10x12 - Friendly Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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10x12 - Friendly Fire

Post by bunniefuu »


(indistinct conversations)


(indistinct chatter)

(steady, raspy breathing)

(monitor beeping)

Wake up, Mr. Stone, wake up.

-Wake up, Mr. Stone, wake up.
-(quiet beeping continues)

(steady, raspy
breathing continues)

Wake up, Mr. Stone, wake up.

Wake up, Mr. Stone, wake up.

Alarm off.

Welcome to Solamyrge.

The time is now.

20 years ago, I built my first
phone in my parents' basement.

Now I give to you
the Solamyrge SP,

a phone to revolutionize
the way we communicate.

A mere three ounces,

and solar-powered,

the Solamyrge knows who you
want to call before you do.

At Solamyrge, perfection
isn't just an ideal...

it's a reality.


(wheezing quietly)


Open blinds.

(Iow, mechanical whirring)

Shower on.

(indistinct chatter)

MAN (over bullhorn):
We're here to take America back.

Down with corporate greed!

Down with
corporate greed!

(mechanical whirring)

(g*n cocking)

Down with corporate greed!

-(people screaming)
-Down with corporate greed!


(phone trilling)

(phone trills)

-We're taking America back...!
-(panicked shouts)

Down with corporate greed!

Down with
corporate greed!

Down with corporate greed!

Down with
corporate greed!

(beep, trilling)

Down with Solamyrge!

Down with corporate greed!



Hey, guys, you need
to get out of here!


(camera shutter clicking)

Matthew Stone.

I can't believe it.

This guy's bigger
than Steve Jobs.

A lot of people
are going to feel this loss.

At least one person won't.
What about the girlfriend?

BOA VISTA: She's in shock.

She is the one who
called 911, though.

What are you thinking?

Curious lack of stippling,

indicating a long-range shot.


From where?

Look at the direction
he's facing.

CAINE: No line of sight
makes sense in this case.

b*llet can't just materialize.

-Got to come from somewhere.
-You know what?

Not necessarily.

# Yeah! #

# We don't get fooled again #

# Don't get fooled again #

# No, no! #

Ms. Yang?

You up for answering
a few questions?

He's not coming back, is he?

Look, I am so sorry.

I know how difficult
this must be.

Matthew was bigger than life.

No matter how bad
the cancer got,

I knew he'd get better.

I just knew.

But I read online
that he was dying.

No. He was gonna beat it.

Were you home this morning?
Is that how you found him?


Matthew and I
don't live together.

He didn't have time for a
conventional relationship.

But we had breakfast
together every morning.

And how does one
meet a billionaire?

I used to be a coder
at Solamyrge.

Amanda, do you know
if Matthew had any rivals?

Too many to count.

Everybody envied him.

I mean, there was Matthew and...

there was the rest of the world.

(indistinct police radio


Hey, Walter, check this out.

It's Stone's
personal Solamyrge.

I mean, this is like holding
a piece of, uh, history.

It's just a phone, Wolfe.

It's not just a phone.
It's not just a phone.

Would you call an
Aston Martin just a car?

People wait in line for days
for these things.

Yeah, and the moment they
break it out of the box,

it's obsolete. (clicks tongue)

You're a hater. You're a hater.

You know, for somebody
so tech savvy,

Stone led a pretty
unplugged life.

I don't even see
a television, do y'all?

Right? I thought I saw a TV on,
but I don't know...

...58 on Saturday morning,

77 Saturday afternoon...

How'd you do that?

I don't know.

Wait, I got an idea.

Ready? Football.


WOLFE: This thing is
voice-activated! It's so cool.

...on the right side open.

-Oh! Oh! Oh!
-Defensive back off him.

Completes a pass.

-At the ten-yard line...
-Oh, go, go, go!

Television off.


-Why would you do that?

-You're a meanie! -Guys, we're
here to process a scene.

No, no, but I saw something
on screen, for the case.

Are you being serious?

Yeah. Yeah, really.

Television on.


-They didn't throw a flag.

SIMMONS: No. But, uh...
You see that?

The little...

Mute TV.

What is that?

Little crescent-moon-shaped
thing on the wall.

What is that, a bug?

Someone was listening to Stone.

-Maybe whoever it was k*lled
him. -Think we're gonna be able

to trace the transmission?

SIMMONS: Might not have to.

Whoever put this thing
on the wall did a sloppy job.

They left a print.


MAN: Animals.

