22x07 - Episode 7

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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22x07 - Episode 7

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Wont you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please, won't you
be my neighbor?

-Hey neighbor.

Welcome to this neighborhood.

This is a telescope.

And inside it are
pieces of special glass,

so that when I look in it, I
can see things pretty far away.

But there's nothing very
far away in this room,

because it's small, so I'm going
to take it outside, and look

through it, and see what
I can see down the street.


I don't see anything down there.

Maybe up in the sky.

Not too much.

Oh, that looks like Bob
Trow coming down the street.

He's holding
something in his hand.

I can't tell what it is.

But he seems to be
coming closer and closer.

We'll just wait and-- Bob.

-Hi, Fred.

-How are you?



Sit down.

Hey, what do you have?

-Well, this is my imaginary dog.


-Here, come on, boy.

Come on, boy.

Come, come.

Sit, sit by Mr. Rogers.

-I never saw anything like that.


-Where'd you get that?

-Somebody gave it
to me, just for fun.

-That is fun.

Could I try?


-So you just make it go along--


-Wants to be petted, I guess.


Ah, yeah.

That a boy, boy.

-You're good at pretending.

-[LAUGHING] I like to pretend.

-Did you always when-- even
when you were a little boy?

-Oh, sure.

I even had a-- I even
had an imaginary family.

A hand family.

-Hand family?

-[HIGH VOICE] This is the mama.


this was the daddy.

this was the grandmom.

this was the grandpa.

[LAUGHING] And I even
had a [HIGH VOICE]

wee little girl once in a while.

She was so little, I sometimes
had to hold her like that.

And that's a--

She sees the dog.


Come on.

-You want to see the

I want to the see the

She wants to pet the dog.


You almost see the dog purr.


-Do dogs purr?

-I think cats purr.

-Cat's purr.

That's right.

I get them mixed
up all the time.

-Well, you can do what you
want with an imaginary one.

-Yes, I know.

-Want to look through
this telescope?



I had a-- I had a telescope
when I was a little boy.

-What kind?

-It was a pretend telescope.

This is the way I used to do
my telescope, with a hand,

like a

when I wanted to see more.

when I wanted to see less.

Sometimes, I was seeing
things just as they were,

and other times, I
just made things up.

-You like to pretend, don't you?




I think I even had a language.

A pretend language that would
talk with pretend friends with.

Imaginary friends--


Just thought it was a way--


-But I think it was because,
well, there weren't too

many people around to
play with, so I would

make up my own
imaginary friends.

That's all.

-That's exactly what you can do
when you have that situation,

and you-- oop.



-She's getting a little rough.

Come on, boy.

Come on.

Down boy. [GIGGLES] He's
a jumper, all right.

OK, Fred.

Well, we'll-- we'll see--
see you-- come here.

Doggy wants to go
this way, I guess.


Bob Trow's one of the
best pretenders I know.

That's one special
thing about pretending.

You can pretend anything
you want to pretend.

[SINGING] Pretending you're
a pilot, or a princess.

Pretending you're
a doctor or a king.

Pretending you're a
mother or a father.

By pretending, you
can be most anything

you want to think about.

By pretending.

You can try out many
things by pretending.

Your own make-up play can
be different every day.

But it's your work.

It's important to pretend.

You can tryout
life by pretending.

You can even say you're a
baby today by pretending.



Oh, there's Mr. McFeely.


-What do you have?

Can I help you with that?

-Here you go.

I just saw you
sitting here, so I

stopped by to give
you my greetings.

-Yes, well, this is a
huge delivery you have.

-It's a huge delivery,
but it's a light delivery.

Just feel it.

-A light one?

-A light one.

-You see?

-Very light.

What's in it?


-You mean it's an empty box?

-It's an empty box.

What would anybody
want with an empty box?

-Well, the people at
the daycare center

wanted me to bring one by.

You see, the children
like to play inside.

They like to pretend
it's a house.


-And uh a box, you know,
can be a great toy.

-Oh, it certainly can.

All you need is a box
and your imagination.

-That's right.

Well, I have some
more deliveries

to do, so I'll be saying,
speed delivery to you.

