01x18 - Special Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Webster". Aired: September 16, 1983 – May 8, 1987.*
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Set in Chicago, revolves around Webster Long, a 5-year-old African American orphan whose biological parents were recently k*lled in a car accident and is taken in by his godfather, retired football star George Papadopolis.
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01x18 - Special Friends

Post by bunniefuu »


You were supposed to wake me!

THEME SONG: Set in my ways, losin' track of the days.

Only me to live for.

Had no need to give more than I wanted to.

Spendin' my time just holdin' the line, never gettin'

caught up.

Love was never brought up.

It's not the thing to do.


It was you, then came you.

You made me leap without taking a look.

Ooh-ooh! It was you, then came you.

You reeled me right in, line, sinker and hook.

Never thought forever was the best I could do!

Then came you!

It was you and me and you.

It was you and me and you.

It was you and me, then came you.

-Cuanto le gusta, le gusta, le gusta, le gusta, hey.


Cuanto le gusta, le gusta, le gusta,

le gusta, le gust-- hey, George.

Can you guess who I am?

I'm Latin.

Come on, George.

I'm trying to cheer you up.

I'm Carmen Miranda.

-Katherine, I'm not going to Yugoslavia.

-Who is?

Cuanto le gusta, le gusta, le gusta--

-But I wanna go.

-Well, who doesn't?

Cuanto le gusta, le gusta--

-I guess they just didn't want me.

-Who does?

Cuanto le gusta, le gusta--

-Very nice.

-Oh, come on, George.

Don't be depressed.

I know it's disappointing you're not gonna be able to announce

the Winter Olympics, but life goes on.

-Good news, good news, good news, good news!

I got you the job, George.

-What job?

-What are you talking about?

-Well, George said the Olympics was special to him.

So I told him he'd do it.

Do we have any frozen egg rolls? -Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Do what?

-The lady from the Olympics.

She was on the seesaw. -Wait a minute.

Some lady from the Olympics was on a seesaw?

-Well, all the swings were tied up.


-Cuanto le gusta, le gusta-- Oh, yeah.

The lady's name is JoJo Starbuck.

-Oh, George. It's JoJo Starbuck.

-JoJo Starbuck?

-Oh, yeah.

I forgot to tell you.

I invited her over.

-JoJo Starbuck, it is my pleasure.

-George Papadopolis, the pleasure is mine.

-Well come on in, come on in.

Katherine, this is JoJo Starbuck.

The JoJo Starbuck.


The gymnast!

-The ice skater.

-Ice skater, darling!

One of the greatest ice skaters of all the time!

She was in the Winter Olympics in '68, and then--

and then she comes back and she's in it again in '72.


If I get my camera, can I take a picture of you, JoJo?

-Of course, Webster.

-Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

-Now about the Olympics.

Webster tells me that you're really

interested in announcing them.

Will you do it?

-Will I do it?

I'd love to announce the Winter Olympics.

-Oh, that's nice.

But what about my Olympics?

-You have your own Olympics?

-I'm talking about the Special Olympics,

for the mentally Ret*rded athletes.

-Oh, the Special Olympics.

When's it gonna be held?

-Next weekend at Lincoln Park.

-I'd love to be part of the Special Olympics.

Thank you.

-Could you stand up please?


-And could you spin like you do on TV?


-I'm sorry to have to run, but I have

to go speak to one of our athletes.

-Who is it?

-His name is Darryl Clayton.

As a matter of fact, he lives right here

in your neighborhood.


An Olympic athlete in my neighborhood.

KATHERINE: Well, maybe JoJo will introduce you to him.

-Could you, could you, could you?

-Sure, I'll do that this week.

Bye, Kathrine.


-Thank you, George.

And I'll call you this week.

-Thank you.


I can't wait to tell my friends about Darryl.

-Now, you do know that these are not the regular Olympics?

I mean, we're not going to Yugoslavia.


This is the Special Olympics.

For kids.

And I'm gonna be proud of Darryl Clayton.

-Well, I'm proud of you for feeling like that.


Darryl's the special one.

-Aw, Darryl's the special one.

That's my boy.

What a guy!

What a guy.


You guys are easy.

I have to be proud of Darryl Clayton more often.

CHILDREN: Darryl, Darryl, he's our man!

If he can't do it, no one can!

Yay, Darryl!

-Hello, Darryl.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Mrs. Papadopolis, but you can call me Mrs. P

because I think it's easier.

-OK, Mrs. P.

-Uh, I'm Webster.

And these are my friends Milton, Emily, and Curtis.

-Hi Milton, Emily, Curtis.


-By the way, Webster, we've invited

Darryl to stay overnight.

-All right!

-OK, let's go.

It's a big S-U-R-P, darling. -Oh, the surprise?

