21x01 - Mouths and Feelings

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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21x01 - Mouths and Feelings

Post by bunniefuu »


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly
day in this beauty

wood, a neighborly
day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, you might
as well say, would you be mine,

could you be mine, won't
you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

-Hey, neighbor.

Sometimes, do you just say your
words instead of singing them?

Let's make the most
of this beautiful day.


Well, let's.

like you to guess
what's in this box.

Another box.

Can you imagine what
might be inside this box?

That button up there.

What if I told you that
some laughs were in here?

Well, that's just what
there are-- as many laughs

as you want.


See, that's how you
turn it on and off.


When I hear laughing, sometimes
I feel like laughing myself.

How about you?

Laugh with your mouth
open, if you can.

Ha, ha, ha, like this.

Now try laughing with
your mouth closed.

Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm.

That's a little
harder, isn't it?

Let's take the laughing
box to the fish.

Do you suppose fish ever laugh?


What do you think
that fish would

find funny enough
to laugh about?

It's fun to think of
such things with you.

-[SINGING] There's only one
in this wonderful world.

You are special.



There's some laughing and
the telephone ringing.

I thought I heard that too.


Hey, Chef Brockett.

How are you?

Yes, but I don't
know what they are.

Gingerbread Brocketts?

All right.

Well, we will.


Thank you.

Bye bye.

Chef Brockett says,
come over and find out

what gingerbread Brocketts are.

Why don't we do that?

We'll go to his bakery.


Come along.


SERGIO: Bye bye.

Bye, Emily.


Hi, Emily.

-Bye bye.

-Bye bye.

Hola, Sergio.

-Hola, Senor Rogers.

Como esta?

-Uh, tres bien.

I mean, muy bien, gracias.

Y usted?

-Muy bien.


Muy bien.

-Could you tell me how you
say to laugh in Spanish?



-Si, reir.


I've been doing a good
deal laughing, lately--


--which is fun.

Uh, and Chef Brockett is
making gingerbread Brocketts?


-Uh, I would like to.

Si, por favor.

-Por favor.


-De nada.

-Chef Brockett.

-Hi, Fred.

How are ya?

-I'm here.

-I'm all, I'm all
set up to show you

how I make the
gingerbread Brocketts.



-Is that what these are?


-Oh, I see.

Uh, is that a, uh,
is that a bear?


MR. ROGERS: Or somebody
with a mustache?


MR. ROGERS: I don't
know what they are.

I'll tell you what.

You put that down and I'll
show you what happens.

-All right.

-First of all, I cut out
the dough, like this.

And I lift this part up.

I leave this part down.

MR. ROGERS: Mm-hmm.

it is before it's baked.

-Oh, then you have to bake that.

-Mm-hmm, right.

Mm, smell that.

-It smells very good.

-Doesn't it?

-Like gingerbread.


And then--

MR. ROGERS: Then you
put that in the oven.


MR. ROGERS: And then
comes something like this.

-That's right.

-But then, what is it?

-Well now, put it
down for a second.



Now I [INAUDIBLE] like that.

And then I start to trim them.

And then they look like this.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, it Looks
like you, with your cap--


MR. ROGERS: --with the CB on it.

And it has eyes and nose.

But none of them
have any mouths.

that's because you can

make all different
kinds of mouths.

You can make 'em look happy.

You can make 'em look--



You can make 'em look--


-What are you?


-You can make 'em look--


-That looks surprised.

-That's right.



---what kind would you
like me to make you?

-Oh, you can put the
mouths on right now.


-Uh, I'd like a laughing mouth.


-I love to laugh.

been doing laughing.



That's a good laughing mouth.


MR. ROGERS: Mm-hmm.

-Would you like to do one?



You need to hold this
at the top first.

Hold it at the top.

And then when you
squeeze the bottom,

the icing will come out.

You have to practice
a little bit.


It looks like you're making
one that's a little bit sad.

MR. ROGERS: Could you put
sad and happy together?

You know, sometimes
that happens.

CHEF BROCKETT: Sad and happy.

Person just doesn't
know which way he feels.


-Sometimes sad ones
have a little--


one pitiful, very, very, sad.

