10x08 - Dead Ringer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x08 - Dead Ringer

Post by bunniefuu »

Doesn't it feel good to be
doing this for Miami's homeless?

That's what the Run For Hope's
all about, isn't it?

Well, and here comes number 521.

Say, everybody, let's...

let's give a special thank you
to Esteban

and his father Diego Navarro

for their extremely
generous donation

to Run For Hope
for all of Miami's homeless.

Come on, let's hear it!

How much longer do we got to
follow the doctor like this...

off duty?

Till we prove
he's The Miami Taunter.

Eye in the sky,
suspect's on the move.

Copy that.

Don't lose him,
but don't spook him.

Suspect en route.
Now heading north on Biscayne.

Welcome, Mr. Navarro.

And who's this?
Just for you!

Oh, there's a nice touch.
What a model citizen.


Driving in.

No surprise here, it looks like
he's heading for Liberty City.

Now heading north on Laurel.

Easy, Frank.

Going left on Canyon Wood.

Don't crowd him.

Hey, sweetie,
looking for a party?


- How are you?
- How's it going?

Pretty good.

My bus is late,
so I don't...

Is it?

Why is that?
I don't know. I-I...

Hop in.

Get out of the car.

Put your hands
where I can see them.

Get over here.


I know what this
must look like.

Is this your version
of community outreach,

or is she your
next victim?

Victim? I'm fine.
Why wouldn't I be?

Ma'am, Esteban here

is a serial k*ller.


He's a sweetheart.

He's the one who got me

the cleaning job
at his house.

This is Tripp.

He's so generous.

He offered me a ride when
I told him the bus was late.


I would get out of the car

and not look
back, okay?


They found another girl.

Will there be anything else?


Well, then don't
let me keep you.

A resident found her
while walking his dog.

She wash up?

No, she was dumped,
probably a few hours ago.

Is it our guy?

Kind of looks like it.


Her eyes have been removed,
just like Nikki Cervano.

M.O.'s just like
Esteban Navarro.


The eyes.



I'm afraid I have bad news.

Liver temp's
18 degrees below normal.

She died within
the last 12 hours.

We've been following Esteban
for 24.

So, he couldn't have done this.

We just became his alibi.

d Yeah! d

d We don't get fooled again d

d Don't get fooled again d

d No, no! d

d CSI: Miami 10x08 d
Dead Ringer
Original Air Date on November 13, 2011

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Girl's name is
Vanessa Tillman.

Multiple arrests
for prostitution.

She's been working
in the Liberty City area.

Liberty City is
Esteban's stomping grounds.

Uh, sorry.

I went over the
surveillance logs.

There's no way he
slipped away from us

in the past 12 hours.

What about family?

Well, her parents
live in Doral.

Horatio, something
you should see.

- Hello?
- What do you got, Tom?

She's missing an earring.

Looks like somebody
ripped it out.

Yes, and lack of vital
tissue reaction indicates

it was done postmortem.

Thought the only trophies
he took were the eyes.

Maybe he's
changed that up.

Well, if he stays true to form,

he would have called
the victim's family.

I'll check with the parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Tillman,
I'm Calleigh Duquesne.


They said you needed
to ask us some questions

before we can see Vanessa.


We need to know
if you received any phone calls

in the last 12 hours.

A few.
From the police.

Anything from someone with
a distorted voice saying

negative things
about your daughter?

Oh, my God.

It's that guy
in the news.

The one they're calling
The Miami Taunter, isn't it?

We think so.

But he never called us.


This morning.

Hi. It's the Tillmans.

Leave a message,
and we'll call you back.

Vanessa. Baby.
Please come home.

We miss you.

Vanessa's never coming back.

Oh, God.

Vanessa had a drug problem.

And she ran with
a bad crowd.

We've both gotten
used to getting some

pretty ugly phone calls
from some of her friends.

I just thought it was
another one of those calls.

She was

in and out of rehab,
and after her...

sixth relapse,

they told us we had
to sever all contact

until she hit bottom.

She must have thought that...

we didn't love her anymore.

She knew you loved her.

Mrs. Tillman,
I know this is difficult,

but can you think back
to the phone call?

Any background noises?

Anything you remember
about the caller himself?

I couldn't answer
the call right away.

The answering

machine came on, I think.

If that'll help.

That'd be a big help.

Would it be all right if I swing
by your house and pick it up?

Of course.

Let me take you
to go see your daughter.

Thank you.

Well, this is where
the parents said

the answering machine ought
to be, so where is it?

This isn't right.

Hey, Frank?


We got a break-in.

