Your Christmas or Mine 2 (2023)

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Your Christmas or Mine 2 (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on!

Here we go. This way.

- Hayley, come on!

- Oi!

Come on!

Thank you.

- Hi.

- Hello.

Passports please.

Thank you.



Thats not funny.

Its not.

- Enjoy your flight.

- Thank you.

Come on.

Oh, wait! Wait, wait, wait!

What are you doing? Come on.

Coming through!

- Okay. No, its just here.

- Wait...

Seventeen, eighteen...

nineteen! Nineteen!

Oh. Yes! Yes!

Oh, we made it!

- Yay!

- Wheres everyone else?

Oh, bloomin' heck.

We cant be the first ones here.

Dont worry, chill out.

I told you we had heaps of time.

Sorry, I know. Im just...

I'm just a bit nervous about,

you know...

Mm, yeah.

Yeah, its okay. I understand.

But it will be fine. Okay?

Im sure shes really nice.


Anyways, first things first.

Lets just make sure that

we get on the same flight.


I am not letting you

out of my sight.

Dont you worry.

- Thank you.

- Yes! Yes!

A thousand times, yes!


You think youd wait until

you at least got there.


Anyway, I feel like proposing

at Christmas

is sort of just saying, like,

I didnt know what to get ya."

Well, its a good thing I knew

just what to get you then,

isnt it?


- A Fitbit.

- A Fitbit.

Mhm. Im gonna use it to track

how many steps it is

from my flat to yours.

It is the worlds

least romantic present.

Well, Ive only got you a card.

Okay, its the worlds

second least romantic present.

I guess that depends

what is written in the card.

- Doesnt it?

- Oh, really?


Well have none of that,

you two!


Been bad enough with this pair.

Like a couple of randy

wood pigeons.


- Hi Dad.

- Mm.

- Hayley.

- Your Lordship.

Youre looking good!

Well, must be all that

Californian sunshine.

How was the trip?

Well, longer than expected,

but with good reason.

I picked up a little something

on my travels.


He makes me sound like something

he got in duty-free.


- James.

- Hubert.

James. And this is Hayley.

Just Hayley. Hiya.

Nice to meet

a fellow gold-digger.

- Im joking, of course.

- Oh.

Its him whos after my money.

Its absolutely true.

I am a ruthless opportunist.

- And so sexy...

- Oh.

- Right.

- Well.

Er, well anyway, er,

I guess were just now

waiting for, for my lot.

Bonjourno, senoritas!


Ah. Aah!

- Hey!

- I am so sorry we are late.


Blame your Dads directions!

Hey, I missed out the roadworks

on the M42.

No, you missed out

the entire M42.

We spent an hour behind

a road gritter in Redditch.

And I thought it was

the Austrians

I was gonna have

trouble understanding.

Diane, meet the Taylors.

Youve done well there, old man.

I thought she was your carer!

Yeah, its nice to see

you too, Geoff.

- Yes.

- I love your outfit!

Thank you.

My stylist will be thrilled.

Oh man.

Mum would've loved all this.

No, Geoff, she wouldnt.

She would've absolutely

hated it.

I do miss her, you know, Kath.

Shes at your sisters.

Well be back with her

on New Years Eve.


Final call for

Flight 324 to Innsbruck.

Right then, troops.

As Santa said to Rudolph,

lets fly!

Ya-hey! Come on!

What are we waiting for?

Lets go!

Itll be fine.

Absolutely fine.

See? I told you, itll be fine.


- Yeah.

- Yeah!

Come on! Come on!

Ah... you cannot leave

an airport without a Toblerone.

Ooh. Are you opening that now?

No, course not, Geoff.

Listen, Gilet,

I hope your Dads alright

about the whole booking thing.

It was good of him offering

to take care of it all,

but we, well...

Kath, felt more comfortable

if we looked after ourselves.

Honestly Geoff, its fine.

In the end we got

a bit of a bargain.

Yeah, me mates got a few

connections and sorted us out,

so... happy days!

Wait, Gilet,

wheres all the snow?


Wait, Dad, is that our bus?

- Are you serious?

- Lets go!

No, no, wait!

Wait, boys, wait!

Its got leather seats!

And a telly!

Look at that, eh? Woo!


Don't break anything.

- I reckon these seats go back...

- Oh my god...

Oh, Geoff!

This is very well organised!

Im not just a pretty face.

- Hey, Gilet.

- Look at this!


I think this ones your lot's.

Well, were all going

to the same place.

You guys get in this,

we can take your luggage.

- Well see you up there.

- Ah, cheers pal.

Er, see you at Hotel Bergschaf.



Are you gonna come with us?

No, Im gonna wait

for his Lordship.

Okay. See you later.


A little love fest!

Sorry that took so long.

Came out of me like a racehorse.

Thank you, Jack,

for that indelible image.

Whats happening here?

Er, I told them

to take the first one.

We can just follow

in the one booked by...


Youre joking, right?


A beautiful sight

We're happy tonight

Walkin' in a

winter wonderland

Gone away

is the bluebird

Here to stay

is a new bird

He's singin'

a song

As we go along

Walkin' in a

winter wonderland

In the meadow we can

build a snowman

And pretend that he's

a Santa Claus

We'll have lots of fun

with Mr Snowman

Till the other kiddies

knock him down

When it snows,

ain't it thrillin'

Though your nose

gets a chillin'

We'll frolic and play

The eskimo way

Walkin' in a

winter wonderland

Bloody hell!

Its not often I say this Geoff,

but you have absolutely

pulled this out of the bag.

Er, heads up...

Good afternoon, Sir!


Im just checking this

is definitely Hotel, erm...


Sheep Mountain.


Right, okay, haha!

Well, er, were er...

I will stop you there, Sir,

and tell you exactly

who you are.


You are...

our guests!

Its a title

we consider

more important than friend,

more sacred than family

and more intimate than lover.


It's an honour

to welcome you

to Hotel Schafberg.

Come, come, come, come!

The time of your life awaits!

Hes friendly.

This is massive!

This is sick!

Thats what it is.

Here we have the restaurant.

Bloody hell!

The pool...

Bloody hell!

Sky bar...

Bloody hell!

And the apartment suite.

Your home away from home.

Bloody hell!

Look at the Christmas tree!

Look at them baubles.

Im more of a Travelodge

man myself.

Danke Shun, Gerhard!

I didnt know you spoke German,

Aunty Kaye.

Ive become a master

on Duolingo.


Everything is included.

And for anything else...

just ask for Gerhard.

Danke schn, Gerhard!

Its my deepest pleasure.

It's not every day that we

get to accommodate

British aristocracy.

You know, I did not understand

one word that man said.

Not one word.

- Geoff.

- Nice bed.

How much did you say

you paid for this place?

Fifteen hundred euros all in.

Right. And how likely is it,

on a scale of eins

to not very bloody likely,

that this is the hotel

that you booked for us?

I dunno.


Fifteen hundred euros?

A drei?

That bathroom is bigger than

the Tesco Express!

