21x10 - Episode 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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21x10 - Episode 10

Post by bunniefuu »

THEME SONG: It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty?

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please,

please won't you be my neighbor?

How are you, neighbor?

I want you to see something.

This is a clown that
we've called Jack.

And this is a box.

And Jack's just made
with a spring inside.

A little-- little toy.

Some people call
it jack-in-the-box.

And you put the
clown down like this.

And then he pops up like that.

Kind of hard to
make him go away.

Kind of hard to put
him down in like that.

Just like it's hard
for parents to go

away and leave their children.

And he comes back.

It's sort of like a game
of peek-a-boo, isn't it?

I'll just play peek-a-boo
for a second with you.

I know a lot of people
who like this game.

Where's Mr. Rogers?


And peek-a-boo is sort of like
the game of hide-and-seek.

Shall we play hide-and-seek?

All right.

You-- you look right
here, and then I'll

go hide somewhere in-- in here.

And then I'll tell you when to--
when to look for me, all right?

Stay right there.


You looking?

How do you do?

You know, tiny babies aren't
able to know that when someone

goes away, that that
person will come back.

Babies think that every time
they can't see somebody,

that person is gone forever.

But as we grow
from being babies,

we learn little by little
that people do come back.

But that's why we like games
like peek-a-boo so much.

Because with them, we
learn to have patience.

Even though we don't
have to wait very long.

Peek-a-boo games
help us to learn

to be patient little by little.


And as we keep on growing, we
can even go to sleep and know

that when we wake up, the people
we love will still be there.


Oh, there's the phone.


No, I haven't mentioned it yet.

OK, well, that will
give us just enough time

for some make-believe.

You want us to come over there?

All right.

We'll see you after
a little while then.

All right, thank you, bye-bye.

That's an old friend of ours who
has been growing, and changing,

and singing all over the world.

He has invited us to come and
meet his group after a while.

So we'll do that.

But first, let's check
on the bean plant.

I want to see how
much it's grown.

A lot since last time.

Look at this.

Just like most living things, it
grows when we're not watching.

Remember last time we looked
at it, it was right about here.


I better give it a little
moisture with this mister.

Very good.

Well, let's have
some make-believe.

Get the Trolley.



We've been pretending about a
Big Thing that has rolled very

slowly into the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

At first, people
were afraid of it.

But last time, Robert Troll
was able to listen to it

and understand
that it was growing

something nice for everybody.

Let's make-believe more
about that story now

as the Trolley
goes by the Castle

in the Neighborhood
of Make-Believe.


-Oh, hello, Trolley.


I went home to get some

Incidentally, where is it?


Oh, Daniel might know?

OK, I'll go ask him.


Thank you.

-Hey there, Purple Panda.

-Hello, Lady Elaine.

-I was wondering where you were.

-I went home to get some 4P.

-Oh, what in the world is that?

-It is not in the world.

It is from Planet Purple.

-Well, you know what I mean.

What is it actually?

-It is Planet
Purple Plant Powder.

-Oh, you mean it just blows
stuff all over the place?

-It mists 4P.

-Oh, and what, may I ask, is 4P?

And what does it do?

-It helps things to grow.

-Big things?

PURPLE PANDA: Any size things.

-How about a squirt for my nose?

I love my long nose, and it
hasn't grown much in years.

-It does not work on
people, Lady Elaine.

It is only for plants.

-How do you know it'll
work on the Big Thing then?

-I saw something
growing out of it.

I think it is a kind of plant.

-You and your purple ideas.

You're probably right.

-But where is the Big Thing?

I don't see it anywhere.

-The last time I
heard, Robert Troll

was going to take it for a roll.

-Trolley dinged that
Daniel might know.

-Well, I'm going to get my
accordion, because when the Big

Thing gets back, I want
to be ready to play

as it does its stuff.


See you later, Lady Elaine.

-Not if I see you first, toots.



-A note from Daniel.

"I took a walk with Robert
Troll and the Big Thing.

See you when I see you."

-Excuse me, Purple Panda.

-Oh, I am sorry, Prince Tuesday.

I didn't see you there.

-First, I was
looking for Daniel.

-Daniel is taking a walk with
Robert Troll and the Big Thing.

-But wh-- what is it that
you're doing to his flowers?

-I am putting some 4P on them.

-And making them grow fast?

-It is some stuff I
brought from Planet Purple.

-Does it hurt?


It just makes things grow.

-Could you squirt
some over this way

so I could see it work better?



That's great.

How about over here?


Be careful, Prince Tuesday.

-I-- I don't want to be careful.

-What do you mean?

-I want that stuff
to make me grow fast.


Now I see what you
are trying to do.

-Squirt it.

Please squirt it right on me.

