01x04 - Fly Like an Eagle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Space Racers". Aired: May 2, 2014 – present.*
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Show follows the Space Racers cadets, a group of anthropomorphic unique spaceships resembling and named after various species of birds, as they travel the Solar System exploring space through assigned missions.
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01x04 - Fly Like an Eagle

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Robyn: C'mon, guys, we've gotta decide!

What's our project gonna be

for this year's science fair?

It's coming up next week,

we have to make up our minds!

I still vote for something

about the laws of gravity.

I say our project should demonstrate

the power of extreme velocity.

I know all about speed.

We'll win first prize for sure!

Maybe. But it's gotta be something all three of us agree on.

Guys, come on.

You know I hate gravity.

The "Big G" brings me doooown.

Gravity brings everythingdown, Eagle.

Not just you.

Ughhhh! Gravity, schmavity.

What kinda dull science project do you want us to do?

Hawk: Who says it has to be dull?

Without gravity I couldn't do this!


Hawk's right. Gravity's amazing!

And it's been around

since the beginning of the universe.

It keeps planets in orbit around the stars,

and moons orbiting around planets.

Here on Earth, it keeps us all from floating off into space!

And it makes things fall down.

There's probably a million cool projects

we could come up with about gravity!


But we'd better think of something soon

or we're not gonna have

a science project for the fair.

Cadets, a very urgent matter has come up.

We need to...




Sorry, Headmaster Crane.

We were just, uhh... uhm...

Uh, we were just planning our project for the science fair!

About how gravity makes stuff, uh, fall down.

Don't look at me. I think we should do something else.

Well, I hate to interrupt such a...ahem... spirited discussion,

but there is a pressing matter

I need to discuss with the three of you.

Come. We can talk in the Map Room.

You see, long ago we launched a probe,

an unmanned spacecraft

that's designed to gather information

from here on the Earth.

That probe was calledSR-.

Ava, some visual assistance, please? Ava: Affirmative.

Headmaster Crane: SR-was designed to go deep, deep into space,

exploring stars and planets that were much too far away

for us to reach on our own.Hawk: Cool!

Headmaster Crane: Yes, quite "cool," Cadet Hawk.

And SR- sent back some wonderful pictures and information.

But then, one day, the probe simply seemed to disappear.


Wait a minute, Headmaster.

You said it "seemed" to disappear?

Is it back?

Very good, Robyn.

Yes, SR- has shown up again in our Solar System!

But that's the strangest part.

Because, you see, SR- was not designed to come back home.

Whoa! I'm getting chills here!

Well, you won't have chills for long.

It seems that SR- may have made it all this way,

only to get caught in Jupiter's powerful gravity!

Around this time tomorrow,

SR- will pass through Jupiter's orbit.

If it gets pulled in and crashes there,

we'll never find out how it made its way back,

or what new information it may have gathered!

Oh, man. What are we waiting for?

We'd better get ready to blast off soon.

Za-za...Coot: Eagle?

...zoom? Uhhh. Uh-oh.

Eagle, just where do ya think you're goin'?

We're all getting ready

to go on a really important mission, Coot!

Maybe you two are goin',

but your friend Eagle here

has had an appointment

to have his heat shields repaired

for two weeks now.

It can't wait any longer.

But Coot!

No buts, youngster! Safety first.

It'll take a day or two

for your new heat shield layer to dry.


I'm afraid Coot is right, Eagle.

I'm sorry, but you are officially off the mission.

Robyn, Hawk, you two will just have to go on without him.


Splutterin' thrusters!

Hold still!

Can't apply this heat shieldin' goo

if you keep wigglin' and wrigglin' around.

It tickles, Coot!

We're sure gonna miss you out there.


Uh...well, of course you will.


It won't be the same without you, Eagle.

C'mon, Hawk, we really need to go.

Wow! I hadn't thought of that.


It really won't be the same.

We hardly ever go on missions without Eagle.

Hawk. Hawk! Calm down.