Okay, look...

I think I might know

whats happened here.

Hotel Bergschaf?

Berg-Schaf, Schaf-Berg.

Its almost right.

Almost right?

This is what happens

when you book a holiday

through Darren down the Tuns

instead of going to

a proper travel agent

like I told you to!

Darren was a proper travel agent

back in the day.

Yeah, before he went to prison!

Well, he sorted us a bargain!

No, no. He has sorted us

the wrong hotel.

Hotel Bergschaf is not

Hotel Schafberg, is it?

I dont know!

Im not Austrian, am I!?

You know what?

You had one job!

Yeah, and that job was to book

a holiday for the entire family

with a bunch of millionaires

in the middle of

the bloody Alps!

Im an ice cream van man, Kath!

A good one. Some say the best.

But Im not Richard

frickin Branson, am I?

If wed have just taken Humph up

on his offer, then...

Oh, no, no, no, no.

Do not start with that.

We are not a charity, Geoff.

It's... erm...

Theyre still not here.

Do you think

somethings happened?

Well, are you gonna tell her

or shall I?


Hotel Bergschaf.

Home of

the Mountain Sheep.

- Unbelievable!

- This is not what I booked.

Humphrey, it would be literally

insane if that wasnt the case.


Im sorry.

This isnt our luggage.

This isnt our hotel.

This isnt a hotel.

Not your luggage?

Not your hotel?

Not my problem.

Excuse me.

Wont you kindly point me

in the direction

of the managers office?

Thank you.

Ill handle this, boys.


Hi. Can I help?

Oh god.

Im the manager.

You have problems

with your driver?

Yes, yes. Very good. Very droll.

- Also the chef, the gardener

- any problems, you come to me.

This is the Hotel Bergschaf

and we need the Hotel Schafberg!

- Dad...

- Humphrey, stop shouting.

Theres a blizzard on its way.

You stay here tonight.

Humphrey, call the hotel.

Tell them who you are.

Theyll send us a snow truck.

Theres no signal.

Oh, I must say, I like

the sound of a snow truck.

Do you have the internet?

- Christ, Dad!

- Darling, youre shouting again.

No internet. No signal.

No travelling tonight!

Guys, we will be fine staying

here for one night, I am sure.


I for one would like

to go on record

as saying I'm far from sure

about that.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

You dont stay here,

mein Frulein.

This is my house. Follow me.


Oh wow!

Jesus! The horns on him!



His name is Klaus.

This gate remains closed

at all times. Understood?

Well, shouldnt Klaus

just be tied up?

He was here first.

Maybe its you

who should be tied up.

I hope youre not expecting us

to stay in there?

No, of course not.

This is for my snow plough.

You stay here.

Like it?

Ive got to learn how to swear

in German.

Bloody hell.

Oh good. Were staying

in the Dark Ages.

Whats for dinner?

The bubonic plague?

Ive slept in worse.

You have?

Only during the w*r in Dhofar,

mind you.

Well, you have to admit,

it is rather festive.


What, no room at the inn,

so were staying in a stable?


If only I could locate

three wise men.

Im sorry, but who on earth

would book to stay

in a place like this?

Now that is flipping gorgeous.

Hey sexy.

Just checking youve got to

wherever the hell it is

Dad booked into.

Im so sorry this has happened.

Were not saying that

it has actually happened,

but lets just say,


there had been a little bit

of a mix-up

and we needed to be

somewhere else tonight,

is there any way that

your transport could sort that?

It pains me to use this word,

gndige Frau,

but er, the answer is no.

Big snows on its way,

so the roads will be closed.

You have a problem?

In that case, no, no.

Not at all.

We just had a little bit

of a mix-up

with the bags at the airport.

And I know that its only been

a few hours,

but hey - I miss ya.

Oh and just give us a call when

you get this. Okay?

Love you.


Beautiful, isnt it?

Yeah, Ive never seen

anything like it.

I feel like, erm,

like Im in a Bond film.

You literally are.

They filmed Spectre

just over there.


But if you ask me,

it just wasnt a patch on

The Spy Who Loved Me.

- Ive lost you havent I?

- Mm, yeah.

Yeah, sorry.

Ive actually never watched

a Bond film all the way through.

Have I seen you before?

Your face looks very familiar.

Oh, were you at Henley this year

for the Regatta?

Oh, nah.

Im actually allergic to horses.

Gosh, youre so funny.

And its definitely

your first time here?


Its me first time

up a mountain.

- What about you?

- God, no.

No, my family have holidayed

here since time immemorial.

But its nice to be reminded

not to take it for granted.


Taylor... Hayley Taylor.

Okay, I see what

you did there.

Well, maybe Ill see you around

for a drink, Hayley Taylor.

Vodka martini.

Shaken, not stirred.

And as for your clothes,

do not say another word.

I will have outfits

sent to your room.

I'm an excellent judge of size.

Oh... Danke schn, Gerhard.

Right, nobody is going

anywhere tonight.


Uh, uh, uh, uh...

So we just need to stay put

and keep our heads down.


Yeah. Capiche.


- Cannonball!

- Cannonball!

Is that...?

You are kidding me.

- Woo!

- Low profile!

I think that ships

sailed, love.

He wasnt wrong

about that blizzard.

Right then,

if were going to stay warm,

were going to have to dip into

the Taylors suitcases.

Oh, well theyre

a laid-back bunch.

I dont think theyll mind.

I might.

- What is she

- a magicians assistant?

Ive seen more tasteful outfits

at Cirque Du Soleil.

My darling, trust me,

you would look magic

in anything.

Oh, you and that

British charm...

Come on... Something...

Yes! Yes!



- James!

- Hayley!

Oh my god.

Its happened again, hasnt it?

- Put it this way.

- I have got...

an incredible sense of dj vu.

Or whatever that is in German.

Is it... is it alright

where you are?

Erm... I mean... yeah.

If your definition of alright

includes sleeping

in a mouldy barn

and using toilets that would

make the bogs at

Glastonbury blush.

Are you serious?

Oh my god! I am gonna...

Im gonna k*ll my dad!

No, erm, its fine.

Im joking. Its lovely.

Its really... its really...


A brussel sprout.

Erm, but look,

dont worry.

You guys stay there and...

and well be over

in the morning.

And well sort

it all out.


Oh, and weve got

your suitcases.

Er, yeah, we realised.

But dont worry.

- We have a Plan B.

- I forgot how you lot

had all your matching luggage.

- You bloody poshoes.

- Yeah.


Hubert James Hughes.

Can I sleep in one of your tops?

Of course.

And can I borrow

your toothbrush?

No, I think the hotel can

provide you with one of those.

Well, you can sleep in my PJs

if you like?

I think my dad would have

a heart attack

if he saw me in your

I heart cuddles top.


Are you there?

Er, yeah, yeah. Yeah, Im here.

- Er... How is the...

- James, erm...

I, Ive gotta go.

Weve got a dinner...



Well, enjoy.


- Thanks.

- Love you.

- I love you too. Bye.

