03x15 - I Know What You Did Last Fright

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x15 - I Know What You Did Last Fright

Post by bunniefuu »

little strange but so are you

oh man what did holt do now

it won't come off

hey frankie what's everybody talking

about you don't know

what kind of monster would vandalize the

school how do you know it was a monster

oh you did this no hulk did i just woke

up with the evidence all over me when

bloodgood finds out about this she'll

throw holt out of school and if she

throws holt out of school she throws you

out of school she's probably looking for

me right now i just don't believe he

would do something like this i kind of

caught him red-handed there's no way

holt did this and i'm gonna help you

proof jackson i need to speak with you

you better bolt catch up with you later

yeah i seen him last night i can't stand

loud music


what was he doing he was carrying paint

out of the back of the school

thanks for your help mr ogre thorpe

what's with the yelling i have got very

sensitive ears i really can't believe he

did it neither jackson jekyll

i can still see you we must speak about

holt i know he vandalized the school so

if you want to throw us out vandalized i

commissioned holt to draw a mural here

but he didn't finish i asked around and

apparently mr ogrethorpe turned his

music off oh

i knew it so jackson if you don't mind

i'd like hope to get back to work

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