Guessing the k*ller heard
the answering machine pick up,

came here
to clean up his tracks.

Well, Horatio's not gonna be
a happy camper.

That was one

piece of evidence that could
have gotten us Esteban.

Why don't you tell him
we got something better?

What's that?


d d



Hello. What did you do
to my blood evidence?

Excuse me?

I can't get a
viable DNA sample,

and according to this, you
processed the wood first.

I followed proper protocol.

Trace before DNA.

What exactly did you do?

I cut a unique opening
and ran a presumptive,

and then I scanned the wood
for fibers with the crime scope.

At what setting?

High intensity low beam.

How long?

I don't know. 15 minutes?

What do you mean,
15 minutes? 15 minutes.

DNA cannot withstand that
much intense UV radiation.

You curdled the strand.

I-I... I didn't realize...

Oh, my God.
You ruined it!

I'm sorry.

No, "I'm sorry"
doesn't cut it

because now I'm the one

who's got
to go tell this girl's parents

that we just lost the only link
to her k*ller.

You know what? If you
had any self-respect,

you would do us all
a big favor and quit.

- H, you got a minute?
- Yeah.

This O'Shay guy
keeps calling me,

asking me for
updates on the case.

What's his angle?

I've been cooperating
with him for a while,

but I can't find any link
between him and the Navarros.

So we give him an update.

Like what?

Something he's going
to share, Walter.

I've enjoyed our
lunch meetings.

You might not like this one.

What happened?

You heard about
the break-in, right?

At the victim's
parents' house?

The one that occurred

while Esteban Navarro
was under surveillance?

Yeah. Well, the intruder left
some blood on the scene.

Now, I was hoping that blood
would fully exonerate Esteban,

but there's been a...

There's been a snafu
at the lab.

What kind of snafu?

The evidence
has been compromised.

Horatio is so sure
that Esteban is guilty,

he's willing
to destroy

whatever evidence
doesn't fit his theory.

Hey, it wasn't Horatio,
all right?

Oh, yeah.

Trust me, it was
a true accident, all right?

I promise.

But the DNA's gone.

Now, if we could just get our
hands on that answering machine.

The real k*ller's voice--
it's on there.

Did you hear the new girl messed
up Esteban's blood sample?

- Really?
- Yeah.

Well, at least we don't know
for sure that it was his blood.

According to the
surveillance logs,

he didn't have enough
time to slip away.

We do know
that he's the k*ller.

He all but confessed
to Horatio.

That's true, but
it doesn't mean

he's responsible
for today's victim.

I think it's possible we're
looking at a tribute k*ller.

Tribute k*ller.

Ever since Esteban
came on the scene,

I've been monitoring
Web activity

about The
Miami Taunter.

You would not believe how
many fans this guy has.

Here's a Web site
where people can post

their extreme views
on The Miami Taunter.

Any good candidates
for a possible tribute k*ller?

"The Miami Taunter is
the only person brave enough

to rid Miami of its
vermin infestation""

Well, he's got
a real way with words.

"What a rush, knowing

you're the last person
she'll see before she dies."

Close. Maybe not
creepy enough.

"Her eyes are a vast ocean.

One look, and I drown""

Okay, that's
sufficiently creepy.

There's an

That's a photo
of the crime scene.

Ryan, check it out.

This was taken
before our guys got there.

She's got both earrings.

Who is this TrueEvil188?

I don't know.

But I bet we can get
the service provider

to give us an IP address.

We're closed for adoptions.

Miami-Dade P.D.
We're not here for a dog.

Whoa. Good boy.

Poor sucker knows what's coming.

Dead dog walking.

Just give me a sec.
I'm gonna go lock him up.

Come on!

That's a sweet dog.

Hey, check this out.

- We got a runner!
- I'll meet you outside.

Damn it!

That's far enough, dog boy.

You ever pick up
after these dogs around here?

Look at my shoes!

Hey, that's a nice earring, bro.

Where'd you get that?

We got a girl in the morgue
missing one just like it.

Hey, Sam, I've been
looking all over for you.

Where you going?

First stop--
unemployment office.

- Thank you.
- You're quitting?

Yeah. Boa Vista
pretty much ordered me to.

All the more reason
for you to stay.

Look, you're a good CSI.

I know it.

All right,
spare me the pep talk.

Look, she's right.

I ruined evidence
in a m*rder investigation.

I mean, how am I supposed

to look another officer
in the eye again?

Mistakes are part
of the job, Sam.

What do you think, everybody
around here is perfect?

You quitting isn't gonna get
The Taunter

off the streets any faster.

I guess that's true.

You just got to find another
way to get after that evidence.