- Bye.

Bloody hell.

Right, Im going

to freshen up before dinner.

Oh, my washbags in my suitcase.

You havent got yours,

have you Hubert?

Yes, its in my hand luggage.

One sec.

You dont think theres

any chance

this could be one

of those random,

off the beaten track places

you hear about

that turns out to have

three Michelin stars?

Not a bad fit actually.


Snow is snowin'

The wind is blowin'

But I can weather...


the storm

What do I care how much

it may storm

I've got my love

to keep me warm


I can't remember...

Not a bad fit at all.

It just dont feel right.

Us here like this while theyre

in some dump somewhere.

Its just... No, no.

I know what you mean.

Fill it up, cheers.

Relax, sis.

Theres nowt we can do

about it tonight.

We may as well sit back

and enjoy.

Anyway, James said the place

theyre in

is actually really nice.

Well, there you go, love!

Im sure theyre living it up

over there

just as much as we are here!

Im more of a one fork

man myself.

Ladies and gentlemen,

dinner is served.

- Guten Appetit.

- Fantastic.

There goes the Michelin star.

Well, on the bright side,

its not the bubonic plague.

In the morning I shall take you

to Hotel Schafberg.

No, Im sure the hotel

will send us a snow truck.

Klaus and I must

travel regardless.

In the evening we parade

for the children

in Christmas costumes.

Are you Santa Claus

and his reindeer?




Oh my god.

When Saint Nicholas

comes with gifts

for those who have been good,

Krampus walks behind

and punishes those who have not.


Every year,

children lie awake in fear.

They can feel his presence

in the shadows.

They can hear...

his footsteps...

on the ground.

And they can sense...

the switching of his whip.

Tomorrow, I become Krampus.


Why do you do that?


mein Freund,

its Christmas.


We can lock that door

from the inside, right?

- Hey.

- Hey.

Check out them loos.

Theyve got proper little towels

to dry your hands on.

Oooh! Fancy!

Youre in a good mood.

I thought youd be as annoyed

at me as your mum is.

Well, lets just say

I have found something

very interesting

in Jamess washbag.

Okay. And it's, erm...

you know, something you can tell

your old man about

or is it a bit, erm...?

Its a ring.

I dont wanna know.

No, Dad, ew!

No, an engagement ring.


Oh, bloody hell!

Does he not know what to get you

for Christmas or something?

I know, right? I literally

told him to get me a Fitbit.

Well, he hasnt asked

me permission yet,

but if he does,

Ill tell him the same thing

as the last fella.

Dowry is 900 quid

and a bag of chips.

- Oh, shut up.

- And...

that theyre asking

the wrong bloke.

because I dont think

there's a man out there

who truly deserves

to marry my daughter.


Well, James does come

pretty close, mind.

Yeah. Hes pretty special.

I just, I cant explain it.

It feels like were

on the same wavelength.

Well, there you go!

When you know, you know.

Ive always said it.

First time I asked your mum,

it just felt like the most

natural thing in the world.

Wait - the first time?

Oh yeah, no, she turned me down

the first time.

We had only been going out

ten days, mind you.

But what can I say, you know,

- when you know, you know.

- When you know, you know.


Hey, keep this under

your hat, okay?

Hey, my lips...

are sealed.


I love you.

I love you too.

You make me happy

I dance with glee

And from the moment we met,

well, I knew I wanted

your father

on an intellectual, spiritual,

primal physical level.

Gosh, thats a bit...

Thats a lot.

And I am very good at getting

what the F I want.

She literally wrote

the book on it.

My book! Its called How To

Get What The F You Want.

Have I said?

No, you did. Yeah.

Well, enough about me

and my boring old

New York Times Bestseller.

So tell me more about you

and Hayley?

Do we hear wedding bells?

Er, no.

Not yet, anyway.

She was very clear about that.

And career-wise,

the wannabe actor

is making a leap

to budding filmmaker.

Is that still the plan?

Er, well, you know,

Im heading in that direction.

We watched your short film.

It was...

very good.

Can I be

brutally honest?

Can I say no?

I didnt get it.

But then again, Ive never

been one for fiction.

Anyway, on that subject,

Diane and I would like

to discuss

an early Christmas present

with you.

Im assuming youve heard of

The American College of Film.

The best film school

in the world.

Of course. Yeah.

Well, Diane has a friend.

Hes on the board of trustees.

We showed him your little film.

He liked it.

Long story short,

how would you like a place

on their 12 month

directing course

once you graduate in March?



But The American College

of Film, thats in L.A.

Last time I checked.

I shall be spending more time

out there too next year,

for obvious reasons.

- Ooh...

- Mm...

We could get a pad together.

Thatd be fun.

Guys, this is amazing. Wow.

Thank you.

What about Hayley?

Well, I dont know

what shes got planned.

Might she want to come too?

Mm, yeah.

I mean, it is a really

amazing opportunity.

I just need to speak

with Hayley about it first.

What did I just say?

- Thats it.

- Where are you going?


Oh my god, Dad!

Dont worry love. It won't go

further than the family.

I hear congratulations

are in order.

Oh, thanks.

- Hey, listen up everybody!

- Kaye!

- My niece is getting engaged!

- Stop it.

Bloody hell!

So proud of you!


James... Oh, what you doing?

Will you, Hayley Taylor,

marry me, James Hughes?


Oh, this is...

Oh, this is such a surprise! Oh!

Oh my gosh, I mean...

Yes... I mean, of course I will!

What? No...

Oh my god!

Oh my god, oh my god,

oh my god!

A seminar with James Cameron...


Bloody Krampus.




Okay, itll be here somewhere.


Oh my god, oh my god!

Erm... a ring?

- Ring?

- Eine, eine ring?

Ive lost eine ring.

Oh, you lost a ring?

Yes! Si, si, oui... yes, yes.

Erm, like, from,

like there... to here.

Oh, Ill help you.

Danke schn, very much.

Yes, so...







Hey, boy.

Hey Klaus...


Okay, Klaus.



Will you please go

into your home?

Klaus, er...

Speaken zie English?

Please, goat.

Please, he'll k*ll us.

Come on!

Bloody hell!

Bloody hell, youre strong!


There has to be something.







- Frulein!

- Mm?

Is this what you want?


- Yes!

- Yes?

- Yes, yes, yes!

- Ooh...

Ooh, mwah, mwah!

Oh, you with

this ring! Brilliant!


So romantic.

We took a photo of you.

We thought youd

really like to...

Hey! Dont judge me!

Hes very sexy!

Danke schn, very much.


Come on...

Oh, how does that smell?

Its good.

Come on...

Just a little bit further.

All Im saying is

if wed asked the hotel,

they probably would have sent

a snow truck by now.

Actually, Im rather taken

with the idea of a snow truck.


Where are we gonna sit?

No. No way. Uh-uh.

Not gonna happen.

Oh god!

Oh, thats been happening

all morning.

Must be something he ate.

I might throw up.

Oh, thats terrible.

- Ooh.

- Oh, help me.