You can't just
deface private property

in the name of free speech.

Make sure you clean up
all that graffiti.

Mr. Blackburn, answer
the question, please.

Why were you spying
on your boss?

Matthew was a loose cannon.

Between the chemo
and the radiation,

-he'd lost his grip on reality.
-In what way?

One minute he was totally lucid,

the next he was spewing all
sorts of lies to the press.

So bugging him is your attempt
at damage control?

I was afraid he'd give
away company secrets.

I had to know what he was
saying at all times.

You know what I think,
Mr. Blackburn?

I think you were
planning a coup.

You are the acting CEO.

Matthew out of the way,
you get to take over

the million-dollar salary,
the stock options,

the company jet, everything.

Maybe you got a little impatient

waiting for the
cancer to k*ll him.

I was simply protecting
the company he created.

And he would've done the same
for me if I were in his place.

Yeah, well, he can't do
that now, can he? He's dead.

It breaks my heart.

Sounds like it.

I have a business to run.

Mr. Benton.

This thing is amazing.

Quadcore processor,
AMOLED screen.

-Solar-powered battery...
-Mr. Benton.

Right, H, I'll just
get going here.

So what do we got?

Well, the data's encrypted.

Looks like this guy Stone here

has this thing
locked down like Fort Knox.

Can we crack it?

A buddy of mine just sent me

the latest encryption-breaking
software from Russia.

Let me give it a shot.

It makes a logical image
out of the data,

allowing me to see the directory
structure of the phone.

Did he make or receive
any calls today?

No activity.

Well, he did receive a series
of text messages

before he was k*lled.

"The time is now.
Three, two, one..."

"The time is now.
Three, two, one."

Could be a countdown
to his death.

Who sent those texts?

Girl named Heidi Taylor.

Can we track her?

I'll ping her phone number
right now.

See if I can't pinpoint
the last cell phone tower used.


Mr. Benton, they were sent
in the last hour.

She could still be
at the location.


Wall Street subjugates the 99%.

We must instigate a revolution!

(applause and cheering)

I didn't even know this movement
was still going on.

Wow. Hey, man, you know where
I can find this woman?


-Know where I can
find this woman? -No.

MAN (over bullhorn):
...and reseat America atop

the throne of greatness!

Excuse me, man. You know
where I can find this woman?

-Over there.

I've got a thousand people
ditching the snow and coming

down from New York and D.C.,
and those numbers are growing.

We are going
to shut this place down.

-Do you hear me?!
-BOA VISTA: Is that her?

-(angry grunt)
-Heidi Taylor?

That's me.

You the A.C.L.U. reps?

Oh, yeah, we love protecting
people's civil liberties.


We have a permit allowing
us to demonstrate here.

Yeah, not why we're here.

You sent several text messages
to Matthew Stone this morning.


I wouldn't send him anything.

He's the symbol
of economic inequality.

On the front lines of the
battle for financial reform,

he represents everything
that we're here fighting...

He's dead.

He was k*lled this morning.

And we traced his last
incoming texts to your phone.

That-That's... impossible.

You just told us you hate him.

I hate what he stands for.

The man is worth
ten billion dollars.

He designs phones
to unite the masses,

and then charges
500 bucks for them.

He is...

He was the epitome
of corporate greed.

Sounds like motive to me.

I didn't k*ll Matthew Stone.

Okay, until we're sure of that,
let's grab your phone.

-You're coming with us.
-SIMMONS: Come on, let's go.

Wait. This is...
this is ridiculous!

-Hey, Wolfe?

Did you hear
Sam-O made detective?

Yeah, yeah, I heard.

Actually, I got her a little
congratulations present.

-Like, what, a diamond ring?
-Get out of here.

A diamond ring.

I got her a little bracelet

with a little charm on it
in the shape of Texas.

Why Texas?

Because she's from Texas, and
she mentioned she misses home.

-Whoa, whoa, whoa.
-What? What?

You wearing cologne?

Yeah, I'm wearing cologne.
I want that crime scene

stank to...

-Crime scene stank?


-Hey, heard your 15-88
came through. -(sighs)

Congratulations, Detective.


So, uh, you sure you're ready?

Oh, yeah.

When was the last time you
were at the firing range?

5:00 a.m.

-5:00 a.m. this morning?
-Every morning.



Hope you got a receipt for that.

I got a...

(clears throat)


Oh, no. Hey, Wolfe?

-Wait up. You got a sec?