-Before you go, Mr. McFeely--


-Would you sing that speedy
delivery song for me?

-Always glad to do that.

I'll give it a try.

[SINGING] Is there
anything you want?

Is there anything you need?

McFeely's Delivery brings
it to you here with speed.

Yes, our speedy deliveries,
our speedy deliveries,

speedy delivery to you.

Speedy delivery.

-Speedy delivery, Mr. McFeely.

-See you around
the neighborhood.


-Thank you so much.


Speedy delivery to you.

Well, we can have some
of our Neighborhood

of Make-Believe kind
of pretend right now.

Get this trolley here.


-Last time, we pretended
that Mr. McFeely

delivered something
to X the Owl.

It was a tripod.

And it was supposed
to have an IV with it.

An imaginary viewer.

But the IV didn't come yet.

Maybe it could arrive today.

And maybe Robert Troll
could be there too.

Let's think about those
things as the trolley goes

by the castle garden in the
Neighborhood of Make Believe.



-Where are you Gloria?

Oh, yeah, you're right, Trolley.

Well said.

Pets are hard to take
care of sometimes.

[MUMBLING] Gloria knows that.


-OK, thanks.

I will.

Thank you.

[SHOUTING] Gloria?

Where are you, Gloria?

[MUMBLING] There you are.



I don't want to lose you.



You want to meet Gloria?


-There she is.


-Oh, yeah.

She's a fine pet. [MUMBLING]


-Oh, yeah, sometimes they're
easy to take care of,

except when they
take off like that.




You want to take off?



We've seen that one riding
[INAUDIBLE], Trolley.


Wave goodbye to the trolley.

Wave goodbye.

That's a good girl.

Good girl.

-I thought I heard you
out here, Robert Troll.

-Oh, Queen Sara.

How are you?

-Oh, I've been so busy lately.

-Oh, I know.

We just hardly had any
time to visit at all.


Don't go up there.


-What is it?

-Have you met-- have you
met my imaginary friend?

-Well, I don't know for sure.


Her name's Gloria,
and she just--

she just gets around everywhere.

-Well, uh, where is she now?

-Right beside you.



-Queen Sara?


-The other-- the other side.



How do you do, Gloria?

-She says she's fine.

-Well, she's fortunate to have
you for a friend, Robert Troll.

-Oh, thanks, Queen Sara.

I-- friends are
important, all right.

-Especially when
you're feeling lonely.


I'll say. [MUMBLING],
Queen Sara.

-It's time for my next
meeting, so I must go now.

-Oh, OK.

Well, I sure hope
we have a longer

time to visit next
time, [MUMBLING]

-Well, I do too.

Farewell, dear.

-See you later.

Bye, Queen Sara.


Say goodbye to
Queen Sara, Gloria.

Say goodbye to
the Queen, Gloria.

She doesn't want you
to go. [MUMBLING]

That's why she don't want
to say goodbye. [MUMBLING]

-Well, she's a sweet pet.

But sometimes we have to go
whether we want to or not.

Now, farewell to both of you.

-Well, she can't right not,
because Sara is too busy.

Aw, now [MUMBLING], Gloria.

Right into the castle.
[MUMBLING] Gloria.

-Speedy delivery.

Speedy delivery.

-Oh, hi.

-Something troubling you?

-Oh, Mr. Mac. [MUMBLING]

she went in the castle.
[MUMBLING] I got to go find her


-Well, if I can be
of help, let me know.

I'm on my way to
X the Owl's tree

with uh, with this delivery.


[MUMBLING] What is that?

-It's the last part
of his tripod and IV.

-Oh, boy.

That sounds complicated.

They're going to say of
[MUMBLING] complicated.

-Well, I guess
imaginary things are

as complicated as a
person wants them to be.

-Ah, yeah. [MUMBLING]
Gloria's complicated.

I hear her calling
me now. [MUMBLING]


Speedy delivery to you.

Speedy delivery.

CORNY: Oh, I say
there, Mr. McFeely.

-Oh, "Corny"
Cornflake S. Pecially


Could I borrow you
for a minute, please?

-Why, of course.

Do you need a pickup
or a delivery?

-I need a sitter.

