

"Lola needn't worry,"
said glenda feathers.

"They won't find her diamonds."

"Shh! That's
a secret."

"Oh, don't be silly.

"No one will find
her diamonds

In the refrigerator."

Suddenly, two customers
jumped up and grabbed harry.

"No one move.
Just hand over the diamonds."

The robbers tied everyone up
with a long rope.

Then, they opened
the refrigerator.

"I don't see any diamonds,"
said shorty.

"Let's just
take the refrigerator."

When they tried
to move the refrigerator,

The door swung open.

Several eggs
fell to the floor.

"Look, this broken egg has
diamonds in it," said shorty.

"What bird
would lay an egg like that?"

"The only bird here
is that chicken," said slim.

They locked the eggs
and glenda feathers

In back of the truck.

"Help!" She screamed.

"Don't let them
take me away!"


But by the time
they broke loose

The truck had disappeared.

"I hope glenda feathers
can get out of this mess."

That's exactly
what glenda feathers

Was trying to do

As she watched the robbers
break the eggs.

"I wonder why some
eggs have diamonds

And some don't," said shorty.

"Maybe the eggs are from
different birds," said slim.

"Do we have
the right bird?"

"That's it,"
thought glenda feathers.

"I'll make them think
there's another bird."

"You don't have
the right bird," she said.

"Tell us how
to find that bird

"Who lays
the diamond eggs,

Or you'll
be barbequed."

"Oh, no!"
Shrieked glenda feathers.

"I-- i-- I think
she'll deliver her eggs

"To the diner
at dawn tomorrow.

I'll call lola and harry
to make sure."

"It's a trick!"

"This bird is too dumb
to play tricks."

When the phone rang
at the diamond dog diner,

Lola and harry
answered together.

"Listen carefully,"
said glenda feathers.

"Someone wants to meet that
chicken with the diamond eggs.

"Can you make sure
she delivers her eggs

At dawn tomorrow?"

"Glenda feathers
is telling us something,"

Whispered lola.

"Say the chicken
will be here."

Early the next morning,

A strange-looking chicken
walked up to the diner

With a basket of eggs.

"There she is,"
whispered glenda feathers.

"But that chicken
has furry feet," said slim.

"All diamond-laying chickens
do," said glenda feathers.

Slim and shorty
shoved glenda feathers

Back into the truck.

They followed the chicken
into the darkened diner.

Suddenly, the lights went on.

"We've got you!" They yelled.

The chicken whirled around.

"Surprise!" Said harry
as he pulled off his mask.

"We were tricked!"
Shouted shorty and slim.

The policeman handcuffed
shorty and slim

And took them away.

Harry and lola searched
the truck for glenda feathers.

All they found
was a bag of chocolates.

"My favorite kind,"
said lola.

She popped several
into her mouth.

A faint cry came
from the back of the truck.


"It's glenda feathers!"

"Am I safe?"

"Where are my diamonds?"
Asked lola.

"You've already found them,"
said glenda feathers.

"When the robbers wanted
to hide the diamonds,

"I suggested dipping
them in chocolate.

They're right in that bag."

"But I just ate some,"
groaned lola.

"Oh, dear,"
said glenda feathers.

Then she smiled.

"Well, at least no robbers

"Will ever find
those diamonds.

"Ha ha ha!"

If I were at
the diamond dog diner

I'd probably order eggs
with chocolates,

But since I'm at rosie's,
I'll have a sandwich.

They're busy today.

Hi, levar.

Hi, jane.
You guys are swamped.

We could use help.
Can you cook?

I've wanted
to try cooking...

Good! We need
tortellini on three.






What's tortellini?

Let's see here...



So, this
is tortellini.

It's pasta with--

in the middle.

If diamonds can
be hiding in eggs,

Then tortellini can
have a secret inside,

But how
did it get in there?

What is it?

It's breadcrumbs, some spices
like nutmeg and pepper,

And of course, who can
forget parmesan cheese?

These are some ingredients
that make up the filling

That's inside tortellini.

Everything is mixed by hand--
by my hand.


I'm ken from gourmet pasta.

The way I make tortellini is
I mix all the dry ingredients,

Then add some
creamy ricotta cheese

Which binds it together.

Now, we've got to mix it.

I like mixing it by hand.

I get an even mix,

And besides, it feels
really good when you mix it.

We don't want it
too wet or too dry.

How do I know
when it's right?

It's perfect.

Now we're ready
for the pasta.

First I put the filling
in the tortellini machine.

Then I mash it all down.

Kenny, here's the pasta
for the tortellini.

Thank you, sam.

Make great
tortellini, kenny.

Thanks, dad.

This is a
tortellini machine.

It will take the filling
that I put in,

And the pasta,
and put them together.

What I mean
by that is... This.

Here's the finished tortellini.

The machine takes the pasta,
cuts it into a shape,

Takes the filling,

Stuffs it between the pasta,

Closes it like that,
and pinches it tight...

Like that.

But it does it
better than I do.

I bet you're wondering
how we make fresh pasta.

We make it
with two types of flour.

One flour is semolina,

Which I'm pouring
into the hopper.

The next flour I'm going
to use is durham.

It's a little bit lighter...

And it gives pasta softness,
which makes it delicious.

In order to complete this mix,
I need fresh eggs.

This is my brother bryn.

He helps me crack the eggs.

It's ready.

The pasta mixture is crumbly,

Until we put it
through the pasta machine.

The pasta machine
presses the mixture

Until it's smooth.

The pasta
comes out of the machine

In a big, long tube.

How do we turn this pasta
into linguine?

The linguine machine!
Follow me, I'll show you.

This machine
separates the pasta

Into perfect strips
of linguine.

