Christmas Ornament, The (2013)

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Christmas Ornament, The (2013)

Post by bunniefuu »

Home tonight, bust my head ♪

♪ In my single childhood bed ♪

♪ Close my eyes
count to three ♪

♪ Wish that
you were here with me ♪

♪ Last year
when my hands were cold ♪

♪ You were always there
to hold ♪

♪ So give me your warmest pair ♪

♪ Your strongest
pair of mittens, please ♪

♪ Something to get me through ♪

♪ The loneliness
of christmas eve ♪

♪ I fell for you like crazy ♪

♪ And I can't get
enough of you for me ♪

♪ So give me
your warmest pair ♪

♪ Your strongest pair
of mittens, please ♪


♪ Round the table
I survive ♪

♪ Fix the makeup from my eyes ♪

♪ Fake a smile
so they won't see ♪

♪ Wish that
you were here with me... ♪

Morning, kathy.

Morning, graham.

How was the ride in?


I love cycling
in weather like this.

What's in the box?

And please tell me
it's what I hope it is.

I made my first batch of
christmas cookies last night.


So, once you get
fueled up,

Let's get squared away
on yesterday's deliveries,

Before the customer stampede.

Things will pick up.

The shopping season's
just getting started.

Christmas is two weeks away.

The season is half over.

Roadies are notorious
last-minute shoppers.


This is your first
christmas at this.

You'll see.

This is your first christmas
at this, too.

On the selling side.

I'm totally last-minute.


Make sure
you check the tension

On that derailer.

[Telephone rings]

Dream cycle.

Hey. Whatcha doin'
for lunch?

No plans.

<I> perfect. You're all mine.</I>

I'm going to pick you up
at noon, okay?

Graham, can you cover lunch?

Sure thing, boss.

It's a date.


I'll see you then. Bye.


Good morning.


You talk her
into it?

Not yet.


[Shop bell jingles]

Hey, mario.


Darn, I thought
we had a customer.

Who says I'm not a customer?

When did you last
ride a bike?


Be nice. I bear gifts.

Candy canes,

And the wife
made fruitcakes.

People actually
make those?

Thank you, mario.

Have a cookie.

Ooh, I love
your cookies.


These are pretty
awesome, kathy.


So, um, business is still slow?

Up and down.

So maybe you've reconsidered...

I am not selling you
my lease, mario.


Doesn't hurt to ask.

Thanks for the cookie.

Enjoy the fruitcake.

Thanks, mario.

Merry christmas.




Why are you driving
ben's truck?

Uh, I have an errand to run.

I can't believe
the holiday blitz

From queen carla's this year.

I know, right?

If it's not
another catalogue,

It's an e-mail blast.

Yeah, I mean, why
would they buy their cookies

When they can have yours?

You are baking cookies
this year, right?

I've already started.

You're next on the list.



You didn't say anything
about a christmas tree.

It'll only
take a minute.

Not this year.

Maybe you'll find
something you like.

I'm not putting up
a christmas tree.

I'm sorry.

But I still need one.

There's your fraser fir
and your douglas fir.

The fraser has amazing
needle retention,

The douglas
a more pleasing aroma.

Then there's
your blue spruce.

It has a dynamic pyramid shape
and a bonus feature,

You can replant it
after christmas.

Okay, so, what
do you think?

Needles, aroma,

I think I'm going to
check out the gift shop.

Come on, I can't make
this decision alone!

I'll help you

[Shop bell jingles]



Could I get
your opinion?

I'm sorry.
Did I scare you?

No, I was just...

That's my best-seller.

"Cinnamon stick."

It's nice, huh?

It's wonderful.

Tell me what you think
of this one.

Awful, right?

Not if it comes
with a gas mask.

They call it "winter bonfire."

What they don't tell you

Is that what they're burning
is old tires and doll hair.

Trust me.

My sister and her barbies
did not get along.

Tim pierce. I own the joint.

Kathy howard.

So, the gift shop's new.

The profit margin on trees

Is getting way tight
for little guys like me,

So I'm always looking for
new ways to turn a buck.

Yeah, I know.

It's so hard to compete
with the big box stores.

They're k*lling us.

Why? What business are you in?

Dream cycle, on elm?


Yeah, I was at
the grand opening last january,

Along with tons of other people.

I had a nice chat
with the owner,

Seemed like
a really great guy.

Scott. He was my husband.


You two...

He passed away,
a month after we opened.

I'm so sorry.

Um, so...

Content aside,

What do you think
of the form?

Cute and quaint,
or holiday hoarder?

I like it, actually.

It's, um, nonconformist,

Outside the lines.

Way too busy.

I should have
stuck with trees.

Trees I know.

Are you looking for
a tree, kathy howard?

Not this year,
but my friend is.

Is she out there with connor?

Is he the kid

Who's memorized the wikipedia
christmas tree page?


We should probably
go rescue her.


You all right
up there?


In here?

There we go.


Now, you're sure you'll be able
to get that in the house

And upright?

Uh, yeah.

Kathy here is gonna help me.

Well, call if you can't.

Delivery and set-up are free.

And, kathy,
thank you for the advice.

Make sure you come back

If you change your mind
about a tree.

Take care.


He asked for your advice?

Come on, tell me everything.

Jenna... Let's go.

[Starts truck]


Hi, ben!

Look what we got.

