01x23 - Idol Threat

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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01x23 - Idol Threat

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh be positive awesome not I deserve


I studied all night mr. Wrather never

gives ace there's nothing you can do

wrong it belonged to Pharaoh not a lot

in common

it gives me the power of persuasion

should you'll be messing around with

that Cleo didn't your dad say that all

those ancient idols are cursed I've got

this mr. Rotter

I totally did the work to perfection why

didn't I get an A I don't give a but I

deserve an A you deserve an A plus gotta

be a downside seems fishy my commit to

bite you please I got this no way too

crowded we'll be late for class wanna

bet I could learn to love this power

tonight's homework


Neal's been working that night on like a

credit card with no limit yeah but what

happens when the bill comes a flawless

day you ghouls fussed about nothing

there is no curse of the idol I told you

I got it what what's wrong you don't got

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