06x07 - Hammer Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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06x07 - Hammer Down

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on CSl: Miami...

Can someone help me?
My daughter's missing.

- What we got?
- The dump site's here.

The body parts were dumped.

Animal scavengers dispersed them.

You cut her up in pieces
like livestock!

The Zetas run like
a major company now.

The great thing is
you can't touch 'em.

I told you to make it quick.

- It's not gonna end in Miami, is it?
- No, it's not.

# Nobody gonna take my car

# I'm gonna race it to the ground

# Nobody gonna beat my car

# It's gonna break the speed of sound

# Ooh, it's a k*lling machine

# It's got everything...

# Like a driving power big fat tyres

# And everything...

He's there, isn't he?

Who's he?
Who are you talking about?

I swear to God,
you're not coming over here.

I'm coming
whether you like it or not!

Oh, no, you're not! You are...

# Nobody gonna have my girl...

That's right.
I'm calling the cops. Right now.

I wanna see my daughters!

You can't see them like that!

Shut up!

Shut the hell up or I'm gonna
come back there! So help me God!

# I need her
I seed her

# Yeah, she turns me on
All right #

I'm calling the cops now.
They're gonna put your ass in jail.

Damn it!

Hello? Dean?


The driver of the car's name
was Dean Rovin.

He was 35 years old.

According to the first on scene,
he was k*lled on impact.

ME's just hauled the body
out of here.

Looks like he had a few for the road.

This was actually
Dean's third and last DUl.

It's an accident.
Why are we here?

Like I'd call you all the way
out here for a 10-99?

I got my Mac on this morning.

Oh. Is that anything
like Spidey senses?

It's way more powerful.

Take a look at those skid marks.

Looks like the driver of this rig
lost control and jumped the median.

And fled the scene.

Yes, if you were driving
under the influence.

Or if you recently committed m*rder.

Were it not for that accident,
we may never have found her.

Looks like this is
the end of the road for her.

And the beginning for us.

# Out here in the fields

# I fight for my meals

# I get my back into my living

# Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah #

Rigour's already on its way out.

So we're looking at a TOD
between 36 and 48 hours.

What do you make of the skin tone?

Looks blanched,
indicating extreme loss of blood.

There's no blood
at the bottom of the drum.

So if she bled out,
she was put in here after she died.

Why go to all that trouble?

Our driver could have
dumped the body anywhere.

Maybe he had a spot picked out
but had to get her there first.

Figured he'd hide the body

in this drum until then.

There is a way station 30 miles back.

I guess he didn't want the body
found during an inspection.

That makes sense.

When you're done here,
let's get her to Sid in situ.

This way we can minimise
any artifactual trauma to the body

or loss of trace evidence.

You got it. Hey, Joe, let's go!

We're gonna take the drum intact
to the ME's office.

# Memory comes when memory's old...

# I am never the first to know

# Following this stream up north

# Where do people like us float?

# There is room in my lap

# For bruises, asses, hand claps

# I will never disappear

# For forever I'll be here

# Whispering

# Morning keep the streets

# Empty for me

# Morning keep the streets

# Empty for me

# I learned to not eat the snow #

What are you thinking?

Besides the fact
that we never had a honeymoon?

I'm thinking that might be blood.

Let's find out.

Looks like our trucker
was injured in the accident.

Or maybe his passenger?

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

You can forget about
catching a break on this one.

T ruck was a commercial lease out
of Charlottesville, North Carolina.

The lD on the paperwork
came back as phony.

We have no idea who we're chasing.


You'll wanna come see this.

Portable outhouse.

Our truck driver
was holding someone in here.

Found a lock box
under the driver's seat.

Rounds from a.45 were in there
but no g*n.

We must assume he took it with him.
What else?

I found hair in the sleeper
and in the cab.

Judging from the length,
I'd say the donor's female.

So our victim could have been in here
before she was k*lled.

Unless we're looking
at a second female donor.

Whoever it was, they were a prisoner.

We got multiple locks
on the outside of the door

but nothing to unlock it
from the inside.

Also explains
the artwork on the walls.

- You find biologicals?
- No. No, I hit it with a light.

No signs of sexual as*ault.

Door's damaged.

Yeah. But it doesn't look
like it was from the crash.

Could have been
what caused the accident.

But there's no body.

No major blood staining.
No obvious signs of trauma.

Nothing to indicate
she didn't survive the crash.

I'd call that lucky.

Not if she's still with the driver.

It turns out I wasn't the first
person to cut into this girl.

You found evidence
of sharp-force trauma?

That's your COD.

due to surgical transection

of all major blood vessels
supplying the liver.