Not long now, eh?

Okay. Oh, hooo...

- I'm just gonna...

- Oh.


Everything okay?

- Gerard!

- Gerhard.

That was the best breakfast

I have ever had.

Oh, its still in the morning

but my day is already a success.

I just hope you all have

left enough room

for tonights Christmas dinner.

Bit early, arent you?

Its still only Christmas Eve.

Its not early for us.

Here in Tyrol we enjoy

Christmas dinner

late on the evening of the 24th.


There will be fireworks

and then a feast.

We cant have Christmas dinner

the night before

Christmas, Geoff!

I can.

You heard the boss.

Well have to give it a miss,

G man.

You cant mess with tradition.

Its a pity.

Its also custom

to serve and eat

13 different types of dessert.

Although Ive always said

you should be open

to other peoples traditions.

When in Rome, eh, Grandad?

Book us in Gerry, my boy!

Rome isnt in Austria,

you know, Geoff.

Christmas dinner on Christmas

Eve? Its just not right.

Hey, youll not end up on

Santas naughty list, Kath.

Definitely Italy.

It was on The Chase

the other night.

- Oh! Theyre here!

- Hey, oh...


Ey up, Humph!

Dad, he cant hear ya.


They dont look very happy.

This place

is amazing, Dad!

Oh, it feels so nice

to finally be here.

Well, we can only apologise

for the mix-up caused by my

quite frankly

bellend of a husband.

- Bit harsh.

- I'm sorry,

Im still struggling

with the accent.

What is a bellend?

- Oh! It's the...

- Dont worry about the mix-up.

These things happen.

Right, well we can,

er, just get our coats

and get out of your hair then.

Oh, thank you.

Oh nonsense.

You cant leave yet.

No, we can at least get out on

the slopes together first.

That is why were here

after all.

Well, er, if were doing that,

then we have a little something

for everyone to wear aprs-ski!

Now, Diane...

I had to go to print before

information of your name

had filtered through to me,

so, er...

I had to improvise.

Well, no... I did tell him

your name.

Well, thank you.

What woman doesnt dream

of being defined solely

by their relationship

with a man?

Youre welcome.

Right, give us a hand, boys.

- Er, sorry Gilet, er...

- Here you go, Hayley.

Im afraid theres no

sweatshirt for you.

Oh, really?

Theres this instead! Ha ha!

Hey hey!

Aww. That really is a gilet.

Why do they call him Gilet?

Oh, its a long story.

When we first met him,

he were wearing a gilet.

So, not that long then.

Right! Er, well, those slaloms

wont slalom themselves!

Hey hey! Come on then...

Come on, lets go!

I think youve got the passes.

Earth to James. The pass...

have you got the passes?

Oh, sorry. Sorry. Here you go.

- Are you alright?

- Yeah, Im just...

Oh... are you worried

you wont cut it

as my ski instructor?

No, I just...

I need to ask you something

and... when were alone.

Hey, well I wouldnt worry.

I think youll get the answer

youre looking for.

- Right, in we go.

- Need help there?

Er, I think were gonna

take the next one.

You know, see the views.

Just us two.


Very romantic.

Shut up.

Hey, Gilet!

- Oh!

- No!

Boys! Come on.

- Get in!

- Give us a chance.

You need to get on.

You need to get on, now!

Do you wanna be a shish kebab?

Yeah, I didnt think so.

Boys, its about

to close.

Get in here now!

Mum, tell em!

- Mum, its closing!

- Ant...

I guess were just gonna

have to go with you.

Oh my god!

Hey, Gilet!

Has your face got bigger?

'Cause, like...

Its even easier to hit

than last year.

I dont have a big face!

Wait a minute,

did you hear that?

The side of the mountain

just spoke.

Come on...

Should have seen

the look on his face!

- Get in.

- So easy to wind up.

I think you boys ought to start

being a little nicer to me.

Why would we want to do that?

Yeah. Wheres the fun in that?

Well, Im going to tell you

a little story.


About a Christmas creature

called Krampus.

And that, Geoff,

is how youll get

what the F you want

from your own business.

- Blimey!

- Mhm.

I dont think anyones floated

an ice cream van

on the stock market before.

Its an ice cream float, Geoff.

- Hey, hey!

- Its like I told Elon.

If you aint first,

you might as well be dead.


Elon. Elon Musk.

Sorry, darling.

I dont speak a word of German.

After you, James.

Yeah, after you.

Thats very nice of you, boys.


- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- On the side...

- On the side.

And dig in,

lean in to the mountain.

- Lean in...

- Like a crab.

- The mountain is my friend.

- Ah, here you are!


Well, it has been lovely

seeing the views,

but I imagine this is where

we part ways.

The poshoes can go and do

your black runs

and the northerners can go down

to the nursery slopes

for some quality falling over.

Okay, speak for yourself, sis.

Ah, Im sorry,

but whats happened here?

Stockport Snow Dome

every Saturday and Sunday

for the past six weeks

is whats happened here.

Do you remember when Kaye used

to go out with Dry Slope Stu?

Nothing dry about my slopes,

I can tell you that.

He gave us a discount.

Yeah. Were not here

to piste about!

Oh my god, am I the only

one here that cant ski?

Oh, love, sorry.

Do you know what, youll get

the hang of it in no time.

Yeah. Stu says, Its just

falling, but with style."

- Hey, dont worry.

- Oh.

You lot crack on.

Were just gonna stay up here

and enjoy the view.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah.

Why do they keep looking

at me like that?

Erm, alright! Off you go!

Off you go!

Go and do Stockport

Ski Dome proud.

We will. Right...

Come on, posh knobs!

Well race you to the bottom!

Last one down gets the cocoa.

Ive had the same ski instructor

as Michelle and Barack.

Well, I had Dry Slope Stu.


Here we go!

Go on, Mum!


See you at the bottom!

Have fun!

Come on. Lets go find

somewhere perfect.


Come on, yeah...

Happy holiday

Happy holiday

While the merry bells

keep ringing

May your every wish

come true

Happy holiday

Happy holiday

May the calendar

keep bringing

Happy Holidays to you



Go on.

What is it that you, er,

you wanted to ask me?



about our future, I guess.

- Mm.

- About...

what were doing

after graduation.


I am just having the most

amazing time with you, Hayley.

- And I always imagined...

- One minute.

One minute.

- What are you doing?

- One minute.

- You alright?

- Mhm.

Mhm. Alright.

Okay, okay.

Are you alright?

Okay, I'm ready.

- Okay, erm...

- Carry on.

Um... Okay, er...

Yeah, I am...

having the best time with you.

London has been amazing, and...

and just whenever

I think about the future,

I picture us being together.

Yeah, me too.

Okay, well...

what if I were to ask you...

Huby Hughes?


Are you kidding me?

Huby Hughes... is that you?

Ah! No!

- Beattie Edrington!

- I do not believe this!

Oh my god!

- As I live and breathe.

- Wait... whats happening?

- How long has it been?

- I don't know...

- seven, eight years?

