08x10 - Count Me Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x10 - Count Me Out

Post by bunniefuu »

Jesse, what the hell are you doing
? Jesse! No, no, no. Wait, wait...

What you gonna do, Jesse?
You're too small, Jesse.

Too small! Get out of here, boy!

Now the jump.

Why you want to go and do that,
Jesse? Gonna make me angry.

You won't like me when I'm angry.

Where you going, man? It's 10-10.

That's a dead end down there.
They could need our help.

Come on!

Ah, Jesse!

I got the driver! Go, go, go!

15 charlie 6-7. We have a male
suspect on foot at this time.

Caucasian, yellow t-shirt,
jeans- heading east at Overly.

Driver! Roll down your window,
and throw the keys out of the car!

Step out of the car with your hands up!

Now, walk back towards me.

Hands up!

Keep coming.

Right there.

Get on your knees.

Let's go, on the floor, sprawled out.

How many we got, Jesse?

Got two confirmed-
one's on the run.

Check the trunk.

Bring him.

So how do you explain that?

The guy made me. I didn't have a choice.

Everybody has a choice.

They still haven't found
our olympic sprinter.

Yes, the manhunt continues.

There's no blood in
the trunk of this car.

He was likely dead before he went in.

Yes, but there's a pink fibrous
material on this sweater.

Could be insulation.

Document everything, Jesse.

Got to be honest with you,
son. I don't believe your story.

It's not a story, sir, it's
the truth. He put a g*n on me.

Where did that happen?

16th and Maplewood.

He-he told me to pop the
trunk and then start driving.

Let's go for a ride.

if I didn't keep my foot on the pedal.

Next thing I know I'm in a
car chase with the police.

Show me what he did.

He came up,

and he put the g*n right here.

I'm going to hang on to you till
I can figure out what's what.

Well, doctor, I don't
have any sort of fancy

medical degree, but I'd venture to guess

that this victim died
due to a head injury.


Blow to the head may
have immobilized him,

but the real C.O.D.
Is chemical asphyxia.

It caused a pulmonary edema leading

to both respiratory and cardiac arrest

Is there anything about
the chemical in particular?

Trachea and lungs
were severely inflamed.

I suspect a chemical poisoning agent.

Those are his belongings.

Poor thing. It seems like
that's a terrible death.

Pure agony.

Prolonged agony.

Chemical inhalants take 12,
13 hours to k*ll a person.

I'm a bit perplexed by the lividity,

but tox may help there.

Hey, Calleigh.

Our victim has a federal I.D.
His name is Christopher Perez.

Says here he worked for
the U.S. Census Bureau.

A census taker.

Well, that takes guts.
I mean, walking up

to houses blind, you never
know what you're gonna find.

Could be a fed hater.

I'm going to call his work
and see if I can get a hold

Of his schedule and the
last locations he visited.

Sorry about the other night. I
didn't mean to leave you hangin'.

So, something came up, huh?


Somethin' in a sequin dress?

I owe you one, okay?


According to the Census Bureau,
this is the last neighborhood

where Christopher Perez
worked this morning.

Okay, how do you want
to split up the houses?

You and Cardoza take those two.

No. How about you and I take those two?

Or we could do that, too.

Something tells me this
happens to you a lot.

Let's get to work.

Can I help you?

We're with the Miami-Dade
Police Department.

Are you the home owner of record?

No. No, I...

Get inside, Marie.

I'm the homeowner, Paula
Olsen. What do you want?

Our records indicate there's a census
taker that was here this morning.

Yeah, so? Well, what do
you need now, a recount?

He was m*rder*d.

I have nothing to say about that.

Okay, well in that case, we'd like
to speak with- I believe you said

her name was Marie

What do you want to ask her? She
didn't answer the door for him; I did

You government people.

All alike. You're just counting
heads so you can raise our taxes.

Get off my property!

Okay, Mrs. Olsen, you need to calm down.

Assaulting a police officer is a crime.

A police officer?!

More like Gestapo. You do not care
about the citizens of this country

and neither does your census bureau.

Go to hell!

Mrs. Olsen, don't leave town
until this investigation...

All right, now what
? Shall we backtrack?