-Yeah. -Hey, you're not
gonna believe this.

Heidi Taylor-- she didn't
send those texts.

-Her phone got hacked.

Trojan Horse virus extracted
all her SIM information.

So she got framed
for Stone's m*rder.

Is the virus traceable?

Unfortunately, no. It also wiped
out the sender's IP address,

but I could do
some digging around,

see if she has any enemies.

Yeah, you do that.
I'll contact Stone's lawyer,

see if I can't get ahold
of his will.

You think this is about money?

Stone's worth
ten billion dollars.

A lot of people would k*ll
for that.

Thanks, man.

Stone's will's not in here.

The lawyer said it would be.

Yeah, well, somebody
beat us to it, then.

Didn't know you and
Samantha were so close.

We're not, really.

Is that right?

I was actually thinking of,


Hey, whoever took Stone's will

might have left
something behind.

What is it?

A hair.

(laughs) Still in a lab coat?

Just waiting for a callout.

So, I just released our

protest girl, Heidi.

She's a trust fund kid.


Well, you're just in time,

because Detective Owens is about
to analyze some hair for us.

That's right. Congratulations,

-Detective. -Doesn't really
feel any different.

(chuckling): It will.

BOA VISTA (laughing):
Yeah, I know.

Hair's fine.

The medulla pattern doesn't
occupy more than half the shaft.

-It's human hair.

It's unpigmented, so it's not
a hair from the scalp.

So it must be body.

No, it's finer than that,

and it has scales
along the cuticle.

Scales? I mean,
thought it was human hair.

It is human.

It's lanugo hair.

Of course. Lanugo hair.

Lanugo hair is shed
in the sixth month of gestation.

Pretty safe to say that

a fetus did not take
Matthew Stone's will.

Right, but lanugo hair
is also found in anorexics.


Stone have a teenage daughter?

No, but he has
a very skinny girlfriend.

Okay. Well, would you like to
come with me to interview her?

-Yeah, of course.
-Uh, no.

I'll go.

Because she knows me.

I interviewed her this morning.


Maybe next time.

DELKO: Next time.

I think we get it, Amanda.

You wanted to sneak
a peek at the will

to see what Matthew left you.

Was it too much or too little?

Either way, it's
motive for m*rder.

My boyfriend is dead,
and I get accusations?

You're being accused because
we found your hair in the safe.

Trying to be perfect for him--

the perfect weight,
perfect looks.

DELKO: And so what?

He did not leave you anything,
is that it?

You're both wrong.

Matthew asked me
to take the will yesterday.

He said people were listening.

You feeling better today?



Amanda, they're all over me.

he's got ears everywhere.

Turned me into a prisoner
in my own home.

Blackburn wouldn't do that
to you.

It's just the chemo, babe.

It's making you paranoid.

I need you to get the will.

And keep it hidden,

make sure no one can change it.

The cancer meds
affected his mind.

I didn't think
the threat was real,

but I did whatever it took
to keep him from worrying.

We're going to need
to see that will.

It's in a safe deposit box.

We're gonna need the key.

We'll have to collect it
and log it as evidence.




Hey, Tom.

I am astonished
Mr. Stone lived so long

with a grade four glioma.

He was truly a special man.


Have you got a b*llet
for me yet, Tom?

Not yet, but I'm just about

to go fishing
in his cranial tissue.

I don't know

that I've ever retracted
the dura mater of a genius.


The b*llet fragmented
through the frontal lobe,

penetrated deep
into the parietal.

Got a piece.

That's not a piece
of b*llet, Tom.

You're right.

That looks like a microchip.

Can you grab me
another fragment?


is that some sort of rudder?

May I?

It's incredible.

This is from a smart b*llet.

I thought
that it was purely conceptual.

-A smart b*llet.
-It's a fully

programmable projectile.

The g*n sends information about
the target to the microchip,

and then these fins act
like little rudders

that steer the b*llet.

Are you saying it changes
direction in the air?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

It explains why

our sh**t didn't need
a clear line of sight.


(g*n fires)



DUQUESNE: The only person

that I can think of
that would be smart enough

and have access
to the technology needed

to make this b*llet is Stone.

There may be one other person
as smart, if not smarter.


I read an article
about the company.

Said Stone had a
partner years ago.

They made the first Solamyrge
in his parents' basement.

That sounds vaguely familiar.

I imagine this person is on
their own private island by now.


He walked away the day
before they went public.

Said money didn't matter to him.

