01x08 - Election

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Space Racers". Aired: May 2, 2014 – present.*
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Show follows the Space Racers cadets, a group of anthropomorphic unique spaceships resembling and named after various species of birds, as they travel the Solar System exploring space through assigned missions.
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01x08 - Election

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Headmaster Crane, what're you doin' out here all alone?

Hmm? Ahhh, Cadet Eagle!

Just enjoying the view.

But what're you staring at?

There's nothing out there.

Where some see nothing, others see everything...

the sun sets and the moon rises,

its gravitational pull gently tugging at the ocean waves.

Oh, the moon makes those waves?

I see it now! Awesome!

[rumbling] Oops, gotta go now, sir.

It's suppertime and I can feel

the cafeteria's gravity gently tugging at my fuel t*nk! Heh.

The Eagle has landed.

And he's got a need to feed!


Ewww. Sour!

What is this, Ava? Ava: Persimmon.

What in the universe is a persimmon?

Ava: Persimmons are an edible fruit,

high in vitamin C and calcium.

Hey, guys!

Hey, Starling.


Ewww! Rhubarb.

Persimmon, rhubarb...

With all our advanced technology you'd think someone

could dream up better flavors.

I hate to admit it, Eagle, but you're right.

Somebody should talk to Headmaster Crane about it.

Who?Who what?

Who's gonna talk to Headmaster Crane

about getting some new fuel flavors around here?

How should I know?

You know, it would be great to have someone

to represent us students in Space Academy.

A kind of class president or something.


Someone who has everyone's best interests at heart!

We need...

we need...



Absolutely, I'd be honored

to serve as class president!

I was gonna say "elections."

You know, where everybody votes.

Votes?Sure, for their favorite candidate.

Why do we need an election?

'Cause it's the only fair way.

Why don't we just ask the other kids who they want?

Hey, g*ng, who would you vote for?

Vote for Eagle!

[all chanting] Vote for Eagle! Vote for Eagle!


So, according to my calculations,

I could be an excellent president.

You're gonna run against Eagle?

I don't know.

After all, he is our best friend...

when he isn't being difficult.

Eagle: Hey, guys!

I brought you some campaign signs.

Nice, huh?

And listen to my slogan:

"Get on the winning team -- Eagle's team!"

What makes you so sure you'regonna win?

Well, who's gonna run against me?


maybe I will.


Look, Robyn, you're great --

I mean, you're smart, organized, well-respected.

But a president needs to be popular. And really cool.

Y'know, like me.

True, you are popular,

but maybe what a president really needs is some good ideas.

Like mine.

Well, okay.

Let's run against each other.

This'll be fun!!

I wonder who the voters will pick?

[chanting] Vote for Eagle! Vote for Eagle!

Vote for Eagle! Vote for Eagle...

Hawk, how many new fuel flavors do you think the ships will want?

Oh, I don't know. A zillion?

Hawk, that's crazy.

There aren't a zillion flavors in the whole universe.

According to my calculations,

I think I can safely promise five.

[pager beeps] Oh, excuse me, Robyn,

Eagle wants me.

He's my friend, too.

Uh, Eagle? You called?

Yeah. You been over at Robyn's?

Uh-huh. So...

what is she promising?

Five new flavors of fuel.

Great! We'll promise a zillion!

Oh. But Robyn says...

[pager beeps]

Gotta go!

So, what's Eagle up to?

He's gonna promise us a zillion flavors of fuel.

A zillion?!

[pager beeps]

But that's crazy!

Robyn says, "That's crazy."

Crazygood, you mean.

[laughter] [pager beeps]

According to my calculations, we can ask for two extra weeks more summer vacation.

[pager beeps]

[pager beeping continuously]


"A new moon house on the club base"!


Uhm, maybe she said

"a new club base on the moon house?"

"A new moon club on the house base?"

"A new club sandwich on the moon?"


a beautiful new clubhouse on the moon base!

And that's why I'd make the best

Space Academy student president!

[soft cheering] Students: Yay!

[loud cheering] Students: Yay!!!

That was great, Robyn, great.

But as your president, I'd think a lot bigger.

Five new fuel flavors?

Why not a zillion?

Two weeks more vacation?

How about two months?

And a little bitty clubhouse on the moon?

Forget about it!

Jupiter has at least moons.

Saturn has .

Even Mars has two.

How about our very own second moon!!!

All: Yay!!! [fireworks explode]

Congratulations, Eagle.

You were right, it was no contest.

Thanks, Robyn. You ran a great campaign!

But there can only be one winner.

No hard feelings, right?

No, not at all.

So, what are you gonna do first?

Do first?You know,

a zillion flavors, new moon?

You mean I have to actually do that stuff?



Well, no problemo!

Excuse me, I've gotta go lasso a new moon.

Eagle, according to my calculations,

giving Earth another moon could be a big mistake.

Don't worry about it!

The moon is like a big asteroid,

a chunk of rock revolving around the Earth.

I just have to find a smaller asteroid

and nudge that baby into place.

One new moon, coming right up!






Whoa! We don't want you to get stuck going around Mars!

There we go.


The Eagle has landed!

Say hello to Mini-Moon!

All: Yaaaay!!!

[alarm sounding] Ava: Headmaster Crane to Control Room.

Headmaster Crane to Control Room.

Eagle, we've got a problem.

The moon affects the oceans on Earth.

Your Mini-Moon is making bigger waves.

Yeah, I know. Hear the cheering?

No, Eagle, we are talking aboutrealwaves.

Huge waves. Rising sea levels.

Huh?Remember what we spoke about?

The moon's gravity tugs at Earth's oceans,

creating high tides.

Sure, I remember that.The problem is,

the asteroid you put in orbit around the Earth

has gravity, too, and that extra gravity

is now pulling water levels even higher.

That's what's making the waves -- giant waves.

If you had listened to me, none of this would have happened.

If I'd listened to you I woulda lost the election!

So, Mr. President, what are you gonna do now?


We must remove that asteroid from Earth's orbit -- and quickly!

Ava: Sea levels continue to rise.

Control to Eagle. Come in, Eagle!

Eagle: Roger, Control.How ya doin' up there, kid?

I've been pushing this baby for the last minutes. It won't budge!!

It is very easy to move something into Earth's orbit.

But to remove it from orbit, very, very hard.

Uhm, I could really use some help.

If we all push together,

our combined force should be enough

to move this asteroid out of Earth's orbit.

Right, Headmaster?That is correct, cadet.

Okay, altogether now!


Keep pushing! Push!


Ava: Sea level returning to normal.

Danger has been averted.

Ohh! Now that was a close call!

[chanting] Vote for Robyn! Vote for Robyn!

Vote for Robyn! Vote for Robyn!

Eagle, what are you doing?

Getting you elected president.

With my busy racing schedule and all,

I don't really have time to run the school.


Anyway, you'll make a better president than me.

You know more stuff. And you don't care about being popular.

Not that you're not popular!

Okay, Eagle, according to my calculations,

you should stop talking right aboutnow.

Vote for Robyn! Vote for Robyn!

Vote for Robyn! Vote for Robyn!

Vote for Robyn...
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