MR. ROGERS: Mm-hmm.

people feel sad.

And sometimes they feel happy.

-Oh, that's a nice one.


-People feel all kinds of ways.

I'd like to see how, how
you make a bored one.

-Oh, a bored?



-Let's go straight across here.

Just a nice, straight out.

Just like that.

MR. ROGERS: Bored.


-And then what
about-- what was that?

When you went like this?


That's the surprise.



That one's just a
circle [INAUDIBLE].

MR. ROGERS: These are ones
you just experiment with?

CHEF BROCKETT: That's right.

make one on this one?

CHEF BROCKETT: OK, go ahead.

MR. ROGERS: I just
have an idea for it.

oh, you're going

to go-- oh, ooh,
a great big smile.

That's almost like--
oh yeah, that's

almost like a big
clown kind of smile.



-I'd be glad to decorate
all of these, Chef Brockett.

I'll tell you what.

Uh, pretty soon I need to get
the other ones out of the oven.

MR. ROGERS: You can just put
anything on you want, I guess.

CHEF BROCKETT: That's right.

guess I need to get home.

-You may pick any one you
want to take with you.

-Oh, I want the laughing
one that you made first.

I like that one.


-May I have that?


-Thank you very much.



-You have a good with
laughing things, don't you?

-Oh, I do.

And you have a good time with
baking things, don't you?

-I sure do.

I'll see ya.

-Oh, your, your
oven's hot, here.

-It sure is.

I'm, I'm going to put these on.

-Thanks, Chef Brockett.

-OK, take care, Fred.

-Bye bye.

-Bye bye.

SERGIO: Thank you very much.

Good bye.


-Si, reir.




-De nada.

-Hi Bernie, how are you?

-May I help you?


-Gingerbread Brocketts.

This one's the laughing one.

We could turn on
the laughing box

and pretend this
one's really laughing.


Do you remember how
the chef made the mouth

on the surprised
gingerbread Brockett?

And on the sad one?

And on the bored one?

I'm not really bored
because I'm doing something.


Let's get the trolley here.



Why don't we pretend
something about laughing

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe?

We could think about
how different people

and animals might
feel about laughing.

All right, trolley?

Neighborhood of Make-Believe.






-I'm bored.


I don't know why.

I'm just bored.


Sure you're sorry.

I'm sorry too.


I suppose you'll be sorry too.

-Lady Aberlin, I presume?

-I guess so, Uncle Friday.

-What do you mean, you guess so?

-Well, I guess I am Lady
Aberlin, that's what I mean.

-Of course you're Lady Aberlin.

You're no impostor, are you?

-Oh no, I'm, I'm myself
all right, Uncle Friday.

But to tell you the
truth, I'm bored.


Being a lady?


I'm bored not having a real job.

I mean, Miss Paulifficate
answers all the castle phones,

and Handyman Negri does all
the chores around the castle,

and Aunt Sara runs
Food for the World.

Everybody has something
important to do.

Everybody but me.

-You are important just
being Lady Aberlin.

-I know, Uncle Friday.

But I want to do something
that's important.

Something that counts.

-Well, I suppose you help
me count the castle money.

-It isn't exactly
what I had in mind.

-What did you have in mind?

-To tell you the
truth, Uncle Friday--

MR. MCFEELY: Speedy delivery!
---it would be some--

MR. MCFEELY: Speedy delivery!

-Hello, Mr. McFeely.


Hi, Mr. McFeely.

-Mr. McFeely, I presume.

-Correct as usual, King Friday.

-And of course you
know Lady Aberlin.

-I do.

How do you do, Lady A?


-Well, I'm delivering.

-Who's the, uh, package for?

-Uh, "To the
director of research,

Neighborhood of Make-Believe."

-Who's that?

-Well, I don't know.

I thought that you
two might know.

-Uh, what did you
say the title was?

-Uh, "The director of research
Neighborhood of Make-Believe."

-Director of research.

Very impressive.

But I do believe that that
is a fairly new position.

And it is held by our one
and only Lady Aberlin.

-Who, me?

-You are as of this moment
director of research.

Just a moment.

I shall find you an
appropriate something.

-You seem a little surprised.

