08x06 - Dude, Where's My Groom?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x06 - Dude, Where's My Groom?

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm going to k*ll him!
Okay, Sugar Bean...

Dad, I'm not 11! All
right, you're overreacting.

Overreacting? It's my wedding day.

The happiest day of my life!

I'm wearing a custom wedding gown,

there are over a hundred guests waiting

for me make my grand entrance and
Charlie is nowhere to be found.

God, how could he do this to me?

Everyone we know is in there.

- What are they going to think?
- Who cares what they think?

Yeah, the groomsmen are missing, too.

They're probably all
just laughing at me.

Maybe they're late, maybe
they got a flat tire.

And why wouldn't he call?

No, he better be dead or dying,

because if I see him I am going to

- wring his neck!
- Not a good way start a marriage.

- Please, Dad, just find him!
- All right, all right.

- Did you dial 911?
- Yes.

They're over there in the fountain.

I think they're dead.

I didn't let anybody touch anything.

Preserve the crime scene.

I'm studying forensics online.

Give me some room,
people. Step aside please.

What the...?

Blood in the fountain's human.

It doesn't belong to these two.

They're nursing a couple
of prizewinning hangovers.

Could you keep your voice down, please?

Looks like the blood
came from their clothing.

And judging by the large
volume of it in the water...

Somebody is dead.

Gentlemen, how did the
blood get in the fountain?

We don't know.

Who cuffed you together?

I've had blackouts before,
but never like this.

Sounds like a case of instant amnesia.

The kind brought on by,

I just did something big-time illegal

- and I don't want to get caught.
- Okay

let's start with your names.

What are your names?

Jack Williams, this is Sean Anderson.

What is the last thing you remember?

We were with our friend, Charlie.

It was his bachelor party.

- We're his groomsmen and...
- The three of us

having a good time, you know?

I don't know how we
ended up in the fountain.

Where the hell's the groom?

Today's his wedding.

Oh, my God, you don't think
this could be his blood, do you?

Can I why you want these.

Kim, we found some blood.

And we need to determine if
it belongs to your fianc?.

Is Charlie dead?

I honestly don't know.

All right.

Put your hands together.

Wait, what are you doing?

You two are suspects
in a possible m*rder.

You're going down to PD.

We already told you we
don't remember anything.

Well, not remembering
doesn't mean not guilty.

Put them in separate cars.

I don't want them
working out their stories.

And get their blood
drawn for a tox screen.

Did Charlie express any reservations

about getting married?

I thought he stood me up.

I even wished he was dead.

But Charlie,

he would never just take off.

Tell me about the best man.

You know that Jack and Charlie

didn't speak for an entire year.


Why is that?

Charlie's nonprofit sued Jack's client.

Won a big settlement.

What about Sean?

We went on one date

in college,

and he fell madly in love.

He just... he couldn't move on.

He never wanted me to marry Charlie.

The blood work came
back on dumb and dumber.

? tested positive for Scopolamine.

Devil's Breath.

It's actually a pretty popular
drug in the L.A. club scene.

Keeps you lucid, but it
also hampers memory retention

for the hours just before
and after you take it.

Especially when mixed with alcohol.

So they are telling the truth.
They really don't remember.

No, guess we're going to
have to rely on the evidence

to tell us what happened last night.

In there.

H?, you've got these weird green flakes


Almost look like,


Okay, let's empty your pockets.

I have no idea how this got here.

We can test the DNA, see if the
blood is from our missing groom.

You remember being at a club last night?


You got a stamp here from the
club at the Ciel Bleu Hotel.

I don't even know what that is.

Now we know where you
guys stayed last night.

How about we take a little trip?

See if we can't jog your memory.

I don't know, Horatio.
So far I'm finding that

every one of these blood
samples has been contaminated.

Contaminated by what?

Contaminated by the
chlorine in the fountain.

Two guys were soaked head to toe.

The chemical was so strong

- it destroyed the DNA.
- Yeah.

