Merry Little Batman (2023)

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Merry Little Batman (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

["Father Christmas"

by The Kinks playing]

When I was small

I believed in Santa Claus

Though I knew it was my dad

And I would hang up

My stocking at Christmas

Open my presents

And I'd be glad

But the last time I played

Father Christmas

I stood outside

A department store

A g*ng of kids came over

And mugged me

And knocked my reindeer

To the floor

They said Father Christmas

Give us some money

Don't mess around

With those silly toys

We'll beat you up

If you don't hand it over

We want your bread

So don't make us annoyed

Give all the toys

To the little rich boys

Father Christmas

Give us some money

Don't mess around

With those silly toys

We'll beat you up

If you don't hand it over

We want your bread

So don't make us annoyed

Give all the toys

To the little rich boys

[song fades]

[Selina yowls]


Master Wayne, come along now.

Time for your cookie-wookies

before bedtime.

Not yet, Alfred.

Selina stole priceless art

- from the Gotham City Museum.

- [meows]

[in gruff voice]

I must have justice.

[Damian grunts]


- Ha!

- [meows]


Phew! Close one, huh, Alfred?

Close indeed.

Now, let's end this madcappery

before you actually do break...

[loud crash]

something like your great

grandfather's ashes.

- [loud clattering]

- And that priceless Picasso.


[Damian laughing]


There's no way to run, Selina.

- [yowls]

- [grunts]

[Selina meows]


[blows raspberry]

Young man, may I remind you

that Christmas is a mere

two days away?

Father Christmas is watching.

Good! 'Cause even Santa

wouldn't wanna miss this.


- [meows]

- Ha!


[Damian] Whoa!

Master Wayne.

Will you be sleeping

down there again?

- [yowls]

- [screaming]


- [thudding]

- [groaning]




No. No. No, no, no.

- [thud]

- [yowls]


[grunts] Whoa!






[dramatic music playing]


[metal clinking]

[chuckles nervously]

How's it going?

[gasps] Oh, my gosh!

Are you okay?

Did you fall through that vent?

Damian, you could've

gotten hurt.

You shouldn't play with the cat.

You could've gotten

scratched, or worse!

You could've gotten

a brain parasite

from its fecal matter.


[gasps] A boo-boo!

Aw, Dad!

Quit worrying so much.

I'm totally fine.

The HVAC unit broke

my fall, see?


[fart sound plays]


Damian, what have we said

about being more careful

and less destructive when

you're playing superhero?

I'm not playing, Dad.

I'm training.

To be a real hero. Like you.

Picture it. You and me

fighting back to back.

Fearless defenders of the night.

Protecting the weak.

Punishing the wicked.

Crime doesn't stand a chance.

Uh-huh. And I've told you,

you're not ready

for that kind of stuff.

Because being

a superhero takes...

[together] Focus,

responsibility and sacrifice.

I know. I know.

Not to mention a pretty

high pain threshold.

You know how many ribs

I've broken?

All of them.

Cool! I want to break

all of my ribs, too.

Come on, kiddo.

Now look, even if I thought

you were ready

to be a crime fighter,

which I don't,

there isn't any crime

left in Gotham to fight.

What do you mean?

Damian? The day I found out

I was going to be a dad

was the happiest day

I've had since...

Well, a long time.

It's like in one instant,

the only thing that mattered

was protecting you

from ever getting hurt.

So before you were born,

I worked overtime

to make Gotham safe.

- [grunts]

- [heavy metal music playing]


[screams, groans]


- [tires screeching]

- [siren wailing]

- [birds chirping]

- [mellow music playing]

- [heavy metal music playing]

- [alarm blaring]


What was that?

[grunting and groaning]

- [children laughing]

- [mellow music playing]

[heavy metal music playing]

- [mellow music playing]

- In breaking news,

all of Gotham City's


are now either behind bars

or have been forced

into retirement.

Gotham is officially

90 days crime free

as Batman continues

to clean it up.

Gotham City just voted

the safest place

on planet Earth.

[all cheering]

There is no more crime

in Gotham.

So enjoy being a kid.

But I don't wanna be just a kid.

Whoa! You are way more

than just a kid.

You're "my" kid.

- And that's the best kind.

- [giggling]

[both laugh]

Wait, Dad, what were you doing

down in the basement anyway?

Me? Oh, uh, I don't know.

Maybe I was, uh...

[chuckling] ...wrapping

someone's Christmas present.

- [laughing]

- Yes! What is it?

Tell me. Tell me. Tell me.

Tell me. Tell me.

Sorry, sport. Bedtime.

Can I at least get a hint?

Let's just say it's something

no future superhero

should be without.

- Is it a Bat-grappling g*n?

- Nope.

- Razor-lined Bat-gauntlets.

- Good gravy. No!

- Bat-ice skates?

- Skates?

Now, that's just silly.

[Damian] Is it

a Bat-laser torch?

[Bruce] No.

Bat-cryptographer sequencer?

I'm not even sure what that is.

A heat-seeking

Bat-rocket launcher?

Nope. And you guessed

that already. Twice.

- [laughing]

- [sips]

Master Wayne,

stop playing with your

blood sausage.

[together] Right, yeah,

totally. Sorry, Alfred.

Now, let's enjoy the traditional

Christmas Eve

breakfast of my youth.

Best hurry.

If jellied eel sits too

long, it tends to...



Mm. Mm.


[clears throat]

[Damian] Mm.

[shushes] Donut tell anybody.

[both laugh] Kapow!


[slurps] And no cowls

at the table.

Aw, come one.

It's Christmas Eve!

Damian, you heard Alfred.


Ah, what the heck?

Here you go, Damian.

Whoa! You mean

I can open it now?

Why not? You get

to stop guessing

and I get to hear myself

think again.

- It's a win-win.

- Mm-hm.

Merry Christmas, kiddo.


My own utility belt!

[laughs] Yeah, that was

my first utility belt, Damian.

What? No way! Oh, man!

I can't believe it.

This is the best, Dad!

You're the best!

Alfred, isn't Dad the best?

- [kisses]

- Oh, my. Yes.

This is indeed exciting.

Oh, what did you put

in the pouches?

That's your Bat-first-aid kit.

Oh, neat.

How about this?

Your Bat-mergency whistle.

Nice. [inhales]

Which should only be used

in case of a Bat-mergency.


Whoa! A Batarang


- [meows]

- It's foam.

But isn't it supposed to fly

back to me.