Maybe he changed his mind.

Why would I k*ll Matt?

Maybe you were tired of
being the forgotten man.

He got billions, you got zilch.

Easy for a techie like you

to build a smart b*llet
and k*ll him.

Smart b*llet?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I didn't care about the
money, and I still don't.

Then why did
you change his will?

See that paragraph
that mentions you?

The typeface doesn't match.

Somebody altered it recently.

And Stone's doorman said that
you came by two days ago.

What happened?

Matt asked me to come.

But changing the will
was his idea, not mine.

STONE: Raj, don't leave.

The company needs you.

We can do great things together.

Hey, you're confused, Matt.

All that's in the past.

You deserve your money.

I want you to have your share.

Here, I want you to change it.

Why don't you call your lawyers,
and have them take care of it?

I don't trust them.

I need you to do it.


He had an old typewriter
in his closet.

Asked me to use it so no one
could trace the change.

Wait a minute, so,
he invited you over

to give yourself
50 million bucks?

That's pretty generous.

Look-- 121,591 shares.

12, 15, 91.

That's the date we met

at computer camp.

They nicknamed us
the Siamese Twins.

We were inseparable.

This just proves that
you know each other.


He was my best friend.

I could never have k*lled him.

It's happened before.

I'm so glad you're here.

I've been dying to
show this to somebody.

I hope it's good, because
Stone's former business partner

denies making that smart b*llet.

You got anything that can
lead us to the manufacturer?

I'm almost there.

Is that it?

Check it out.

You're not gonna believe this.

What is it?

Stone was k*lled
with his own b*llet.

Where did you find this?

In Matthew Stone's head.

You want to explain
why a cell phone company

was manufacturing b*ll*ts?


Three years ago, Matthew's
kid brother, Tim,

was k*lled by friendly fire
in Iraq.

That's when he had us

start designing
the PW-ten r*fle.

We're going to design a
w*apon that is so accurate

that no American soldier
will ever lose his life

to friendly fire again.

Matthew, with all due respect,

we make cell phones, not g*ns.

Tim's gone, Jerry.

And we could have stopped that.

I could have stopped it.

I don't want another family
to go through that.


Still not ready for market.

Matthew wouldn't be satisfied
until the g*n was perfect.

Well, one of those g*ns
k*lled him.

Seems like, to me,
it works just fine.

We need to see those now.

I'd love to show them to you,

except both prototypes

were stolen from
the lab 48 hours ago.

Did you call the police?

No. We put our own
security team on it.

Matthew was a very
complicated guy.

He was very protective
of this project.

He didn't want our
competitors to know

that we were
developing weaponry.

If the g*ns were such a secret,

how did anyone know
to steal them?

We had a leak.

What kind of a leak?


Matthew was telling
anyone who would listen

about the g*ns.

By the time I caught wind,
it was too late to stop him.

Here you go.
That should clear right away.

Okay. Thank you.

And next time I can
just use the teller...




All right, stay down!

Everybody stay down!

You, empty the till!

Fill that up! Now!

Horatio, robbery in progress,
a bank in Sweetwater.

911 caller said there were
two gunmen with weird r*fles.


Hey, Detective Owens.

You ready for next time still?


It's right now; let's go.

Got a robbery in progress.

Officer down,
they need us for backup.

Where are we headed?

We're headed for
Miami National Bank.

-(sirens wail) -DISPATCHER:
All units, be advised.

Two armed gunmen reported
at scene, Officer down.

Proceed with extreme caution.

(sirens wailing, g*nsh*t)

(brakes screeching)




Anybody see where the
sh*ts are coming from?



(glass shattering)

Hold it right there!




Hey, wait!










(sirens wailing)

TRIPP: Nice shot, Horatio.

Problem is,
it wasn't mine, Frank.

Look at that wound.

This thing backfired.

You saying he shot himself?

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Look at that.

g*ng tat,

A Street Assassin.

Why would a street g*ng
want to k*ll Matthew?

You're looking at the answer.

What the hell is this thing?

What was that, Eric?

That's what I was
just gonna ask you.

My tactics were
textbook back there.

-There was a standard diagonal
deploy. -Who made the call?

-I did.
-That was your mistake!

Wasn't your call to make;
this is your first firefight.

Just admit it;
you don't trust me.

These weren't regular nine-
millimeter b*ll*ts coming at us.

You think I don't know that?

I think that you could've
gotten yourself k*lled.