Linguine is just like
spaghetti, except it's flat.

Then it cuts the strips
into just the right length.

But are linguine and tortellini
the only pasta we make?

Of course not!

♪ Rigatoni, capellini,
fettucine, macaroni ♪

♪ Raniatori, pagliatelli,
nitillini, cannelloni ♪

♪ Ziti, tubatini,
tortellini, and linguine ♪

♪ Manicotti, carbatella,
lasagna, and rotini ♪

♪ No ordinary noodles ♪

♪ In goulash
they would-a be lost-a ♪

♪ With so many shapes
and colors ♪

♪ Yes, there's lots of kinds
of pasta! ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la! ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

♪ They're not ordinary
noodles ♪

♪ In goulash
they would-a be lost-a ♪

♪ With so many shapes
and colors ♪

♪ Yes, there's lots of
kinds of pasta ♪

♪ Rigatoni, capellini,
fettuccine, macaroni ♪

♪ Radiatori, pagliatelli
mastaccioli, cannelloni ♪

♪ Ziti, tubatini,
tortellini, and linguine ♪

♪ Manicotti, carbatella
don't forget spaghetti! ♪♪

What's the secret
of making our fresh pasta?

That's a family

Don't give away
the family secret!

The secret
is enjoying it!

Let's dig in.

It's one thing
to make lunch for yourself,

But it's something else

To make five different lunches
for five different people!

Or 15 lunches for 15 people!

All at the same time!

The milk shake!

More pancakes!

More pancakes coming up!

Levar, what about
the milk shake?

Milk shake!
I got it right here.

One milk shake right here.
I got a milk shake.

And the straw...

Oh, no!

Oh, boy!

Levar, I need
ice on rice.

Ice on--
ice on rice?

Why would anybody
want ice on rice?

Ice on rice.

I don't know why anybody
would want ice on rice.

If they ordered it,
that's what they get.

What's this?

This is
ice on rice.

No! Ice on rice!

Ice cream
on rice pudding.


I need a splash
of red noise,

Cowboys on a raft,

And hounds
on an island.

What are you
talking about?

A splash--
oh, I'm sorry.

I'm talking dinerese--
diner talk.

Everything on the menu

Has its own
special code.

Like shorthand?


Excuse me, jane.
My oj?

Then all I
have to do
is learn it!

A shingle
and a shimmy
with a squeeze.

Life preservers
with a hot top!

Wrecked hen fruit
and a cup of mud!

One from the alps
with yellow paint!

A first lady
with an irish terrier!

In a minute!
In a minute!


A shimmy
and a shingle.

Wrecked hen fruit
and a cup of mud.

Ah! I get it!

A shingle and a shimmy
with a squeeze...

Toast with jelly
and orange juice.

Wreckehen fruit...

Scrambled eggs.

Side arms
are salt and pepper!

Life preservers
are doughnuts!

And a hot top--
hot chocolate!


A splash of red noise--
tomato soup.

Cowboy on a raft--
western omelete on toast.

Hounds on an island--
franks on beans.

And now,
here are three items

That should be on
your reading menu,

But you don't have to
take my word for it.

Hi, there. I'm sara.
I love a good mystery.

Here's one called
aunt eater loves a mystery.

Aunt eater
loves to stay at home

And read mystery stories.

She makes everything
in her real life

Into a mystery she must solve.

In one of the chapters,

Aunt eater loses her bag,

And she thinks
that someone has stolen it.

Aunt eater decides to
become a detective

And find out
who has stolen it.

The conclusion
is a real surprise,

And it involves popcorn!

This is a really funny book.

There's no mystery about
where to find it.

Just investigate
your public library!

Hi, I'm kaia.

Do you know what
a collective noun is?

I didn't until
I read this book,

A cache of jewels
and other collective nouns.

A collective noun is one word
for many things--

A school of fish,

And an army of ants.

Some of these nouns are more
unusual than others,

Like a muster of peacocks,

A parcel of penguins,

A cluster of grapes.

The pictures are very colorful.

The best part of the book

Is the picture
of the coven of witches.

This book has a beautiful
sense of words and rhythm.

I enjoyed it. You will too.

ladies and gentlemen,

My name is meshak watson.

I am your chef for today.

I just made a recipe from
step-by-step kids' cook book.

This book is filled
with great recipies.

They look delicious
and have really comical names.

Like banana dogs, pickle pops,

And veggies with dilly dip.

I made carmel cereal pops.

It was a lot of fun
making my carmel pops,

But the best part
was tasting it.


Jane, this
has been great.

Now I can speak
a new language-- dinerese.

We forgot about
your lunch!

I'll get you
a menu.

No, I know exactly
what I want.

I'll have a lead pipe
on a board-- pin a rose on it.

Plus a monkey dish
of bailed hay,

And a side of brown bellies.

Coming right up!

This is going to be great!
I'm so hungry!



What is this?

This is what
you ordered
for lunch.

I ordered a turkey sandwich
with tomato, coleslaw,

And baked beans!

No, you ordered

A spaghetti sandwich
with onions,

A dish of
shredded wheat,

And a side of raisins.

No, this is what
I ordered.

This is what I'll have.

Sometimes you really do
have to eat your words!

I'll see you next time!

Today's reading rainbow books

The robbery
at the diamond dog diner,

By eileen christelow,

Published by clarion books,
ticknor and fields,

A houghton mifflin company.

Aunt eater
loves a mystery,

By doug cushman,
published by harper & row.

A cache of jewels
and other collective nouns,

By ruth heller,
published by grosset and dunlap.

Better homes and gardens
step-by-step kids' cook book,

Published by
meredith corporation.
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