08x22 - Mommie Deadest

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x22 - Mommie Deadest

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi! Oh, thank you!


Hey, you guys want to say something?

Happy anniversary.

Want to say something?

Hey, Laura and Chuck.

You're a terrific couple.

Happy anniversary.

Wonderful parents.

You know what? Great party.

Okay, we hate you because
you're so damn perfect.

Yeah... but congrats, anyway.

Yes. Seriously.

And back to the anniversary party.

Oh, that color looks so good on you.

Who picked that dress out?

You did.

That's right.



That's you.


Look how cute they were!

Yeah. What happened?

Yay! Yay!

Mom, Dad,

me and the little man would
like to congratulate you

on your 20th anniversary.

You're amazing.

Because without you,
there wouldn't be an us.


Oh, sweetheart.

Okay, guys, that's enough about us.

Or maybe just a little bit more.

There's, uh, beer and
chardonnay, and, oh, there's

a few slices of my,
uh, carrot cake left.

Yeah. Please get to it before I do.

Where's your brother?

I thought you two

were going to play for us.

Oh, it's too late. Everyone's leaving.



Great time, Chuck. Hey, man.

All right, we'll see you
soon. Thanks for coming.

See you again, man. Hey, thanks so much.

Thank you for coming.
Thanks for having us.

We'll see you soon. It was fun, right?

All right. Yeah, it was really fun.

Yeah, good. Yeah,
everybody had a good time.

Hey, we'll see you
soon. We'll see you soon.

Thanks for coming. Okay. See
you this week. We'll call you.

Okay. Bye.

I just want to say

that you're more beautiful
now than ever before.

I'm exhausted.

I have to clean up.


Oh! Those damn kids
broke that lamp again.

They're not getting away with this.

This time, I'm getting it on tape.

I know you're out there!

Come on out!

I've had enough.

I'm gonna get your face on
video, and I'm sending it

straight to the cops.

You're not gonna get away with his.


Dr. Loman.

I think we can safely say overkill.

Absolutely brutal.

She was struck at least nine times

with so much force and velocity

that each blow on its
own could have been fatal.

What about a m*rder w*apon?

Not sure yet.

But judging from her injuries and the

varying direction of the blood spatter,

whoever did this was swinging wildly

from several different
directions and angles.

And totally out of control.

And fueled by rage.

Yes. Someone... was very, very angry.

Thank you, Doctor.


What've you got so far?

We found the family's video camera.

Mrs. Williams was using
it when she was att*cked.

So far, I've been
retracing the victim's steps

through the videotape, and it looks like

that broken lamp definitely
drew her over here.

Well, she could have
interrupted an intruder

breaking into the house.

Maybe panicked and k*lled her.

Oh! Those damn kids
broke that lamp again.

This time, I'm getting you on tape.

Come out here!

You're not gonna get away with this!

You see that?


Something prevented the blood spatter

from landing in that area.

Maybe the k*ller was standing
in that void when he att*cked.

Is that the victim's son?




Andrea and I were upstairs.

We heard the sirens, and we...

We turned into our
driveway, we ran down and...

Dad told us Mom was gone.

You're a talented artist, Cody.

I control everything in these pages.

Shame it doesn't work
like that in real life.

In my book,

the bad guy always gets caught.

Well, we have a pretty
good record, too, son.

You'll catch whoever did this to my mom?

It's highly likely.

You should go inside, get some rest.

I'm gonna need

to go over your statement.

A little later?

When you're ready.



You know, the whole anniversary
party's on this video.

Oh... my God.

You're not gonna believe what it caught.

Take a look at this, Jess.


Check it out.

Hey, Cody, are you in there?

WOMAN Yeah, right.

I want my song! Exactly.


Laura. Hey.


the guests are leaving.

It's time to say good-bye.

Excuse me.

I mean, it looks like

the victim's husband is having an affair

right there at their anniversary party.

Well, if that's the case,
we have our first suspect.

I can't believe you dragged me in here.

I'm the one who called 911.

I've already told you everything.

Well, how about you tell me again?

I was cleaning up the kitchen.

I took a trash bag out to the garage,

and I found her body.

Mr. Williams, you don't seem
very sad about losing your wife.

Is there a handbook on how a
grieving husband should act?

Do you have any idea how this feels?

Yeah, I do, and if I were lucky enough

to be with my wife on
our 20th anniversary,

she wouldn't walk in and
find me with another woman.

What?! I saw the video from your party.

Now, who's the woman that
your wife caught you with?

That was Bridgette Clark.

She's our neighbor and
my son's history teacher.

We were talking about Cody.