-It does not work on
people, Prince Tuesday.

-It doesn't?

-It is only for plants, and
flowers, and things like that.

-Oh, no.

And here I thought I could
get to be as big as daddy.



-Just keep growing
the way boys grow.

That is the way you
will get to be a man.

-Hi, everybody.

-Hello, Daniel.


Guess what?


-The Big Thing is just
about to pop open.

-Where is it?

-Over by your house, Tuesday.

Should we go?

-Yes, come on.

Let's go.

-Let's all go.


-Everyone, I presume.

ALL: Correct as
usual, King Friday.

-It appears that we are about
to witness a large event.

You may report, Robert Troll.

-Yeah, OK.

Big Thing wanted to take
a roll, and so I thought,

well, I'll go along with that.

And so as we were
rolling along, the sh**t

started to-- it grew, and grew,
little by little, but it grew

and grew. [SPEAKING TROLL]

-It looks beautiful.

-Doesn't it though?


Oh, wait.

It wants to tell me something.

I'll be right back.

-It speaks to Robert Troll?


-What is it?



OK, sure.

Sure thing, Thing.

Big Thing says, thanks, Mayor.

-Oh, you're welcome, I'm sure.


Well, it also
wants to know if it

can have some of
Purple Panda's 4--


-4P stuff, yes

-Of course.

Of course you may, Big Thing.

You may have some.

I wonder how he
knew all about 4P.

-I wish 4P worked on people.

-What is this 4P stuff?

-It makes things
grow, but not people.

-I'm glad of that.

-Why do you say that, Daddy?

I want to be big like you.

-I happen to like you
exactly as you are, Tuesday.

-But I want to grow.

-You're growing every
day, Son, and growing

just right without
any magic stuff.

You're growing with
just the right stuff,

which is already inside of you.

The same kind of stuff
that is inside of me.

You're growing very royally.

-You mean that,
don't you, Daddy?

-Of course I do.

You're my son and
I'm proud of you.

-I feel better and
bigger already.

-Very good.


Very good.

-Sometimes, it takes a while
for really big growing.

-Yes, that's true.

-Looks like there's
growing going

on everywhere around here.


-What is that?

It's a flower.

-Come up here, Tuesday,
so you can see better.

-That's beautiful, Big Thing.

-Oh, my.

Isn't that-- what?





Oh, listen, everybody.

Do you know what--
do you want to know

what Big Thing says
about all this?

-Oh, sure we do.

-Yes, we sure do.

-Yeah, me too.

Hit it, Big.



Well, first of
all, he says, wow.


-There's more?



Second of all, he says, thanks.

very polite, yes.

-Is there-- OK?


And third of all, he
says, everybody dance.


-Oh, yes, Trolley.

There's a great deal of
growing going on here.


-So the Big Thing grew a
big flower from inside out.

And Prince Tuesday grew
some big understanding

from talking with his daddy.

He heard that little
boys very naturally

grow up to be bigger
boys, and then men.

Just as little
girls very naturally

grow up to be bigger
girls, and then women.

Those are important things
to talk about, aren't they?

And you can talk about them
with the people that you love.

Right now, I'd like you to
see an old friend of ours.

Someone who used to be a police
officer in our neighborhood

until he moved away to
become a professional singer.

You know who I mean, don't you?

Officer Clemmons.

He and his special
group of friends

are rehearsing down the street.

So let's go there now.

They're expecting us.

CHOIR: [SINGING] If you're
happy and you know it, say OK.


Say OK.


If you're happy and
you know it, say OK.


Say OK.

If you switch your point of
view, makes you shout halleloo.

If you're happy and
you know it, then

your laugh will surely show it.

If you're happy and
you know it, say OK.

Say OK.

-All right.

That was nice.

Now, we may just do it
a little bit faster.

-Look who just came in.

-Oh, hello.

-Hi, Franc.

How are you, Fred?

Come on up and join us.


-Just relax for just one second.

-If you're happy
and you know it.

I'm happy.

-How you been?

-Good to see you, Franc.


Good to see you too.

-Thank you.

-Let me introduce
you to everyone.

This is Janet Jordan.


-Hello, Janet.

Glad to meet you.

-This is Barbara Young.


-Nice meeting you.
-Good to see you.

-And Ruth Elmore.


-Hello, Ruth.

-And Raymond Frith.

-Please meeting you.

-Thank you, Raymond.

-Louis Smart.
This is my partner.

-Hi, Louis.
-How are you?

-Welcome to the neighborhood.


And this is Joy Hague.

-So pleased to meet you.

-At the piano.

-Thank you, Joy.

-And we have Eli Fontaine
as our percussionist.

-Hi, Eli.

-Hi, Fred.

-I'm glad to meet you.