Yeah, that's a good idea.
He's got another house listed.

It's around the corner.

Doesn't look like anybody lives here.


Well then the census taker
probably saw that, too.

He passed on to that other house.

Not necessarily.

Didn't you say that there was
insulation on the victim's clothes?

Insulation coming out
of the ceiling tiles.

And all over the floor in there, too.

This is Horatio

Yeah, hi, H. It's me.

Well, I'm at 5493 Evergreen Street.

And,there's some insulation here that's consistent
with what you pulled off the victim's clothes.

I'm on my way.

Do you smell that?

It smells like ammonia.

Rat poison.


There's duct tape.

Latex gloves.

I think it's safe to say there's
something going on in here.

I think the ammonia smell
is coming from this blanket.

Miami-Dade PD!

We obviously interrupted something.

Yeah, an active meth lab.

Oh, my god. It's gonna
blow. Yeah, we need to go.

You okay?

No, I can't move!

I'm stuck, Ryan. No, I'm stuck.

All right, all right. I'll get you out.

Go, go, Ryan! Just go!

I can't get this up.

- I can't get this up.
- Mr. Wolfe. Mr. Wolfe.

Here we go.

Thank you.

You were really... You
were really brave in there.

You're welcome.

You were pretty brave in there, too.

You know, I'm... I'm good. I
r... I really... I feel fine.

Thank you.

I just want to start
working this crime scene.

Maybe we should do a quick trip
to the ER first. What do you say?

What are you doing?

I thought we just said we were
going to go to the hospital.

Well, I don't want to leave this case.

Mr. Wolfe.

So, a census taker
walks into a meth house,

Ends up dead in the
trunk of someone's car.

By fumes or something worse.

We need to determine who
the owner of record is.

I'll call Tripp, get the ball rolling.

Marie, can I help you with something?


Was anyone in the house?

Was anyone hurt?

There was somebody in the house,
and they're going to be fine.

Are you all right?

I was just frightened...

by the sound.

Do you ever see anybody coming
in and out of that house?



I have to get back to work.

If Mrs. Olsen catches
me here talking to you...

Marie, here's my card.

If you think of
anything that might help,

feel free to call me.

Hey, Tripp. Yeah?

I heard you found the owner
on record for the meth house.

What's left of it. Bank
took it a few months ago.

Previous owner was Edward Hensler.

So, he was related to
our kid, Kevin Hensler.

Yeah, Mr. Innocent.

It turned out it was his father.
That kid lived in that house.

Yeah, well, that's good to know.

I don't know. I don't know anything.

No, Kevin, no. Not this time, okay?

We found a dead guy in
the trunk of your car.

He was k*lled in a
house that you lived in.

My dad bailed on the payments
just like he bailed on me.

Okay, I... I haven't been back to
that house since. I got my own place.

Do these look familiar?

They're yours.

Are you telling me one of these
won't open the front door?

I'm good at chemistry, okay?

I aced my finals.

This guy, Tek, he... he was
a messenger at the university.

He said he'd pay me good
money if I cooked meth.

So, this guy, Tek, was a drug dealer.

Yeah, a good one.

Keeps me working.

He was in the car with you?

I- I-I... I don't
know his real name.

You don't know his real name?

Is he the one who k*lled
the census worker?

I told you.I...

I didn't see what happened to that guy.

I didn't even know he was in the trunk.

You say you're a smart guy.

So, where do you think this guy, Tek,
would go if he was running scared?

I- I-I remember him once saying
that he had another meth lab.

And where is that?
- Point hill.

Near the marina.

There could be an active
meth lab in here, folks.

We can't afford a spark of any kind.

Cell phones off.



Show yourself.


That a clock?


Mr. Wolfe...

This copper wire could
lead to a time-delay device.

This wasn't a chemical expl*si*n.

Hey, it's Jesse, leave a message.

I'm getting voice mail. Jesse?

Call me immediately. These
places are rigged to blow.

Walter, hey, it's Wolfe.

911. You got to call me back right away.

These meth labs, they got bombs in them.

Call the b*mb squad.

Call them immediately.

What is that sound?

I don't know.

But I do know a meth lab
kitchen when I see one.


