24x06 - Going Away and Coming Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". Aired: February 19, 1968 – August 31, 2001.*
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Rogers speaks directly to the viewer about various topics, taking the viewer on tours of factories, demonstrating experiments, crafts, and music, and interacting with his friends.
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24x06 - Going Away and Coming Back

Post by bunniefuu »


-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
int his beauty-wood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

-Hi neighbor, glad
to be with you again.

Yes, you know what
this might be?

It's something that
one of my neighbors

was going to throw away.

I asked if I could have it.

On this side, it's an old
piece of floor covering.


Where's Mr. Rogers?


But on the other side,
it's a map of the world.

A friend of mine
painted it for me.

Just put it right down here.

You can see it.

You know what a map is?

Well, it's something
that helps you know where

different places
are in the world.

These parts show where
the land is, these parts.

But the blue part is all water.

Now, if I were here and
walking along like this,

and came to the
water, I'd either

have to take a boat
to get over there,

or fly to get over there.

And, of course, I'd
want to come back.

So I'd come back that way.

I think I'll get
something in the hutch.

I'll just use a piece of paper
and pretend that it can walk,

or swim, or fly, take a
trip all over the world.

It could probably even sing.

-[SINGING] I'm going away.

I'm going away.

And then come back.

I'm going away.

I'm going away.

And then come back.


-There's somebody at the door.

Let's see who that is.

Oh, it's Mr. McFeely.

-Speedy delivery.

-How are you?

-I'm fine, thank you.

I told a friend of mine to meet
me here at your place today.

His name is Dan Kaman.

And he's a mime.

And we're on our
way to the school.

-He's a mime?

-He's a mime.

I have a picture right here.

Would you wait with me?


-I'll show you a
picture of what I mean.

-I love to see
people do mime work.

-This is a picture
of Dan Kaman when

he doesn't use words to speak.

-Well, what does
he look like when

he does use words to speak?

-He doesn't put the
white makeup on his face.

-I see.

There he comes now.

-Hi, Mr. McFeely.

-Hi, Dan.

Dan Kaman, I'd like
you to meet Mr. Rogers.

-Hi, Mr. Rogers.

-Glad to meet you, Mr. Kaman.

I'd like you to know
my television neighbor.


-Mr. Kaman.

It's really great
to see you here.

-Are you ready to go with me
to the neighborhood school.

-In a moment.

Do you think you could show
Mr. Rogers some of the mime

you'll be doing at
the school today?

-Sure, what would
you like to see?

-Maybe something about
going away and coming back?

-OK, I'll go away.

And then I'll come back by
walking in very slow motion.

Sometimes I like
to walk, pretend

to walk, without really
going anywhere, like this.

-Oh, it looks like he's
going forward, doesn't it?

Welcome back.

-Thank you.

-Oh, I just love
to see you do that.

What if I were to
give you a balloon.

What would you do
with a balloon?

-Well, I would
pretend to blow it up.

And see if it would
take me away and back.

-That balloon.


-For me?

-For you.

-There, I'll just hold it here.

-Did you like to do mime even
when you were a little boy?

-Well, I was pretty busy
reading, and playing.

And liked to draw pictures.

But I did love to do this.



-How did you do that?

-Well, you put all your
weight so it's on one leg.

And you have to
balance on one leg.

And you make the other leg
go in a big circle like this.

-Takes a lot of practice.

-Yes, it takes practice.

It's hard to balance that way.

-Dan, and I think it's
time to go to school.

You might say it's mime time.

You need some time to
put on your makeup.

-Great, let's go.

-Thank you all for
coming here first.

It's a treat to meet you.

-You're welcome.

And speed delivery.

-All right.

-Right this way, Dan.


That's like mime.


So is this.

Come on in.

It takes a lot of practice to be
as fine a mine as Mr. Kaman is.

I have an idea about this.

-Know what this letter is?

It's a K. I thought of it
when I heard Mr. Kaman's name.

Well, this can be K person.

K person can take a
ride on the Trolley.


-Yeah, how about that?

OK, Trolley, we'll put
K person right in there.

Give it a little ride.


-Good, OK, OK, K person,
you stay with me,

while we have some make believe
about a different place.

Let's make believe
something about Mr.

Kaman and Mr. McFeely.

Suppose they try to
make a speedy delivery

in the Neighborhood
of Make Believe.

All right, ready Trolley?

OK, Neighborhood
of Make Believe.



-Meow meow your
Cousin Mary here meow?

-No, Cousin Mary's not here yet.

And I wonder where she could be.

-Meow mew really late.

-I know she is.

I think I'll take a fly and
look for her, Henrietta.

-Meow K.

-If she comes, please
tell her I'll be back.

-Meow will.

See you meow meow, X.

-Yeah, I'll see you later.



-Speedy delivery,
speedy delivery.

Hello there, Henrietta.

-Meow Mr. McMeowy.

Meow, meow, meow.

Meow fun, Mr. McMeowy.

-You're fun too, Henrietta.

But I have some speedy
delivery work to do here.

-Meow for?

-Well it's for Cousin Mary Owl.

I took it to her
home in Shadyville.

And her neighbor told me
she's on her way over here.

-Meow, but she
hasn't meowed yet.

-Well I have more
deliveries to do, Henrietta.

But I just don't know
what to do with this one.

Oh, look who's coming!

-Henrietta Pussycat, I'd
like you to meet Dan Kaman.

-Meow glad meow meet
you, meow Kaman.

-This is a delivery that's
giving me some trouble.

You mean you'd like to help?

Well, it's for Cousin Mary Owl.

And she's going to be
visiting X the Owl.

-Now, do you think
you can do it?