Look at this thing.

Laser range-finder,
thermal infrared,

electronic chambering.

I mean, these r*fles
are perfect.

No wonder you can't miss.

It's not as perfect as you
think; this one malfunctioned.

-Well, was it human error?

It was a design flaw.

Do you see this screen?

The way this w*apon works
is that the guidance system

marks the target, and then it
wirelessly sends the coordinates

to the smart b*llet.

(sirens wailing)


Right, which allows the b*llet
to guide itself to the target.


Except with this one,
what happened was,

something was off with
the guidance system,

so the b*llet turned
sideways in the barrel.


Okay, well which
one of these r*fles

was used to k*ll Stone?

Neither one.

The ballistics came
back negative on both.

Blackburn said there
were only two prototypes.

So, if neither one of these
is the m*rder w*apon...

There's got to be
a third one out there.

Also means that Blackburn lied.

It is possible he doesn't know
about the third one.

Regardless, we're gonna be
able to use these two g*ns

to determine the location
of Matthew's sh**t.

According to my tests,

the maximum range
of the PW-ten w*apon is a mile.

So, the sh**t wasn't
anywhere beyond that distance.


And the b*llet also would've
needed another quarter of a mile

to curve and then flatten out
and hit Matthew the way it did.

And that would eliminate

anything within
a quarter of a mile.

So, see these red lines?

Those are the paths the
b*llet would have traveled.

Well, it's unlikely
that it would have turned

at a 90-degree angle,
so that eliminates

the marina and the street.

-Mm-hmm. -Which basically
leaves us two options.

The hotel to the east...


...and the apartment
building to the west.


Okay, well, I'll take the hotel.

Do some knock and talks.

Okay, great, I'll take
the apartment building.

Will you give me the address?


It is, uh...

It's 55 Olsen Street.

Why does that sound familiar?

That's Raj Andari's address.

Are you guys actually looking
for cash from the will?

You know, it doesn't
really work like that.

Hey, genius,

it's not about the money.

Why don't you just save
us the time, Raj,

and tell us where the g*n is?

I don't know what
you're talking about.


Eric, the balcony's clear.

He's clever.

He's apparently
thought of everything.

Know what? Maybe not everything.

There's something up here
in this vent.

Hey, you can't just look
in there.

-That's destruction of property.
-Just stay there.

Hey, just shut up.

I hope your warrant covers that.


This looks to me like this
is the third prototype.


Single round missing.

This is the g*n
that k*lled Stone.

WOLFE: You pull the trigger?

He paid me to.

He said it wouldn't
come back to me.

Who paid you? Jerry Blackburn?

No, Matthew.

Turn around.

Turn around!

Come on.

-(handcuffs clicking)
-Let's go.


So you're saying
that your best friend

had you sh**t him in the head?

Frankly, I thought you'd have

a more authentic story
than that, Raj.

It's the truth.

And all that talk about

not wanting the money--
that was a lie.

It's funny how naive
you can be at 20.

I thought money was evil.

I got older, I saw Matt's life,

his mansion, his private jet--
I wanted that, too.

I wanted my money.

You think I'm still clomping
around in Birkenstocks

going to sweat lodges?

I want my share!

You gave it up...

when you walked out on me
and the business we started.

Yeah, that's right--
our business.

I deserve the billions
just as much as you do.

TV on.

WEATHERMAN: ...another
gorgeous sunny afternoon

in South Florida.

Shower on.

(shower running)

Stereo on!

-(music blasting)
-What the hell are you doing?

You think you can drown me out?

If you want the money
so bad... then earn it.

Earn it how?

k*ll me.

Complicated way
to commit su1c1de.

I thought it was
the cancer talking.

Then he showed me
the prototype for the PW-ten.

He was serious.

I designed it myself.

You want me
to k*ll you with this?

You're out of your mind.

(beep, trilling)


-Matt planned everything.
-So he had you hack

into Heidi Taylor's phone...

to frame an innocent girl
in your place?

Matt said she wouldn't be,
said there was a reason to do it

-that way. -And he didn't share
that reason with you.


He said it was the only
way to save Tim's life.

His dead brother?

It didn't make any sense;
I didn't argue.

His plan for me was clear.

And the inheritance was
a payment for k*lling him.

He had me change the will
the same day.

Have a seat, please.

So if Stone's dying of cancer,

why would he go to all
the trouble to k*ll himself?

-'Cause he's sending a message.
-He could've done that online,

he could've had a
press conference...