Oh, hey, ladies,
great-looking tree.

Uh, yeah.

Would you, um,

Mind running that up
when you have a second, please?


Looking good.


Define "flirting."

Oh, come on, you know
what flirting looks like.

He didn't flirt.

We talked about the uncertainty
of the retail business...

Christmas displays,

And scott.

You talked about scott?

You never talk about scott.


Today, I did.

What did you say?

Your tree is up.

Let's get out of here
and go get some lunch.

All right, fine,
don't tell me.

Come on.

-Where are we going?
-Come with me.

You had this
all planned out?

Well, not the "tim who asked
for your advice" part.

That was serendipity.

It was nothing.

I had a conversation
with a guy at his store,



You're not
encouraging me to date,

Are you?

Well, not encouraging exactly.

It hasn't even
been a year, jenna.

I am nowhere near ready

To even think about
something like that,

Especially not at christmas.

Scott loved christmas

So much.

Hey, mom... Dad.

Did he break anything?

No, he was

In fact, I'm going to
keep him on for the duration.

Pick you up tomorrow morning,
9:00 sharp.

Oh, can't you stay for dinner?

Grandma's meatballs.

Grandma's meatballs?


Seriously? That's tempting...

Ooh, they smell good.

I gotta get back to the lot.

Are you free saturday?

We're having some people over.

What's her name?


Told you he'd see
right through you.


She just started working
in mom's office.

Well, I admire
the tenacity

Of your ongoing campaign
to try to fix me up,

I really do,

But I'm not in the market.

Which is so selfish.

Because you are
such a great guy,

And there is a great woman
out there

Just waiting for you.


Well then, you don't need
to intervene,

And I will meet her
when the time is right.

Good night, dale.

Hey, hey!

Hey, when do you close escrow?

End of the week.

Fingers crossed.

<I> [answering machine beeps]</i>

<I> hey, kathy, it's dad.</I>

<I> just checking in again</i>
<i> about christmas.</I>

<I> your mom and I would</i>
<i> love to have you</i>

<I> if you can get away.</I>

<I> look, if you're too busy,</i>
<i> we understand,</i>

<I>but just think about it, okay?</I>

<I>we're only a plane flight away.</I>

<I> we hope you're doing well.</I>

<I> love you, sweetheart.</I>

<I> [answering machine beeps]</i>




You here to skate?

Just finished.


So someone let you in
on the secret.

What secret?

Come here early enough,

You pretty much
have the place to yourself.


I thought that was
my little discovery.


And now you're
gonna bike?

What are you, some
kind of triathlete?

No, just someone
who loves to cycle.

Soon, it'll be too cold.

Yeah. I do love
this rink, though.

I come here
whenever I can.

I'm just getting back
into skating.

It's been a while.

Hmm, well, I'm glad
you're getting back into it.

Me, too.

It... It centers me.

I hear ya.

Well, have fun.



Can I ask you a question,

With the clear understanding

That it's absolutely
none of my business?


Why no tree this year?

Christmas tree ornaments
were always a big deal

With scott and me,

From the time
we started dating in college.

Every christmas,
we would give each other one,

Commemorating something
we'd done that year

Or hoped to do the next.

We built up a great collection
over the years.


This year, I just...

Can't bear the thought
of seeing them.

"Memories on branches."

That's what
my mom calls ornaments.

And sometimes...

You just don't want
to remember.

Still, there are other ways
to decorate a christmas tree

Without ornaments.

You've got lights,
tinsel, popcorn...

You just want to
sell me a tree.

Am I seriously
that transparent?


Well, take care.

Yeah, you, too.

♪ Oh, dashing
through the snow ♪

♪ In a one-horse open sleigh ♪

♪ Over the fields we go ♪

♪ Laughing all the way ♪

♪ Bells on bobtails ring ♪

♪ Making spirits bright... ♪

Well, you could have broken just
one cookie.

Help yourself.
There's plenty.

[Quietly] goody.

What do you need?

The silver sparkles.

I think they're in there.

In there?

Uh, nope, not in there.

Are you sure?

Yup, totally sure.

Maybe the bottle
got wedged in the back.

Here, let me see.

Uh, nope.


What? What's wrong? Hey!

Why are you acting crazy?

Is there a mouse in there?

Do I have mice?

No. No, there's no mice.

Let me look.

You okay?

He had terrible taste,
didn't he?

Au contraire.

He was a visionary.

He saw the whole
ugly sweater fad coming.

He got in on the ground floor.

It's going out.

Why don't you wear it
to my ugly sweater party?

No, jenna.

I'm not going to wear something
scott gave me in earnest

And make fun of it.

You're right.

Of course, you're not.

What's wrong with me?

But you are coming to my party?

Planning to.

Okay, well, that's encouraging.

I'm trying not
to hate christmas this year.

I'm really trying.

I know you are.

And I know I can be
a little pushy sometimes.

Okay, all the time.

I just want you to be
open to possibility,

You know?

To keep the porch light on.

Remember telling me that?

You said you never
left the porch light on

Until after you met scott.

That man was unbelievable.

He could trip over
a blade of grass.

So leave the light on,

For him and for you.

He wouldn't want you
sitting alone in the dark.

It doesn't matter if I have
every light in the house on.

I'm still alone.

Ben loves
these cookies so much,

I get ricochet points
just for being your bestie.