- No.

Oh god, we are so old.

How bleak.

Oh... 007.

I was not expecting you.

Oh my god.

Of course! I knew

Id seen you before.

Youre in his profile pic.

This is Hayley. Hang on,

do you guys already...

No, we met last night.

Very briefly.

No way.

My two favourite people

in the world.

What are the chances?

Yeah. What are the chances?

Erm, sorry, er,

Bea lived like ten minutes

down the road from us.

Er, well, 20 if you

take into account

the length of your drive.

Shut up. We grew up together,

you know.

We summered together.

Ah, gosh, I cant believe

you two are together.

There goes our deal.

Yep. So, we had a deal where

if we both ended up single,

- wed get married.

- Ah!

- Youre my, er, Huby-Hubby.

- Yes.

- And I was your...

- Bride-to-Bea!

We were so funny.

So funny...

Hey, erm...

I was so sorry to hear

about your mum.

Ah, no. I mean...

- Hey.

- Oh.


- Aww.

- Mm.

So... whats going on?

Are you here with all the fam?

Ah, gosh. Not this time, no.

- Im on a one-woman retreat.

- Ooh.

Im laying low after

a particularly spicy break-up.

- Ah. Sorry to hear that.

- Oh.

Yeah, thanks.

It was just one of those things.

There was faults on both sides.

I found out he didnt

like David Bowie,

and he found out that Id slept

with his sister, so...

Ah! Classic Bea.

Classic Bea, right.

Ah, gosh.

Anyway, I should, er,

I should leave you guys to it.

I dont want to intrude

on your day out.

Erm, well, I mean,

if youre here by yourself,

then you should just

hang with us, right?

I mean, we were just

having a chat, so...

I mean, if it was important,

I... I can go.

We can just talk

about it later. Right, H?

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

- Okay?

- Totally.

- Yay!

- Okay, great! Aha!

Erm, well I was going to go

and ski 'The Gauntlet',

if it interests you.

Oh, its a goodie.

Er, well... this ones actually

never been down there...

No, this one would be

up for that.

- Really?

- Yeah, sure.

Well, Hayley, I just think you

should probably start

on a little more...

I think I can handle

The Gauntlet.

Yeah, come on Huby.

Let the girl ski.

Yeah, come on, Huby.

I can look after myself, hm?

After all, whats skiing if not

falling with style, right?

Its quite steep.

Nah. Its a red

but it skis like a blue.

Yeah! Yeah, James, its a red

but it skis like a blue.

You dont know what

any of that means.

I think I know how to get down

a ski slope!

You just, you know, you point

your skis down, and...

you let gravity do the rest!

Well, no, its a lot more

complicated than that, Hayley.

Here we go...

You really need to lean

forwards into your skis...

- Oh my god!

- And then...

- Oh my god!

- Hayley...

Oh my god, James! James!

She knows how to turn, right?

I dont think she knows

how to turn.

But she knows how to stop?

I dont think she knows

how to stop.


Im sorry, but a skier

of her standard

simply does not belong

on a slope like this.

Oh, that was totally my fault.

I brought her up here.

Dont worry. We can just get

a cable car down.

No, please.

Dont let me hold you back.

- You two just carry on.

- No, no way.

Youve taken a knock.

No, James, Im fine.

And, erm...

You can get me back

to the cable car, right?

Of course.

Hey, I want to go down with you.

No. Please, please...

It was just a little tumble.

And Im embarrassed more

than anything, so...

Bea, take him away!

Only if youre sure.


Yeah, Ill meet you

back at base.

- Go on! Go!

- Okay.

No more skiing.

- Promise?

- Promise.

See you at the bottom.

See you at the bottom!

You lead, I'll follow.

Woo! Let's go!

Have yourself a merry

little Christmas

Let your heart be light

From now on

our troubles will be

out of sight

Woo! Haha...



Falling behind!

- Youve still got it, Bea.

- I know.

Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!

- Keep up!

- Woah!

We all will be together

If the fates allow

Hang a shining star

upon the highest bough

And have yourself a merry

little Christmas

Have yourself a merry

little Christmas

Have yourself a merry

little Christmas...


Are you alright, love?


Yeah, yeah, erm...

- I just took a small tumble.

- Oh.

So Im feeling a bit bruised.

Im not sure skiing is my sort

of thing, to be honest.


What about you?

Did you have fun?

Yeah. I dont really get

what all the fuss is about

either, you know?

All that palaver to get

to the top of an hill

to turn round and come

straight back down again?

Give me ten-pin bowling or Laser

Quest any day of the week, yeah?

I know it seems mad being

somewhere like this, but...

Oh, I would give anything to be

in Macclesfield right now.

It just dont feel

like Christmas

when were not at home.

That doesnt sound mad at all.

Knock knock.

- You okay?

- Mhm.

Okay. Yeah...

Mwah. Oh...

Ill leave you to it, Gilet.

- You made it down alright?

- Mhm.

How are you feeling?

Oh, why does everyone

keep asking me that?

It was just a tumble.




I was just, er...

I was just chatting with Mum

and I think that shes missing

her Christmas at home.

And I am too,

to be honest.

I think I know something

we can do about that.

Come on.

Now its finally

just the two of us,

- I think...

- Mhm.

- youre overdue a little TLC.

- Oh, oui!

And maybe I can even kiss some

of those bruises a bit better.

- Mm.

- Mm.


- Ow!

- Argh!

Gramps! Why?

Terrific water pressure

in there.

Dont mind me,

Im going back in.


Oh well...

I suppose it is a bit like

a Christmas back at home.

Wait, thats it!


Well, if you guys are really

missing Christmas at home,

why dont we bring a bit of

Macclesfield Christmas here?



Oh Diane, did you not

fancy the jumper?

If my stylist caught me wearing

yellow out of season,

hed put a b*llet in my head.

And rightly so.

Right, what we doing

between now and dinner?

I cant stop thinking about

them 13 desserts!

What do you think those desserts

are going to be, Geoff?

I mean, we can get out

of your way if youd prefer?

No, not at all.

Youve got your Christmas

pudding, Christmas cake...

Well, no 13 desserts

for us, dear.

Weve got the same

nutritionist as Tom.

She is unrelenting.

Your apple pie, your cherry pie,

your blackberry pie...

I thought you lot would be

chopping cucumbers by now.

You what?

Well, its Christmas Eve.

Just 'cause were here

doesnt mean you have to stop

with your Christmas traditions.

- What, you mean...?

- Boys to the pub.

Girls have a pamper!

Gilet, you flipping genius!

We do it every year.

Boys go to the pub,

girls have a pamper.

So I gathered.

And I dont care

what anyone says,

Im going to the pub

this year.

- Good lad!

- Ah, boo!

Ah, Gilet! It'll not be the same

without you.

Sticky toffee pudding,

lemon meringue...

Can someone try switching

him off and on again?

Er, I was thinking,

since it is Christmas,

perhaps I might indulge in just

the one gin and slim.

Well, just remember what our

nutritionist always says...