Your body language implied

that maybe it was a
little something more.

Something more?

Something that your wife
would take issue with.

Now, did you guys argue
after the party? No.

Do you see how this is
stacking up? Your wife thinks

you're cheating, she kicks you
out of the house, you get angry.

Enough! You want...

It's always the husband, right?

They teach you that at cop school?

Mr. Williams, this m*rder is personal.

We're looking at everyone
who was close to her.

Look elsewhere.

I have to make funeral
arrangements for my wife.

Now, can I go?

For now.

Miami National Bank.

How can I help you?

Hey, Dina, it's Eric Delko

from the State Attorney's Office.

I need to do some follow-up on
the records I had you subpoena.

I need some specific
information on Walter Simmons.

Acunt number eight-two-one


Let me... Can you hold on a second?

I forgot my laptop. Okay.

I'm gonna have to call you back. Thanks.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Great. Just,

uh, a sea of affidavits and depos here.

You want me to proof something?
No. You're already late.

It's fine.

You seem stressed.

No, I just... got to get this to court.

That's all.

All right. I'm going right by there.

You want me to take it?

It's okay.

Really. Thanks.


I'll see you later.

I admit it.

I like the effect I have on men.

I flirt, it's fun.

Chuck's wife just happened
to catch it on video.

Well, she's dead now.

It's my understanding

that you do more than
just flirt, Mrs. Clark.

The mother of one of your students

filed a complaint with the school board,

claiming that you wouldn't
leave her husband alone.

She's a lying, jealous bitch.

So, you're saying she's just

envious of you?

Look at me.

I wear makeup, work out.

Most of those soccer moms
couldn't find their way

to a treadmill if they
were given a map and a GPS.

So Chuck Williams just
couldn't resist you.

Probably not.

But I'm not sleeping with Chuck.

Listen, something terrible
happened to that woman.

And I'd start with what's
going on inside her house.


do you know something
that we don't know?

Well, there's a little test

I do when I'm worried
about a student's home life.


you haven't given your
parents any of my notes.

I'm gonna have to talk to
them about your behavior.

Please don't, Mrs. Clark.

They'll be mad.

Oh, you...

I was pretending to wipe
something from his shirt.

That kid almost jumped out of his skin.

What does that tell you?

That Cody thought I
was going to hit him.

From my experience, he's being abused.

It turns out there
was something going on

at the Williams' house.

The police responded to a 911
hang-up call there last month.

They suspected domestic v*olence.

Were charges filed?

No. When the police arrived
the husband had taken off,

and the wife said everything
was fine, and they left.

I'm hoping the video
will speak for them.

I'm sorry, but there's nothing
that points to Dad on this tape,

and I can only work with
what's within the frame.

Really? So, it's just Laura.

Not exactly.

There is someone sharing
the frame with her.


A ghost.

This tape was used before,
and it's been recorded over.

But the camera
- the eraser heads,

they must be damaged or something,

because it didn't fully
erase the original image.

Okay, there.

Right-hand corner,
you see the painting?


Let me just eliminate the current image.

How about now?

Oh, yeah, it's, um...

like a birthday party.

Maybe it's one of the kids' plays?

No, that's at dinner.

Can you sharpen that?

If I apply a condensed sensing algorithm

the computer should be able

to take what little digital
information we do have

and multiply it,

filling in the missing pixels.

It's Thanksgiving.

Hold on a sec, let me enhance the audio.

What did you just do?

Nothing, I'm just hungry.

You grabbed food with
your grubby little hands!

Where are your table manners?
Don't you see all the work that

went into preparing this meal?! Laura,
she didn't mean anything by it...

Stop it! Come here.
Come here! Mom, stop!

If you want to act like an animal,

I will treat you like one.

Get down! Get!

Oh, my God.

That poor girl.

What is the mother doing?

Is that a dog bowl?

Now eat like an animal.

The father wasn't the
monster in that house.

It was the mother.

I don't think you appreciate
how difficult this is.

I don't see what the problem is here.

Horatio has you looking
into who stole the diamonds

from the evidence locker.

That's not the part I take issue with.

You're asking me to wear a wire

and check my friends' bank statements.

I don't want to do this.

We've been through this, Eric.

You work for the State
Attorney's Office.

We need to find out
who compromised the lab.

I can tell you that the
CSIs are clean, I'm sure.

Well, I'm not.

Jesse Cardoza planted
an illegal wiretap.

Last year, your medical
examiner was stealing pills.

I mean, do I need to continue?

Listen, I'm not the guy for this job.


Our cases are only as
strong as our weakest CSI.