Use your noggin.

Give me the earring.

So you absconded with
a memento from the victim, Phil.

It's more like a souvenir.

Yeah, I don't care

what you called it.

You k*lled an innocent woman.


The Miami Taunter did.

But you're his number one fan,

You sing his praises on line.

You seem like you idolize him.
Did you do this for him?

I should be flattered, but

all I did was show up and grab
a little something to

remind me of his work.

So, you want us to believe

that you're just a glorified

I got this handy little thing
called a scanner,

and I heard the call
out to the beach,

and I wanted to make sure
I got there before you did.

You know, The Taunter takes

his victims' eyes, and I just
can't help but notice

that you've got something wrong
with one of yours.


My stepdaddy
was a drunk.

Left me alone with his
pit bull when I was five.

28 stitches, two skin grafts.

I lost sight in my left eye.

And now you put down dogs
for a living.

It's funny how life works.


Dude, it smells
like someone died in here.

You sure it's not your shoes?


Look at all this junk.

Who the hell would keep
their car this scuzzy?

Dog pound guy.

You know, I'm offended
for Al Gore, looking at this.

Chinese food?

Oh, thanks.

Strangely, I don't have
my appetite right now.

Hey, Walter?

I found women's jewelry.

"To Angela.

Love, Jenny."

Angela and Jennifer Olsen?

Say good-bye to your sister...


Look at this.

It's a high school ring.

"Cabrerra High.

"Class of 2006.


Nikki Cervano.

I don't want to die!

Phil was also wearing
Vanessa's earring.

All right.

So, messy dog pound guy
has three trophies

from the three Taunter crimes.

How does he get this stuff,
unless he...?

...unless he is The Taunter?

No, that's not possible.

We know it's Esteban Navarro.

The evidence that we have

against Esteban
is circumstantial,

just like O'Shay said.

Wait. Whoa, whoa.

You're on O'Shay's side now?

Don't do that, Wolfe.

All right?

I'm just saying
that it's possible

that Esteban is innocent.


Phil's got jewelry
from all three of the girls?

He has a scanner.

Maybe he went
to the crime scene

and got them there.

Well, it just doesn't
add up, does it?


Maybe it's 'cause
we're not doing the math.

Come on.

You lost me.

Process of elimination.

First, let's prove that
Phil was not responsible

for today's victim.

Then we'll move
on from there.

Okay, but how's
that earring going to help us?

It's gonna help us because
there's a dark hair on it.

Phil's hair is blond.

Yeah, but it could
just be the victim's.

Could be.

All right.

I'll check it out.

Thank you very much.

You're right,
it's not the dog pound guy.

It's Esteban Navarro.

Well, so much for
the tribute k*ller.

But Esteban's got
an airtight alibi.


I think it just
sprung a leak.

Explain why we found your hair
on this woman's body.

We really going
to do this here?

Answer the question.

Vanessa-- she
is a patient.

Came to the clinic yesterday,
routine checkup.

Clean bill of health,
so I sent her on her way.

So just coincidentally another
victim is one of your patients?

I think you m*rder*d her
and you taunted her family,

then you broke into their house
to destroy evidence.

I did all of that, and your
officers were following me?

You found some way
to sneak out.

Wow, if, if
I committed

a m*rder
while you were watching me,

that would look
pretty, pretty bad

for your department, huh?

I'm gonna go
through your house

and I'm gonna find out
how you got out.

Hey, I'll save
you the trouble.

I wasn't alone in
my home last night.

You had company?

A lady friend,
if you must know.

Yeah, and what was
this lady friend's name?

Elizabeth Clark.

Oh, that's right, you know her.

She mentioned something
about that.

Who is it?

It's Eric.

Can I come in?

It's not a good time.

It's important.

I thought we were getting
lunch tomorrow.

I'm here on business.

Esteban Navarro claims that
you were with him last night.

So it's true?


You said you'd quit,
said you were done.

I believed you.

You don't know
what it's like.

I got no way to pay rent

and my landlord's
threatening to...

- Spare me the excuses, okay?
- No, you don't get

to judge me.

I vouched for you, all
right, I stuck my neck out

to get you in
that program.

I didn't ask
for your charity.

I was doing great
till you came along.

- Great?
- Mm-hmm.

You just spent the night
at a serial k*ller's house.

In his house!

What part of stupid
don't you get?

I don't need this.

Hey, hey.

What is this?

Esteban did this to you?

Like that, huh?

Maybe I was
wrong about you.

I didn't spend the night
with Esteban.

What do you mean?

He forced his way
in a few hours ago.

I can't lie to the cops.