Thank you for that.

I'm really glad to be able to
be part of your rehearsal today.

-Well, thank you for coming.

It's a wonderful
rehearsal, everybody.

Keep your concentration.

-Now, how did you get started?

-Well, Louis, my partner
and I, started out,

just the two of us, doing duets.

And we liked that.

And we talked amongst
ourselves, and we

decided why not add a soprano?

And then add a mezzo-soprano
along with an accompanist--

a kind of full-time accompanist.

And then eventually, I
decided I wanted a baritone

with us, along with our pianist.

And later, I finally
added percussion.

-So you grew one by one by one.



-We like the ensemble
sound this way much better.

-Could I hear something
else that you sing?

-You certainly can.

We're working on
something you wrote.

"When the Day Turns Into Night."

-Oh, I'm pleased to know that.


Introduction, please.


[SINGING] When the
day turns into night,

and you're way beyond my
sight, I'll think of you.

I'll think of you.

When the night turns into day,
and you still are far away,

I'll think of you.

I'll think of you.

Even when I am not here, we
still can be so very near.

I want you to know, my
dear, I think of you.

I'll always think of you.

When the night turns into day,
and you still are far away,

I'll think of you, my dear.

I'll think of you.

When the day turns into night,
and you're way beyond my sight,

I'll think of you.

I'll think of you.

When the night turns into day,
and you still are far away,

I'll think of you.

I'll think of you.

-Very nice.

There's some things we'll
work on, but it's very nice.

-Very nice is right.

And I think of you
when you go to all

those different countries,
and are away, far away.

I'm certainly proud of you.

Will you be using this
song on your next tour?

-Oh, we certainly shall.

All around the world.

-Oh, that'll make me feel good.

Well, when you go
to different places,

where are some of the
places that you've sung?

-We sung in Scandinavia.

We sung in Germany.

We sung in the Orient.

In Korea twice.

We sung in Italy.


We love it.

We absolutely love the travel.

-Well, I can imagine
how they love you.

Americans being such ambassadors
to all of these other places.

So in all of these
countries that you go to,

do you get to see children?

-Oh, yes, we certainly do.

-And teenagers?


-And of course, adults
come to your concerts too.


-I'm just interested
in my friends knowing

that in every country,
babies grow up

to be bigger children, and then
teenagers, and then adults.

-Oh, yes.

All over the world.

-So really, all human beings
grow in very much the same way,

don't they?




Well, I certainly grow in
relationship to you all.

I wish I could stay
for the whole day

and the whole evening.

-Do you have time to
hear one more song, Fred?

-I do, sure.

-You do?

Then in that case, why don't
you go down and be our audience.

-All right.

-And then we're
going to show you

what it's going
to be like tonight

with the lights and everything.

-Oh, I'd like that.


-Thank you.

-OK, come on.

Morris, could we have the lights
for tonight's show please?


[SINGING] I want to be ready.

I want to be ready.

I want to be ready to walk
in Jerusalem just like John.

John said that Jerusalem
was four-square.

Walk in Jerusalem
just like John.

Jesus walk with me.

Walk in Jerusalem
just like John.

I want to be ready.

I want to be ready.

I want to be ready to walk
in Jerusalem just like John.

When Peter was preaching
at the Pentecost.

Walk in Jerusalem
just like John.

Oh, his soul was filled
with the Holy Ghost.

Walk in Jerusalem
just like John.

I want to be ready.

I want to be ready.

I want to be ready to walk
in Jerusalem just like John.

Walk in Jerusalem
just like John.

Walk in Jerusalem
just like John.

-Oh, that's wonderful.

I can see why people
all over the world

want to hear you all sing.

-Well, thank you so much.

-Thank you.

What a joyful group you are.

You're always welcome
in this neighborhood.


-All right.



OK, Joyce.


-It's wonderful to see
your friends grow so well.

I just feel all full of music.


Come out here to the kitchen.

I'm thinking about
taking this-- well,

it looks like it's grown
since we've been gone.

These bean plants grow quickly.

I'm going to take the
mister and the bean plant.

I'll take care of
them at my real home.

I was just thinking, even when
I'm not here at my television

house, I often think of
you, my television neighbor.

[SINGING] When the
day turns into night,

and you're way beyond my
sight, I'll think of you.

I'll think of you.

When the night turns into day,
and you still are far away,

I'll think of you.

I'll think of you.

Isn't it great to know that
we're alive, and we're real,

and we can grow,
and grow, and grow?

Right along with our
families and our friends.

In fact, every person you
see is growing in some way.

When I think about that, I
often get such a good feeling.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling,
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the week is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

We'll have lots of
things to talk about.

Clowns, plants, misters.

I'll be back next time.

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