We cannot afford to have evidence kicked

because of a dirty lab.

Now, what do you have for me?

I subpoenaed tax records
and bank statements

from everyone at the lab. Okay.

Someone made a pretty
substantial deposit

after the diamonds went missing.



I'm sure there's a
reasonable explanation for it.

Who is it, Eric?

Walter Simmons.

His landlord just raised his rent,

but the guy's not a thief, okay?

Give me a chance, let me look into it.

Let me see if there's any
evidence missing from other cases.

I set the timeline here.

Work fast.

Hey, so we've already gone
over this area three times.

m*rder w*apon isn't here.

Yeah, I'm thinking

the murderers probably
took it with them.

Or they left it in their car.

You search that three times?

No. Patrol took a look.

Maybe you should go take a look.

Maybe we should go take a look.

Maybe we should.

Walter, do me a favor.
Pop the trunk, will you?


Hey, Wolfe...


I got blood spatter on the
front bumper and headlight.

Oh, yeah?


Oh, yeah.

Look at that.

That doesn't make sense.

There's no way the
blood could've made it

from the m*rder scene all
the way here on the street.

Which means that this car had
to be parked in the driveway

during the m*rder, and moved here after.

Which explains the void
Jesse found next to the body.

Chuck Williams said

this car was parked here all day.

He lied.

I don't know how the
blood got on my car.

It happened during the m*rder.

Which also means you moved the car.

Yeah, I did.

Makes sense. You want to
get rid of the m*rder w*apon

before you call 911.

No, that wasn't it.

I had to make room for the ambulance.

I thought maybe the paramedics
could still save her.

See, that's funny, 'cause you
didn't mention that earlier.

Well, obviously, I had a lot on my mind.

I didn't think it was important.

And you didn't mention your
wife's abusive behavior, either.

She could be hard on the kids,

but she never meant to hurt them.

Well, we have videotapes
that show the opposite.


Thanksgiving last year.

It was one bad day.

The holidays are especially
stressful for Laura.

So you didn't consider this
behavior to be a pattern.


I don't think so.

I mean, I travel a lot

for business.

Well, somebody was home.

How'd you find me?

Cody told us you were
at your boyfriend's.

Did you find who k*lled my mom?

We found a piece of videotape.

What video?

It's from Thanksgiving

last year, Andrea.

Did you mother behave like that often?


Would you put that out, please?

Looking at the fire calms me down.

Always has.

My mom wanted us to be perfect.

That's all.

She was a good mom.

What happened

to your wrists?

Did you hurt yourself?

Come on, tell 'em.

Andrea, they're the police.

Okay? You don't need to
keep her secret anymore.

She's gone.

I snuck out one night to see Logan...

You are worthless!

I know what you do with that boy!

Wait, where do you think you're going?

I'm not done with you yet!

So my mom started
handcuffing me to my bed.

She what?

She had a lot of creative
ways to punish us.

Did you tell anyone?

One time.

I called 911.

She offered them sodas.

I thought if they just
looked into my eyes,

they would know that she was lying.

When they drove away,

I knew there was nothing we could do.

It's okay.

It's okay, it's not
going to happen anymore.

What'd you find?

That's a piece of glass.

Could I see your shoes, please?

You've got glass on yours.

So, if we test it,

is it going to match the glass
we found at the crime scene?

I don't... I don't know.

Thank you very much.

You wanted to see me?

Take a seat, Mr. Simmons.

I'm gonna cut straight to the chase.

I need you to answer for this deposit.

Hey, Delko.

Thanks for watching my back, man.

What are you talking about?

I told you my rent was going up,

and Nevins just brought that up to me

before she accused me
of stealing the diamonds

from the evidence locker.

You told her.

How did she make the leap
from rent to diamonds?

'Cause she's been investigating me.

She had my bank statements.

Said she was concerned

about some big deposit I made.

I mean, you had

an explanation, right? Yeah.

My buddy was paying back a loan.

But that's beside the point.

You're the only one I told

about my rent going up.

I'm sorry, man.

I didn't mean to put
you in the hot seat.

I don't know what you're doing,

but just stay the hell
away from me, all right?

I don't know. Based on
what we have right now,

I think the boyfriend
looks good for this.

He had the broken glass in his shoe.

Yeah. I'm not buying the
husband's story, though.

I mean, he had to know about the abuse.

I think I might have something
to inform your debate.

What do you got? COD

is blunt force trauma to the head.

Tram tracks...

indicate something round, and

approximately three inches
in diameter was used.

That could be a pipe,
uh, some kind of handle.

Are there any splinters in the wound?

Not a one.