You don't have
a choice.

You don't have
a choice!

Do you understand me?

He said if I didn't vouch
for him, that he'd k*ll me.

I'm not gonna let
that happen, okay?

I promise.

You brought reinforcements
this time.

Yeah, well, smart-ass, you're
gonna have to come with us.

I'd like to, but I've got
hospital rounds in ten minutes.

I saw what you
did to Elizabeth.

Ah, not my preference,

but she likes it
a little rough, you know.

You forced her
to lie for you?

Oh, you angry

that I spent a little time
with your whore?

- Don't you call her that.
- Delko.

- Don't call her that.
- Easy, easy.

- That's what she is.
- Take it easy.

And she's good.

Go easy, Eric, come on.

Really makes you think
she cares, you know.


It's all right, Frank.
Let him go!


Get back in the car.

Don't worry, I
got this handled.

Stay right
where you are.

Frank, you all right?

Turn around.

Yeah, I'm fine.

Get in the car.

Come on.

So, Esteban...

What do you
want from me?

I want a confession.

You also believe in Santa Claus?

Why would I give you that?

Because a nasty
little superstar

like you is dying to share
his accomplishments.

Don't say another word.

I'm counsel for Mr. Navarro.

You can direct
all your questions to me.

I don't remember
him asking

for a lawyer.

You want a lawyer here, Esteban?

Do you mind?

Well, then,

he's just invoked
his right to counsel.

Now, this harassment
of my client

ends today.

I have in my possession
a piece

of evidence that might
speak to the innocence

of my client
in this matter.

You'll find
that the real k*ller's voice

is on this answering machine.

It is not Esteban Navarro.

Where did you get that?

Well, your people weren't
doing their jobs, so I had

to hire my own investigators
for my son.

They found it
in a Liberty City Dumpster.

Which means you stole it.

Now, now, why don't you go run
your little science tests, huh?

And show a little

I'm only trying to help
catch the real k*ller.

I already have.


Vanessa, baby, please come home.

We miss you.

Vanessa's never coming back.

The victim's
mother confirmed

it's the same voice
she heard on the phone.

We can't rely
on this as evidence.

Chain of custody is all wrong.

We can't ignore it either.

We miss you.

Vanessa's never coming back.

It just feels
like it's been tampered with,

like we're getting set up.


Let's just proceed
with caution.

Okay, I'll run the voice decoder.
That'll eliminate

whatever artificial
distortion there is.

Vanessa's never coming back.

Vanessa's never coming--
coming back.

Vanessa's never coming back.

Vanessa's never coming back.

Well, it's not Esteban's
voice-- no surprise there.

It's not the dog
pound guy either.

Then whose voice is it?

The voice on the tape
isn't Esteban's.

Why hasn't
Horatio released him?

Oh, it's only a
matter of time now.

Thank you for your
cooperation, Walter.

Your role in finding justice for
the Navarros will be rewarded.

Horatio, after you release
Esteban, a public apology

to the family would go a lg
way in preserving your job.

I wanted to
thank you, Scott.

Pardon me?

If there was any question
that you're Navarro's weasel,

that's been
cleared up for us.

I tell you about the
answering machine.

Couple hours later,
Diego walks in with it.

That's a little too
convenient, even for you.

Walter, you set me up.

Just playing my role
in finding justice.

Good-bye, Scott.

Board says you signed out.

Changed my mind.

I already processed
the victim's clothes.

What are you doing?
You're wasting your time.

I know, I read your report.
You found vomit on her shirt.

Right, which I already concluded
was probably the victim's.

Unless it was the k*ller's.

We can get DNA from
its epi cells.

No, stomach acid
degrades DNA.

Unless the subject ate
shortly before vomiting.

Did I mention, we found
the body in salt water?

But this is 100% cotton,

which means it has
a better chance

of withstanding sea water
and preserving DNA.

I won't tell anybody
you missed it.



You were right, we did recover

enough viable DNA to
be able to test this.


Hold the applause
until we get a match.

It's not Vanessa.

Let me run it against our
other reference samples,

and see what we get.

All right, you do that and
I will run it through CODIS.

I'm getting nothing,
I'm getting nothing.

Michael Galliver?

Michael Galliver?

Who the hell is that?

What did you do
to Vanessa?

I strangled her.

That was after I cut
her arms and legs.

But before I took her eyes.

She had more fight
than the last one.

Have you m*rder*d
someone before?


I didn't want to, but...

...she had green eyes
like a tabby cat.

After I took them,
she cried blood.

Even the stitches
couldn't stop it.

I just wish I'd been
more careful with Angela.