So it can poke you in the eye?

I don't think so.

That's a practice Batarang.

Dad, don't get me wrong.

I love this belt.

I mean, I love, love, love it.

But where's the, you know,

cool stuff?

You mean dangerous stuff?

Damian, you'll have to earn

those things when you're older.

You still have a lot to learn.

Oh, come on, Dad.

I'm not a baby.

Hey, I never said

you were a baby.

[Bruce over recording]

Emergency! Call for help.

My precious little baby

is in danger.

I'll re-record that for you.

Damian, this is the first step

toward becoming a superhero.

Believe me,

I agonized for months

over whether you're

ready for even...

- [device ringing]

- What's that?

- It sounds like the...

- It can't be.

Can't be what?

What can't it be?

The Batphone.

Ooh, wait for me.

I'll put on my belt!

I mean... [clears throat]

[in deep voice] Wait for me.

I'll put on my belt.

[ringing continues]

No one's called

this thing in years.

Crime must be back in Gotham.

It's a Christmas miracle!

Hello? -[voice

chattering indistinctly]

It's the Justice League.

What? Are you serious?

Quick. How's my belt look?

Uh-huh. No, I... I hear you.

A weather anomaly?

In Nova Scotia?

Just let Clark handle it.

It's Christmas Eve.

We all have plans.

No need to send Superman.

We got this.

Sorry, that was Damian.

Yeah, he's eight now.

Crazy, right?

You can't call anyone else?

How about the Twins?

- [indistinct chatter]

- They're not talking?

Well tell them to activate

their Wonder Twin powers

and form into mature adults.

All right. Fine.

I'll leave in five.

Sorry, Damian. I gotta go.

But I promise I'll be back

before Christmas.

Wait, Dad! Dad! Dad!

Let me come with you. Please!

I don't think so, kiddo.

It could be your Christmas

gift for the next year.

For the next ten years!

I can't risk it.

The answer's no.

[Damian] Mm.

Good. Now, where's your

emergency contact list?

Actually, never mind.

I printed extra copies

for your belt.

Okay. What do you do

in the event of a home invasion?

Call the police.

- Mental breakdown?

- Therapist.

A race of giant,


fungus-beetles attack Gotham?

I don't know.

Call Commissioner Gordon?

Commiss... What? No!

All he ever does

is pass the buck to me.

I'll be back before

you know it, buddy.

I shall ready the Batjet,

Master Wayne.

Batjet, huh?

You're making record time

for not having done this

in years, Bruce.

[Batman] Did you program

the coordinates?

And pre-heated

the seat warmer, sir.

[clears throat] Shall I assume

we did not see the Bat-razor

I left on the vanity?

Really? The beard again?

I like it. It totally ups

my intimidation game.

You have donut crumbs

in your intimidation game, sir.

- Hm.

- [muffled alarm blaring]

[Bruce over recording]

Emergency! Call for help.

My precious little baby

is in danger.

What the...

- Emergency! Call for help.

- [meows]

- My precious little baby...

- Come on.

- Damian!

- [chuckles]

Wow! Dad!

You look awesome!

Damian, get out of the bag.

Come on, Dad, just let

me come with you.

No. We don't have

time for this.

You won't even know I'm here.

I told you,

- you're not ready.

- [groans]

Ugh! Dad, look how hard

I've been training.

I mean, check out

my rad ninja skills.

- [Batman] Get over here. Argh!

- [grunting]

Argh! My good hip. [groaning]

Oh, my gosh! Alfred!

I'm so sorry.

Damian Thomas Wayne!

That is enough!

I just thought

getting your belt meant

that I was ready to be

a superhero like you.

Well, it didn't.

In fact, give me the belt.

You're clearly not ready for it.

What? Dad, no!


Hold on to this

until I get back.


Okay. Now give me a...

goodbye hug?

He'll be fine, sir.

I'll see to that.

I knew he wasn't ready

to have his own belt.

Yes. Well,

I can certainly agree

that "someone" wasn't ready.


I gotta get going, Alfred.

[engine powering up]


Godspeed, sir.

Come along, Damian.

I've got just the thing

to lift your spirits.

A steaming mug of my

world-famous hot cocoa.

With extra marshmallows.

Thanks, but coco's

kinda kid stuff.

"Kid stuff?"

Oh, your father would disagree.

I once saw him drink an

entire gallon in one sitting.

You did not.

[Alfred] Did so.

And he had quite

the swollen stomach

that evening.

Why I had to take the Batsuit

out an entire two inches

before he could even

go out on patrol.


This is so unfair, Selina.


You're right. I can't give up.

I'll work even harder to

prove I'm ready to be Batman.

And you know what that means?

Time for some extreme training.

[Alfred humming]

[whispers] Unsupervised

extreme training.

[Damian sighs dramatically]

I don't know, Alfred.

Do you really think

a steaming mug

of your world-famous hot cocoa

with extra marshmallows

could help?

Why I'm certain of it, sir.

Unless it's too much trouble.

Nonsense. Coming up.

All right, Pennyworth,

time to deliver your A-game.



[gasps] Aw, man!








And now the piece de resistance.


Good heavens!

Out of marshmallows?

- What?

- [meows]

How did that happen?


This is catastrophic.

[Damian] That's okay.

After all, it's...

it's only cocoa

without marshmallows.

It's not like it's Christmas Eve

without my...


[imitates crying]

[continues crying]

[clears throat] Fear not.

I shall return before your cocoa

even has a chance to cool.

[Damian panting]

[grunts] You sure?

You really don't need to,

but if you insist.

Hurry back. Okay, bye.

And now, time to train

for I am...

the Night!

[voice echoing] Night. Night.

Night. Night...

[engine whirring]


Oh, biscuits!

[tires screeching]

I beg your pardon.

Hey, watch where

you're going, grandpa!

There's some real psychos

in this neighborhood.

[engine whirring and backfiring]

["Oi to the World"

by The Vandals playing]

If God came down

On Christmas Day

I know exactly

What he'd say

He'd say "Oi!" to the punks

And "Oi!" to the skins

But "Oi!" to the world

And everybody wins

Haji was a bloody mess

He ran out through the crowd

He said, "We'll meet again

We are bloody yet unbowed"

Trevor called his bluff

And told him where to meet

Christmas Day on the roof

Down at 20 Oxford Street

If God came down

On Christmas Day

I know exactly

What he'd say

He'd say "Oi!" to the punks

And "Oi!" to the skins

But "Oi!" to the world

And everybody wins

If God came down

On Christmas Day

I know exactly

What he'd say

He'd say "Oi!" to the punks

And "Oi!" to the skins

But "Oi!" to the world

And everybody wins


I don't need some trip

to Nova Scotia.