He would've had no credibility.

That's why he selected
Heidi Taylor.

And again, why Heidi Taylor?
It could've been anyone.

He knew it was the last place
Blackburn would have looked.

You have got to be kidding me.

So you're saying that someone's
trying to pin the m*rder on me?

Just like a power-crat, trying
to blame the working class.

We actually think he was
trying to draw attention

to you for a different reason.

Did he ever give you anything?

Oh, you mean when
he came down here

and we shared a hookah?

Look, I have been e-mailing
that douche for over a year now,

and he only just sent me
a "Dear Insert-name-here."

-BOA VISTA: Can we see that
e-mail? -It wasn't electronic.

It was... it was snail mail--
one of those form letters.

Do you still have it?

"And thank you again for taking

the time to share your concerns.

"We look forward
to hearing from you again.

Sincerely-- Mathew Stone, CEO."

-It certainly sounds
like a form letter, -Yeah.

Calleigh, the logo on here

is in ink,

it's raised...

I think it's magnetic stripping.

I think you've been
reading too many spy books.

I'm not kidding; take a look.

It's possible.

Credit card companies
use magnetic stripping

to store personal information.

Maybe Matthew embedded

information on this
for us to find.

Okay, here we go.

You were right.

"2:30, Overwatch Point,

PW-ten, 10,000 units."

Calleigh, those are the details
of a weapons sale.

Overwatch Point
is the headquarters

of a private
military contractor.

Those g*ns weren't
just prototypes.

Jerry Blackburn lied.
He's been mass-producing

faulty weapons.

Ryan, this deal's
going down now.

We got to go.

Let's go.


I see.


(tires screeching)

Yeah, let me call you back.

Is there a problem?

CAINE: Want to get out
of the car, please?

This transaction
has been canceled.

On what grounds?

On the grounds you're
selling defective weapons.

The A*F approved our designs...

The A*F has
revoked your license.

We let them know you falsified
test results of the prototypes.

You have no proof of that.

Matthew Stone pointed us
in the right direction.

Matthew... wanted
the impossible.

The perfect g*n--
there is no such thing.

I'm not gonna let you sell
those weapons, Jerry.

They're not ready.

Do you realize how leveraged
we are on this thing?

I'm CEO now--
I say what's ready.

Then I'll go to the press,

and we'll see what
the authorities say

-when they find out...
-You're delusional.

The cancer treatment's
impaired your judgment.

Who do you think's
gonna listen to you?



I couldn't let him
bankrupt Solamyrge

on his obsession.

I was just trying
to protect the company.

You just protected yourself
into a penitentiary.

Take him, Frank.

Turn around.

Turn around, put your
hands behind your back.

(handcuffs clicking)

Let's go.

Hey, so, uh, I heard you
got into it with Sam today.

(snorts) Yeah.

Yeah, not really sure how
to clear the air on that one.

(sighs): Yeah.


I think this'll do the trick.

You sure about this?

Yeah, you need it
more than I do.

Hey, Wolfe, don't
look at me like that.

-(laughing): What look? -We've
been down this road before,

-when Natalia
first got here. -Oh.

-Let's not do that again.
-Yeah, let's not.

(clears throat)

Besides, man...

you don't think you really have
a shot with Samantha, do you?

No, no.

So we're, uh, we're cool?

We're cool.

Thanks, man.

You're welcome.

You rea... you don't...
you don't think I have a shot?

Well, maybe.



Come here, you got to see this.

Hey, man, look,

if one more person tells me
how this phone's

-gonna change my life...
-Will you just look?

I found this hidden
on Stone's phone.

I bet you're wondering
why it had to be like this.

It was my last resort.

The only way I could get
people to believe me.

No one knew what
I had put in motion.

But I knew the officers of the
Miami-Dade Police Department

could decipher my message.

I needed people with no agenda,

people who could right a wrong,

who would follow
an investigation

no matter where it went.

We make choices every day.

Some we're conscious of,

others we're not.

These choices...

they affect others,
not just ourselves,


not always in good ways.

For that, I'm truly sorry.

But we all must follow
our own path,

no matter where it leads.


I hope I can be forgiven
for my mistakes.

I'm not perfect.

But then again, none of us are.


These choices...

they're up to all of you now,

and I pray you make them

with the same ethic
I've tried to live by.


In the end...
that's all that matters

is that you tried to leave
this place a little better

than when you got here.


The time is now.
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