-You mean a babysitter?

-Oh, no.

I mean a Rockit sitter.

-You want me to sit in
one of your Rockits?

-That's correct.

I need a person your
size to sit in one

that I'm working on right now.

MCFEELY: Well, where is it?

-Well, it's right
there behind you.

If you'll just please sit
in it, and see whether it's

strong enough to
hold a big person.

-Well, it, uh, looks very nice.

-Yes, but it has to do more
than look nice, Mr. McFeely.

-Well, all right.

I'll try it.

-Thank you.


-Are you all right, Mr. McFeely?

-Oh, oh, I'm fine.

I'm-- I'm fine.

It's, uh, the first
time that I ever

fell off of a rocking chair.


Well, I've said to everybody it
needed that extra bottom brace.

Boy, I hope it'll
be the last time

you fall off any rocking chair.

I know exactly how to fix it up
now, so thanks for your help.

-Uh, you're welcome.

I-- I think.


-Uh, Sorry, Mr. McFeely.

-This neighborhood's a
dangerous place today, X.

-I beg your partner?

-Oh, well, oh, I just have the
rest of your, uh, order here.

-Oh, right.

It must be the IV.

-Do you need any help with you?

-Oh, would you please open it?

I get all butter wings
when I get excited.

Well, what's inside?


-Uh, must be the instructions.

But I'd like to
see the IV first.

-That's all that's
inside the box, X.

-Don't tell me they forgot
to put the IV in the box?

-Well, let me see.

I'll, uh, read the instructions.

-It says, Dear Customer, you
may wonder why there is nothing

but this letter inside your box.

-I'll say I'm wondering.

-You may wonder where your
IV, your imaginary viewer, is.

-That's for sure.

-You may think that there
has been some mistake.

-How right they are.

-Well, your imaginary viewer,
your IV, is this empty box.


-Simply punch in
the two circles,

and attach the black
square to your tripod.

Look through the
box, and imagine.

-I don't believe this.

-It sounds pretty simple to me.

-I know, but I
thought it was going

to be some fancy-- oh, well.

We might as well
try it, Mr. McFeely.

-Of course.

I'll straighten that up.

Then we punch in one circle,
punch in another circle,

attach the black
square to the tripod.

-And look through
the box and imagine.



I see Robert Troll
over at the castle.

-Oh, I do too.

-But who's that with him?


-She's pretty.

-You can see Gloria?

-Yeah, sure.

She looks like a nice pet to me.

-Well, wonders never cease.

-Uh, will you bring the
tripod and the IV inside

so we can show Henrietta?

-Of course.

-Oh, this turned out
to be OK after all.

-I wonder what
Henrietta will see

through this imaginary viewer.

Well, something fun, I'm sure.


DANIEL: I really
like it when you're

here, so we talk
and play and all.

-Hi, Daniel.

-Oh, hi, Robert Troll.

--[MUMBLING], but did I hear you
talking to someone [MUMBLING].

-Oh, yes.

Malcolm Apricot Dinko is her.e


Is he?

Is he?



-Right beside me.


Yeah, well, sure.

Well, my pet is
right beside me too.

-Oh, you have an imaginary pet?

-I sure do.

And she's a lively one too.

-Oh, what's her name?

-Oh, her name's Gloria.


How do you do, Gloria?

-She's fine.


Gloria, I'd like you to
meet Malcolm Apricot Dinko.

Malcolm, this is Gloria.

-Boy, it sure is quiet when
your friend and my pet meet,

isn't it?

They don't say very much.


It's a nice kind of quiet.

-Oh, yeah.

A very nice kind of quiet.

-Malcolm hasn't been
here for a while.


Why is he here today
[MUMBLING], Daniel?

-Oh, I didn't have any school,
and I was all by myself.


Well, maybe Malcolm
senses that you

needed someone to play with.

Maybe that was [MUMBLING]

-Oh, he does.


-Yeah, Gloria's the same way.



-By the way, uh, when you
and Malcolm get together,

[MUMBLING], what do you play?

-Oh, sometimes we
play pretend ball.


Gloria likes to play
at pretend ball.


Well, would you and
Gloria like to play

with the Malcolm and me?