This is the best

Christmas Eve ever!

[voice echoing] Ever! Ever!

I haven't determined the cause

of the Batjet malfunction,

but there's no anomaly up here.

In fact,

it's a perfectly typical

- Nova Scotia blizzard!

- [wind howling]

[indistinct voice over phone]

What do you mean,

"What anomaly," J'onn?

If you didn't send me here,

who did?

Ugh! [groaning]

- [crackling]

- Oh, no. Hello?

J'onzz? Hello!


I can't miss Christmas.

Damian, I'm coming!

[wind howling]


[man and woman straining]

Please, why are you doing this?

Yeah. It's Christmas,

you monster.

I'm just making

some Christmas memories.

Say, "Cheese."

Ugh! Stop it with the videos.

What? Is it a crime

to document our crimes.

[Francine] Just throw

the goods in the van,

- you idiot!

- [loud crash]

We've got a lot

of mansions to hit.

[timer dings]

And now, the most important

part of training,

the post-workout carbo load.


It's good.

But it could have a bit more

turbo charge.


[chuckles, screams]


I survived an expl*si*n.



[Francine] This neighborhood's

prime for the picking.

[Terry] Which house

do you want to hit next?

[glass shatters]

That one will do.

So big.


Oh, man.

Alfred's back already?

Ah, we've hit a gold mine.

Looks like no one's home.

Will you shut up and help me,

you ding-dong?


Oh, no. What do I do?

What do I do?


Okay, Damian, calm down.

Think. It's just

a home invasion.

A home invasion?

Dad never told me what to do

in case of one of these.

Ugh! What is this?

Bulletproof glass?

- Here, I've got it.

- No, no, no!

- [grunts]

- [glass shatters]




- [Bruce over recording] Emergency...

- Not now. Come on, turn off.

- Turn off.

- My baby is in...


Told you I had it.

[rousing music playing]


Terry, I think

we hit the jackpot.


What have I told you

about that stupid phone?

What? Uh-oh.

- [punch lands]

- [Terry] Ouch! I bit my tongue.

- [meows]

- [shushes]

Ah, there's so much stuff.

How are we gonna fit all

this junk inside the van?

We'll just grab what we can

and get a move on.

The boss doesn't like

to be kept waiting.

Yeah, that's true.

Remember what happened

to the last bloke?

Ugh! Don't remind me.

I can still hear his screams.

Hang on, Selina.

I'm calling for help.

[breathes heavily] Police.

[operator] Gotham City Police.

How can I help you?

[Terry chuckles]

Check out this cool belt.


[Terry] You think I could

rock something like this?

Just throw it in the bag,

you idiot.

Yeah, okay.

I'm gonna try you on...

[in slowed voice] ...later.

[slowed voice] No!

They can't take my belt.

Dad already thinks

I'm not ready for it.

It'll be years before

he trusts me with another one.

Unless I get it back myself,

then Dad would see that

I am ready to be a superhero.

[operator] Hello?

What's the emergency?

Is anyone injured?

No. But they will be.

- [operator] Hello?

- [call disconnects]

- Come on, Selina.

- [meows]

- [footsteps]

- [Francine] You hear something?

[both laughing]

Man, they wasted a lot of

moolah on a bunch of dumb books.

There's a whole shelf on excavating

shale rock from underneath manors.

That's weirdly specific.

[Damian in deep voice]

Hasn't anyone ever told you

to be quiet in a library?


Give me back my belt.

Okay, you have got

to be kidding me.

[chuckles] Now, this

I've got to get.

Nice entrance, kid.

What are you supposed to be?

I'm Batman.

And your night just got

a whole lot darker.

All right. Come here, kid.

[exclaims] Where did he go?


- [grunts]

- Ugh, just my luck.

Okay, you little brat.

You had your fun.

Uh, I can't see anything.

[Damian] You can even

say you're blind

as a bat.

- What was that?

- What's going on?

[Damian chuckles]


Get over here,

you little turdmuffin!

[both groan]

[groans] I'm gonna

tear that bat's wings off.

Is that all you got?


[both screaming]



- [thudding]

- [groaning]

I'm gonna puke.

[loud crash]

[both groaning]

I'm over here, bozos!

Come and get me. [chuckles]

I'm gonna deck the halls

with this kid.

[both scream]

[both groaning]

[screaming continues]



[both screaming]


What the...

A kiddy pool?

That's to put out

the grease fire.

Water doesn't put out

grease fires.


[Francine and Terry screaming]



[both screaming]


Is that our...


[horn honking]

[snaps, pops]

Ugh! Congealed eel?

That's it! I've had it!

Grab what you can.

We're out of here.

Load up. I'll start the van.

- [straining]

- Let it go, kid.

Give me back my utility belt.

You mean my utility belt?

[Bruce over recording]

Emergency! Call for help.

- My precious little baby is...

- There it is.

- [ripping]

- [both groan]

Ugh! [gasps]

Will you hurry up?

[engine whirring]

- [chuckles]

- Stop! Get back here.


Later, kid.

[Damian grunts]

Now, you're gonna feel

my ninja skills.

[Terry] This kid

just won't quit.

Oh, that's no kid.


That's some kind

of feral mutant.


Oh, no!

The boss is gonna k*ll us.


Now you've got nothing.

Oh, I wouldn't say nothing.

Whoa! [groans]

[Terry] I got your belt.

You lose, kid.





[wind whistles]

My belt may be gone,

but this is far from over.

I will have vengeance.

Because they didn't

cross some kid.

They crossed Batman's kid!

[thunder breaks]

[Selina meows]

Sorry, Selina,

but you can't come.

This is gonna be

way too dangerous.

Once I pass through these doors,

the Damian you knew

will be no more.

I know, you're scared for me.

And honestly,

I'm a little scared, too.

- But...

- [snoring]


[whispers] Take care

of the house while I'm gone.

[dramatic music plays]


[muzak playing]

O holy night

The Stars...

[dramatic music playing]


[bats screeching]


Let's see that ice cream truck

outrun this sick set of wheels.

[chuckling] Oh,

what do we have here?


It's a bit saggy.

Well, that one just leaves

nothing to the imagination.