So you're telling us

that you are The
Miami Taunter?

I'm sorry.

They had to die.

They just about
begged me to do it.

Michael, I want you to
repeat after me, okay?

Vanessa's never
coming back.

Vanessa's never
coming back.

Stay right here.

Vanessa's never coming back.

Vaness-Vaness-Vanessa's never
coming back.

Vanessa's never coming back.

I'm working
on the voice comparison now.

Well, he's got
to be the guy.

He knows things only
the k*ller would know.

But he gave it up like a script.

And he threw up on Vanessa.

The Taunter's
never done that before.

You know, serial K*llers--
they savor their kills.

I don't feel that this guy's
got the stomach for it.

Yeah, literally.

What are we missing?


We got a match.

I'm gonna arrest him.

And I'll have Natalia check
into his background.

What did we get on Galliver?

He lives in Sunset
with his wife and two kids,

and, uh, no priors.

What about finances?

Well, oddly enough,
his house

just came out
of foreclosure last week.

$200,000 mortgage
paid for in full.



- No inheritance.
- Uh-uh.

What about
line of work?

He was in construction
until he got injured

on the job last year,
and here's the best part--

he used to work
at Edgewood Towers.

- That's a Navarro property.
- Yeah.

What are you thinking?

Do you think that maybe Diego
paid him to k*ll the girl

and call himself
The Taunter?

You know what?
I do now.

Galliver, get up!

Got somebody who wants
to talk to you.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, open it up,
open it up, open it up, open up!

Get me a bus over here ASAP!

Haul ass!

We're gonna need Loman instead.

Damn it.

So su1c1de was part
of the plan all along.

I think-- the best
way to make sure

that there's no link
to the Navarros.

Your theory makes sense

if this was, in
fact, a su1c1de.

Have a look
at his wrist.

Note where the radial artery
was severed.


Looks like a clean cut--
one and done.


su1c1de is never clean.

In cases such as this,
we typically see

hesitation marks.

'Cause they're building up
courage or what?

That, and human skin is a lot
harder to cut than you'd imagine.

All right, well, so
he was m*rder*d, but

how the hell did that k*ller
get in this locked cell?

He didn't get in.

He was already here.

Well, you son of a bitch.
Open that cell.

Open it, let's go.

You played me

so you could get
yourself arrested,


So you could k*ll Galliver?

Diego put you up to it?

All right, Tripp.

- I can handle this.
- I know you can.

But look at this.
Look at that.

Kept yourself a little souvenir?

Arterial spray.

Oops, you got me.

Is that a confession?

Yeah, I k*lled him.

On whose orders?


I did it on my own.

The hell you did.
You're Esteban's driver.

The guy was a
serial k*ller.

You should give me a
medal or something.

Oh, I'll get you something,
all right.

I'll get you a fast track
to the electric chair.

Get his ass
out of here.

Oh, my God,

this just gets
worse and worse.

Yes, it does.

Driver's not talking.

'Cause he's
a Navarro devotee, Frank.

How about Galliver?

Evidence suggests
he k*lled Vanessa Tillman,

but he's not going to do
any more talking now

about who k*lled
the other victims.

Well, we got to stop
this guy real soon.

That's exactly what
we're going to do, Frank.

You know...

we really got to stop
meeting like this.

I agree.

d d

Reporting live from the
Miami-Dade Police Department,

where lauded local citizen

Esteban Navarro
has been exonerated

in the Miami
Taunter case.

Sources confirm that this man--
Michael Galliver--

signed a sworn confession.

However, Galliver died in
police custody earlier today.

An investigation
on that death is pending.

Now for a statement

from MDPD's original
suspect Esteban Navarro.

Hi, thanks
for coming, um...

It's a shame that Mr. Galliver

couldn't face the justice
he so deserves.

My thoughts are with
the families of the victims.

And I offer my heartfelt
condolences for their loss.

I am relieved that...

The Miami Taunter is no longer
a threat to our citizens

and I just look forward
to returning

to my life's work...

without the shadow
of these ridiculous accusations

looming over me.

The truth was my ally.

Thank you.

You orchestrated this
whole thing, didn't you?

I have nothing to hide...

I think the press conference
is a nice touch.

You know, I have
faith in God.

Don't you?

You paid for Michael
Galliver's confession

and then had him k*lled
to cover your tracks.

The Miami Taunter
is dead and buried.

and then had him k*lled
Let's just leave it that way.

You know, dead
and buried?

I think that's
a capital idea.

That's how I'm
going to leave you.

It's okay. I'm not going to
pursue any legal action

against... anybody, the police
force or anything...
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