01x01 - Where are We?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Space Racers". Aired: May 2, 2014 – present.*
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Show follows the Space Racers cadets, a group of anthropomorphic unique spaceships resembling and named after various species of birds, as they travel the Solar System exploring space through assigned missions.
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01x01 - Where are We?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

[changing television channels]

Come on, Hawk, we're gonna miss

"The Captain Cosmos Show!"

I'm changing channels as fast as I can!

Well, you need to change faster!


Go back!You missed it!


Whoo! Just in time.

This is my favorite TV show ever!

Captain Cosmos is awesome!

Show Announcer: It's the Captain Cosmos Show!

Captain Cosmos: Here we are troopers!

The next stop on our deep-space adventure!

Look at those rings!

What planet are they on?

Let's check my official

Captain Cosmos space map!

It's got all sorts of cool facts on it.

Robyn: Oh, here it is.

Very big planet, rings around it.

Looks like Saturn!

It's a very faraway planet.

Captain Cosmos: There are a lot of moons here, team,

and it's our job to explore them all!

Why are there so many moons?

I've only ever seen one.

Actually, Starling,

some planets have lots and lots!

Earth is the only planet in our solar system with just one moon.

Hey, let's go on our own deep space adventure,

just like Captain Cosmos,

and see how many moons we can find!

Yeah, now you're talkin'!

As soon as the show's over we'll...

Announcer: We interrupt this episode of "Captain Cosmos"

for an important weather report!

What could be more important than Captain Cosmos?

Announcer: A large solar storm is expected in space today.

Watch out for its powerful effects!

What's a solar storm anyway?

When many explosions, or "solar flares,"

take place on the Sun's surface, it's called a solar storm.

Um, maybe we should stay home until the bad weather's over?

Hey! We can't let a little solar storm

spoil our adventure, can we?

Like Captain Cosmos always says...

Have no fear! Adventure is near!

That's right, Starling!

Come on, you two!

Huh? What about me?

One day when you're bigger, you can come along too, sprout.

Oh, phooey.

Booster rockets?




Space visors?


Ava: Launch sequence initiated.

, , , , ...

Blast off!

Have no fear! Adventure is near!

Breaking orbit!

Ava: Space Racers are no longer bound

by Earth's gravitational field.


It's a real-life Captain Cosmos adventure!


So, where should we explore first?

Ava, any suggestions?

Ava: Jupiter is lovely this time of year.

If you like, I'll plot some coordinates.

No need, Ava!

I know the solar system like the back of my wing.

I'll find us a place to explore.


That nebula looks like a great place!

All we have to do is...


Oh no, look!

Yikes! It's bigger than I thought!

Engage solar storm shield now!


[alarm beeping]

Oh, no, our navigational systems are failing.

Get ready for a bumpy landing!


Phew. Are you okay, Robyn?

Yeah, I'm fine.

But where's...



Huh. Where's....


Good catch, Eagle, buddy.


I'm okay.

Uh-oh, where are we?

Are we lost?

Of course not. This is all part of our adventure.

Although I can't tell exactly where we are.

Ava will know.

Ava, which planet is this?


Oh no, the radio noise from all the solar activity

is overpowering our communications.


Well, we'll freeze if we stay here.

Prepare to blast off!

We can't blast off yet!

The solar storm is scrambling

our navigation systems, remember?

Maybe Ava can't help us...

but I can!

Captain Cosmos's space map!

Well done, Hawk.

As Captain Cosmos always says:

"Don't be scared, be prepared!"

Some big mountains here.


Lots of ice.

Could this be Mars?

Mars is further from the Sun than Earth,

and its atmosphere is too thin

to hold much heat close to the ground,

so it's pretty cold.

Then we're on Mars! I knew it!

Come on, let's go.

If we keep moving we'll stay warmer!

Hey, guys, I'm gettin' kinda hot.

It's not just you, Hawk.


I thought Mars was cold.

We're in a desert!

Well, Mars does have lots of deserts,

but only very cold ones.

So this can't be Mars after all!

Well, if we're not on Mars, where are we?

Look! It has to be Venus.

See, Venus is a hot desert planet.

Hmm? It could be Mercury, too.

"Mercury is a hot, airless planet close to the Sun. "

We need to do some scientific tests

to figure out which planet this is.

But there's nothing here to test!

Just a bunch of boring old rocks!

Uhh, Eagle, that's it!

Uhh, it is?

These rocks aren't boring at all.

You can learn all sorts of things about a planet

from its rocks!


Hello? Mr. Rock?

Do you know what planet this is?

[laughing] No, Hawk, not by talking with them.

By doing tests on them!


Oops. Never mind!

Let's collect as many rock samples as we can

so we can test 'em and find out where we are.

So, where are we, Robyn?

Yeah, Mercury or Venus?

Hmm? Based on my analysis, these stones aren't from Venus.

So we're not on Venus.

And these rocks aren't from Mercury or Neptune.

So we're not there, either!

But that means we still don't know where we are!

So, we're still lost?


But we're still gonna solve this mystery.

We can't give up!

"When in doubt, we'll figure it out!"

Now let's see that map again.

Could it be this one?

No, wait. What about here?

No, doesn't look right.

Now, are you sure?

Well, what about this one?

I don't know, Eagle.

I don't think it's this one.

I think it's more likely to be this one.

It's all my fault.

We're lost because of me.

I wanted to go on an adventure!

I made us go into the storm,

and I got us lost in this weird planet!

I don't deserve to go exploring with brave adventurers like you.

Hawk, that's not true!

You go on without me.

These rocks are my only friends now.

I'll go live with them in some dark, smelly space cave.

Solar storms!

Scary planets!

Science experiments!

Hawk, this has been the best adventure ever!

Yeah, All this cool new stuff we're learning about.

If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't even be here!

Well, it has been pretty fun.

You guys are brave, too!

We're all brave!

We're the bravest team in space ever!

Yup, braver than...


It's getting dark!

Now we'll never figure out where we are!

Thank goodness the Moon is shining a little light anyway.

Ah, the Moon.

Hawk, you're a genius!

I am?

He is?

Yes! He figured it out!

I did?

He did?


What does your map say about Earth, Hawk?

"Earth has many different landscapes,

from cold ice caps to hot deserts.

It is the only planet with just one moon."

Well, this planet is cold, and this planet is hot...

...and this planet has just one moon!

But that means we must be on...


Yeah, we made it!

We're home!

We've been on Earth all along!

That's why the rocks we found weren't from Venus or Mercury,

they were Earth rocks!

♪ I've never been so happy to see the Moon! ♪

Hey, guys!Huh?

Cool rocks!


I did a drawing of the Moon. Look.

Yeah! I love the Moon! Wah-hoo!

Well, it's not that good!

Hmm. Needs more purple.

It's a great picture, Starling!

Hey, look. It's Stardust Bay!

Well, at least we won't need a map for my next idea...

A race home!


Last one home's a rotten booster!


You can't catch me!

Guys, wait up! Wait up!
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