What's this?


No way.

Dad made me a Batsuit.



Whoa! Wait until

they get a load of me.

Damian. It's Dad.


If you're wearing that suit,

it means I am dead,

and my worst fear has come true.

Crime is back in Gotham.

And now you must take my place

and become...

the Batman.

Unless you broke into the

Batcave and stole the suit,

in which case you're in big trouble,

mister. You just wait till I get home.


By now, I'd already given you the

utility belt that goes with your suit.

That Batsuit is the most

technologically advanced yet.

Heck, yeah.

But before we get

into that tech,

there's a few things your father

would like to share with you,

in case we never got the chance.

Like when I met your mom.

Damian, your mother

was a total smokeshow.

[gags] How do you

fast forward this thing?

- Sugar Moose.

- [electrical buzzing]

you might be getting to that age

where your body is going

through some changes...

Ugh! Gross.

[electrical buzzing]

You gotta be careful, Damian.


Oh, Alfred, the diaper's

integrity, it's been compromised.

- I need wipes...

- Ah, Dad.

[electrical buzzing]

and though I'd won

the brutal fight,

the searing pain of the injuries

I sustained are still with me.

Every day.

Okay, so, onto the Batsuit.


To be honest, Damian, part of me never

wanted you to have to put that suit on.

But another part of me

always knew deep down

that this is what

you were born to do.

My only regret is not being

by your side when you did it.

Thankfully, that's where

the suit's tech comes in.

With the help of AI, I've

programmed myself into the suit.

Activating Bat-Dad.

[electrical buzzing]

[automated voice]

Upload complete.


Okay. Good luck, Damian.

And remember,

I'll be with you always.

Ending transmission.

[both] Kapow!



[electrical buzzing]

[Bat-Dad] Bat-Dad online.

Hello, Damian.

Wow, you can talk? Cool.

Uh... computer, status report.

Please, call me Bat-Dad.

Bio scans indicate you are

eight years and four days old.


time for night-night.

Great. It's just as overbearing

as the real thing.

Would you like me

to read you a story?

No, thank you.

My memory matrix says I would often

read H appy Puppy's First Day of School.

We don't have time for this,


I have it downloaded

in six languages.

[speaking Spanish] -[Damian speaks

in English] Mute, mute, mute!

[Bat-Dad] It sounds like you'd

like to mute your dead father.

Would you like to mute

your dead father?

No. I mean, yes,

but my dad isn't...

Just mute, please.

No mute function found.

Then why did you just offer?



[Bat-Dad] I'm not

detecting a car seat.

Safety guidelines recommend

children under ten...

Can we just focus?

I need to get my belt back.

[Bat-Dad] Affirmative.

The ability to focus

is a quality every good

superhero must possess.

Uh-huh, yep, thanks.

But I already know the

qualities of a good superhero.

[Bat-Dad] Excellent.

Would you care to review?

Focus, responsibility,


Please, just stop talking.

Now let's drive this car.

[engine whirring]

[engine stops]

[engine grumbles]


Come on, go.

Ugh! What's wrong

with this thing?

[system starts]

[engine starts]



Really, want

Really want for Christmas

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

[Damian] Whoo-hoo!

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

Ooh. What's this red button do?

[Bat-Dad] That is the turbo thruster.

But I would advise against...

This is awesome!

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

Is everything

On my list, baby, hey

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

Is everything

On my list, baby, hey

Under the mistletoe

I got it made

Red cup, cherry limeade

So much food

It's like a buffet

I got next

I'm the king of spades

Little kids

Dress up real silly

[blowing nose]

Now let's find those punks

who stole my belt.

All I really want

Really want for Christmas

Is everything

On my list, baby, hey

[jolly music playing]

[laughs] Oh. This is some

swanky villain hideout.

What do you think

is in the vats?

Probably us.

We had one job and we blew it.

Now we've got to meet

the boss empty handed.

We are in so much trouble.

Relax. We're not

completely empty handed.

Let me do the talking.

[laughter nearby]

On second thoughts,

you do the talking.

Hello, sir. You in here?

My associate and I were just

saying what a lovely hideout you...

have... here.

- [horn blares]

- [both scream]

[Joker laughs maniacally]

Well, if it isn't my two favorite new

henchmen, Roscoe and Whatchamacallit.

Um... she's Francine, and I'm...

Good evening, Mr. Joker, sir.

You two are looking

a little worse for wear.

Hopefully that's a sign you did your

part in my a master plan for Gotham.

Oh, how I want to make this

a very special Christmas Eve.

Oh, yeah, we had a blast.

You should have seen

this one bloke, he was like...

I'm sorry if I gave

the impression I cared.

Now then,

what do you got for me?

Oh, what do we got?

Oh, sure, uh...

Why don't you go ahead

and do that, Terry,

since you're kind of

spearheading that?

No, no, you do the honors,


You do it.

It wasn't me who lost the loot.

I wouldn't have dropped the

loot if you'd driven straight

instead of being scared by

a two-year-old.

He was at least four and a half.

Just give it to me.

Gimme, gimme, gimme!

Gimme, gimme, gimme,

gimme, gimme, gimme.

Uh... here you go, boss.

[Joker] What's happening here?

Where's the rest?

That, actually, is the rest,

Mr. Joker. Sir.

You've been out all day

and you just bring me this?


Of all the elves I had

do my Christmas bidding,

I gave you two

the poshest neighborhood.

We had more. Lots more.

But then we ran into a number

of unforeseen, unfortunate...

It was Batman.

Batman? Impossible. I tricked

him into leaving Gotham.

Oh, even after all these years

apart, he still ruins everything.

How can he be everywhere at the same time?

All at once, all the time?

I'm so sick

of these Batman games.

No, it was a little Batman.

Little Batman?

What, did he shrink

or something? Hm?

What Terry is trying to say is...

So, there was this little kid

dressed up as Batman.

He beat the crud out of us in

a surprisingly skillful manner.

[Francine] And it was all

because of that belt.

He went berserk for it.


So, let me get this straight.

You're telling me you two

were beat by a child in a...

[yells] Batman costume?

[whimpers] More like PJs

and a paper-bag mask.

There you go. See for yourself.


I'm afraid of the dark.

- What was that?

- What's going on?

[both scream]

Ooh, my. Look at that

little hellion go.

And such rad ninja skills.

[both scream on video]

Whoa! Was that a grease fire?

So clever.

How do you rewind this thing?