And it only takes an hour or
so for the damage to be done.

And I don't think that there's a
single usable piece of DNA here.

Okay, we cannot confirm that
the blood belongs to the groom.

No, not yet.

I'm still looking. I still have
half of these samples to test yet.

Wait a minute.

Is that the piece of paper
from the best man's pocket?

Yeah, it is. I couldn't
get any DNA from it.

Okay. Let's get it to Walter.
There may be writing on it.

You think he's alive?

Let's hope so.

Miami-Dade PD!

Charlie King! Charlie?

Looks like a b*mb went off in here.

I've got something.

Wedding tuxes.

I got a suitcase with dead weight.

It's bowling balls.

What the hell were these guys doing?

I have found no evidence of blood.

Yeah, nothing to indicate
Charlie King was m*rder*d here.

I'm gonna radio down and
have them send up Sean,

see if he can help us with anything.

All right.

The doorman from the
hotel nightclub said

that the three of you charged
your cover to this room.

Does anything look familiar?

You know,

I don't really remember
much after we checked in.

What about these?

They yours?

Don't look at me. I'm a married man.

There's some sort of
a design logo on there.

What do you think that is, a teardrop?

I think that's supposed to be sweat.

That's the logo for the new
strip club here in South Beach.

It's called Club Perspire.

Yeah, well, Walter was
telling me about it.


Are you Carmel?

Manager says that these belong to you.

Yeah, that's my color.

Tell me, do you recognize
any of these gentlemen?

Because we found your
undergarmentin their hotel room.

Carmel... we're not
trying to jam you up.

No one has to know you helped us out.

Never seen that one.

Oh, those two, they spent a
couple hours here last night.

Who wants 'em?

H?, give 'em to my bro, Charlie.

He's married tomorrow.

No nothing, Kim cannot catch me

with these.

I took the groom to the VIP room,

gave him a lap dance and
left him there to clean up.

That's interesting, because this
one had Devil's Breath in his system.

Now, I understand that sometimes dancers

use it to get bigger tips.

Some girls may need to
drug their men, but not me.

I give them multiple
reasons to be generous.

So, you... are saying that
you didn't pour them champagne

from this bottle.

It'd be easy for us
to compare the prints

- on this bottlewith yours.
- So what? Poured it.

I don't know anything about
the "Devil's Breath," though.

All right.

Well, we'll just have to check the
video surveillance just to be sure.

Take it up with my boss, Dimples.

All right, Dimples.

You heard her, let's go get the footage.

Yeah, no. How about you
take it up with the boss

and I'll see why Sean
wasn't here with his pals.


We have a witness that says
you weren't at the strip club

with your buddies.

You have any idea where you
were during that timeframe?

Maybe my morals kicked in.

I never been a strip club kind of guy.

I'm not like Jack.

Or maybe you were too busy
preparing to k*ll the groom.

I would never k*ll Charlie.
He's my best friend.

Without him, I'm not three years sober.

Without Charlie, you could
have Kim all to yourself.

She told us about your date in college.

I had a crush on Kim.

We went out once,

but that was before she
and Charlie were engaged.

And then I met my wife.

We're getting ready to have a baby.

I'm over Kim.

And if she weren't so far
into herself, she'd see that.

Fast-forward through this, please.

You bet.

This is where the stripper

takes the groom into the VIP room.

Okay, now I've got
all three video cameras

from the three corners synched up.

I don't see where he leaves.

Okay, hang on a second.

Go back to that.

You see something?

Zoom in on that, please.


who's that near the exit?

It's Kim.

What's she doing at the strip club?

Catching her fianc? in the act.

Hey, honey, sorry we missed
you. We are on our way out.

It is just poker and martinis.

No strippers. I promise.

Yeah, Kim, no strippers.

Seriously, no strippers,

I promise.

I love you.

He lied.

The night before our
wedding and he lied.

In my business, Kim,
they call that motive.

