15x03 - Episode 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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15x03 - Episode 3

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we together, we might as
well say, would you be mine,

could you be mine, won't
you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

Hi, neighbor.

I'm always glad when we can
have a television visit.

In fact, I was here
just a little while ago

and brought some
things to show you.

And I put them in the kitchen.

So let's just go to the kitchen.

Right now.

Do you like kitchens?

I certainly do.

[SINGING] Won't you
please come to my kitchen?

First of all, I'd like you
to see these bowls of fruit.

This beautiful?

Different kinds of fruit.

These are bananas.

These are apples.


You know what-- you
know what this is?

This is a bowl of cherries.

I like them.

Now, in this bag, I
have some other things.

These are chips.

A soft drink.

And candy.

There are some foods that
are better than others.

They taste better and they
help your body grow better.

There are some people who cannot
eat sugary things or salty

things or deep-fried
things at all.

And, of course, it's
important that nobody

eats or drinks too much of them.

Cherries are one of
my favorite things,

but you need to be
careful when you eat them.

Because each one has
a little pit in it.

A pit is a seed.

I'll show you.

There's the seed.

That seed could grow
into a cherry tree.

You know who runs the
bakery in our neighborhood?

Chef Brockett.

Well, he told me that if we
would come over to the bakery

today, he would show us how to
make a snack that tastes good

and is very healthy
for most people to eat.

It's not quite time to
go yet, so let's think

of something to do
while we're waiting.

I know.

I'm going to put on a disguise.

Do you know what
that word means?


Well, I'll tell you.

If you put on a costume that
changes your looks so that even

your close friends
don't know you,

then you're wearing a disguise.

This is a cape.

I think I have
something over here

that might be fun
to put on, too.

Oh, here they are.

Would you know who that was
if you saw me with this on?

Well, it's almost time to go.


[SINGING] let's go right away.

Go somewhere today.

Let's be together
and stay and stay.

Let's go together today.

Right away.

Let's be together today.

Together's the way
I like the best.

I like to be with you.

I like the things
you explain to me,

the things you show me to do.

Let's go right away.

Go somewhere today.

Let's be together
and stay and stay.

Let's go together
today, right away.

Let's be together today.

Oh, some days it's
good to play alone,

but sometimes I get bored.

There's just so much
you can do yourself

with a ball, or a
doll, or a cape.

But whenever I hear
you want some time

and want me to be
with you, I wonder

how you knew, because
that's what I wanted, too.

Let's go right away.

Go somewhere today.

Let's be together
and stay and stay.

Let's go together
today, right away.

Let's be together today.

Let's go together to
Brockett's Bakery.

Come along.

-Have a good day.

-Thank you.

-See you, boys.


-Hi, Fred.

-Hi, Miss Davenport.

Hi, Don.

-You ready for that nutritional
treat I told you about?

-That's why I'm here.

-Jose, will you take care
of things out here in front?

I'd like to take
Fred in the and show

him that nutritional treat.

Take your time.

-Thanks, Jose.

-That's a very good snack he's
going to teach you, Mr. Rogers.

-You think children
would like it?

-I know lots of my
young friends like it.

-Oh, good.

See you a little later.

-Wait'll you see.

It's fun to make.

-Oh, good.

-Everything that I put into
this treat is really good food.

Now, I'm going to
give you the recipe.

Put it in your pocket, because
I don't want you to get home

and then forget some
of the ingredients.

-All right.

What do you put in?

Peanut butter?

-We start with peanut butter.

-A cup of peanut butter.

-And we put in a whole cup.

Push it down.


Can I smell it?


I love the way it smells.

-So do I. A cup
of peanut butter.

Well, that's a good beginning.


Would you open that
margarine container?


-Now, this is a tablespoon.

Give me one tablespoon.

-All right.

One tablespoon of margarine.


-Now, I have to stir this,
and it's a little bit stiff,

but the margarine will
make it slip around easier.

You'll see when we stir.

-Oh, I'd like to try.


Now we put in about 3/4
cup of nonfat dry milk.

-Peanut butter,
margarine, dry milk.

-There's no fat in this milk,
but there is in peanut butter.

Little bit more.

-3/4 of a cup--

---of nonfat dry milk.


Now, you hold it there,
and I'll put it in.



-Now stir that
around a little bit.

It'll feel different.

-Oh, that's getting
harder to stir.


I'll start to stir now.


-And I'm going to ask
you to do some measuring.

-All right.


-1/2 cup of nuts.

-Now, those are
walnuts, but they

could be pecans or peanuts
or any kind of nuts.

-1/2 cup.

-1/2 cup.

-I think that's about right.

-That's good.

All right.

Put them in.

I like to see when
they go in there.


Now a whole cup or raisins.

-A whole cup of raisins.

Well, those look
good, these raisins.