- What would Tom do?

- Tom.

Tom Jones?


What about the boys?

Oh, dont worry about us.

We can just, you know,

stay here and watch a film.

Yeah, maybe order a bit of room

service if we get hungry.

There you go!

Cor, its feeling more

like Christmas now!

In't it? Eh?

Youre the best.

Do you know that?

Have I said

Christmas cake?

Come on girls...

Lets order up some cucumbers

and Prosecco!

Kaye, my dear.

We are residing in

five-star accommodation

in the middle of the Alps.

I think we can do a little

better than that.

Shall we?

Come on, Diane.

- Drink up, Humph.

- Come on girls.

The pub waits for no man.

Oh, this is the place!

Eh... 'Die Hundehtte'.


Thisll do, eh?

Here we go.

- Cheers lads, eh?

- Cheers!

To the 'Hundehtte'.

Merry Christmas! Good health

and all the above.

Its a bit rowdy in here, Humph.

We need another team

for the next round.

What about you?

Guys in the yellow,

come on, come on.

Have a little

drinking competition.

Oh no. We just want one

quiet pint. Thats it.

You have an English accent.

English, huh?

Come on. Dont be a coward.

Were not having...

No, we cant do that. Its...

A bad idea.

Do it for Churchill!

- Yes?

- No.

- Do it for Paddington!

- Come on!

Come on!

Cant go up on his own, can he?

The Rose and Crown

all over again.

Thats the spirit, well done!

Drei, zwei, eins...

Danke schn!

Woah! Oh!

Hey! Hey!

Come on!


No, no, no, no... No!

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven...

Come on! Woo!

Come on, Humph!

It means...

it means doghouse?


Ive been in that one before.

Plenty of times.

I needed that.

Better out than in, eh, lad?


Wheres Dad and Gramps gone?

Theyve gone outside

for a cigar.

Bloody hell...

They must be drunk.

It was all worth

it though, eh?

Hello, excuse me.

Hi. Could we, er, have five

really small coffees, please?

- Funk.

- Thank you.

- Danke.

- Is it funk or is it...?


Its good to spend some time

with you, mate, you know?

- Mm.

- Mano a mano. And listen...


I know what it is

youre waiting to ask me.

And Im gonna save you ever

having to do it,

cause I know its awkward.


H knows youre going to pop

the question for Christmas.

She told me.

Shes well excited, mate.

Ill be honest, so am I.

I mean, we all are.

Were all just waiting

for it to happen now, look,

so theres no need to stress.

- Um...

- Do. Not. Stress.


Hayley told you that?

So whens it gonna happen?

No, no, no, dont tell me.

No, no...

Tonight, hey?

At midnight!

I mean, it is perfect!

Were at the fireworks.

No, in fact dont tell me.

Itll be more of a surprise.

You can say that again.


Stick to the beer.

Now that is what I call

a pamper.

Oh, you just cant beat

a Christmas tradition.

- Diane, Ive got to ask you.

- Mm?

How do you manage to retain

that lovely figure?

Well, thank you, Kaye.

Three things, all in my book.

Have I told you it's

a New York Times...

A New York Times

Bestseller? Yeah.

Yeah, Diane, you have.

A few times.

Okay, good.

So, three things.

First off: no carbs, no dairy,

no alcohol.

No flippin chance!

Secondly, I use the same

colonic guy as Angelina.

- Really?

- And most importantly, no kids.

I knew it!

I honestly know I wouldnt be

who I am today

if I had lost all of that time

and energy raising children.

Instead, I chose

to raise myself.

Do you know what Diane,

you have just sold yourself

another book.

Thank you, Kaye.

And as its for you,

- Ill sign it for free.

- Aww.

The thing is, Diane, theres

actually a counter to that,

isnt there?

Because I wouldnt be the woman

that I am today

if I hadnt have put all

that time and energy

- into H here.

- Aww.

And how the woman that

shes become

is the thing that nourishes

me now.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

I mean, me boobs haven't

been the same since,

- but you know.

- Ha!

Right, another bottle of

prosecco and an elderflower...


Ey up sis, wait for me.

Ill help you.

Whats a colonic?

They go up your bum.

Suck it out.

No! No!

Well, that's very sweet

of your mom.

But once youre all grown up,

what happens then?

How will she feel, for instance,

next year

when you follow James to L.A.?

Sorry, where?

To L.A.

When he starts

film school there.

He told you

this afternoon, right?

Yeah, right.

Yeah, that. Erm...

Well, I dont know really,

should prob...

What is that noise?

...mental fight

Nor shall my sword

- Oh no!

Sleep in my hand

Till we have built

Oh my!


- Okay.

In England's green

and pleasant land

Bloody hell!

Youre worse than usual.

Well, maybe thats because this

time were now officially,

Legends of Sheep Mountain.

What is that smell?

I did only have one

gin and slim.

- Mm.

- But there may have been

some other types of drink

after that.

You can say that again!

Yeah, basically it was

the complete opposite

of what Tom would've done.

We did Paddington proud!

Yes, we did!

Dad... Dad! Where's James?

Well, he came back with us

to the hotel

but said he needed

to get some air.

Something about gathering

his thoughts.

He could be throwing

up again.

Er, now then Anthony.

Lets not break the code

of honour.

Er, Mum, Im just

gonna go find him.

Yeah. Alright, love.

Oh yeah, yeah.

Erm, you know...

Just in time for the fireworks.


Ah... Jam roly-poly!

- Eh?

- The 13th dessert.

Okay, I have no idea

what any of you people

are talking about.

- Lappel du vide!

- Jesus...

The call of the void.

An inexplicable urge,

a desire to throw oneself

from a great height.

Oh, no, I wasnt...

- Im not trying to...

- Sometimes for no reason at all.

No, Im, I know, Im just...

Thats not...

What are you doing up here?

What are any of us doing here?

If not waiting to see

the fireworks.

You know they filmed Spectre

over there?

I think Im going to ask Hayley

to marry me.

- Oh, I dont blame you.

- Really, yeah?

- Yeah, shes so hot.

- Yeah.

Wait, are you hammered?

Yeah, a little bit.

Quite a bit.

Have you got a ring?


Sort of, no. Ive, erm...

Ta da!

Didnt you get her one

for Christmas?

Erm... no.

I got her a Fitbit.

Oh, yes. Okay, no,

Im getting the vibe.

Mhm. This is a, this is a fun,

spontaneous, laissez-faire

sort of thing.

- Yeah.

- Yeah!

- Yeah?

- Yeah...

Oh god...

Okay Huby. Dont start pacing!

Yeah, well, Ive just,

my heart's racing and Ive...

Ive had loads of caffeine!

So, erm...

Okay, lets just...

Lets just take it down a gear.

Come and sit with me.


Do you know what youre

going to say?

Not really.

Do you want to practice?


Yeah. Go on.

Like when we were ten

and we used to...

Oh, when we practiced kissing?

Yes, erm...


Hey! I am a great kisser!

No comment.

Come on.