No, please, wait, look.

I-I-I overheard Jack
mentioning that club

at the rehearsal dinner. I...

I tried to talk myself out of it,

to just trust Charlie. But...

I went anyway.

Come on, it's your
last night of freedom.

You don't want any regrets.

Next thing I know, some stripper

is leading him into the back room.

So, you confronted him and you fought.

I was ballistic, but...


I didn't go after him.

What did you do?

I went back to my parents' house.

I swear.

He can't really be dead, can he?

We don't know yet, Kim.

I want you to go home
and stay local, okay?

Walter, the bloody piece of
paper found in Jack's pocket...

what does it give us on the groom?

If I use haemasol,

I think I can remove the blood.

Hopefully, we'll be able
to read what's on here.

Fully understanding that we
could lose the text, right?

- Ready for that.
- Okay.

The blood should be
absorbed and dissipate.

And if I don't shake the tray too much,

ink should remain intact.

Here we go.

Oh, man.

The haemasol's destroying
some of the writing.

At the top. What is that, an address?

"Julio Bail..."

It's got to be bail bonds, right?

You think Jack was
bailing out the groom?

There's only one way to find out.

Calleigh, find out who Jack Williams

bailed out last night
at Julio's Bail Bonds.

Bro, this is a waste of time.

There's no way I bailed

someone out last night. Jackie! Bro!

?Como est?s?

There's no way,

huh, bro? Jackie was in here last night.

Was this gentleman with him?

No. Just mi amigo Jackie.

Stop calling me that.

That means our groom was at the
strip club, but he never made it here.

Jackie was high as a kite.
He kept singing that...

"Wanted: Dead or Alive" song.

And who was our American
Idol bailing out?



I was in jail?

Fort Lauderdale brought him in.

That explain why he
wasn't in our system.

Why the hell was I arrested?

Trespassing, disorderly
conduct, resisting arrest.

This wuss?

Well, now we know why you
didn't make it to the strip club.

Bail was set real high. You must
have really pissed someone off.

I don't even jaywalk.

I'm in my church choir.
I don't piss people off.

Well, you piss me off sometimes.

All right, listen,
Frick and Frack, shut up.

Who filed the complaint?

Clay Bennett.

Clay Bennett? The hotel developer?

You are so screwed. That
guy owns half of Florida.

I'm gonna call Horatio. I'm sure he's
gonna want to talk to Clay Bennett.

Julio, how did Jackie here pay you?

Jackie told me this sob story
about getting his friend out

so they could make it to a wedding.

Convinced me into taking a check.

This is a possible homicide.

Is there any way I could take
a look at that check, please?

I still have it here.

That's interesting.

So, that is your signature, then?

Yeah. That check was a wedding gift.

I wanted Charlie to use it

as a down payment on a house suitable

for my daughter, not to bail out
one of his boneheaded friends.

Well, one of his friends,
Jack, actually used it.

You have any idea how he
might've gotten a hold of it?

No, I left it with Charlie in his suite.

It wouldn't surprise
me if he gave it to him.

Charlie does not know
the value of a dollar.


So, he's made some bad
investments in the past?

Investments? I wish.

He's a community organizer.

I offered that boy a real
job, he turned me down.

Sounds to me like you're not too pleased

with your daughter's choice.

Well, you know, I'm
a dad, Miss Duquesne.

- It's Miss Duquesne, right?
- Yes.

So, nobody's good enough

for my baby, but she loves
him and that's what matters.

Excuse me, M. Bennett?

My house man has your tip.

I'm trying to make my tee time.

You might want to push it.


all three of these clowns were here.

How'd they get in?

Hell if I know. They weren't invited.

They harassed my guests for autographs.

Miss August, right?

H?, could you sign?

They peed in my pool.

I may have had a drink.

One of them grabbed a
mic and started rapping

while the other one
did the human beat box.

Let's kick it...

And I take it your people
couldn't handle them.

My security guards escorted
them out, and they came back.