Could be the only thing
still keeping us together.

Thanks for
keeping me company.


There's your fraser fir
and your douglas fir.

The fraser has
amazing needle retention,

The douglas,
a more pleasing aroma.

Then there's your blue spruce--

Hey, maestro.

Where's your boss?

In the gift shop.

Carry on.

The blue spruce
has a dynamic pyramid shape

And a bonus feature...

Welcome back.

Cool shop.

[Hesitantly] I'm trying.

So I need another tree.

Is there something wrong
with the one that you bought?




She said that you would be
too polite to turn down a tree

If I dragged it to your house

And I looked
really, really tired.

Phew! What a day.

I am... Totally b*at.

You're a terrible actor.

Yes, but I have
a beautiful tree.

Douglas fir.

Do you have any lights?
I could help you set 'em up.

Oh, that's okay.

So, what do you think?

Maybe you should
take it back.

No return policy,

And it's a gift.

Bad karma to return a gift.

I can't accept
a gift from you.

It's not from me,
it's from jenna.

Oh, uh...

But when you do
get around to trimming it,

Tell me how this looks.

I had one just like it
when I was a kid.

It was my family's
favorite ornament,

It was the first one that
we put on the tree every year.

To me, it was like the official
start of christmas.

It's beautiful.

Thank you.

Can I get you

A cup of coffee or something?

No, thank you, but...

I've gotta go.

Now, I've put that
in a stand for you.

So a quart of cold water
every morning,

And it'll stay fresh all day.

Tree's still living,
even though it's been cut down.

I can relate to that.

Merry christmas.

[Kids giggling]

This isn't good, kathy.

Not good at all.

I was counting on
a big december,

But it just isn't happening.

Without an appreciable
bump in sales,

You are headed over
your very own fiscal cliff.

I haven't tapped out
our line of credit yet.

And, as your accountant,

I strongly advise
you leave it that way.

Look, I know how much
this store meant to scott.

It meant everything to him.


Seems to me, you did.

But, yeah,

Dream cycle was definitely
his passion project.

Question is, is it yours?

It doesn't matter.

I have to keep it going
for scott.

But he wouldn't have
wanted you to,

Not if your heart wasn't in it.

Why does everyone
keep presuming to know

What scott would
or wouldn't have wanted for me?

Because we knew him
and how much he loved you.

I'm sorry,

I have another

I know.
Thank you for coming over.

I assume that mario
is still interested

In taking over
your lease.

Oh, yes.

He is dying to expand
his empire.

Well, if you can
negotiate wisely

And liquidate
at the right price,

Then you should be able
to walk away clean.

And do what?

you're passionate about.

You're wrong, eve.

Dream cycle is
my passion project, too.

I'll figure out a way
to keep it going.


All I can do is advise.

I'm here for you,
whatever you need.

Thank you.

[Shop bell jingles]

Hey, eve.

Graham, happy holiday.

You, too.

Sorry it took so long.

That place was a madhouse.

Holiday shoppers.

Half nonfat

Green tea latte,
extra hot.

Thank you.

You okay?

I'm fine.

I'm trying, sweetheart.

I really am.

[Bustle of busy crowd]

Excuse me, coming through.

Coming through...

Ah, there you guys are.

Excuse me!

Can I get some help?

I'll be right with you guys.

Blue spruce
is a beautiful tree.

Did you find
everything okay?

[Cash register clacking]
and those two...

Whoa! Okay... [Laughs]

There you go.

Yeah, that's
$47, please.


[Mouthing silently]

Could you
hurry it up here?

Yes, um, sure, sorry.

Would you like a cookie
while you wait?

Chocolate, vanilla,


How about you,
would you like one?

I love
the gingerbread one.

There you go.

It's on the house.

There you go.

Oh, come on,
just one more.

I won't tell.


Can I buy some of these
to take home to my wife?

No, sorry.

Too bad.

Well, thanks again.

You two have
a terrific christmas.

You too.

For some reason,

Everyone picked today
to buy their christmas tree.

I was swamped
and you saved the day.

Well, the cookies did.

These were for you.

For me?

You deliver a tree

You get a personal
thank you.


Okay, that's not fair.

I'm serious...

That is too good.

You have just
completely ruined me

For every other cookie
on the planet.

You have a secret
ingredient, don't you?

Something bizarre
that nobody else would guess.

There are one or two
surprises in there.

Is it ranch dressing?

My mother puts ranch dressing
in everything.

I'm guessing
you're not a baker.

Neither is my mother.

But that guy
was onto something.

Have you ever thought about
selling these?

I've toyed with the idea.

Well, you should.

They're good.

Really good.



I've been meaning
to ask you,

Why don't you wear
any gloves?

Oh, I do.

But I lose them.

It happens every winter.

I go through
about four pairs.


That's... Pathetic.


[Cell phone rings]

Hey, bud.

Aw, man,
that's too bad.

No, no, don't
worry about me.

Just feel better.


Yeah. You, too.

Connor's got
the belly whumpers.

Hope it's
nothing serious.

Too much christmas
candy is my guess.

What's with
all the trees?

I have a bunch
of deliveries to make.

The two most misleading words
in the english language,

"Free delivery."

There's actually nothing
free about it.

It costs me time,
gas, patience...

Why do you offer it, then?