As if Im Hayley.

Okay. Yep.

Erm... right.


Oof, dont do that

for starters!

Sorry. Erm...

As if youre Hayley.

Hayley Taylor.

I didn't think you wanted me

to do this

and so I havent...

up until right now.

But the truth is I have been

wanting to ask you to marry me

since the moment we met.


I feel like...

I feel like in this life

were all just...

a box of little

jigsaw pieces

that have all been

spilt out randomly.

And sometimes,

against all the odds,

a few lucky people find

the piece that fits them.

The piece that

when youre with them,

they help you see

what part you are

in the bigger picture.

And thats you.

Youre my piece that fits.

Oh James.

I do.




Hayley, wait!

Oh! Hayley!



- Hayley!

- No...

- Hayley!

- Leave me alone.

Dont. That is absolutely not

what it looked like.

That was exactly what

it looked like.

No, shes like a sister to me.

People dont do that with

their sisters, James!

This is not Game of Thrones!

Do you want to know what it was?

It was, er...

It was practice.

It was practice...

for this.

For you.

Marry me.

What is that?

Its a ring.

Its all I could find.

But its fun.

Its spontaneous!


But you havent got a ring?

Well, its not about

the ring though.

Its about you and me.

What about the washbag?

What washbag?

Oh my god.


Theyre your Dads initials

as well.

- Yeah.

- Oh...

It wasnt yours.

It was never yours.

Oh my god, you were never

going to ask me!

I was. Ive always wanted

to ask you, Hayley.

And I am asking you now.

No, not really.

Right now youre just...

just a drunk man with

a souvenir keyring.

No, Im not drunk.

Ive had five tiny coffees.

I dont know what

to believe anymore.

And I have got you...

a present.

And I wanted to give it to you

at the fireworks.

Are you moving to L.A.?


Are you going to film school

in L.A.

and you havent told me?


Ive been really trying

to tell you

- and I wanted to talk...

- Are you going or not?

No. No, I'm...


I dont know.

But you could... come with me.

How? I cant just move to L.A.

Yeah, but you could.

And wed make it work.

And I would sort it.

I dont want you to sort it.

- Im not a charity case, James.

- I know.

- And I have got plans of my own,

- I know.

thank you very much.

In my world,

people dont get everything

handed to them on a plate.

You do.

She does.

So yeah, maybe that is why

you two fit together.

Okay, please stop worrying

about Bea.

Shes into you if anything.

No, no. This isnt about Bea.

This is about me and you,

and what happens outside

of the bubble

that weve created

for ourselves.

Because outside of that bubble

are two completely

separate worlds.

- I know.

- One that you live in,

and one that I do.

Ski slopes and...

and Laser Quest.

And I know, if it isnt Bea,

it will be someone else

down the line.

It will be a Celeste or a Freya

or a Veronica...


what are you talking about?

Someone from your world

who can just go to L.A.

Someone that you can

summer with.

Someone that can, that can

ski the flippin Gauntlet!

I am not that person!

And I never wanna be

that person!

Ive never asked you

to be that person.

Ive never asked you

to be that person!

- Oh, just don't...

- Hayley!

No... Leave me alone!

I just, I dont wanna

see you anymore.

Merry Christmas baby

Shorty, treat me nice

Merry Christmas baby

Shorty, treat me nice

Boys, boys, boys...

Dont go too far, okay?

Yeah, yeah.


Oh, look!

Wait, where

we going again?

If we get close enough,

we might singe our eyebrows.

Wait, actually?

- Yeah!

- Ah, sick!


Aaargh! Krampus!


Aaargh! Krampus!

Gilet wasnt lying!

I love Christmas.

Boys... boys, the f...

- Aaargh! Krampus!

- Boys!

Would you look at that,

eh, Humph.

Its somet else,

all this up here.

What did he just say?

Look, I was thinking,

you lot should stay

in the apartment tonight.

We can easily double up

and make room.

It's no trouble.

- No, no...

- That's so kind of you, Humph...

- No...

- No trouble.

Thats alright,

isnt it darling?

Erm, sure!

Itll be just like being

in a dorm back at college,

or that time I joined a cult.

Well, we can go if you prefer?

No. Not at all.

I just think that maybe theres

a lesson to be learnt here.


That you should never be

too proud

to accept the offer of a gift.

There, Ive said it!

Do you know what,

sometimes Diane,

I dont think your hot takes

are as refreshing

as you think they are.

Not what the

New York Times said.

Look, the point Diane

is trying to make

is if youd let me go ahead and

sort out the whole booking,

then a lot of this fuss could

have been avoided. Thats all.

Mum! Mum!

Woah! Woah, woah,

whats up, whats up?

Me and James...

What? Whats happened?

Please can we just go home?

Please, I just really, really,

really want to go home.

Yeah, so do I.

Yeah. Okay. Geoff,

go get the bags.

And the boys.

Eh? But its...

Geoff. Now!

Yeah. Okay.

Thirteen desserts...

If you want my advice...

Do you know what, Diane, no.

No, we dont.



if it had been down to me,

we would never have come here

in the first place.

- Oh...

- No, we wouldnt.

You should be at home

for Christmas,

not somewhere like this

with people like you.

Did you understand

my accent then?

Perfectly clear.


Come on...


Come on, Dad.

I was enjoying them

fireworks, werent you, Dad?

What was that all about?

I have no idea.

Hiya, this is Hayley.

I cant take your call

right now,

but if youd like to

leave a message,

Ill get back to you

as soon as I can.

Thank you!


Well, its times like this

I miss your mother the most.

She would have known exactly

what to say right now.

I would imagine it would be

something practical,

along the lines of...

Have a hot shower,

get yourself to bed.

Nothing ever gets properly fixed

on the wrong side of midnight.

That is exactly the sort

of thing shed have said.

I cant believe its been

five years.

Five years ago today.

It's like...

the sun went down

and never came back up.

I know.

Look, I dont want you

to think that Im

trying to replace her.

Dad, I dont.

I really dont.

I think youve found exactly

the sort of woman you need

to pull you back into life.

And Mum would have wanted that.

And I want that.

Thank you.

Hey, look...

Incredible to think that

theyre all suns too.

Just a bit further away.


Have a hot shower,

and get yourself to bed.

Nothing ever gets properly fixed

the wrong side of midnight.


Night, son.

Does this place even have

an omelette station?

Those days are over for us, bro.

Those days are over.

Oh... Ugh...

Oh, come on now.

Try and get some sleep.

I always knew this day

would happen.

I just dont belong

in his world.

And if we had got married,

that is where I would have

ended up.

And I just dont,

I do not wanna spend

the rest of my life

being the exception in the room.

I dont.

You dont have to worry

about that now.

And we are going home tomorrow.


Night night, love.

Night night.

Good morning.

Everything is okay?

Ja, danke.

I am sorry that you

do not appear

to be very hungry this morning.

I must admit things

are certainly

a little bit quieter

around here

without the rest of your party.

I miss the noise.



I dont believe it.

A snow truck!