-Oh, well, I, I had thought
that perhaps something was

in the works, but I, I
didn't know, exactly.

Gosh, I wonder, I
wonder what's in there.

-Look at this.

-Here you are,
director of research.

-Oh, what, what
do I do with this?

-You put it around your neck
and assume the duties herewith.


KING FRIDAY: Very good.

-What exactly are my duties?

-Your first one is to
open this speedy delivery,

which is addressed to you.


-Director of research.

I never expected anything
like this so, SO suddenly.

-I've always found that life is
full of unexpected surprises.

Uh, unfortunately, I have
other deliveries to make.

Packages don't deliver
themselves, we always say.

-Oh, thank you for your
fine work, Mr. McFeely.


Thanks for a sudden
turn from boredom.

-Well, you're both very welcome.

Speedy delivery.

Speedy delivery.

-Speedy delivery.

-Very good, great.

And so, director of research,
what is your project?

-It, it looks as though
we have been chosen

to participate in
laughing research.

-Laughing research?


It, it sounds rather
frivolous to me.

-Why, laughing is a very
important and profound matter.

Where would civilization
be without its laughter?

-Why, I, I never thought of
it like that, Uncle Friday.

-I shall give you one of
my laughs for your research

before I go to count
the castle money.



-Well, I, I'm not quite
sure what I'm to do with it,

uh, yet, Uncle Friday.

But I, I thank you for it.

And thank you for the
directorship of research.

-Sail on in the position
with majesty and grace.

-I shall try, Uncle Friday.



"This laughing box
was carefully prepared

by a select team of experts.

You are to use it and
the stopwatch together

as you proceed with
your interviews.

Our project is designed
to specifically discover

the rate at which people
and animals laugh when first

being exposed to
the laughing box."

Oh, this should be fun.


LADY ELAINE: Hello, Aberlin.

Hey there, toots.

-Uh, yes, Lady Elaine?

-Come on over here
a minute please.


I'll be right over.

Oh, it sounds like my,
my first research client.



Oh, hi, Lady Elaine.

-Ah ha, welcome, DR.


-Director of
Research, of course.

-Have you heard
about it already?

-Ah, it was my idea.

-I see.

-You'll be great at it.

Now, if you need anything
from my museum for your work,

just ask me.

-Actually, I, I would like your
help on something right away.

-That's what I thought.

Nobody can do without me.

Go ahead, ask.

-All you have to do is listen.


-Yes, just a moment--

-Just listen?

---and I'll be ready.

Elaine Fairchilde.


-What in the world?

What am I supposed to do?

-Just keep listening,
Lady Elaine.

-I'm listening.

Now, what do you do
after you listen?

whatever you feel like.

Whatever comes naturally.

-Just sounds like a
lot of laughing to me.


Just keep listening.

-I can't stand it.

It makes you want
to laugh yourself.

-Well, well, go ahead.

Just, just do what you feel.

-Oh, honestly.


like a happy little group.

-Oh, Chef Brockett.

Excuse us, Chef Brockett.


-The laughing is catching.

-Oh, we were right in the
middle of a research project.

-Whenever I hear that
kind of laughing,

I always have to join right in.

I just love it.


-Um, how, how, how soon
was it that you started

to laugh from the time you
first heard the laughter here?

-I'd say about four seconds.

-Thank you.

-I'm longer, but I'm at it now.




It took you 22
seconds, Lady Elaine.


-Well, well I think
it's mighty funny.

But I bet you better
turn the thing off

or we'll laugh ourselves
the whole way to Westwood.

-Ah, you, you two are my, my
first two research clients.

-You, you're doing
research on laughing?

-Well, I'll be doing
it on everything.

I'm the new director of
research of this neighborhood.

-Well, how about a
gingerbread Brockett?

-Would you like me to
do research on them too?

-If you like.

You can, you can find out who,
who wants the happy ones, who

wants the bored ones,
who wants the sad ones.

Or maybe even just give them
to people and let them eat.

-I'll just eat mine, if I may.

-Bored, happy, or sad.

-Uh, one of each, please.

-There you go.


Hey, just set 'em
right down here.

-All right.

-Very good.

Bored, happy, sad.

-And Betty, how about
a sad one for you, huh?