Makes me think the object was metal.

Aluminum bat.

I'm gonna stick with my theory.

It's the boyfriend.

He plays baseball for the college team.

Didn't find anything down there.


In some ways, I hope
we don't find anything.

What's that supposed to mean?

Kid was trying to save his girlfriend

from Mommy Dearest.

I know what you're talking about.

It's like the line between

victim and perpetrator
keeps getting blurred.

And it looks like
Logan crossed that line.

I told you. I don't know
how that bat got in my bag.

Then I suppose you also
don't know how the broken

glass from the victim's light
fixture got in your shoe.

Actually, I can explain that.

I was at their house today.

You were at the anniversary party?

Yeah, right.

Andrea's mom hated my guts.

She didn't like the fact that
her daughter had a boyfriend.

I had to sneak in like a cat
burglar if I wanted to see her.


I'll tell you something, Logan.

You strike me as the kind of
guy who'd do anything for Andrea.

Do you remember what
time you left the house?

I'm not sure, but I know

Mrs. Williams was in
the house when I left.

Oh, my God, Logan. I can't let him

take the fall for
this. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Calm down. No. Listen to me.

I'm telling you, I k*lled my mother.

Do you understand what you're saying?

Yes, I do. I k*lled her.

Where's Lieutenant Caine?

Andrea, are you trying to protect Logan?

Logan didn't do anything.

I'm the one that hid
the bat at his apartment.

Andrea, what are you doing here?

I just couldn't handle
it at home anymore.

It's okay.

I'm supposed to go away
to school next year.

I couldn't leave Cody
alone there with her.

So you k*lled your mom to protect Cody?

Why don't you tell us
exactly what happened?

After the party, my mom was mad

'cause we didn't play the piano.

She had that look in her eye.

She slapped me.

I reacted in self-defense.

I grabbed the bat.

I hit her once.

She just went down.

Andrea, your mom was hit nine times.

I respect you,

Delko, investigating
the stolen diamonds.

A lot of CSIs

wouldn't want to look into their own.

Horatio asked me to
look into the evidence--

all the evidence in lockup.

That's what I'm doing.

I'm sure it's not one of the CSIs.

Well, I'd like to offer
you the full support

of the Internal Affairs Department.

What you'd like is
to take all the credit

and sit center stage at
all the press conferences

after we catch the thief.

I'm not gonna lie, Delko.

I do look good on camera.

Listen to me. Don't go
telling any of your friends

in the press about this yet.

This is more than just
diamonds we're talking about.

I been doing some digging.

The numbers don't add up.

What numbers?

Don't worry about it,
Stetler, all right?

You won't miss your close-ups.

Thank you.

Eric Delko.

Hey, Sully. Thanks for coming. Yeah.

You, uh, said some
diamonds went missing.

Yeah, stolen from the
evidence locker last week.

Oh, why you coming to me?

I'm retired.

I think some evidence was also stolen

from a case you worked a few years ago.

Everson. 2006.

Wanted to see if it
brings back any memories.

Oh, Everson was a...

thorn in our side for a couple of years,

until we rolled up on
his distribution hub

in Key Biscayne.

You guys recovered over a
million dollars in heroin.


You're saying some
of that's missing now?

I'm saying that, just like diamonds,

heroin's pretty easy to carry
out of the evidence locker.

Now, the amount that's
in the lockup now is, uh,

substantially less
than what you logged in.

Any chance you wrote the wrong number?

Well, no.

I mean, there were five of us there.

We couldn't be off by that much.

You're thinking maybe an inside job.

A cop.

It's not our guys.

That's what I'm gonna find out.

Good. Good to see yo Eric.

All right, Sully. Thanks for you help.

Good luck.


Rebecca, it's Eric.

I need you to meet me at the marina

near the south entrance.

Look, I know you're upset
about Walter Simmons,

but I'm interviewing a
witness right now in Hialeah.

Look, I've got some new
leads. It's important.

Oh. Well, uh... it'll have
to wait until tomorrow.

I can meet you around 8:00, okay?

I've got to go.

Hi, Cody.

I don't want to talk about my mom.

I know.

You know, sometimes when
you have to keep secrets--

a lot of secrets
- it's pretty hard

to decide what the truth really is.

So, why are you talking to me?

'Cause I'm hoping that you can help me.

Do you mind if I look at those?

You're not gonna mess 'em up, are you?

I promise that I won't.

I will be super, super careful.

They're awesome.


It's really good.

So, um, who are all these characters?

They're vigilantes.

Totally bad ass.

Not scared of anything.

Well, this one looks like you.

And that one looks like Andrea.