Because all
the mega lots do,

And now I gotta do it alone
because connor called in sick.

Hey, I don't suppose...

I have to get to work.

And so do i.

But delivering christmas trees
goes so much quicker

When you actually have
somebody there to help you out.

Is this another acting job?

Are you going to guilt me
into coming along?


I just thought it would be nice

For the little guys
to help each other out.

The "all for one" pitch.

You have no shame.

Did it work?

You got gps?

That would be you.



♪ Little spindly
christmas tree ♪

♪ All alone
you're just for me... ♪

So, left on avalon,

Two blocks to lyon,
another left,

And the house will be
halfway down the block.

You are so much better
at this than I am.

Now who's pathetic?

Don't make fun.

I read in an article

That albert einstein
would get lost

If you took him more than
four blocks from his house.

But he had other strengths,

"Relativity" speaking.



[Bells jingling]


I have a lousy
sense of direction.

Do I at least get some points
for copping to it?


You are the first man
I've ever met who'd admit that.

The next light is avalon.

You'll wanna go left, einstein.


So, was I right,

Was it worth coming in?


You know that adorable man
hanging tinsel?

He's 92.

That's dan missilden.

He used to be
a history professor.

Still could be.

He's sharper than I am.

His vision's
pretty good, too.

He told me twice

How pretty you were,

And I agreed both times.

You know, I might take
that compliment more seriously

If I hadn't
seen you flirting

With that
cute old woman

Wearing the chenille bathrobe.

The lady in the bathrobe
has actually had her eye on me

For three christmases now.

She's got good taste.

Well, thank you very much.

I was talking about
the bathrobe.


All right, let's go.


That was good.

Apartment 632.

Sixth floor.

Piece of cake.

I did five flights

With a tree
in each hand once.

Nothing can dampen
my holiday spirit.

I noticed.

You take your
christmas trees very seriously.

Oh, yeah.

Ever since I was eight.

I read this book about
a runty little sapling

That wanted to grow up

And be this big,
beautiful christmas tree.

And it was about growing
and believing,

And holding tight
to your dreams,

And even at eight years old,

I knew that that was
the spirit of christmas.

You don't think
that's oversold a bit?

The unrealistic expectations?

The "'tis the season" hype?

You obviously have never read
"the scrawniest spruce."

You said it yourself,

That's for kids.

We're all kids at christmas.

You just got to forget the hype
and hold onto the fun.

Stop stalling.

We've got three more flights.

Even the best cook
needs to be organized,

So you have to make sure

You have all
your ingredients handy

And read the recipe
from start to finish

Before you do anything.

I want everything
to be right.

We're hosting
his parents.

Is this your first
christmas together?


We were married in june.

You're in love.

You've already got it right.

Honey, does this
look straight to you?




[Young newlywed]:
such a gorgeous tree.

I wish we had more to put on it

Than a few little ornaments
and some popcorn strings,

But money's tight.

Whatever you put on it
will be beautiful.

It's not what the decorations
look like,

It's what they mean.

Can I show you something?


Tell me
what you think.

To celebrate
our first christmas together.

I got one for us

And one for
both our parents.

Too corny?

It's perfect.

I smell like a christmas tree.

I have pine needles
in my socks again

And I have no idea
how that happens.

Well, I'd better scoot.


That last stop,

The one with
the newlyweds.

That can't have been
easy for you,

And yet you really stepped up,

I just offered support.

No, you celebrated

In spite of everything
you've lost.

And I can't even imagine

How enormous
that loss must feel.

I'll see you around the rink?

I'll see you around the rink.


Uncle tim, ready to test
the new machine?

Let 'er rip!

Ready, set, snow!


I love christmas!



[Shop bell jingling]

<I> [answering machine beeps]</i>

<I> you have 23 new messages.</I>

...and it's got these
great side pockets...

[Telephone rings]

Excuse me.

Dream cycle.

Hi, tim.

Are you serious?


Okay, thank you.

I told you we should
be selling these.

These are all I have.

I made them for the christmas
party at my church.

Well, lucky for us
you hadn't delivered them yet.

The phone hasn't
stopped ringing.

These are as good as sold.

All from word of mouth
on the ones I handed out?


I told you how good
your cookies are.

Can you bake more?

I'll put 'em
on display for sale,

You can make
a little spending money.

"Make money."

What a concept.

That's a fine looking santa.


I wanted to put him
in the living room,

But jenna said there
wasn't enough room in there

For two of us.

So, it was either him or me.

Well, I think you made
the right choice.

You'd look awfully silly
standing out here all alone.

[Laughs] good point.

She's in there somewhere.


Where did you get
all this fabulousness?

Notions eleven,
off main downtown.

I love their stuff.

So, were the boxes
tim's idea?


Word of mouth is great,

But I think we could get
more impulse buys

If the presentation
is cool.

So what do you plan
to do with these?

Well, I thought maybe

We could dust it
with gold glitter

And then sprinkle them
with the clove oil.

Engage as many senses
as possible.

That is a brilliant idea.

Or should we use
the metallic cones?

They're shinier.

Although I really like
the glitter,

Except it gets
all over everything.

[Gasps]: we could paint
the real cones gold?

What do you think?

I think you're
really into this.

I am.
I need to make some money.

No, I think there's
something else going on here.

Like what?

Like maybe you're trying
to impress tim.