Okay, okay, here it is.


Oh, he really fried you like

a couple of chicken fingers.

[laughs] Okay, okay.

One more time.

[laughing maniacally]

This child is sensational.


Give me my belt.

I was only planning

to steal Christmas.

But after watching this kid's

work, it's all so clear.

Why would we just

steal Gotham's Christmas

when it would be so much

more festive to destroy it?

And who better to do it

than a merry little Batman?

[laughs maniacally]

[clock chiming]

What do you have in mind, boss?

Are you still here?

[both scream]

[Terry] Can I at least

have my phone?

Give me my belt.

Give me my belt.

My, how the little cherub

wants his toy belt back.


[Poison Ivy] Did I miss

all the fun?

No. In fact, thanks

to this stocking stuffer,

the real fun is about to begin.

[Poison Ivy] Sounds divine.


Now, if I were a kid looking

for my toy, where would I look?


[gasps] Of course.


Or should I say, "Ho, ho, ho."

Looking for those scum this way

is taking too long.

Bat-Dad, don't you have some kind

of secret surveillance system?

You know, one that can

tap into everyone's cell phones

and give us eyes everywhere?

[Bat-Dad] Aha. I'm sorry.

That would be an egregious

violation of basic privacy.

No one should be allowed to

have eyes and ears everywhere.

Lucky for us,

someone already does.

Santa Claus.

You should get a picture.

Alfred would love that.

No pictures, only justice.

[Batman] Oh, man,

I'm the worst dad ever.

And I'm not racking up

any superhero points, either.

[scoffs] Anomaly. Come on, Bruce.

Walked right into that one.

I mean, this is textbook

supervillain stuff.

Step one, get Batman

out of town.

Step two, unleash an evil plot and

thr*aten Gotham and all its people.

All its people...

Damian! Great, like that kid doesn't

find a way to find trouble on his own.

I mean, by now he probably...

- [sirens wailing]

- [indistinct radio chatter]

[Damian] Dad, help me.

Dad, I need you.

Damian! I'll see you

in the Promised Land.

Alfred, no...

Ahh, no!

Don't go there.

Remember what your therapist

said about your brooding?

Just focus

on the repair, Brucey.

Let's see what we got.

Yep, that's what I thought.


[festive Spanish song playing]


Look at all these toys.



Happy holidays.

- Donut eat it all at once.

- [both laugh]



Focus on the belt. I am the night.

I am the night.

Excuse me, citizen of Gotham.

Uh-oh. Looks like someone

got their holidays mixed up.

It's not Halloween, silly.

Santa Claus. Where is he?

Why, jolly old St. Nick's up in

his North Pole workshop, of course.

Located in our toy department.

The escalators

are right over there.


Thank you. Merry Christmas.


It's your turn, little bat boy.

Whoo-hoo, Santa!

I don't have time to get into

anything on my Christmas list.

Like a new pair of titanium

Bat-cuffs or some Bat-Cloaking gear,

or this really cool pneumatic

Bat-Grenade launcher

that comes with the laser scope

and the glow-in-the-dark


[clears throat]

[in deep voice]

I need information, Santa.

Wait a minute.

You're not Santa.

Sure, he is.


How else could he possibly know

what you really want for Christmas?


Wait. How did you...


Poison Ivy!

And you must be... Bane.

Come get your little belt,


Give me that back.


[Damian grunts]

[laughing maniacally]

[people screaming]


[Bat-Dad] Observation. The

collateral damage you are causing

is putting you and others...

I can't stop now.

If I get my belt back,

I'll prove that

I'm ready to be a superhero.


Huh. [growls]

Works every time.


I picked something up for you

in the garden section.


My foliage.


[Bane grunting]

Not yet.

Remember what Joker said.

We have to let the little disaster

artist work his magic first.

[Damian screams]



Why... does... Santa...

need so many... reindeer?

[gasps, screams]

Whoa, whoa!

[laughs wearily]


- [all gasping]

- [man 1] What's going on?

- [woman 1] You okay, kid?

- [woman 2] It's a freaking bat.

It's okay, citizens.

I... I'm a super...

[tree creaking]

Oh, no.

[crowd clamoring]


[man 2] Hey, watch it.

[laughing maniacally]



Bat-Dad, bring up directions

to the Gotham Zoo.

Moments ago,

a tiny, masked figure

single handedly perpetrated

the most odious act of yuletide

vandalism this city has ever seen.

I spoke to a concerned citizen

who had this to say.

I'm concerned.

Who was this

snack-sized scrooge?

And why did he have to

ruin it for everybody?

Those questions

remain unanswered.

But this home grown Gothamite

will only say this:

Humbug to you,

you little menace.

Wherever you are, it'll take

more than knocking down our tree

to ruin this city's

Christmas spirit.

Not mine. I love that tree.


What a genius.


He's an absolute miniature

maestro of mayhem.

He's exceeded

my wildest expectations,

and he's playing into

my plan perfectly.

[phone ringing]

Talk to me.

The kid's belt was delivered

to the bird as planned?


I'm gonna bring a sleigh full of

Christmas chaos to his next stop.


But, you know...

I'm curious to see just how much more

damage our little dynamo could cause,

if properly motivated.

Yes, it's time

for the boy and I to tango.

[laughing maniacally]

- But...

- [muffled conversation]

Huh? I don't wanna waltz.

It's... it's an expression.

Never mind.

I wanna talk to the kid.

That does it.

I'm moving to Metropolis.

I know you're out here.

Show yourself.


Tonight's forecast,

a freeze is coming.

[Batman] All these years,

you show up out of nowhere,

that's your opener?

What about,

"Tonight, hell freezes over?"

[Batman] Nope. Still lame.

Dang it. It sounded better

in my head.

Never mind that, Freeze.

Why was I lured out

to the middle...

Oh, wait, I got one.

Time for you to get ice-creamed.

[Mr. Freeze screaming]

Answer me! Freeze!

Why did you bring me here?

[Mr. Freeze] Whoa.


Haven't you figured it out?

We needed to get the Bat

out of Gotham.

However, it appears a much

smaller Bat has taken its place.

- [gasps]

- [laughs]

[Batman] Damian!

We've looked everywhere.

There's no sign of that van

or my belt.

[Bat-Dad] Earlier,

you remarked on the need

to prove your readiness

to become a superhero.

Prove to whom?

To you.

Uh, not you, my dad.

So I am not dead.

That is certainly welcome news.

