01x23 - Careering Off Course

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Space Racers". Aired: May 2, 2014 – present.*
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Show follows the Space Racers cadets, a group of anthropomorphic unique spaceships resembling and named after various species of birds, as they travel the Solar System exploring space through assigned missions.
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01x23 - Careering Off Course

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Can we look now?

What's the big surprise, Coach?

Well, see for yourself.


Boy, it's dark out here today.

Um, Hawk, you can look now.

What is this thing?

Well, it's a, uh...

It's a...

What is it called again, Coot?

This is the "Job-O-Matic ."

It has a powerful computer inside that predicts

what your ideal job will be when you grow up. Heh-heh.

Never fails!

And after it predicts your job,

we're gonna give you kids a chance to try that job for a whole day!

Huh? Cool!


But I already know what I wanna be:

a pilot, exploring deep space.

I want to do something sciencey.

Anything where I can use my brain.

Hawk, you're up first. Climb aboard!

And prepare for your future.

[bell rings]

Done! And now let's hear the result...

Rocket fuel taste-tester.

Rocket fuel taste-tester!


♪ Do the Hawk-Hop! ♪

♪ Aw yeah! ♪

♪ Don't stop! ♪

♪ Do the Hawk-Hop! ♪

♪ Aw yeah! ♪

♪ Don't stop! ♪


Okay, your turn, Eagle!

[bell rings]



But...I wanted pilot!

Space pilot.

Both: Say what?!

I'm not supposed to be a pilot!

Well, er, uh,

you heard what Coot's Job-O-Thingy said.

Eagle, you follow Coot to work as a scientist.

Uh, Robyn, you're with me for pilot training!

But Coach!Yeah, but...

And Hawk, off you go to the Fuel Supply Hangar.

Hello? Trainee taste-tester here!

Leapin' lugnuts!


I'm gonna love this job!!

Cadet Eagle, we'll be conducting some fascinating

experiments today involving particles, protons, satellites,

telescopes... the wonders of the universe.

Starling: Hey, guys.Gaah! Oh!

Oh, Starling, it's you.

Heh-heh. Hi there.

Wow! What's this big balloon for, Coot?

Is it someone's birthday??

Eh, oh, uh, no, no, no,

that's a weather balloon.

It floats high above the Earth

and has a camera built-in that sends back pictures.

It gives us a scientific way of looking at the weather.

[Starling laughing] Helloooo?

Anyone in there?

What's this, Coot?

Oh, that's my wind tunnel.

I use it for all our high-speed experiments.

High...speed... experiments?!

Yep. In fact, why don't we conduct one right now?


Hey, but try lifting yer tail-fin next time, huh?

It'll give you a cleaner turn.

Thanks, Coach.

You're up next, Robyn.

The ramp, Coach.

If we want a smoother U-turn,

you've got it set at the wrong angle.

Can I try something? Sure.

It's just simple geometry.

Let's see, a few degrees this way.

Uh, down a bit.

Left, two clicks.


Hey, I gotta hand it to ya, that was outstanding!

Now, how did you figure that out?

Math class.

I just used geometry to set the ramp at the best angle!

So, Eagle, the purpose of this experiment

is to measure how well a racer can steer through high winds.

Ready anytime you are, Coot!

Let 'er rip!


Engage thrusters and power rear boosters!

Eagle, don't fight the wind currents, use them!

Hey, it's working!


Welcome aboard the SS Starling!

Please keep your wings and wheels inside the balloon at all times.

Aah! Oops!

Hey! Look, Coot, the balloon is taking off!


[slurping] Mmm! This one's Black Cherry!

Hi, Hawk! Isn't it pretty?

Hiya, Starling! Nice balloon!

[burps] Oops. 'Scuse me!

Up, up and awaaaay!

Okay, Eagle, this one's all done!

Best experiment ever!

Y'know, I might like being a scientist after all.

Being a pilot is cool too!

I did the best take-offs and landings, right, Coach?

Oh ho, by a Martian mile!

Hey, uh, Coot, when did you launch the weather balloon?

Did I? Oh, uh,

well, I must have!

Well, let's see if it's taken any pictures yet.

Look! Here's the Bay.

And here we can see some Stratus clouds!

Those are gray clouds that hang low in the sky.

Very good, Robyn!

And here we can see...

All: Starling?!

She's up there with the balloon!

She must have launched it!

Uh-oh, they're flying toward some choppy weather.

See that active cloud formation

about a mile ahead of the balloon?

That could be trouble.

We'd better get up there right away!

To the launch pad for take- off!

Hang on, Eagle.

For this job, I know a better way to reach Starling

and the balloon. Follow me!

You sure about this, Robyn?

Sure, I'm sure!

We'll adjust the angle

for a more direct route!

Here we go!

Ava: Launch sequence initiated.

Booster rockets?Both: Engaged!


Space visors?Down!

Blast off!!!

Starling: Woo-hoo! It's getting windy!

Great weather for a balloon ride!

There she is!

Hey, guys. Come to join in on my balloon adventure?

Not today, sprout. We've gotta get you home! It isn't safe up here.

Ava: Danger. Storm detected. Cloud Suck vortex approaching.

A cloud what? Ava: Cloud Suck.

A rare storm that's formed high in the sky.

Oh no! I've read about those. They're very strong.

Their winds swirl around like a giant washing machine in mid-air!

Ava: That is correct, Robyn.

We've gotta go before that storm gets any closer!

Ohh. But what about the pretty balloon?

Forget the balloon, Starling. C'mon, let's go!


Oh no! Guys, I'm stuck!

Don't worry, we'll untangle you.



Whatta we do now?

No pilot can fly through this thing!

Maybe a pilot couldn't, but how about a scientist?

It's just like Coot's wind tunnel experiment in here!

Do what I'm doing: engage wing flaps!

Power rear boosters!

Use the wind, don't fight against it!

Uh, got it!

Hang on, Starling!

Hold on tight!


Robyn/Starling: Za-Za-Zoooom!!!

Coach: Great work today, cadets!

And welcome back, ya little monkey wrench!

Hey, try to stay outta trouble for a while, huh?

Okay, Coach Pigeon.

[metal clanking]

Can ya believe it?

Those test results we got earlier,

they were all mixed up! Heh-heh-heh. Ahem.

Eagle, you were supposed to be the pilot.

And Robyn, you were supposed to be the scientist.

Heh-heh-heh. Oops.

[gasps] But Eagle's a really good scientist!

His wind tunnel experiment

helped him learn to fly through that storm!

And thanks to the new angle of the take-off ramp,

Robyn got us to Starling much faster. She's a really good pilot!

It's amazing how many skills come in useful when you least expect 'em!

[Hawk groaning]

Was that...Hawk?


You drank all those flavors?

Yeah, and they were all delicious.


Aww, my stomach hurts.

Hawk, I think you were supposed to test

thisbatch over here.


Okay, kids, let's high-tail it back to HQ.

Remember, after a hard day at school, it's important to relax and refuel!

Well, maybe everyone doesn't need to refuel this time, Coach!

Huh! That's for sure.

[all laughing]

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