Well, yeah,
to sell more cookies.

No, not the merchant, the man.

I think you're a little
too nervous and scared

To dress up for him yourself,

So you're making
all these pretty boxes,

Hoping he'll notice.

These aren't just

They're perfume,
lipstick, blush.

Don't be silly.

He's a cute,
sweet guy, kathy.

It's okay to like him.

Of course, I like him.

You know what I mean.

You're pushing again.

No, I'm not.

You are.

Have a fantastic christmas!

[Taps window]

What's this?

You don't
want to know.

It's a musical
toilet seat.

"Jingle bells" plays
when you sit down on it.

Are you serious?

You really think people
want to hear christmas music

At that moment?

I'm going to put that

Somewhere where no one will
ever, ever see it again.

I don't mean to be

But there is no sense
of organization here.

It's like going through
scott's closet again.

He was messy?

A disaster.

His sock drawer,

His desk,

His closet
was the worst.

You couldn't
find anything.

Did you guys argue about it?


He had so many
wonderful qualities,

I didn't dwell on the bad ones.

Well, he was very lucky
to be loved like that.

He loved me like that
right back.

It was a real gift.

He didn't take the gift
with him, you know.

If you can love once,
you can love again.

You really think
it's that simple?

Of course not.

If it was that simple,
we'd fall in love every day.

How about you, ever married?


Almost. Her name
was rebecca.

About three years
into the relationship,

She said I didn't know her.

She was right,

But I thought she was committed
to us and to our future.

Turns out her future
was with a lawyer named luke

That she met in spinning class.


Yeah, it was over a year ago
and I still miss her sometimes.

But... I think that

When you've really
loved somebody,

It's hard to let go.

But then I think about
what you've been through,

And I just, uh...

I can't even imagine.

[Shop bell jingles]

Uncle tim!

I ran out of...

I just... Need to...

Get some twine.

All right then.



That is just
plain terrific.

Let's hope it helps us
sell some cookies.

[Imitating cookie monster]:
cookies... Me want one.

Cookie! Mm...

[Connor]: thanks.

Merry christmas.

I have something
for you.


The ladies at that
seniors' center knit them,

And I have them
on consignment.

Do you like them?

Oh, they're not pretty,

And by the way,
they usually don't fit.

So why do you stock them?

Not only
do I stock them,

But I pretend
to sell them.

Just so the ladies feel
good about themselves.

So you give them money
from these pretend sales?

Of course!

You sell something,
you expect payment.

And it costs you

To stock these
terrible mittens?

Only financially.

I get reimbursed
in other ways.

Free mittens?

And a felt stocking,
a pomander ball,

And something
I think is a place mat,

But might be
a really small quilt.

You're a nice man,
tim pierce.

I think rebecca
made a big mistake.

I will wear these with pride.


Come by my house
in the morning.

I'll have more cookies
ready for you.



Yes, I did.

This I gotta see.

That one was from me.

It was a struggle to raise
the money to open dream cycle,

And that was my way
of saying "think positive,

The angels are
watching over us."

And somehow
the money came through.


So, he gave me that
last christmas,

To let me know.

I will bake cookies
all night every night

If it helps
keep his dream alive.

Why don't you bake cookies
all night every night

To help keep your dream alive?

What do you mean?

Well, I've heard
you say

That you love to bake cookies,

But I've never actually
heard you say

You love the bike business.

I haven't said it is all.

He could be very clever
with these.

You know, order one
months in advance

And then arrange to have it
delivered on christmas eve.


This was one.

Hmm, what does it mean?

"Keep the light on."

I see you put up the butterfly.

It fits.

Yeah, it does.

Look, tim's trees doesn't
open until tim says it does

And connor's coming in
late this morning.

Do you have an hour?

I'd love to take you
on a nice drive.


Are we almost there?

[Chuckling] almost.

Keep your eyes closed.

Are you peeking?
Can you see?

No, I can't see
anything, I promise.

Okay, right here. Ready?

Okay, open your eyes.

[Gasping] wow.

It's beautiful.

Is this where
you buy your trees?

I used to, but this'll
be the last year.


Next year, I'll be
selling them.

Right here. I just
bought the place.

Deal closed yesterday.

This is yours?

Come on, let me take you

On the first official tour
of christmas-go-round.

I've had my eye on
this place for a long time.

The owner was
getting ready to retire,

And six months ago,
he did just that.

I thought the christmas
tree business was risky.

Not if you're the guy
growing the trees.

That's recession-proof.

No matter
how tight things are,

Everybody finds money
for a christmas tree.

But my dream is
a lot bigger than that.



You okay?


Did you already lose
the mittens that I got you?

I forgot to bring them.

You forgot
to bring them, really?

So, right over there

Is where I'm gonna build
the horse barn,

And back this way
will be santa's workshop.

And then right over
this ridge over here,

I'll have a little place

Where you can make
your own wreaths.

Like, I want

To be just that,

A year-round
christmas experience.

That's why I called it

Sleigh rides, santa claus,
the whole deal.

And... This is where

We're gonna sell
your cookies.

Whoa, slow down.

Hey, a guy can dream,
can't he?

Come on.

So, all of this
was inspired

By the
"scrawniest spruce"?

Well, it did
take me a while, though.

I mean, I tried
the usual route,

With the cubicle job,

With the benefits,
and the stock options,

And all of that.