Someone removed her liver?

That's right.

And a microscopic
immunohistochemical test

indicated her body released histamine

in an immunological response
to the injury.

So she was alive when it happened.

And died as a result
of the harvesting.

Based on the precision of the work,
I can conclude that whoever did this

had a long-term plan for the organ.

And possibly to sell it
on the black market.

Nothing else seems to be missing.

- Just the liver.
- What about an lD?

Nothing so far.
I sent her prints to the lab.

Figured they could run
a more comprehensive search.

If they're transplanting her liver
into someone else,

we don't have much time.

I had her blood typed
for surface protein markers.

She's AB-positive.

That's an unusual blood type.
Finding a liver donor would be hard.

Let's get the word out to our Cls

familiar with
this type of black market

and hospitals in the area.

I want a list of patients capable
of receiving an AB-positive liver.

If we can lD who that liver
was intended for,

we'll be one step closer
to catching our suspects.

That's great. Let me know.

Got a hit in AFlS on the prints
I lifted off the steering wheel.

- Nice.
- T rucker's name is Casey Steele.

He did a nickel
on a robbery as*ault conviction.

The trouble is
he's a parole absconder.

No fixed address.
It will be hard to find him.

Maybe not. That was Flack.
He's got an eyewitness.

Radiation oncologist.
Please call the tox lab.

Yeah, that's him.

Mr Winston, sure that's the guy
who carjacked you?


I don't know
what the hell I was thinking.

I should have just kept on driving.


You OK?

Relax, man.
Look, I don't want any trouble.

It's too late for that.

Then what happened?

He pulled this woman
out of his truck.

Puts her in the back seat of my car.

- Can you describe her?
- Dark hair, mid-20s.

She was as scared as I was.


About 1 0 miles down the road,

he tells me to pull over
and get out of the car.

He orders me to give him
my cellphone and wallet.

- Come on.
- I won't tell anyone about this.

I know.

If it wasn't for that motorist who
happened to drive by seconds later,

I'd be dead.

He's an animal.

God help the woman who's with him.

Put an alert out on Mr Winston's car,
plastic and his cellphone.

Let's hope Casey Steele
tries to use them.

Mac, I think I know
who Casey Steele's prisoner is.

Her name is Madeline Briggs.

When I ran the prints
and the DNA I lifted off a jug

from the sleeper compartment, I got
a hit to a missing girl out of Miami.

Her mother filed the claim
five days ago.

So we have to assume
Steele picked her up in Miami,

drove her up to New York,
keeping her locked up as a prisoner.

Any results on the urine work-up?

Her analysis showed traces
of the sedative, propofol.

He used that
to keep her under control.

But the accident tells us that
didn't keep her from fighting back.

Because she's fighting for two.

- Madeline's pregnant?
- Yeah.

Her urine analysis also revealed

traces of human
chorionic gonadotropin, HCG.

Boss, I ran the rest of those prints
that we lifted from the sleeper cab.

Madeline Briggs, right?

She was there, too.

What do you mean?

I found evidence of more
than one woman in that sleeper.

How many?

A lot.

When I realised
I had multiple donors,

I ran the prints through
every database I knew of.

I got this in through NamUs,

National Missing
and Unidentified Persons system.

This one's from Florida.
North Carolina.

Philadelphia. Atlanta.

These girls are from every state.

And all of them at one time or
another were in Casey Steele's truck.

That's our Jane Doe.

- This one right here?
- Yeah.

Debbie Menzel.

Savannah, Georgia.

Hey, Mac. I've got a Dr Ray Langston
holding on a vid call.

He's a CSl from Vegas.

He's working a case
in conjunction with the Miami PD.

Says that he picked up
one of our entries

and has some information
on Madeline Briggs.

I understand you have
our missing girl in your city.

If we do, it might not be for long.

The man who abducted her,
Casey Steele, stole a car

after his truck was sidelined
in a traffic accident.

We have alerts out and roadblocks
set up but we haven't found the car.

That's good.
He might still be in New York.

What about Madeline Briggs?

Lieutenant Horatio Caine and l

just wrapped up two murders
here in the Miami area.

During the investigation,
a woman named Madeline Briggs

came across our radar,
first as a suspect.

Now we have reason
to believe she's a victim.

We found this note
in a truck-stop rest room in Orlando.

The last person seen with Madeline
Briggs is a small-time hustler

named Goodman, Tyler Goodman.

- Where is he now?
- In a morgue in northern Florida.

48 hours ago,
Tyler was found shot to death

in the bathroom of a truck stop
near Jacksonville.

k*ll was clean. It was a pro job.