-Shh. Don't say that.

Just-- -All right.

We'll G-O.

-Come here, Webster.

You guys, too.

We came over here 'cause we wanted to see somebody famous.

No that kid.

-He is famous.

-Oh yeah?

In the neighborhood everyone calls him Duncey.

-And you know what else, Web?

My brother says if you hang around with kids like Darryl

you can catch what they've got.

And he knows everything.

He's 11!

-I don't believe a word you said.

Darryl is OK.

-Oh yeah?

Watch this.

Hey, Darryl.

What's that song the kids around here sing about you?

-Duncey, dummy, Darryl.

-That's it.

Duncey, dummy, Darryl--

-Darryl, stop it.

They're being mean to you.

-Webster, if you're gonna be friends with Duncey,

you can't be friends with us. Come on.

Let's get out of here. -Wait.

I didn't say I was gonna be his friend.

I hardly know him.


-Announcing the stupendous, the incredible-- Georgio!

-Hi, neighbors.

Hi, hi--

-What happened?

Where'd everybody go?



-The guys left because of Darryl.

See, he's a dummy.

-Don't you ever call Darryl that again.


-Come on, Darryl.

Let's go into Webster's room and look at the camel.

-Why are you mad at me?

I figured you would want to know about him.

-I do know about him.

-You knew?

You knew he wasn't a regular athlete?

-Yes, and I thought you did, too.

Darryl is in the Special Olympics.

-But I thought special meant good, not stupid.

-He is not stupid.

He is mentally Ret*rded.

-That's just big words that mean the same thing.


-The kids told me.

They told me everything.

And they won't be my friends if he's around.

-Then they're not worth having as friends,

because they're very cruel.

-But I'd feel bad if they didn't like me anymore.

-Don't you care about Darryl's feelings?

-Don't you care about mine?

-Curtis, I don't know what to do.

How can I get rid of him?



That's a great trick.

Thanks, Curtis.

-Wanna see what I made? -In a second.

Right after I fluff your pillow. -Neat.

-No, I'm not suggesting that Webster should

give special attention to Darryl.

He should just treat him like any other kid.

-Well, Katherine, they seem to be doing fine now.

-Webster, that was very rude.

-Well, could you please tell him to stop following me.


Here, honey.

What a wonderful Mr. Potato Head.

Look at this. It's got two eyes, two ears.

-Two, mouths two noses.

-You know, Darryl, I don't think anyone

has ever made a better Mr. Potato Head.

-I have.

-Oh, yours are good.

Very good.

But this one is-- special.


-And so are you, Darryl.

How would you like to have this one?


-You can't give that to him.

It's mine.

-Oh, come on, Webster.

Now you hardly ever play with it.

-I was gonna play with it tomorrow.

But I think I'll play with it now.

-Darryl, would you--

-I know.

Go play with the camel.


I know that you didn't know about Darryl,

but I think your behavior right now is terrible.

-I didn't do anything bad.

You just like him better than me, that's all.

-That's not true, Web.

We love you.

-Oh yeah?

They why don't you treat me all gushy like you treat him?

-I do.

-Oh yeah?

You gave him my Mr. Potato Head.

-Well, he's got a point, Katherine.

-I'm sorry.

I was wrong.

I shouldn't give away your toys.

But honey, you don't understand about Darryl.

Uh-- come on.

I'm gonna show you a game.

George, would you push that blue chair in.

-A game? -Yeah.

Come on up here, Webster.

Put your feet against the back of this step.

-You want me to play? -Yes, please.

Now, the game is, we're going to take two giant steps.


Oh, look, Webster.

George and I are way ahead of you.

-Sure you are.

-Well, you can catch up with us if you

take one more giant step.

OK? Here we go.

-Wait, now that wasn't fair.

You didn't wait for me.

-Well, now you know how Darryl feels.

Come here, Webster.

Ret*rded means mentally slower.

So people are always gonna be ahead of Darryl.

He needs more time to get to where he's going,

more time to-- to learn and understand things.

Now you-- you know, you're gonna meet people

all your life who are not gonna be like you.

They're gonna be slower, faster, taller, shorter.

But they can still be your friends.

Now you can run ahead of Darryl like I just did to you.

Or you Can.

Be patient and play the games that he can play.

It's up to you, honey.

-That makes a lot of sense to me, Web.

What about you?

-I guess.

-I'm a runner, you know.

-That's nice.

-Hey, are you coming to the Olympics?

-No. Sorry.


-Too bad.

I was hoping you could be my sponsor.

-What's that?

-Well, it's like a special friend to help you.

Everyone in the Olympics should have one.



And it's lots of fun.

You get to play and jump and tumble,

and all the kids in the neighborhood

will know you're my friend.