-You always did like
raisins, didn't you?

After you know how
to do this one--

-Come on, raisins.

---you can try it with
other kinds mixed in.



Raisins, peanut butter.


Nonfat dry milk.

-You almost know it.


-And some of this stuff.

What's this?

-Wait, wait.

You'll see in a minute.



OK, now.

Put this aside for a minute.

You wanted to know
what this was?


-It's graham cr*cker crumbs.


-You start out with a
whole graham cr*cker,

and you take the roller.

You go like this.

Look, it used to be
a graham cr*cker,

now it's graham cr*cker crumbs.

We want to add some more of
these graham cr*cker crumbs,

because this is the part
that I think is fun.

Now, you take the
mixture we made--

-Oh, I see.

---and you roll a little ball.

Just like that.

A little ball.

You roll it around your hand.

And you put it
right in the crumbs.

And you roll it
around the crumbs.

I like to bring it up
on the side like that

to make sure a lot of
crumbs get on there,

because I like graham
cr*cker crumbs.

-I do, too.

-And when you pick it
up, it isn't even sticky.


-Looks good.

-Would you like to taste it?


Mmm, that is good.

-I figured you'd like it,
because you like raisins

and you like peanut butter.

A lot of the things you like.

-And these things
are all good for you?

-The people at the
health department

said that every single one of
these things is good to eat.

-That's very good.

-It's wonderful with
vegetables and fruit, Fred.

It really is.

-I bet.

Well, you have so
many things that you

can put together in a good way.

Did you ever have anybody
come into the bakery

and want to eat
everything that was here?

-Well, you know, sometimes
people kind of want everything

that looks good to them,
but it's interesting.

Things that look good
to big people sometimes,

children look at them
and, to some children,

those things don't look so good.

-What kinds of things?

-Some children don't like
things that look messy or gooey.

Some children don't like
things that are hard to chew.

-Oh, I can understand that.

They must wonder about some
things that adults like.

-When I was a little kid,
my parents, my mom and dad,

they both loved parsnips.

And I couldn't understand
why any person would want

to eat anything that looked
like that or tasted like that.

But you know, now that I'm
grown up, I like parsnips.

-Well, I guess our
tastes change and grow

just like the other parts of us.

-They sure do.

-You're a good
teacher, you know that?


Fred, now, which of these
things do you have at home?


Well, I have peanut butter
and margarine and dry milk.

I don't have the
nuts or the raisins

or the-- I could
get some, I guess.

Or cr*cker crumbs.

-Here are the nuts.

-Have you got some
of everything?


Here the graham crackers.

Graham cr*cker crumbs.

And raisins.

-You're giving these to me?


Now you can make it.

-Thank you very much.

What a good teacher you are.

-Thanks, Fred.

-What are these?

-These are greens.

I really like greens.

These are collared
greens and this is kale.

-Oh, that's good stuff.

-They are good to eat.


-Sure is.

Thanks, Chef Brockett.

-Thank you.

Goodbye, now.

Did you like it, Mr. Rogers?

-Very much, Jose.

Chef Brockett gave
me some things

so I can make some of my own.

-Oh, that's very nice.


Thanks again.

-See you Fred.

-Hasta luego.

-Hasta luego, Senor Rogers.

-He's a good student.

-Wasn't that fancy, what Chef
Brockett taught us to make?

I'm going to try to
make that someday.

But right now, I have
an idea for something

different we could make with
some of those same things.

Yeah, here's the peanut butter.

My idea is to use a banana.

Put peanut butter on the banana.

Have you ever done that?

Put it all around.

Then put a few raisins on
it, if I can get this open.

You could even make some
designs with the raisins.

And then roll it
in graham crackers.

I think that might
be a good treat.

Don't you?

There's so many
things that you could

make for snacks
that taste so good.

I'll clean that up
in a little bit.

I think it's time for
some make-believe.

Maybe we could use this
somehow in make-believe.

OK, Trolley.


-Now, last time, we
pretended that the Old

Goat had taken X's plants.

But we're not sure why.

And the people of Make-Believe
don't know that it was the Old

Goat who did it, so they're
going to try to find out what's

been happening to
people's gardens.

Let's pretend that
King Friday is

outfitting the garden guards.

These are the people who
will be guarding the gardens.

Suppose the King
gives them a disguise.

All right?

Ready for Make-Believe?


-OK, Trolley.

Neighborhood of Make-Believe.


-Yes, Trolley.

Very fine.

And now, Lady,
Handyman, and Dog,

I have something
more to disguise you.


What is it, Uncle Friday?

-Just a moment, please.


-Wonder what it's going to be?


You may wear them as you carry
out your guarding assignments.

One for each of you.

-All right.

-This-- this feels
funny, your majesty.

-There's nothing funny about
this assignment, Handyman.