Sorry I didn't tell you sooner.

It is not your fault.

My central processing

made an erroneous assumption.

- Observation.

- What?

I may only be

a simulation of your father,

but after an analysis

of his cognitive patterns

in relation to your

current goal orientation,

I have determined

that the two do not align.

Wanna break that down, Bat-Dad?

Getting your belt back won't

prove anything to your dad.

Maybe you think it won't,

but I know it will.

It has to.

Being Batman alongside my dad

is all I've ever wanted.

I have to show Dad

I can handle myself.

He worries way too much.

He still makes me wear floaties

in the bathtub.

I mean, come on.

I'm not a baby.

Indeed. You are not a baby.

You have been alive

for eight years.

And four days. [laughs]


I like this place.

My memory matrix recalls visiting

many times with my parents.

I miss doing that with them.

Why did they stop taking...

Oh, right.

Yes, right.


It must have been really hard to lose

your mom and dad when you were just a kid.

[Bat-Dad] Although the memories

are technically not mine,

it was very hard to be alone.

In fact, your father created me

in part to ensure you would never

know a loneliness like that.

Wow, he did?

Hey, Bat-Dad, observation.

Yes, Damian?

I'm glad he did.

I wouldn't want to be alone

right now.

I'm glad I am here, too.

You're a good friend, Bat-Dad.

I'd give you a big hug

if I wasn't, you know,

wearing you.

It's okay.

Just promise to give one to your

father when you next see him.

Yeah, I kind of owe him

one anyway.

What the...



[Bat-Dad] Caution.

I'm detecting thin ice.

[Damian screaming]


[Bat-Dad] My environmental assessment

system indicates this may be a trap.

I was thinking the same thing,


- [Bat-Dad] Oswald Cobblepot.

- Oswald Cobblepot.

I prefer The Penguin.

You have my belt, Birdbrain.

My, my. He said you were

an obnoxious little brat.

Who said that?

[Joker laughing]

Come now, Oswald.

I never used

those words exactly.


Oh, he may be obnoxious, and

he certainly acts like a brat,

but I never called him...

What was the last one?

Oh, it'll come to me.

What do you want, Joker?

Oh, you know your Uncle Joker.

Always stirring the pot.


Now listen carefully.

You will never

get your belt back.

[laughs maniacally]

[Bat-Dad] Caution.

Joker is a master manipulator.

Never ever, ever, ever,

ever, ever, get it back.

Oh, yes, I will.

- Will not.

- Will too.

- Will not.

- Will too.

Will not infinity. And

don't say infinity plus one,

because I can do this all day.

Six weeks is his record.

And do you know how I can be so

sure you'll never get it back?

Because it is so clear to me,

and to everyone,

that you simply don't have what

it takes to be a superhero.


I mean, look at your belt.

It's right there,

but I bet you couldn't even

snatch it from old Penguin here.

Weak, old, pathetic,

enfeebled, incontinent...

[The Penguin] Hey!

Oh, yeah?

Give me back my belt.

Whoa! Easy, kid.

You heard the clown.

I'm enfeebled.

Now, that's proper motivation.

My work here is done.

This plan better work.

All right, pipsqueak.

Come and get it.

[The Penguin laughs]

[both grunting]




- [The Penguin grunts]

- [groans]



[Bat-Dad groans] Warning.

Core processing unit damaged.

So long, Bat-Brat. [laughs]

[festive music playing]

Merry Christmas, Gotham.

[crowd gasps]


Now, look at that.

My ride's here.

Toodle-oo. [laughs]

This ends now.

[Bat-Dad] Warning.

The damage I sustained

has compromised

the suit's integrity.

Adjusting to compression at this altitude

will bring power below critical level.

[Damian] Hang on.

We're almost there.

Got room for one more?

Huh? For such a little kid,

you sure are a pain in the neck.

- [The Penguin laughs]

- [Damian] Whoa.

Whoa, whoa.


[The Penguin] 23 skidoo.

I bid you adieu.


[Damian grunting]

What? He's a freak

of nature.

[crowd screaming]

[Damian] Whoa!

[Bat-Dad] Warning. Power

levels below critical.



[both grunting]

Let go, kid.

You'll k*ll us both.

Give it to me! Give it to me!

Give it to me!

Fine. Take it.

I hope it was worth it.

- [The Penguin laughs]

- [Damian screams]

No! [gasps]

What do I do? What do I do?

[Bat-Dad] Solution.

Diverting remaining power

to my inflation systems

will break your fall.

But what will happen to you?

I am sorry, Damian.

I will not survive.

No, you can't.

I'm sorry.

I should have listened.

You were right

about The Penguin.

About everything.

Please, no!

It's okay, Damian.

Remember, an important quality

every good hero must possess

is the willingness

to make sacrifice.

Bat-Dad, no!

Bye, Damian.

Initiating emergency

inflation protocol

in three, two...

[Damian grunts]



Damian, you will make

a great hero one day.


Don't leave me.

[Bat-Dad] Before shut down.

I just want to thank you.

For what?

Giving me warm memories

of my own.

[powering down]

[somber music playing]


[crowd screaming]


Deck the halls with...

Commissioner Gordon,

there's reports of mass

destruction downtown

and a crime wave

all across the city.

Calm down.

I've faced situations

more dire than this before.

- [suspenseful music playing]

- [sirens wailing]

I'll handle it.

I'm so glad

We have the Bat-Signal




[woman gasps]

The Bat-Signal.

They haven't turned

that on in years.

Crime is back in Gotham.

Run for your lives, everyone.

[man] We gotta get out of here.

Save yourselves.

Christmas is ruined!

Wait! Wait!

Oh, biscuits.


Kid, you gotta get out of here.

Nothing is safe anymore.

- [grunts]

- [man] Hey!

[Damian] Wait, wait, no!

- [groans]

- [horn honks]

- [gasps]

- [tires screeching]

- [crowd screaming]

- [gasping]


Oh, am I glad to see you.

Hey, that's the kid

who wrecked the parade.

Way to go, jerk.

You ruined Christmas.

Wait, I can explain.

I just wanted to be a superhero.

- [man 1] Get back here.

- [man 2] He's gonna pay.

- [man 1] Where did he go?

- [man 2] Did you see him?


Dad... [sniffles]

I wish you were here.

[distant whistling]







[bottles clinking]





I'm just a kid. Don't hurt me.

I'm just a kid.

Alfred, what are you doing here?