That's-- all the kids in the neighborhood would know?


And they'll see us together all the time.

-I don't think I can do it.

I'm really busy.

Toys to play with, homework to do.

-Gee, I might be the only kid at the Olympics

who doesn't have a sponsor.

-Yeah, well, sorry.

-Dummy, duncey, Darryl.

Dummy, duncey, Darryl.

-Darryl, stop it.

Your name isn't Duncey or Dummy.

It's just plain Darryl.

-I know that.

-The why do you stick around while all

those kid make fun of you.

-Because they let me stick around.

A lot of kids don't, you know.

-What are you making?

-A present for you.

-What is it?

-It's me and you.


And we're holding hands and everything.


Why don't you keep it?

-'Cause, I made it for you.

And you're my bestest friend.

I like you, Webster.

-Pretty good.



-You can't sleep in that bed.

You have to sleep in my bed.

-How come?

-'Cause-- you're the guest, and-- you

gotta sleep in the best bed.

-Really? Wow.

You're my neatest, superest friend.

-Yeah, well, go on.

And shut the lights.

-Not 'til you're in bed.

You might fall or something.

-I'm not getting into that bed.

I'll stand.

I always stand on Fridays.

-How you guys doing? -Fine.

-Why aren't you in bed.

-It's Friday.

-Well, it's 11 o'clock, Friday.

You guys can play tomorrow. Go on, Web.

Hit the sack. -OK.

-Goodnight, guys. -Goodnight.

-Goodnight, Webster.

-G-g-goodnight, Darryl.

-Are you sure you won't be my sponsor?

-How can I be sure of anything?

I'm dying of pneumonia.

-Master Qwan, thanks very much for letting

us use your facilities.

I appreciate it.

-My pleasure.

Always like to watch young grasshoppers

learning to take pride in themselves.

Uh, which camera do I look in?

-No, no. You're gonna get one later.

Big master of you. It'll be beautiful.

You'll love it.


You like to try? -No.

-Where's Webster?

-Oh, he can't come, honey.

He's at a baseball game.

He made plans a long time ago.


I was hoping he would change his mind and be my sponsor.

I don't have one, you know.

-Sure you do.

I'm gonna be your sponsor.

-You are? -Yeah.

-Oh, boy!

There's Webster!

-Um-- excuse me.

I'll be right back.



-Well, uh, how was the baseball game?

-The guys couldn't make it today.

-Oh, I see.

-Anyway, I come here to see George.

This is a big day for him.


How about joining us over on the mat.

-No, thanks.

-Well, that's a lot of fun. You know what's so much fun?

You know what I decided to do?

I decided to be Darryl's sponsor.


-Oh, well, that's unless you want to do it.

-Um-- nah.

I'm not the sponsoring type.


Well, I could understand that.

Job requires a lot of hugging and kissing and laughing.

Pretty tough work, if you ask me.

-Come on, everybody, let's do some tumbling.


-Hey, Web.

How come you didn't show up for baseball practice today?

-I was going to, but-- well-- I had to watch George.

-You sure it wasn't because of Duncey?

-His name is Darryl.

And he's nice, and fun, and no matter what anyone says,

he's not catching.

And anyway, I like him.

-Well, you think I'd like him, too?

-Well, if you come back after the baseball game,

you could find out.

-Maybe I will.

-Gee, Web, what do you want to stay here for?

-Because I got to.

I'm gonna be Darryl's sponsor.

-Come on, Curtis.

Let's get out of here.

-Bye, Darryl.

-Are you really going to be my sponsor?

-I said so, didn't I?

-Oh, boy!

Oh, boy!

That makes two sponsors.

Webster, I'm gonna be the best runner in the whole wide world.

I won't let you down, I promise.

-You know what?

I think you better let me down.

Believe me, you'll run a lot faster.

Now, we've got some tumbling to do.

-I'm proud of you, Webster.

Good boy.

-Four, three, two-- -Hello, everybody.

You know, when I was first asked to be part

of the Special Olympics, I was-- well,

I was a little disappointed.

You see, I had bigger dreams.

I wanted to be in Yugoslavia, announcing the Winter Olympics.

That would have made me feel special.

But then a special Olympic sponsor

related this story to me.

It seems that she was working with a little girl who

was running her-- well, her very first special marathon.

Huffing and puffing, the little girl finally

crossed the finish line into the sponsor's arms.

And then she-- she began screaming.

The sponsor tried to calm her.

She-- she shook her by the shoulders.

And suddenly the child's mother shouted, stop!

Let her scream.

It's the first time she's spoken in her life.

That's what-- what the Special Olympics

did for one little girl.

And if that's not what bigger dreams are made of,

then there's no reason to dream at all.

This is George Papadoloplis, Channel 6 sports.

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