Over the years,
just drifted away.

Went freelance,

Bought the tree lot
on the side.

In a way, everything was just
kind of leading me to this.

I'm gonna create something
really special here.

A hands-on
christmas experience.

That's what scott wanted,

To create something
really special.

And what do you
want to create?

A cookie business,
if I listen to you.


So do.

For christmas-go-round--

Did you just...

Did you--?


Are you serious?

Oh, you are--

[Squealing and laughing]

Look out.

[Laughing and shrieking]


Oh, no, not fair, not fair!
My hands are freezing!

All right...


Did you have these
the whole time?

For when you lost
the other pair.

Why didn't you
give them to me?

Because I was enjoying
holding your hand too much.

Am I moving too fast?


I just wasn't ready
for anything like this.

Me neither.

Why me?

The angel.

What angel?

I was watching you
on the day we met,

From the doorway

As you wandered through
the gift shop,

And you saw
an angel ornament

On the very edge
of the table,

You pushed it back
so carefully,

So it wouldn't
fall and break.

That simple act,
that little kindness,

It said everything to me.

I should get to work.

Me too.

[Chuckling awkwardly]

Careful. Careful...


[Coins jingling]

There you go.

Thanks for coming by.

Oh, have a great holiday.

Hey, boss.

Thanks for
holding down the fort.

I'm sorry I'm late.

Wasn't hard.

That's our first customer today.

A good start.

Not really, she bought
three spokes and a patch kit.

Eight bucks.


Tell me something, graham.

Have you ever thought about
what you might do

If dream cycle had to close?

Sure. Ragbrai.

What is ragbrai?

It's this really cool week-long
bike race across iowa.

I've always wanted to do that.

Okay, um, after ragbrai,
what would you do?

I don't know.

Get another job, why?

You thinking about
taking up mario on his offer?

Just curious.

[Christmas songs play]

[Toy train toots]


[Shop door jingles]

Oh, I'm sorry, we're closed...

Hi, tim.


How are you?

I'm, um, fine.

Are you here for the holidays?

No, actually.

I just... Moved back to town.


A couple weeks ago.

I'm staying with my sister
until I find a place of my own.

Is that hot chocolate?


Any left?

So... Why are you back?

Things didn't
work out with luke.

I'm sorry.


Turns out he has
a fatal flaw.

He isn't you.


I promised myself I wasn't
going to go there, but...

There I went.

Oh, and
for the record?

I've sworn myself off
spinning classes for life.

Look, tim.

I know I have no right

To barge back into
your life like this,

Especially after
what I did to you,


I miss you.

A lot.

I just wanted you
to know that.

You always wanted to
have a gift shop in here.


Good for you.

Are you still selling

Those "jingle bells"
toilet seats

That always made you
laugh so much?

I tried,

But they were pretty much
a non-starter.

I bet.


And I bought
that christmas tree farm

That I've always had my eye on.

Tim, that's fantastic.

are you gonna do it?

Mm-hmm, yup.

Double good for you.

As long as we're catching
up, I have to ask.

Are you seeing someone?

Not exactly.



You were closing up
when I did that barging in,

So I will let you
get back to it.


And I'm sure it goes
without saying, but...

If "not exactly maybe"
doesn't pan out...

Let me know.

Take care of yourself, tim.

[Shutter clicking]


Good one.

Oh, my gosh...


Hey, two ugly sweaters,
that's amazing.

Nice job.

Hello, your ugliness.

[Chuckling] you came!

I had to.

Apparently, my late husband

Was an ugly sweater party

So I have to uphold
the family tradition.

You're just in time
to help me with these.

Okay, but there's something
I want to run by you first.

Okay, run away.


Have a look at this.

Do I have to?

I'm tired of looking
at that woman.

So imagine she's not there.

Imagine it's a picture of me,

And instead of
"queen carla's cookie kingdom,"

It says...

"Cookies by kathy."

You're thinking of going into
the cookie business?


Dumb idea?

[Stammering] no--

Th-this is the greatest idea
I've ever heard!

People seem to like my cookies
and I really love baking them--

Okay, you don't
have to sell me

On any of this.

Your cookies are amazing.


Could you do this
and dream bikes?

Probably not.


This is headline!

It's just something
I'm thinking about.

I haven't made up my mind
about anything.


Yeah, of course, but still...


You, uh, you have tim
to thank for this, don't you?

I guess I do.

[Clinking glasses]

Thank you.

Merry christmas.

Kathy, hi!

Hi, mario.

This is eve atkinson.

Nice to meet you.

You, too.

Eve is my accountant
and business manager.


Kathy tells me

You're interested in
buying her lease.

Keenly interested.

Well, she, uh, might be
interested in selling,

So let us know
when we can talk.

How about now?

Did you go skating
this morning?

No, not today.

Why not?

I don't know,
I just didn't.

What's going on, uncle tim?

Nothing's going on.

Yeah, there is.

You like that girl, kathy.

We're just, uh...

We're just friends.

Well, whatever.

But that's why you go skating,

And this morning you didn't
and you're acting all mopey.

So what's going on?

Do you remember
my girlfriend, rebecca?


Didn't she, like,
dump you and move away?

Well, she's back,

And she came to see me
last night.


It was upsetting
to see her.

I know what you mean.