Did you forget?

Your steaming mug of my world-famous

hot cocoa with extra marshmallows.

Of course, that is, unless

you think cocoa is kid stuff.


- Ah, there now, better?

- [exhales]

[siren wailing in distance]

[somber music playing]

I'm in deep trouble, aren't I?

Oh, yes, most definitely,

Master Wayne.

Yeah. I figured.

I just wanted

to be Batman so bad.

Maybe if Dad didn't treat me

like such baby...

Don't be so hard on your father.

He can overdo it sometimes,

but that's because he's trying

to protect the one thing

you have that he never did.

A childhood.

[sighs] I'm no superhero.

I lost my belt.

I destroyed my Batsuit.

I have no idea

where I parked the bike.

I can't blame anyone but me.

Son, costumes and belts

aren't what make a superhero...

I'm sorry. Did you say

you misplaced the Batpod?

Um, never mind.

Damian, becoming Batman

takes precisely what your father

has been attempting to teach you.

Focus, responsibility,


[sniffles] Don't forget

high pain threshold.

[chuckles] Indeed.

And while you may not be

a superhero yet, little one,

in my heart,

I know one day you will be.

Thanks, Alfred.

But of course, my boy.

Now, come along.

I'd say we had enough excitement

for one Christmas Eve.

[suspenseful music playing]

[wind blowing]

"Dear Little Batman,

you gave me the best

Christmas gift ever.

Let me return the favor"?

[gas hissing]

[Damian mumbling woozily]

[continues mumbling]

Alfred? Alfred!

Where am I?

[tense music playing]

[balloon pops]

[goop bubbling]


[Joker] Jingle

Bells Batman smells

Robin laid an egg

The Batmobile

Lost its wheel

And the Joker got away

[laughing mischievously]

- Snow?

- [Joker laughs]

[door thuds]

- Whoa, whoa!

- [rumbling]

What the...

[rumbling continues]

[gas hissing]

[metal clanks]

["Sweet Gingerbread Man"

playing over speakers]

Fresh out of the pan

Sweet gingerbread man

I'm twirling a cane

Made of peppermint



Nice sticky hands...

[both laughing]

Oh, he's here.

Don't just stand there.

It's nearly Christmas morning.

Come in, come in.

[objects clattering]

- [party horn toots]

- You made it.

[all laughing]

I am so sorry

the invite was so last minute.

What is this?

Uh, hello? Look around.

It's a Christmas party.

I don't know what you're up to,

but I'm taking you all in.

Oh, please. Still trying

the hero thing, are we?

Did we learn nothing

from tonight, young man?

Some people...


just aren't cut out

to be heroes.

Now, come enjoy the party.

Tonight, my boy, we're celebrating

something very special.

Crime's triumphant return

to Gotham.

And what better way to do it

than by stealing its Christmas.

[laughing evilly]

This is where you say,

"Joker, you're mad.

Steal Christmas? But why?"

[in stoic voice]

Joker, you're mad.

Steal Christmas? But why?

It all goes back

to those glory days,

when my friends

and I would terrorize Gotham.

[bell ringing]

[guard] Hey, get back here!

After them!

You'll get yours

in the end, Joker.

- [all laughing]

- [Joker] Oh, how we'd laugh,

and laugh and laugh.

But then crime went away.

We were forced to... retire.

And as a result... [sniffles]

We drifted apart.


Gotham City just voted

the safest place

on planet Earth.

[people cheering]

[Joker] Now, I always thought the

joy came from committing crime.

Looking back, it was about

committing crime together.

[all laughing]

Aw, you big softie.

[in normal voice]

I don't understand.

What does any of this

have to do with me?

The moment I saw

the sheer mayhem

you were capable of,

I realized that with your help,

we could kick

this whole groovy caper

up a notch and a half.

- High five!

- I'd never help you.

But you already did.

Your chaotic bat-boobery

was a perfect distraction!

[blades whirring]

[Joker] While all eyes

were on you,

we nabbed Christmas

- from every home in Gotham.

- [tires screeching]

- [Bane laughing]

- [woman groaning]

[Poison Ivy laughs] Oh!

[The Penguin cackles]

[Poison Ivy laughs]

[Bane chuckles]

[penguin squawking]

[penguins squawking]

[Joker] We set out

to only steal Christmas,

but you... [giggles]

You destroyed it.

- [church bell tolling]

- And now, thanks to you,

everyone is waking up

to no Christmas.

I was just trying

to get my belt back.

And in the process of this

frankly, selfish pursuit,

you destroyed half the city.

Now that doesn't sound

much like a superhero to me.

In fact, it sounds more

like a super...


What? No. No, I'm not a...

Sure, you are.

Why do you think

I brought you here?

You're one of us, kid.

[Bane grunting]

We couldn't have

done it without you.

Yes. Thank you, from the

bottom of our cold hearts.

[Joker] Thank you, indeed.

[all laughing]

I can't believe...

You're right.

Only a supervillain would

ruin Christmas.


That's right.

To thank you

for your contribution,

we thought it'd be real swell if we

all chipped in and got you something.

My utility belt.

Your upgraded utility belt.

We replaced

all the useless safety gear

with more practical devices.

[Bane grunting]

Well said, Bane.

It's the perfect accessory

for supervillains.

Think of all you went through

to get that belt.

You earned it.

Take it.

[all chanting] Take the belt!

Take the belt! Take the belt!

Take the belt!

[chanting fades]

[Bruce] You must take my place

and become... the Batman.

[Alfred] Becoming Batman takes

precisely what your father

has been attempting

to teach you.

[Bruce] Give me the belt.

You're clearly not ready for it.

There now.

Doesn't it feel good

to get what you want?

I guess you're right, Joker.

I'm no superhero.

But then again, I'm not

a supervillain, either.

See, Joker,

being a superhero takes focus,


and sacrifice.

- [fire crackling]

- [Damian grunts]

[all shrieking]



Holy crap!

All right. Which one of you

gave a little kid expl*sives?

It did seem like

a good idea at the time.

That's not good.

My snow globe! You broke it.

Now I'm gonna break you.

You got it backwards,

clown face.

I'm taking you down, all of you.

And I'm taking these presents

back to the kids of Gotham.

I'm saving Christmas!

You ungrateful, little twerp.

I'm gonna chop you up

like sardines.

[Damian grunting]



- Hiyah!

- [Bane groans]

- Play ball!

- [Damian yells]




- [grunts]

- Crush him, Bane.