And who's this one up
here, this third one?

Is that Logan?

No. That's Bradley.

But I'm probably not supposed
to tell you about him.

Well, you-you can. You can trust me.

Who's Bradley?

He's my little brother.

Well, Cody, you don't
have a little brother.

I don't anymore.

Cody was telling the truth.

I just found the birth certificate

for the Williams' third child.

Bradley Williams, born
June '98, Philadelphia?

Where is he now?

Let's see.

Deceased as of 2003.

He would've been five years old

when he died.

Five years old?

Chuck never mentioned
losing a son, did he?

Is there a death certificate?

Cause of death was ruled an accident.

Father was out of town.

Mother says the child got
into the kitchen cabinet,

when she wasn't watching him.

He swallowed a fatal
dose of lighter fluid.

Lighter fluid.

Would you put that out, please?

You like playing with fire.

I told you it distracts me.

Bradley didn't just get into
that cabinet by himself, did he?

We don't talk about Bradley.

I understand that, but I really
need to know about Bradley.

Did you leave the lighter fluid out?

No. I would never.

Why would he just drink that stuff?

Bradley was smart.

He would never do that.

So what are you trying to tell me?

Mom didn't mean to k*ll him.

What did she mean to do?

She was punishing him for
burning a hole in the carpet.

She made him drink the lighter fluid.

He's not breathing!

Snap out of it! Snap out of it! Okay?

Call 911!

Right now!

But the thing is...

I burnt the carpet.

And she blamed Bradley.

I didn't stand up for him.

It should've been me.

No, it should not have
been either one of you.

Your parents are supposed
to protect you, honey.

They're not supposed to hurt you.

I'm the one that protects me and Cody.

Where's your father in all of this?

I think he was just as
afraid of her as we were.

When I told him what she did,

he took her side.

He said it was an accident.

But he had to know it wasn't.

It wasn't an accident.

Bradley's death was an accident.

It-It says so in the report.

I had a conversation, Mr. Williams,

with your daughter Andrea.

What did she say?

According to Andrea,

your wife m*rder*d Bradley.

Laura didn't mean to hurt him.

She'd just get so angry sometimes.

I couldn't get through to her.

But she-she did hurt him.

I tried to stop her.

I-I did.

But she said if I told anyone,

that they would take the
children away from both of us.

I-I didn't have any options.

That would make m*rder
your last resort, then.

I wish I were that man, but I'm not.

Well, I guess that leaves...

the children.

Oh, thanks, Ryan.

I appreciate the extra set of eyes.

So, we're hoping for some
trace of the k*ller here?

Yeah, Horatio does not
think that the father did it.

Well, it's justifiable
homicide, if you ask me.

I agree.

But we're just supposed
to analyze the evidence,

not pass judgment.

Somebody clearly wiped down this bat.

I didn't find a single
print or an epithelial.

Look at this.

See right here? This is
all dried, clotted blood.

So then how did that just
transfer onto my glove?

Maybe it's not blood.

Think you're right.

I think this is ink.

What, from a pen?


No. It's from a marker.

She would get so mad.

And her face would get so ugly.

Sometimes it was like she
wasn't even a real human.

All she wanted was to hurt me.

So was it getting worse
with you and your mom?

Things were about to.

Andrea was leaving.

That meant three years alone with her.

I wasn't gonna make it.


I need you to tell me
what happened last night.

During the party,

I left my marker open on the couch,

and that made a huge stain.

I knew my mom would make me pay.

I hid in the garage.

And then she came outside,

and she was so angry
about a broken light.

And I thought she'd
blame me for that, too.

Oh, I just wanted to make her stop.

Come out here.

I'm gonna get your face on video,

and I'm gonna send it
straight to the cops.

You little piece of...

The next thing I knew...

I was looking down at her.

She was just staring
off into the distance.

And I felt...



For one second of my life,
I wasn't worried about her

coming after me.

Then Andrea came outside.

What did I do?

We have to call 911.

No. Give me the bat,

go inside, never tell anyone about this.

You understand?

I k*lled my own mother.

She always said there was
something wrong with me.

I guess she was right.

No, Cody.

Don't think that.

Never think that.

Come with me, Cody.

No. No.

No. Don't take him away.

He didn't do it. I did it.

Mr. Williams. I had ink

on my hands, I grabbed
the bat, I k*lled her.

That's not what happened.


just let me be a father
to my son, for once.

You have to understand,
I have to do something.

And you will.

I'm going to talk to the prosecutor,

and you and Andrea need
to tell the whole story.

Will Cody go to prison?

I don't know.

I hope not.
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