-Meow not there, Mr. Kaman.

-I said she's going to
be visiting X the Owl.

-It's all right.

You didn't know.

It was just a mistake.

-Meow tell her meow meow comes.

Meow meow worry.

Meow will be meow right.

-Well, thank you
two for your help.

I'll leave it all in
your hands, so to speak.

But just remember.

-[SINGING] If there's
anything you want,

if there's anything you
need, McFeely's delivery

brings it to you
here with speed.

yes, our speedy delivery
is a speedy delivery.

Speedy delivery to you.

-Thanks friends, bye.

Speedy delivery.

-Meow meow!

Meow, meow meow all right.

Meow meow be OK, meow.

Meow, see you later, meow
meow, meow meow Kaman.

-Hello, my name is Anna
Platypus What's yours?

Your name is K?

K Person?


Hello, Mr. Kaman.

Are you friendly?

Want to play with me?

That's right, bubbles,
you blow them for a while.

Oh, how beautiful!

Where do you suppose bubbles go
when they fly away like that?

Do they ever come back?

Oh, that, that's the
Platypus Plunger.

Oh, sure, you're
welcome to borrow it.

Are you having a
plumbing problem?

Good luck with it.

Bring it back
whenever you want to.

Mother and Dad always say it's
good to have a plunger handy.

My, what a beautiful bubble.

See how it sparkles?

And look, this bubble
says, you're welcome.

You can have it if you want it.

And are

You're welcome.

I like playing with you.


Hello over there?

Hi, I'm Daniel Tiger.

Are you Mr. Kaman?

Anna Platypus told me.

And she said you were
fun to play with it

even if you didn't say anything.

She likes you a lot.

What are you sorry about?

What did you put in the tree?

A rolled up speedy delivery?

Well, maybe X's Cousin
Mary can get it for you.

She's over there now.

By, Mr. Kaman.

-Oh, hello.

Look at the welcome
bubble somebody left here.

It's pretty.

It's nice to think
that someone wanted

to welcome me with a bubble.

-How did you know
it doesn't pop?

Did you leave this here for me?

I'm going to give you
an owl kiss for that.

You're a thoughtful
one, you are.

Oh, you were supposed to
make a speedy delivery?

-Hey, what in the
world is this here?

Oh, hey there, Cousin Mary, hi.

-Hi, Cousin X.

-Who's your friend?

-Somebody who gives
welcome bubbles.

-Well I'm glad to meet you.

Thanks for welcoming my cousin.

-Oh, that's for her too?

Well, how did it get in my tree?

-However it got here, thanks.

-What is it, Cousin Mary?

-It's a map to help me
find my way to places.

-Oh, looks like an old one.

-Meow meow, cousin meow meow.

-Thanks, Henrietta.

I'm glad to be here.

-You see, Mr. Kaman.

Meow all worked out.

Meow welcome.

-You're welcome is right.

-I'm so glad Cousin Mary's here.


-Hi, Trolley.

-I feel it.


-Stop there, Trolley.

So Cousin Mary Owl has come
to visit her Cousin X the Owl.

Let's make believe more
about that next time,

and more about that
old map of hers.

But right now let's put K
person back in the trolley

and give it a trip
over this big map.

OK, here we are.

Ever see a flying trolley?

And we'll come back.

Go here.

And here.


-OK, Trolley.

All right, back to your tracks.


-There you go, Trolley.


-You know, you could your
own map and your own trolley.

Let's try that.

An easy way with
some paper bags.

Here's a big paper
bag for the map.

And we'll use a little
paper bag for the trolley.

I'll show you how.

See this bottom part here?

Just cut this like this.

Or get somebody to
help you cut this off.


And then right here, cut
this just up the middle

so that you can spread
it out and make the map.

Use some markers.

Make some big countries
here, or some continents.

There's one continent, and
another continent over here.

See that's the land on the map.

And we'll use the blue
to make the oceans

around the continents.

This will be the water.

These could be like islands.

There, now we have our map.

And let me show you how to
make this little trolley, just

a little paper bag.

Do the same thing just cut
off the bottom like this.

Only this time, keep the bottom.

Open it up.

There's a trolley.

Fly over, there you go.

How about a ride for K Person?

Go away.

And come back.

See, if you don't have
the stuff to make things,

you could even
pretend or mime it.

No matter what, though,
it takes you to do it.

-[SINGING] You can make
believe that happens,

or pretend that
something's true.

You can wish, or
hope, or contemplate

a thing you'd like to do.

But until you
start to do it, you

will never see it through
because the make believe

pretending just
won't do it for you.

You've got to do it.

Every little bit,
you've got to do it.

Do it.

Do it.

Do it.

And when you're
through, you can know

who did it because you did it.

You did it.

You did it.

-They're hungry.

-[SINGING] If you want
to ride a bicycle,

and ride it straight and tall,
you can't simply sit and look

at it because it
won't move it all.

But it's you who have to try it.

And it's you who have
to fall sometimes.

If you want to ride a bicycle
and ride it straight and tall,

you've got to do it.

Every little bit,
you've got to do it.

Do it.

Do it.

Do it.

And when you're
through, you can know

who did it, because you did it.

You did it.

You did it.

-Just like maps, or driving
cars, or flying airplanes,

people can learn how to do mime
by practicing and working hard.

We don't get to be an artist or
anything fine without trying.

That's right.

I hope you'll find
things you want

to do, and work hard at
them, and do them well.

That will give you
such a good feeling.

-[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

-We always have things we
want to talk about, don't we?

Sure, we're each
other's neighbors.

Come along map.

Come along trolley and K Person,
and extra piece of paper.

I'll make something out of that.

I'll be back next time.


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