We'll just do what Eagle would do while we're up there.

Hey, that's a great idea, Robyn!

Gee, thanks.

Wait. What idea?

I'll teach you guys everything I know

about being me before you leave.

But we'd better hurry,

you don't have much time.


Basically, there are just three rules:

Think fast, fly fast, and...

Uh, well, actually, there's just two rules.

Well, we can't expect miracles in one day, right?

Hawk, we really need to go now!

Okay. See ya later, Eagle!

You can do it, guys! I know ya can!

Whaa....[giggling] Coot, that tickles! Ah-ha-ha!

Cadets Hawk and Robyn reporting for Mission "Intercept SR- Probe!"

We're ready to go, sir!Excellent!

We are counting on you, cadets. Good luck!

Ava: Launch sequence initiated, in , , , , ...

Booster rockets?


Wings? Back!

Space visors?


Blast off!!!

Ava: Cadets Hawk and Robyn,

you are now can now approaching Jupiter's orbit.

Copy that, Ava.

Ava: You have three minutes before the SR- probe

gets too close to Jupiter.

Warning: As you fly closer, Jupiter's powerful gravity

will begin to pull you in as well.

Then we'd better get to work!

Okay. So, uh...

What would Eagle do?

We could try to fly around really fast.

Why would we need to do that? We're already here.

We could, um...

zip in and out and around things.

Hawk, we're wasting precious time!

The probe is right over there!


Hawk? Hawk!

[sniffling] He's learned so much.

Ava: Cadet Robyn is correct.

Your actions are having no effect

on the probe, Cadet Hawk.

Well, uhm... I...I...

I can't do it.

Ava: Warning! In one minute, the SR- probe

will be lost in Jupiter's gravitational pull.

What would Eagle do now?

Hawk, listen to me,

Eagle's great and we all know it,

but there are times when we don't need an Eagle,

we need a Hawk.

This is one of those times!

Right now, we need you!


But I can't!

We've been reading all about gravity

for our science fair project, remember?

We need to think. How can we do this?

But Jupiter's gravity is so powerful!

How can we fight it?

Ava: seconds remaining. , , ...

Okay, so we can't fight its gravity.

How else can we keep the probe

from being sucked into Jupiter's orbit?

Wait a minute!

Instead of fighting against Jupiter's gravity,

is there a way we can use it to help us?

Huh? Ava: seconds remaining. , ...

Gravity is really strong, right?

Yeah. So...?

So as Jupiter pulls SR- in faster and faster,

what if we can use some of that extra speed

being caused by the gravity?


We may not be strong enough

to just push the probe back out,

but what if we can

steer it away from the planet?

Ava: Excellent questions, cadets.

This maneuver is called a Gravity Slingshot.

Gravity Slingshot. That might work!

'Cuz if we aim SR- in a new direction

and use the strength of Jupiter's gravity to do the pushing...

Oh, but are we fast enough?

Neither one of us has as much thrust as Eagle.

No, but together...

Now, you're thinking like a Space Racer.

Let's do it!

Ava: Six seconds remaining.

, ...

Both: Booster rockets! Engaged!

Hawk: Come on, Robyn, go with the flow!

I'm trying. Just a little faster.

Yeah! A little faster. Faster!

We can do this. A little more.

A little more, and...


Ava: SR- probe is now clear of Jupiter's gravitational pull

and heading towards Earth.

Both: Yaahoooo!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh-ho!Way to go, cadets!


Good work, cadets! As a wise rocket once said:

"To find the right answer, you must ask the right questions."



[students chattering]

Nice science project, guys!

Well, you know, you can always count on

the team of Eagle, Hawk, and Robyn

to come up with a great project on gravity for the science fair!


I voted for it, remember?

Say Cheese!

Hey, guys, you'll have to show me

how to do what you did up there.

That's a great idea, Eagle!

It is?Sure.

We'll teach you everything we know

about how to be just like us.

[all laugh]

Just like us.
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