03x30 - Franken-Styled

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x30 - Franken-Styled

Post by bunniefuu »

falling apart

Oh Tracy Laura stealing my heart hot

doggy whoopee make me howl of the moon

dissolute I k*ll them now how you so big

I even though you have so far and do

says circle time these are my boobs my

skeleton crew little strange so are you

how do you excite it way excited its

Cleo you excited totes excited Kuya

are you excited oh of course I am

excitement can't you tell Frankie your

excitement about tomorrow what's

tomorrow hmm hmm that's weird

must have lost my signal Oh tomorrow

Frankie Stein is picture day so Frankie

you should never underestimate the

importance of picture day a photo lasts


yes like snowmen don't snowmen melt not

if made properly enough with a history

lesson it's time to get to work doing



we're like twins

what time is it huh

we're fine it's only eight pictures are

at sorry cool I got a head on to the

next school but we were up all night

picking out our outfits you'll just have

to wait till next week when I come back

to take makeup photos oh so much room

he's coming back next week next week

that means we only have seven days to

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