03x24 - Hiss-toria

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x24 - Hiss-toria

Post by bunniefuu »

and this is a monster high historia

werewolf and vampire high schools have

been at each other's throats for a

thousand years it can be said that the

w*r ended here at monster high this is

that story

we transferred to monster high from an

all vampire school it wasn't easy

you smell maybe it's time to start using

soap and water instead of just your


we may have been a little rude we

werewolves weren't any better this is

our turf now got it vamposer

garlic totally gives vampires mega

monster zits

it was so voltageously intense the

smallest thing could set off a major


it's a disease carrier what you heard me

this bathroom is now vampires only ow

you can't do that

did i see you growl at this vampire

don't forget your place or i'll make you


this ends today agreed we can't go on

like this today the gym sundown bring

your full strength winner gets the


but at monster high what makes us unique

brings us together and by working

together we can conquer the real enemy

prejudice i'm spectra vondergeist and

this has been a monster high his story

and in case you were wondering vampire

werewolf relations have never been

better what all i'm saying is that you

could have called me at least one i

didn't have any cell reception in the


like you do every time you watch

casketball when i'm trying to study so

now i how to laugh you're cute when

you're angry
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