You know, I liked this girl.


She's really hot.

We hung out for a while
and it was awesome.

And then she started
blowing me off,

And I was like,
"dude, what's up with that?"

But then I got interested
in this other girl.


And that was cool,

Till darcy started coming around

Like she was all interested
in me and everything again.

So what did you do?

I'm still trying
to figure it out.

[Sighs] women.

It's so confusing.


Copy that.


[Doorbell rings]

The cookie collector's here.

Come and get 'em.


How was your day?


Could definitely
use some more cookies.

You practically
sold out.

Oh, that's great!

You know,
I've been thinking about

Your cookie shop idea,

And, well, maybe going into
the cookie business full-time.

That's a terrific idea.

I'd love to
talk to you about it.


I could brew us up
a pot of coffee, or...

Pour us a glass of wine?

Actually, could I take
a rain check on that?

I'm pretty b*at.

Of course.

I'll give you a call
later tomorrow

And I'll let you know
if I need some more.


Oh, hey, I almost forgot.

A lady came by for a tree

And she sampled your cookies
and she flipped over them.

She wants you
to bake a batch

For a christmas eve party
that she's having.

Oh, great.
I'll give her a call.

Okay. I'll, um,
talk to you tomorrow.

Oh, uh, will you be
at the rink in the morning?

I don't know.

We'll see.

[Ornaments rustling]

[Honks horn]

Connor overslept.

He'll be out
in a minute.


What's going on?

[Sighs heavily]

Connor says
rebecca's back in town.


Yes, she is.


And what?

I've seen her once.

Are you planning
on seeing her again?

I don't know.

Please don't.



I like rebecca.

I really do.

I remember how good
you two were together,

But I also remember
how devastated you were

And how long it took you
to get happy again.

She made a mistake.

And I don't want to
see you make one.

I'm a big boy, sarah.

No, you're not.

You are my little brother
and don't you ever forget that.

Truthfully, I don't...

I mean, I don't know how I feel.

It was really good
seeing her again

And I can't deny that.


Well, I gave you my two cents.

Spend it in peace.

That was weird.

Yes, it was.

It's a generous offer.

He really is keen.

What about the inventory
and the payables?

Well, inventory-wise,

You'd want to wait
until after the holidays,

When your competitors
will need to restock,

But I've made
some inquiries,

And the numbers
they've floated

Should more than cover
your outstanding obligations.

So I could walk away
free and clear?

Maybe even a little ahead.

But not enough
to start a new business.

Well, that's what
business loans are for.

All of that
will work itself out.


The only question
that really matters is, um...

Are you ready to let go?

Forgive me
for saying it again,

But no one would have
wanted this for you

More than scott.

I never thought I'd say this--

Or believe it--

But you're right.

When scott was alive,
we were a team.

His dreams were my dreams.

I was as excited
about this store as he was

Because it was ours,

But there is no "ours" anymore.

For so long
I thought,

If I didn't keep
the store going,

I would be
letting scott down.

Now I think I'd be
letting him down if I keep it.

I wanted to give you
my week's notice!

Did you say
what I think you said?


But the week after christmas
is bound to be busy.

Returns, people cashing in
gift certificates...

Oh, no, sorry, not this week.

Just... Whatever week
you need it to be.

You know, when you finally
close up shop.

Just let me know.

I guess I don't
hide secrets very well.

This has been
a long time coming,

And as your number one--

Well, only one--


I say "go for it."

Whatever you do next,
it's gonna be amazing.

[Shop bell jingles]

Hey, guys.

Are we doing this?

Thank you.


This is amazing.

I know.

So tim owns all of this?


Isn't it beautiful?

Here, let me
give you the tour.

So... You've got
your spruces over here...

And this is where he
envisions my shop being.

What an excellent spot.

Come on.

So my idea is

That you don't just buy
cookies at christmas time,

But all year round.

It's perfectly symbolized

By your soon-to-be iconic
flagship store,

Which is on
a christmas tree lot,

Where nonstop christmas
is a reality.


I lied, I don't like it.

I love it.

So, you're really
going to do this?

I really am.



I'm not stalking you.

I promise, I just...

I came to buy a tree.



Well, what are you
in the market for?

Give me the spiel.



I always loved it.


We have a variety
of trees to choose from.

We have the fraser fir
and your douglas fir.

The fraser fir has excellent
needle retention,

And the douglas
a more pleasing aroma...

[Chatting and laughing]


It could be
his sister

Or a cousin.

Let's go.

Don't jump to
conclusions, okay?

Let's go.

That always looked so great.


Look, um...

I'm not doing this, rebecca.

Not selling me a tree?

It is really good
to see you again,

And I mean that.

And if there's anything
that I can do

To help you get back
on your feet here,

I'm there for you.

But we're not
getting back together.


I will not let that happen.

It isn't "not exactly maybe"
at all, is it?

I mean, you know.


I hope she feels the same

If anyone deserves
to be happy, tim,

It's you.

See ya.


I knew something
was wrong.

He was different, avoiding me,
but I didn't want to believe it.

Why don't you just
call him, okay?

I'm sure there's
an innocent explanation.


Selling the business...


It was all a mistake.

Scott sent me a sign
and I ignored it.

A sign, what are you
talking about?

The ornament tim gave me,

It fell, it broke.

No, kathy...

That-that's crazy.