Some high-end beakers here.

Pipe b*mb.

- Jesse, what the hell are you doing?
- Move!

What are you doing? Move! Move!

You okay?


Just need to sit down for a minute.

Come on. Boa Vista was
in the middle of a blast,

And she's still standing.


Look at that.

There's monofilament
leading to this mousetrap.

It was pulled when you opened the gate.

The current traveled
along the minute hand.

Yeah, if it would
have touched the metal,

The circuit would have closed.


They had the clock acting like a

time-delay detonator.

I bet you it was the
same signature used with

Boa Vista and Wolfe.

Oh, my god.

- It's going to blow.
- We need to go. Go, go!

Hell of a way to protect your meth lab.

And k*ll anyone who was on to you.

So, you set my team up and
almost got them k*lled, Kevin.


You knew that place would
blow when we walked in.

I thought Tek might be
there. I was trying to help.

I want to know who
k*lled the census taker.

- Kevin.
- Okay.

- Okay. I messed up...
- Don't lie to me!

I messed up.

Hi. My name is Christopher Perez.

I work for the census bureau.

We, uh... We don't really live here.

What are you doing?

You're telling the whole neighborhood.

- Come on in.
- Thank you.

Tie him up, and get him in there.


What are you, an idiot? You
locked him in the same room

where you were cooking meth?

Tek said he needed time to
figure out what to do with him.

When I...

When I went back In
the room, he was dead.

I... I didn't mean to k*ll him.

He was only in there a half an hour.

A half an hour?

30 minutes, yeah.

So you two decided to take
a drive and dump the body.

No. He made me do it.

He had a g*n to me, remember?

I was afraid of telling you.

I was afraid he was
gonna come after me again.

Well, he's not gonna come
after you in here, kid.



If Tek wasn't at the lab,
I don't know where he is.

Kevin, you better hope...

and I mean hope...

that I find him, okay?

A half hour.

- Fumes would take 12 hours to...
- The time line is bogus, isn't it?


Let's check with tox.

He's not lying.

Our census worker died
a relatively quick death.

Half hour.

Wait, wait. You told
Calleigh that he died

from chemical asphyxiation
caused by phosphate and gas.

Byproduct of the rat
poison in the meth, yes.

That takes 12 hours to k*ll a person.

Not when it's digested.


What are you talking about?

- He ate it?
- Correct.

- I knew the lividity didn't track.
- The resulting gas

Was absorbed by his
gastrointestinal tract.

From there, it fed directly
into his bloodstream.

Which k*lled him in only half an hour.

So the kid was telling the truth.

I trust I've put you closer
to finding your k*ller.

Thanks, man.

Love that song.

That's a nice song.

Yeah, these help me
concentrate when I'm working.

That's funny. All the years
that we've worked together,

I've never seen you
wearing headphones in DNA.

They're... They're kind of tiny.

They're sort of easy to miss.

You know, Natalia,

I've got this ringing in my ears.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

We were both in the same blast today.


if you're having a hard
time hearing the music...

I'm good. I'm not having a problem.

You had it turned up
to 11. That's mach one.

R- ryan,

Thank you, but I'm good.

I'm-I'm good, really.

Did, um... Did you come in here

To talk about something
related to the case?

Yeah. I came in for b*mb site photos.

I'm trying to find a
way to this tek guy.

Well, I will get out of your way

And let you have at it.

It's all yours.

Heard you wanted evidence from
the blast at the meth house.

Yes, I do.

Why don't we put it over there?


You know what? Let's take
all of the oversized stuff

and put it in the clean
room in the garage for now.

You got it.


Hey, wait a second.

Didn't see that rag in there.

I don't know that it's a rag.

Looks like it could be silk.


I'm gonna keep this with me.


What do you mean?
Marie's not going anywhere.

Mrs. Olsen, we have evidence
linking her to a m*rder.

That census guy?
That's-that's impossible.

She's never left my sight.

Okay, look, are you gonna bring her out,

or do I need to go
in there and get her?

Marie, I was wondering
if this is your headscarf.

I notice that you wear one.

It might be.



We found it at the house next door

where Christopher Perez was k*lled.

I accidentally left it at that house.