Well, you getting in or not?

But where are we going?

Were going to get you

what the F you want.

Come on! Thisll get us

there in no time.

Mind the...

Thats it, Ive got you.

Right, uh...




You are already too late.

Right, close it like that.

You can open it like that...

Isnt there usually a TV?

Right, well get home,

make a brew, stick on a film.

- The Sound of Music?

- Absolutely not.

Muppets Christmas Carol.

And then tomorrow,

were doing Christmas Day

all over again, properly.

None of that five-star rubbish.

And then we never,

ever have to have a Christmas

away from home again. Ever.

- Leave means leave!

- No, its not about that, boys.

Here, do they think theyre

still serving breakfast?

Youve just eaten.

Well, Im hungry.

My whole life,

people tried to tell me

where I belong.

When we got married,

theyd tell your Grandma and me

we didnt belong together.

And even after many years,

there were still some people

in power

trying to tell me if I belong.

One thing Ive come to know

is this:

You are the only person

in this life

who gets to decide

where you belong.

Now, Im not gonna be here

much longer

and I have made my peace

with that,

so when Im gone,

you remember this for me.

Wherever you get yourself

in life,

thats where you belong.

And if you are the exception

in the room, child,

it is because you

are exceptional.

Do you understand me?

Grandad, I...

On behalf

of Captain Miller and the crew,

we would like to wish you

a pleasant flight.

Erm... excuse me?

Excuse me!

I, I need to get off this plane!

- Eh?

- Excuse me, Frulein,

the plane is about to take off.

Please take your seat.

No, no, it cant take off,

'cause I need to get off!


We have taxied and

were preparing for take-off.

Can we just stop the plane, now?

Its a hijacking!

This plane will not stop.

Ladies and gentlemen,

we apologise for the delay.

On the runway ahead of us

there appears to be an...


Here boy!

Do you want more?

Stay there, Klausie.

You flippin lunatic!

What were you doing back there?

Ever since we got here,

I have been wanting to kiss you.

And I guess I couldnt

let you go

without giving it another try.

I know you said were

from different worlds,

and youre right.

But the only world

I wanna live in

is the one where we get

to be together.

And if that means

we have to build our own,

then thats what well do.

We are meant to be,

you know that?

A very wise man once told me,

"when you know, you know."

And I think Ive known since

the first moment that I met ya.


stop talking and kiss me.

Hey, hey, hey!


Hey, hey, hey...

we need to go now.

My brothers shift

is going to end.

Come on...

Come on!


Put me daughter down!

Geoff, go get the bags.

What, again?

Santa Paws!

Im gonna say it...

that was one too many deserts.



Look, Kath,

I dont really do apologies.

Oh, sorry. I thought there was

gonna be a but after that.

Give me a second,

Im building up to it.


If I overstepped the mark,

I really am very sorry.

And I am also sorry 'cause I...

I shouldnt have snapped

at you like that.

And if it means anything to you,

if I had what you have,

I would be too proud too.

Thank you, Diane.

It does.

And I got you a present.

- Aah!

- Ooh!

Its your book, isnt it?

- A New York Times Bestseller.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

A toast.

To family.

Present and absent.

But always with us.

And... to new friends.

No matter how hard they are

to understand.

And... to snow trucks.

To snow trucks!

- Yes...

- Cheers!


I suppose it's a cheat day

for us, isn't it, darling?

Next year, I want us to spend

Christmas at home.

No problem, Dad.

Macclesfield it is.

No, girl. You misunderstand.

Home, home.

Son, er,

maybe now is the time

to give you

your other Christmas present.

I, I dont...

It was the ring I gave

to your mother

all those years ago.

I thought perhaps

that one day...

you might have some use for it.

Thank you.

We can put it

in tin foil

- and put it in the hand luggage.

- We're not putting...

We'll put it in the

hand luggage!

- You can't leave that...

- Are you joking?

And, er...

whoever it is that you choose...

Your Lordship.

Might I borrow him for a second?

Er, yes, you may.

Come on. Come with me.

See? I told you

itd be fine.


Do you think well ever

have a Christmas

where its just the two of us?

Ah, what?

In our flat?

You opened it.

Yeah, of course!

And yeah, I would love to move

in with you, James.

But only if you go to

film school in L.A.

You have to go.

I think itll be amazing for ya.

And what about us?

Well, maybe Ill come with ya,

maybe I wont.

But I think we can cope

with a bit of water

between us for 12 months.

But come with me, yeah?

Hey, James Hughes,

you havent opened

my Christmas present yet.

Aah! It really was a card.

- Ooh...

- You werent joking.

Open it!

When did you write this?

About six weeks ago.

Do you like it?

Yes, Hayley.

The answers yes.

We're engaged!


Oh, the weather outside

is frightful

So frightful

But the fire

is so delightful

So delightful

And since weve

no place to go

I thought youd never ask.


Get a bit of swing going here.

Come on, Humph!

Man, it doesnt show signs

of stopping

And Ive brought

some corn...


Oh, alright then. Alright.

Go on, Dad.

Let it snow, let it snow

When we finally

kiss goodnight

How I hate going out...

Whats going on?

But if you really

hold me tight

Dont lose it.

Oh the fire is slowly dying

It's too big.

But as long as you

love me so

Let it snow, let it snow,

let it snow!

Oh! Hey...

Oh, now youre gonna get it! Oh!

- Alright Humph.

- Here we go, love.

Here we go!

When we finally

kiss goodnight

Oh, theres another one.

I hate going out in a storm

But if you really grab

me tight

All the way home

Ill be warm


The fire is slowly dying

Youve got the moves, eh?

But as long

as you love me so

- Aaah.

- Ooh.

- Shes coming back.

- Youd better get us out.

Let it snow, let it snow,

let it snow


Get a room!

When the snowman brings

the snow

Well he just might like

to know

He put a great big smile

on somebodys face

Come on, Diane. Youre up!

Come and join us.

- Love it!

- Oh, no, no, no. No.

Come on.

- Come on, Humph!

- Really?

- Get on your feet. Come on...

- I dont know this.

Hey, everyone knows this!

Well I wish could be

Christmas every day

We dont have this song at home.

When the kids start singing

and the band begins to play


Oh, I wish could be Christmas

every day

- Come on, Dad!

- Up you come!

So let the bells ring out

for Christmas

- Oh no, theres more.

- Right, dance break!

I can do a caterpillar.

- Do you like it?

- Yeah!

Its the caterpillar!


One, two, three... Woo!

Hold on, woo!

Well he just might

like to know

He put a great big smile

on somebodys face

So if Santa brings

the sleigh

All along the Milky Way

Ill sign my name

on the rooftop in the snow

Then he may decide to stay

Well, I wish could be

Christmas every day

When the kids start singing

and the band begins to play

Oh I wish could be Christmas

every day

So let the bells ring out

for Christmas

Grandad, up you come!

Why don't you give your love


For Christmas

Where the F did that come from?

To love, to marriage.

Im amazing!

Merry Christmas!
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