02x01 - Scream Building

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x01 - Scream Building

Post by bunniefuu »

one more time from the top we're just

too perfect only the top three teams get

to attend the prestigious gloom beach

fear leading camp during spring break

and then it's on to the finals the

monster nationals nothing frankie

or should i say

weak link

we'll see i popped before i locked when

i should have locked before i popped and

then you got

if you ever want to get our fear leading

probation you need to go and pull

yourself together

get me something to drink okay

the rest of you keep working give me

that one you take this one makes me face

look blue but your face is blue hey

frankie how's fear practice oh great


it is yeah i'm sure cleo isn't demanding

at all or overbearing oh pushy arrogant

okay but it's only because she wants the

best out of us and it's good to have


you know d-lo draculaura your shoulder

it's on fire

you pretend you're not carrying a torch

for me but just watch you're going with

me to the spirit rally dance

where'd you pinch me you are dreaming if

you think i'm going with you

let's get out of here before you get

owned anymore

heath is so annoying he's kind of

growing on me ew

now somebody better pinch me

that was dreadful

are you kidding that routine was amazing

amazing isn't good enough it has got to

be flawless to get to gloom beach

you're right as usual we want to show

you a new routine we've been working on

w give me an e give me a q u

what is this some kind of lame joke oh

it's no joke your reign over us has come

to an end we're going to star in the

school's big production of west side

gory that's what all the cool kitties

are doing

good luck at nationals

why are you still here i'm so new nobody

takes me seriously except you and that's

why i take fear leading seriously so i'm

not going anywhere


what took you so long

hey i guess since i'm the only one left

you gotta take me off probation right

fine you're promoted to the team

unpromoted come on guys you've got to

get to work on some flyers we're

recruiting some new blood tryouts

tomorrow morning
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