-No, sire.

I meant it just felt funny.

-You have serious business.

Do you all understand?


-But what are we supposed
to do, though, King Friday?

-You are to guard the
gardens, of course.

And if anyone should come to
take any part of any garden,

you are to report
back to this castle.



-I shall be inside
meeting with Queen Sara

if you should need me.

You may proceed.

-Thank you.

-Well, I'll go guard the tree.

-Oh, and I'll go
to the platypuses.

-I'll go down to Daniel's clock.

-Oh-- what'll we do if we see
someone taking the plants?

-I know-- I know
what we could do.

We could howl.


-Oh, all right.

Can we practice that?

-Oh, let's.






You all are good howlers.

-Oh, thanks.

Well, ready?



Garden guards to our gardens.

-Meow, meow.

Meow her meow?

-Yeah, what's going
on, Henrietta?

-Meow meow hear meow howls?

-Uh, yes.

What was that?

-Meow meow know.

Meow meow a whole
lot of dogs, meow.

-Oh, I don't think it was.

-Hi, Hen.


-Meow meow, Handy.

-Hi, Handy.

-Meow look funny.


I'm a garden guard.

-Oh, well, you
can see my garden.

Nobody's taken it today.

-Well, I'll guard it
for you anyway, X.

-Oh, thanks a lot.

-Meow meow hear meow howls?

-Oh, I certainly did.

-Meow did them?

-Ah, we guards were
learning how to howl.

-Meow meow hear you?

-Well, we were going like this.


-So that's who was howling.

-Did you find them?


-What do you mean?

-Well, I mean, you howled.

-Yeah, you howled.

-Oh, I was just showing
X and Hen how we howled.


-We thought you had it solved.

-Hey, you all really look funny.

-Oh, well, I guess we do.

But, see, this is
what Uncle Friday

thought would help
guard gardens.

-Meow meow like
scarecrows, meow.

-Well, sort of.

-A little bit.


Well, excuse me.

I'd better get back
to my guarding.


And I won't howl
again unless I'm

sure I've found the ones
who are taking the gardens.


-OK, well, we'll
see you all later.

-Back to our guarding.




-Oh, these really are
nice gardens, aren't they?


Plenty big enough
for two guards.

I think I'll work
this end over here.


And I'll work-- Shh.

Bob Dog.

Come here.

On tiptoe.

-What is it?




-Excuse me, please.


-Is this your garden?


-Well, are you allowed to
take those plants from here?


-Well, you shouldn't
be taking them, then.


-Northwood doesn't
have any food?

Well, how can that be?


-Well, that's terrible.

You need water and sunshine.


-Instead of taking our gardens,
why didn't you just ask us?


-Well, of course we'll help you.


-Let's go over to the
castle and make some plans.


-Oh, I guess we could
take these off now.

-Oh, yes.


-Did you find him?

-Yes, we did, and it's
very different from what

we expected.

-I'll say.

-Let's go over to the
castle and talk about it.




-It's you, old goat.


-What a surprise.


-Assembled guests, I presume.

-Correct as usual, King Friday.

-And what is your
report, garden guards?

-The one who has been
taking the gardens

is someone who needed food
for the place he lives.

-You mean there's
no food somewhere?


-Where is that, Old Goat?


-In Northwood?

Our neighbor, Northwood?

-He didn't think
anyone would help.

And so he's been taking
plants to Northwood

to help feed the
hungry people there.

-Of course we will help.

I declare an all-out effort.

You garden guards will
now become all-outers.

You will plant the entire
neighborhood, every bit of it,

with speedy seeds.

And we will do what we can
to help in this emergency.


-Well, you people in
Northwood would do the same

for us if we were
having trouble.

You need never steal again.

Simply ask, and
you will receive.


-Oh, you're welcome, I'm sure.

All-outers, to
your gardens grow.

You may help, Old goat.


-All-outers to our gardens grow!

-Very good.


-Well, the people and
the animals of Northwood,

where Old Goat
lives, are hungry,

and they don't have enough
food to stop their hunger.

So the people and animals of
the Neighborhood of Make-Believe

are going to help them.

King Friday declared
an all-out effort.

You know what that means?

It means that everyone will get
out and make an effort to help.

That kind of effort is a
way of expressing love.

Better hang these up.

I think maybe I'll
take some of this home

and make different
combinations there.

Sometimes, your
mom or dad thinks

you'll grow better if you eat
some things instead of others.

They love you, and
they want you to have

things that can
make you healthy.

That's why they
say those things.

Oh, I think we need to
give you some food, fish.


I like talking with you
about important things.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new,

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

You always make each
day such a special day.

You know how.

By just your being you.

There's only one person in
the whole world like you.

And that's you yourself.

And people can like
you exactly as you are.

I'll be back.


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