[Bane growling]

[Damian yells]


[Damian grunts]

All you had to do

was take the belt,

and now I'm gonna

take your head.

[card clangs]


Looks like you're in a little

trouble, Little Batman.

- [The Penguin laughing]

- [Poison Ivy chuckles]

[all laughing]

[Damian grunts]

- [grunting]

- [The Penguin cackling]

No one poops

on my party and lives.

[all laughing]


- [whooshing]

- What was that?


[loud thud]

[Mr. Freeze mumbling]

[dramatic music playing]

[The Penguin gasps]


[gasps] Thank goodness,

I found you.

Are you okay? You have any boo-boos?

Are you hurt?

[chuckles] Dad, I'm fine.

[Joker] How very touching.

Stand back, son.

Why didn't you tell me

you were a father?

I thought we were friends.

I'm not your friend, Joker.

I gotta say, love the beard.

Really takes the

intimidation game up a peg.

- Thanks.

- [Poison Ivy grunts]

[Joker grunts]

Looks like it's time to k*ll

two bats with one stone.

[grunts] Dad, I can do this.

Almost makes me miss my father.

But then I remember how he

dumped my bassinet in the sewer!

[Bane growling]

Just leave him alone.

[Bane growling]

Come on, I've been fighting

these guys all day.

Damian. I told you

to stay back.

Dad, listen to me. I can help.

I said no, Damian.

You're just a kid.

No, I'm not. I'm your kid, Dad.

[Joker cackling]

[in distorted voice] Dad!

[Bruce thuds on floor]

[ear ringing]

[The Penguin groans]


[Poison Ivy and Joker grunting]

[muffled] Don't worry, Dad.

I'll protect you.

- Nobody hurts my dad.

- [Joker grunting]

- What?

- [Damian grunting]



- [grunts] Not so tough without these, are you?

- [Bane grunting]

[all yelping]

[Damian grunts]

You okay, Dad?

He... he is my kid.

Batman is waking up.


Leave my dad alone!

[Poison Ivy grunting]

Dude! Damian, rad ninja skills.

Thanks, Dad.

Where's the belt?

Long story.

Tell me later.

In the meantime...


Your utility belt?


Wait. What about you?

Always carry a spare.

Told you,

you had a lot to learn.

Now, what do you say?

You need a wingman?

- More like a sidekick.

- [The Penguin grunting]

Allow me to break the ice,

Little Batman. [yells]

Come on, kiddo.

Let's finish this.

[screams, grunts]

[screaming, grunts]

This is the best

Christmas present ever.

Oh, no.

- [screams]

- [splashes]

[grunts, coughs]

[Bane growling]

My back!

[laughing] Hot enough for you?

Not even close.


Where's the little one?

[engine revs]

No! [grunts]

- [screams]

- [splashes]

[Joker] You two

look so cute together.

I almost hate

having to blow you apart.

[launcher cocks]

Yeah, crush their stupid faces.

[Batarang whizzing]

[Mr. Freeze screams, thuds]

[screaming and thudding



Uh-oh. Hit me, Damian!

Careful. Don't poke

your eye out.


A Merry Christmas

to me and to you,

a dark night.

[laughs] You missed!

That's kind of the point.

Oh. Oh, right,

they're Batarangs.


["Silent Night" playing]

[sirens wailing]

[distorted groaning]

[distorted laughing]

[distorted] Merry Christmas.

- [grunts]

- [villains] Ooh.

[both] Oh.




How many times

is he gonna fall in that junk?

Seriously, he should keep

a snorkel in his suit pocket.

[Damian laughs]

[Batman] Ready to go home

for Christmas?

[Damian] Actually, Dad,

we have one last mission.

[sirens wailing faintly]


[Damian] Merry Christmas!

- [man] Look, it's Batman!

- [woman] Batman!

- All right.

- Hey, it's our stuff.

My drum set!

A one, and a two,

and a joy to you.

All right, everyone.

Christmas is back on.

[all grunt]

[marching band playing "Deck

The Halls With Boughs Of Holly"]

[Damian laughing]

[man] Look, it's our presents.

- Christmas is saved.

- [woman] Oh, wonderful.

[Alfred laughing]

[laughs] Go long.

[children laughing]

[all cheering]

Merry Christmas, Gotham City.



That would seem to be

all the presents, young sir.

Nope. Still one left.

What's that?

- Merry Christmas, Dad.

- [laughs]

I owed you a hug.

Best Christmas gift ever.

Hm, the price was right.

- [cat meows]

- I beg your pardon, sirs,

but by any chance,

is there room for an old Englishman

and a tabby in that embrace?

There always is.

Merry Christmas, guys.

[Damian sighs]

Damian, what's wrong?

I know it sounds silly, but

I kind of feel bad for Joker.

Feel bad for Joker?

[laughs] That sounds insane.

I mean, he just hit me in

the head with a mallet,

like an hour ago.

I know.

But all he wanted for

Christmas was to not be alone.

My head still hurts, Damian.

- I mean, that mallet was like this big.

- [Selina meows]

You know, Dad, you both say

that you're sworn enemies.

- [Selina purring]

- But deep down,

I think you and Joker

really like each other.

Damian, he's a supervillain.

Mom's a supervillain.

Mom's... complicated.

A complicated supervillain.

[Alfred and Damian laugh]

Hey, don't you start.

Also, I hate the Joker.

Jingle Bells, Batman smells

Robin laid an egg


Sorry, it's the only Christmas

song I know the words to.

Well, "smells" does

rhyme with "bells."

I quite like that song.

Jingle Bells, Batman smells


Robin laid an egg

The Batmobile

Lost its wheel

And the Joker Had a nice

dinner With all of his friends

I'm not your friend.

["Just Another Christmas Song"


Uh... just another

Christmas song

But this time

I'll sing along

Uh... Just another

Christmas song

But this time

I'll sing along

I'm dreaming of

A white Christmas

With jingle bells

In the sky

Do you see what I see?


Christmas tree

It's the same old song

But I'll sing along -

Just another Christmas song

But this time

I'll sing along

I'm gonna sing along -

Just another Christmas song

But this time

I'll sing along

- Just another little song

- Just another Christmas song

But this time

I'll sing along

I said

I think I'll sing along

Just another

Christmas song

But this time

I'll sing along


This time I'll sing along

But this time

I'll sing along


Merry Christmas, everybody!


Merry Christmas, guys.
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