I wanted them gone for good.

- Fort Lauderdale PD.
- Sorry.

You're under arrest for trespassing.

- Get 'em out of here!
- Yes sir

Why is it that only Sean was arrested?

Because the other two
made a getaway in my limo.

- So your car is missing.
- Yeah.

Grand theft limo.

H?, the keys are in it!

Did you file a police report?

I didn't realize it was gone
until after the officer had left.

I sent my own guy after it.

And where is your guy now?

Looking for my limo.

I need a BOLO on a
black Cadillac limousine,

tag number
S-K-five-two-six, letter O.

Air 20, suspect vehicle
sighted, 13th and Ocean.

Repeat, 13th and Ocean.

Do not move!

Miami-Dade Police!

Open it.


Definitely not our missing groom.

No. Looks like Bennett's
security guard found the limo.

Huh, Frank?

Think one of the Three Stooges
is capable of this brutality?

That's a very good
question. Hang on a second.

- Horatio?
- Horatio.

You know the blood we found on
our groomsmen, Jack and Sean?

It doesn't belong to the
groom, does it, Natalia?

Right. Well, I finally found
a DNA sample that I could use

from one of the back pants pockets.

How did you know?

Well, I am looking at the
source of the blood as we speak.

Our groom could still be out there,

and he could still be alive.

Meet M. Tito Estevez of
Always Protected Security.

That company might want to think

- about getting a new name, don't you?
- Funny.

I found what look like epithelials
under M. Estevez's fingernails.

He put up a fight with whoever did this.

I'll have Natalia run the DNA ASAP.

Good. That'll tell us if the groom

and his friends were involved at all.

You see this?

- The green flake?
- Yeah, that is so weird.

I found the same thing on one
of the groomsmen, Jack Williams.

You don't mind if I grab this, do you?

- It's on the body...
- What?

... so it's mine.

You territorial much?

Snarky much?

It's protocol.

I'll bag it, tag it,
and send it up to Trace.

The limo is all yours.


H?, Walter,

I got some more green flakes for you.

I'm good on green flakes.

Doc Loman just dropped one off.

Is that right?

Well, M. Protocol found his on the body.

I found these in the limo.

At first I thought it
was confetti, but, um,

nah, it's not the right consistency.

No, it's heavier.

Try paint.

I need to trade up to
a different microscope.

The BX41 polarizes light
with a filtering mechanism,

so the BX41 it is.

Come to Daddy.

This is weird.

Could you sell me a
better adjective then that?

'Cause my 84-year-old
bubbe says "weird".

Okay, fine.

One side of the flake is
clearly cheap green paint

that you could get at any art store.

But the other side
looks like leaded paint.

With what could be azurite.

What does that even mean?

Painters used this pigment
prior to World w*r I.

No one uses it nowadays.

Walter, how do you know this stuff?

Because I'm smart.

And my mom made me minor in art history.

Anyway, my guess is,

is that this flake came
from an older painting.

Maybe even a valuable one.

You know, Clay Bennett
is an avid art collector.


You know, maybe Bennett wasn't so
concerned about the stolen limo.

Maybe his real concern

was a valuable piece
of art inside the limo.

Well, if the groomsmen took
it, what did they do with it?

Want to take a ride?

Well, the phone records show
that Sean called this suite

when he tried to get
bailed out from jail.

So, since we know Charlie
was nowhere to be seen,

only stands to reason
that Jack is the one

that answered the phone call.



Hang on one second...

Wait-Wait... one minute.

There's one more thig
I gotta do. Hang on.

Bro, bro, bro, bro,

you will not believe what I'm doing.

I'm deer hunting.

Dude, I don't care.

I'm in jail. Get down
here and bail my ass out.

What?! Jail?!

What jail?

I need $10,000.

Get down here.

All right, all right. I'm coming.

So you're thinking, after
stealing Clay Bennett's limo...

...then driving with
Charlie to the strip club...