-Oh, I sure would.

I'll ask Gloria.

Gloria, would you like
[MUMBLING], Daniel and Malcolm,


Oh, good.

[MUMBLING] She wants to play.

And she also brought
her own ball.

She wants to throw the first
one to you, Daniel. [MUMBLING]

-Oh, great.

Well, I'm ready.

-He's ready. [MUMBLING].



Good throw, Gloria.

-Nice toss, Daniel.


-Well, here you are.

You're good at this
too, Robert Troll.

-Oh, I like to play.

This is fun.

OK, Malcolm.


-Oh, well, that's
all right, Malcolm.

You'll catch it the next time.


Robert Troll to the castle,




That sounds like King Friday.

I wonder what he wants.

Gloria, you want to come over to
the castle with me [MUMBLING]?


Uh, listen, do you mind
if Gloria stays and plays

[MUMBLING] you and Malcolm
[MUMBLING], Daniel?

-Oh, she's welcome to stay.

TROLL: Oh, good.

-We can play three
catch and throw.

-There you go. [MUMBLING] Well,
I'll just be a little while.


-OK, then.

Come back.

-There you go. [MUMBLING]

-OK, Gloria.

-Have fun.


Now, Gloria, you throw
to Malcolm first, OK?

-Oh, yes.

Robert Troll, I presume.

-Well, I guess that's correct,
as usual, King Friday.

-Sara tells me that you
have an imaginary friend.

-Oh, yes, I sure do.

Her name is Gloria.

[MUMBLING] She's my pet.

-Some people cannot see
imaginary friends and pets.

But I've always
prided myself on being

able to see what others
are unable to see.

-Oh, yes.

That's a wonderful gift,
Your Highness. [MUMBLING]

-Now your Gloria, for
instance, is a beautiful pet.

She's just what anybody
would want for a pet.

Could you hold her
up a little closer

so I can see her
features better?

-Well, uh, uh, I'd
like to King Friday,

but just now she's
over at the clock.

And [MUMBLING], playing ball
with Daniel and Malcolm.


-Oh, of course, she is.

Of course, they are.

Next time you may
be bring her along.

-Oh, boy.

I'd be glad to, King Friday.



-Nobody can see your pretend.

And nobody can know
about your pretend

unless you want to tell them
about it, or draw about it.

Maybe you'd like to draw a
picture of what you think

Robert Troll's
pretend pet might be.

Or you could make up a
dance, or a walk the way

you think his pet Gloria
might dance or walk.

You have your own good ideas.

Here's some food for you, Fish.

You hungry?


Daniel Tiger told Robert Troll
that his imaginary friend often

came to visit when
Daniel was lonely.

There are just
sometimes you feel

that you'd like to
have somebody with you.

Sometimes, when you're
missing somebody.

[SINGING] Sometimes
you feel like holding

your pillow all night long.

Sometimes you hug your
teddy bear tightly.

He's old, but he still strong.

And sometimes, you
want to snuggle up

closely with your
own mom and dad.

At night, you even need
the light sometimes.

But that's not bad.

Please don't think it's funny
when you want an extra kiss.

There are lots
and lots of people

who sometimes feel like this.

Please don't think
it's funny when

you want the ones you miss.

There are lots
and lots of people

who sometimes feel like this.

I have couple of cups here.

And can you imagine
what might be in here?

It's a miniature sand table.

Thought I just might
use the sand to pour.


Where are the cups?


You know what?

I like to imagine
all sorts of things.

Because I play with sand.




-Even though real sand doesn't
turn into things by itself,

it sure is fun to imagine.

To pretend.

It's our minds that
help us do that.

I'll use this another time.

You know, everyone has
lots of ways of feeling.

And all those ways
of feeling are fine.

It's what we do
with our feelings

that matter in this life.

I trust that you're growing
in ways that will help you

with whatever
feelings you may have.

When you're a child, and
when you're a grown-up.

I hope you're able to grow to
respect whoever you are inside.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make a snack today.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new,

and I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will to.

You always make each
day such a special day.

You know how?

By just your being you.

Only one person in this
whole world like you.

That's you yourself.

I'll be back next time.


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