-I'm happy [INAUDIBLE].

-OK, yeah.


-Bored, happy, sad.

-Thanks, Chef Brockett

-Hey, you're welcome.

-Bored, happy, sad.

-Oh, I have to get
over to the castle.

I promised them a dozen.

-Oh, I must go on with
my laughing research.

-Well happiness to both of
you in your lives ahead.

Thanks for the laughs, toots.


-And thanks for the
gingerbread Brocketts.

-One comes out of your
mouth and the other goes in.


-Right you are, DR.


-See you all.

-Director of Research.

-Oh, I see.

Well, I wish you well.

-Yes, ha ha!

-See ya.

-Thank you, Chef Brockett.

And I, you.



-I'm fine, trolley.

How about you?


Oh, she's all excited about
her research projects.


She sure is.


You too, trolley.

You have a good day.



-It takes some people longer
than others to start to laugh.

In fact, everybody's
different when

it comes to things like that.

Lady Aberlin started
out being bored.

But when she took on
that interesting job,

she wasn't bored anymore.

You can do things for yourself
when you're feeling bored.

That's why it's so important
to learn to play well.



What is that that I hear?

Sounds like something outside.

Eric Kloss, how are you?

-Well, I'm just fine, Fred.

-What, what is this you have?

-This is a wind synthesizer
and its laughing at the moment.

-It sure sounds
like it's laughing.

Would you do it again?

Now, that's not your
usual saxophone.

-No, it isn't.

It's a, a digital saxophone.

And it has all different
kinds of sounds

stored in this little box here.

-Could I hear some others?


Uh, as a matter of
fact, I got, uh,

one here that I think,
uh, a king would like.

It'd be a fanfare.


And it's a trumpet
and it goes like this.


-Thank you very much, Mr. Kloss.

-Yes, sir.


-And there, and there
are other instruments

that you can play with this?


You can play a, a violin.

-Just by blowing in there?


And it sounds like this.


-Oh Eric, that's beautiful.


Uh, you can play all different
forms of music, too--

classical music, jazz, rock
and roll, whatever you want.

-That is, you can.

-Ah well, I do my best.

-I mean, it took you
a long time to learn

to play your own saxophone.

And now you're
learning to play this.

-That's right.

It's little by little.

-What, what are you
going to punch up now?

-Well, how about if we see
if we can find some flute?


-What's that one?

-Well, that's a,
a another flute.

You can have a couple different
kinds of flutes on here.

There's three base
sounds, a lot of things.


Are getting there.




-There we are.

And it goes like this.


-You are special.

Mm-hmm, there's certainly only
one Eric Kloss in this world.

-And there's one
Fred Rogers as well.

-I'm mighty grateful
for your friendship.

-Yes, sir.

-Hi, Fred.

Hi, Eric.

-Oh hi, Candee.

-Hi, Candee.

-I was walking down the
block and I heard you.

And it just sounded so nice.

-This is Mrs.
Kloss, Candee Kloss.

Well, I was just telling
Eric how grateful

I am for his friendship
and for yours.

-Thank you, Fred.

Friendship is a very
special blessing.

-I'll say.

-And so is teaching, Eric.

And we have to get
you over to school

so that you can
teach your class.

-That's right.

Time to go to work.

-And we have to be on our way.

-He does a lot of teaching.

Can I, uh, help you
with any of this?

-Well thank you, Fred.

But we're used to
instrument transportation.

-Instrument transportation.

That's wonderful.

Come back anytime.

-It's our pleasure.
-Thank you.

We will.
-Both of you.

We will.
-Both of you.
-Both of you.
CANDEE KLOSS: Thank you.

-Both of you.
CANDEE KLOSS: Thank you.

-Bye bye.


-Eric Kloss certainly
can make that synthesizer

sound wonderful.

He's such a joyful person.

He doesn't see with
his eyes, but he

surely does see with his heart.

I always feel better after
I've had a visit with him,

just like I feel better after
I've had a visit with you.


It's such a good feeling

to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside.


And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

-Lots of things to talk about
in this life, aren't there?

The laughing box in its own box.

Gingerbread Brockett, laughing.

I'll be back next time.

Bye bye.

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