Jack must have come back
here and stashed the painting.

The question is,

Where is it?

Look at this room.

These guys think they were
on tour with Metallica?

You a heavy metal fan?

More like Guitar Hero god.

Oh, Walter, take a look.

Wouldn't he have hidden it?

I don't know. They were high.

Maybe he hung it up and
used it for target practice.

Look at this.

There was a different
painting here before.

A larger one. Check
out the discoloration.

This could be the source
of our green flakes.

Why would a multimillionaire

like Bennett want a painting like this?

I mean, is it even valuable?

I don't recognize it.

I think there's something
beneath this deer.

Now, I can't tell for
sure without my microscope,

but this looks like the same
pigment from the early 1900s.

With the azurite.

T-Ray 4000?

Yeah, should get
underneath the cheap stuff,

show us whatever it's hiding.

Fluid image.

Wild color choice,
and the rich emotion...

kind of reminds me of a Cezanne,

maybe something from
the Fauvist movement.

It's a Matisse.

You've studied the French masters, too?

It's signed.

Oh, this piece was reported stolen

from a private collection
a few years ago.

So Bennett painted over it

to prevent from getting
caught transporting it.

What's something like this worth?

I've heard more than $20 million.


and Charlie King's life.

Get your hands where I
can see 'em right now.

Get on the ground. Let's go.

What the hell is this?

We have a warrant to search your
premises. M. Wolfe, tear it apart.

Got it.

So, M. Bennett...

Charlie King?


He took your painting,

and you took him. Where is he?

Stop it. Look, I admit I
sent Tito to get my painting.

It was in my limo when those
jackasses stole it. I didn't...

kidnap anybody.

Maybe a little jail time
will jog your memory.

Get him out of here.

M. Wolfe?

No, no sign of Charlie.

All right.

Let's keep looking.

The DNA evidence from under Tito
Estevez's fingernails has come back.

Any sign of our groom?

There is no DNA evidence that
connects Charlie and Tito.

However, there is evidence

that our vic tussled
with both our groomsmen.

H?! H?! H?!

You think Jack and Sean k*lled Tito?

That's what the evidence is telling me.

We know three things.

We know that Clay Bennett
sent Tito after the limo.

We know that Jack and Sean
were covered in Tito's blood.

We also know that Jack
and Sean had fingerprints

in Tito's blood in the limousine.

Well, I guess the question
is, which one did it?

The car door was the m*rder w*apon.

I know, ouch.

So, the head injury is the C.O.D.

Precisely. Based on the
consistent depth and placement

of the bruises to the brain,
this was done in quick succession.

One swing of the car door
immediately followed by another,

with the same amount
of force and velocity.

All right, so,

what you're saying is, this
was the work of one person?

Yes. Is that a problem?

I just get off the phone with the
SA office, they say they won't press

charges unless we can
tell them which one did it.

Well, that would make sense.

Sean and Jack could point
the finger at each other, and

any decent defense attorney would
walk them with reasonable doubt.

Just a moment.

I was examining the crime scene photos

when I was determining COD.

Weren't there prints on the limo door?

Yeah, but they were just
smudges, nothing clear.

We've got the,

victim's ear and cheek
prints against the limo here,

so we know what position he
was in when he was k*lled.

May I see that?

It's not great, but you
can tell by the handprint

that the k*ller held the door here

and braced himself against the car here.

But they're smudged.

Wait. Hold on. Maybe not.

There's a finger pattern, and the smudge

is the thumb to the little finger.

So, that means the k*ller

would have braced himself with his right

and swung the door with his left.


It's about time.

Just sign for your belongings,
and you'll be free to go.

Have you found Charlie?

Come on. He took off. Wouldn't you?

Jack, you're left-handed.


So, that must have made it easier
for you to k*ll Tito Estevez.


Who's Tito?

You may have forgotten
what happened last night,

but the evidence always remembers.