No, no, no,

It's the clearest thing
in the world.

Scott was warning me
and I ignored it.


[Truck approaching]

What happened?

Did you forget
to water it?

I can't talk
right now, tim.

I've got a lot of
cookies to make

For that
christmas eve order.

I brought you something.

A few days left
in the season

Put it to use.

And then, after christmas,
you can take it apart

And you can spend
the rest of the winter

Losing all the pieces.

It's so sweet.

Thank you.

What's going on, kathy?
What's wrong?

I saw you with that woman.

What woman?

You were showing her trees?

Obviously, you guys are close.

You saw me with rebecca?


That explains it.

I'm glad she's back
in your life.

I know how much
you care about her.


She is not back in my life,
not like that,

And it's really disappointing
that you would think so.

What, did you think I was...

Just jerking you around?

Like, looking for
a little holiday fling?

That's not fair.

Of course not, because this
isn't really about rebecca,

Is it?

This is about you.

If you want to
stop seeing me--

I can't do this right now, tim,
can't you see that?

Can't do what?

This conversation,
for starters.

I was going to prepare
this great speech

About timing,

And it was going to be
touching, and real,

And at the end of it,

You were going to understand,

And respect me,

And wish me well.

And we were even
going to end up friends.

Then make the speech.
Go ahead, convince me.

I can't! It's a cop-out!

The truth is,

I don't know why
I can't do this right now.

I mean, maybe if you had

Come into my life
at easter,

Or the fourth of july,

Maybe I would be ready, but...

I'm not ready right now.

Not this christmas.

You are
an amazing man, tim,

And I'm so grateful
for your support

And encouragement, but...

All I can offer you
right now is gratitude.


Well... You're welcome.

No, you know what,

Listen to me.


It's not a bus or a train.

It doesn't run on schedule.

It's unexpected
and it's inconvenient,

And sometimes, you have to
your whole life

For it to show up,

But when it does,

You grab tight, and you hold on,

Because those bumps,
and the twists,

And the stomach lurches,

Those are what make you
feel like you're still alive.


I would have given you
all the time in the world

To be ready to take a ride
like that with me.

All the time
in the world.

[Cell phone chimes]

[Beeps phone off]

[Shop bell jingles]

She still hasn't called?


[Sighs] bummer.

So, like, nobody's
come in today.

Can we close early?

I haven't done
my christmas shopping yet.

You waited until december 24th
to do your christmas shopping?

Dude, I'm a teenager.

Sure, let's...

Let's call it a day.

I'll go flip the sign.

[Shop bell jingles]


I was bowled over
when I ate your cookies.

I'd never tasted
anything like them.

That's so nice
of you to say.

Oh, I mean it.

I've been baking
my whole life.

That's a long time,
trust me.

I could never dream

Of making cookies
as good as yours.

Is this your invoice?



You look so familiar to me.

Have we met before?


I get that all the time.

You've probably seen me on this.

You're queen carla?


I was the model
hired to represent her.

I always thought
it was your company.

Oh, goodness, no.

It's a corporate

Phony as
a $3.00 bill.

Have you tried their cookies?


I'm not a fan. Sorry.

Don't be.

I wouldn't eat them on a dare,

Which is why it's so great

They are finally going to
have some competition.

Oh? Who's that?


Aren't you?

Well, that's
what tim said.

Hey, tell me something.

I buy my tree
from tim every year.

Do you know
if he's single?

Because I have an
age-appropriate daughter

Who is...

He is single.


But what did he
tell you?

Oh, that you were
thinking of opening

A retail cookie business.

And, by the way,

If you're looking for

Give me a shout.

That's so nice.

Thank you.

Again, I mean it.

You are the real deal, sister.

You have a gift.

How lucky for
the rest of the world

You're going to share it.

Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.

Thank you.




Kathy, you home?


Hey, where have you been
for the last few days, you?

Sorry, I went off the grid.

Well, I came to drop off
your christmas giftie.

Jenna, I don't know
why you put up with me.

Of course, I'm gonna do

You are?

It's a brilliant idea,
you said so yourself.

Well, I know,

But what made you
change your mind?

A conversation
with queen carla.

A what with who?

And a thumbs-up from scott.

And a thumbs-up from...

This is the greatest
christmas gift ever.

I know, I know,

But I can't really talk
right now,

So I'm going to have to
call you back, okay?

I love you, jenna lowe.

Love you, too, babe.

[Dialing phone]

Tim, it's kathy.

I'm at the lot.

It looks like you closed down
for the season.

Um, anyway, call me back.

We need to talk.

Mm, that turkey
looks fantastic...

Uncle tim!

Come on,
it's time to eat.


Why, it's

The scrawniest spruce.

Actually, it's a fir.

I don't know it's a douglas
or a fraser.

Where's connor
when you need him?

I'm sorry I just walked in.

The front door was unlocked,
the porch light was on.

I took that as an invitation.

It was.

So, you... You wanted to talk?


I'm so sorry
I pushed you away.

It was never about you.

I know.

I thought I would have to
say goodbye to scott.

I thought
I would have to lose him

To make room for you.

Now I know I don't.

And I'm ready.

Ready for what?


For old memories,

New beginnings...

Unexpected gifts.


If you'll give me
another chance.

That's not necessary.

I am still under the spell

Of our first
extraordinary chance.

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