I don't know Christopher perez.

I was there to see kevin.

Kevin Hensler?


He used to live there
before the bank took it away.

He came back to help me.

What are you doing here?
He'll be back any minute.

My boss will be back,
too, but I had to see you.

I don't like what you are
doing, making these dr*gs.

It's dangerous.

I know, but it's the
only way I can make money

To get you away from that lady.

Look, we'll be married soon.

We'll have our own place, I promise.

You really got to go.

How was it that you came
to work with Mrs. Olsen?

My family's in Haiti.

Mrs. Olsen told my mother

that she would send me to school
in exchange for housekeeping,

but all I do is cook and clean.

I'm not even allowed to read my bible.

And if I complain...

She'll send me on a boat to Haiti.

And away from Kevin?

What's going to happen to Kevin?

I don't know.

We're investigating the drug
dealer he was working with.


You know him?

He treated Kevin badly.

The last time he saw me,

He tried to...

Oh, yeah, you must be good, huh?

I got kevin telling me he
wants to stop cooking for me

so he can run away with you.

Please don't touch me!


I have all the girls in
bayfront lining up for me.

You said Bayfront?


Great. Maria, thank you.

Hey, it's Calleigh.

The drug dealer... I
know where to find him.

So you are Tek.

Or plain old Robert Sperling.

Get him up, please.

Yeah, that's me.

So what?

You're breaking my wrist, man.

You're lucky I didn't break your neck.

For what, hanging out in the park?

For m*rder.

I think you should talk to
Kevin Hensler about that one.

We have.

He gave us your life story in paperback.

Slinging meth, bodies in trunks.
It was a real page turner.

Look, he k*lled that guy, all right?

Because he was afraid
the feds were gonna deport

his little piece of tail,
and that's the truth.

That's not the whole truth, my friend.

Yeah, Calleigh,

The scarf we're processing...

Natalia should have it by now.

- How are you feeling?
- Good.

I'm good...

Horatio, thanks again

- For coming in after us.
- No need.

Biologicals on the scarf.

Yes, saliva, the victim's saliva.

Saliva, so it may have
been used as a gag.

And laced in rat poison.

Can you put it in someone's hand?

No, I struck out on fingerprints.

I already told jesse it
was going to be impossible.

Natalia, nothing is impossible.

I never heard of gold dust
being used to lift prints.

Yes, it's called vapor... Metal...


So the dust is attracted to the oils.

Right, we heat the metal

to the point of evaporation.

The gold dust attaches
to the fingerprint,

forming a thin coat.

Now it's working.


It looks like we got partials now.

Yes, but what... If
all of these partials...

Are from the same finger?

Let's compare this to our two suspects.


Nice going.

We recovered your fingerprint

from the gag that
k*lled christopher perez,

and we believe that you
manipulated kevin into thinking

He k*lled christopher
to have something on him.

What are you doing?

Tie him up and get him in there.


I won't tell anyone about this place.

And I'm gonna make sure of that.

Open up.

Open up.

Hey, kevin, get in here.

What did you do, man? I didn't
tell you to k*ll this guy.

Oh, my god.

Yeah, well, I needed him cooking for me

and not dating the maid next door.

You got to protect the product.

And by protection,

you mean b*mb making, right?

Discourages competition.

You'd be surprised at the
type of respect you get

when one of those goes off.

Not unlike the surprise
you've got coming in prison.

I didn't k*ll that man?


But the drug making is
a first-degree felony.

What about marie?

I promised I'd get
her out of that house.

We're working on that.

False imprisonment?

I should have put her on the slow
boat to haiti when I had the chance.

What you should have done

is treat her with basic human dignity.

While she sneaks out for nooky
with the local drug dealer?

Cuff her, please.

Get your hands off of me.

All right, look, lady,

If you do not get into that
car without further incident,

then I am happy to add resisting
arrest to your rap sheet.

Remember, I pay your salary.

Then I deserve a raise.


I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


It was never your fault.
Don't ever think that.

Is he going to be okay?

He's going to be okay.

I've arranged for a
dormitory stay at dade u.,

and I'm working on your student visa.

Will I actually be able
to go to school now?

You'll go to school.
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