Clay Bennett's bodyguard caught
up with the two of you guys

after you bailed Sean out of jail.

H?, Jack.

Thanks for saving me some champagne.

You don't steal from Clay Bennett.

No, no, we didn't steal!

Tell Clay we are sorry,

and he can have his limo back.

You're not going anywhere till
I get Bennett's painting back.

Painting? What painting?
What did you do?

H?, hey, hey!

Hey, hey!

Oh, my God! Whoa!

I'm taking you straight
back to M. Bennett.

And then, one of you used your left hand

to slam Tito's head in the door.

You see, Jack, you were the
one with his left hand free.

Jack, stop! What are you doing?

Jack, stop. You'll k*ll him.

He's not breathing.

What the hell do we do now?

Get him in the limo.

And then, you drove
the limo to the pier.

Both of us?

Afraid so.

You're an accessory.

It was the Scopolamine.

I want to call my lawyer.

Look, your lawyer is
going to have access

to all of our evidence.

Perhaps he can argue
diminished capacity.

If we really did this thing,

if we k*lled this guy,

could we have hurt Charlie, too?

We hope not.


Just got a call from Club Perspire.

Remember that stripper
we've been watching?

- Carmel?
- I got a tip from

- the owner she's quitting.
- Really?

As far as we know, the
strip club was the last place

Charlie was seen before he disappeared.

She was one of the last
people to see him, too.

She's on the move.

I'll grab Calleigh,
I'll head over there.

I'll call to get a
warrant for her place.


Where are you going, Carmel?



I got this.

Who's this?

- This your daughter?
- I have rights.

You can't look in there.
We don't have a warrant.

I don't need a warrant.

What do we have here?

- Nothing.
- Nothing?

It's Scopolamine.

You enjoy drugging your clients?

I'm sure your daughter is going
to be just fine in foster care.

- Take her.
- Wait. Stop.

What do you want to know?

Charlie King, where is he?

You'll make this other stuff go away?


All right,

some guy paid me to take him
out back and put him in a car.

I thought it was a prank.

You liked the lap dance, right?

Yeah, well, this is
going to be more fun.

I-I-I-I got to get
back to my friends.

Who was it?

I don't know his name.

Some rich guy.

Was it this man? His
name's Clay Bennett.


But it was dark.

I didn't really see him.

There is a girl out there who is praying

for her fianc? to come
home, and you can help her.

I know you remember something.


He was like 50.

And he was nervous, sweating.

I think he had a Southern accent.

He had a Southern accent?

Carmel Owens I.D.'d you when
I showed her your picture.

She also said that you paid
her to put Charlie in your car.

Now, M. Hewitt, that's kidnapping.



Tell them they're wrong, Dad.

You called me from the strip club.

You were crying.

I had to do something.

He's at a strip club,
Dad, with some stripper.

Okay. Calm down, Kim.

Calm down.

I want you to stop crying, all right?

Just come home.

You can call this whole thing off.

I love him.

Just come home, honey.

I asked Charlie to go away once.

He just wouldn't listen.

What are you talking about?

So, the check you gave him wasn't

a wedding present, was it?

It doesn't matter the amount, M. Hewitt.

I can't take this.

I love Kim.

I know my daughter.

You can't make her happy.

Now, that's a blank check.

You fill out whatever amount
you want, you walk away.

We're going to be family,

M. Hewitt.

So, I'm just going to forget about this.

Kim calls me, and she's crying, and

he's hurting her.


they aren't even married yet, so
I just... I lost it. I lost it.

You know, I drove down to the club.

I-I-I-I got... I got to
get back to my friends.

Give you a chance to,

you know, change your
mind about marrying him.

Where is Charlie

right now, and is he alive?


Hang in there, Charlie.
You're doing great, son.

He's got a weak pulse.

Where is Kim?

She's waiting for you,
Charlie. Take him to her.

She's waiting for you, son.


Please, please, please, be okay.


I love you.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

We have to take him, miss.

Thank you.
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