So Tyler hands off Madeline to Casey
and then gets paid with a b*llet.

You have ballistics on that?

We do. w*apon was a.45.

I'm sending you it right now.
See if it matches up.

We have a witness, a g*nsh*t victim
Casey pulled the trigger on.

The slug was too deformed
to get calibre determination

but we have reason to believe
that it might be a.45.

Yep. It's a match.
Looks like Casey's been a busy boy.

The Zetas run a tight ship
and they do not tolerate mistakes.

Bad news for a small-time player like
Tyler. It means he was expendable.

What else do we know
about these perps?

The targets are always young women
between the ages of 19 and 25.

They're highly organised.
They're well financed.

They lure these women into
prostitution, black-market surrogacy,

use them as human-trafficking pawns,
you name it.

And now harvesting bodies for organs.

Makes them extremely dangerous.

Detective Taylor, I have chased
one victim from Vegas to Miami,

only to find her dead.

When Madeline Briggs' mother
reported her missing,

she asked for my help.

So I'm not going home
until I find her daughter.

And when can I expect you?

I'm on the first thing smokin'.

Detective Taylor.

- Welcome to New York.
- Thanks.

Federal marshals are escorting
an inmate in a transfer

from Bedford Maximum Facility
to Bayview.

We made a deal
in exchange for information.

We're meeting them in half an hour.

- Any connection to Casey Steele?
- Not directly.

Our informant is a cell mate of
a suspect we convicted six months ago

in connection with a
human-trafficking ring in New York.

A little cell mate chitchat and
the convict looking to make a deal.

That's hard to trust.

T rue. But right now,
we're standing here with nothing.

And I kinda got the impression
you weren't here to sightsee.

Human cargo
is how Carolyn described it.

Young women get moved
from one state to another,

truck stop to truck stop.

Different drivers, different
destinations. 24/7 operation.

Mostly travelling at night.

Pretty impressive enterprise,
if you ask me.

I always thought an 18 wheeler
advertising fresh produce

was really carrying vegetables.

How many do they transport?
One, two, more?

These guys make more money
transporting one girl

than they do hauling apples
across the interstate in a year.

- Carolyn mention any names?
- Like the Zetas out of Miami?

You're talking about a network
with dozens of truckers.

- Is Casey Steele one of 'em?
- Maybe.

Look, I wasn't taking notes.

What about the girls?
What happens to them?

Everything. Sex slaves.

Surrogates. Organ donors.

And if they survive the surgery,
it starts all over.

It's the truck driver's job

to keep the payload - the girls -
alive and healthy.

They don't get paid
if the cargo arrives dead.

The more use you get out of one girl,
the more money you make.

- Madeline could still be alive.
- Unless she's trouble.

That's when they become body parts,
scattered from coast to coast.

Excuse me.

A lot of World w*r ll heroes
with their names on these walls.

Too many.

My father fought in the Korean w*r.

I understand you wore
some stripes yourself.

I just wanted to be like my father.

Mac, I've seen what they do
to these young women and it's...

Body parts strewn by the highway.

Left like food for wild animals.
Now you said Madeline put up a fight.

You said there was evidence
of that in the truck.

Doesn't mean she's not alive, Ray.
She's pregnant.

The child she's carrying
is worth a lot to these guys.

My bet? Casey's gonna make sure
she makes it to her destination.

You gonna use that phone?

I have to make a very difficult
phone call to Madeline Briggs' mother

who's probably pacing up and down
and checking voice messages,

wondering what I've discovered,
if I've found her daughter.

A case where no news
is good news is no consolation.

- You have kids?
- No.

Me neither.

I suppose we both spared ourselves
the stress of this nightmare.

I don't know you well, Ray, but
you don't look so stress-free to me.

It never gets easier, does it?


I've told parents
about their dead or missing kids

more times than I can count.

Hell, the first time
was one time too many.

One day a woman whispers,
"Thank you" to me through her tears.

I realised she needed to know

that there was somebody doing
everything they could for her child.

And that's what you're doing, Ray.
And it's worth a phone call.

Let's go get this guy, Mac.

I ran an organ-recipient search
with the National Donor list.

A patient awaiting a liver blood type
AB-positive, withdrew yesterday.

- Could have died waiting.
- Thought of that. He's still alive.

Liver disease isn't something
that just goes away.

So you're thinking he's getting
an organ off the black market.

Possibly the liver from our victim
in the back of the truck.

A Manhattan clinic requested
50 pints of AB-positive blood

for prep of a liver transplant.

That blood was delivered
this morning.

- You have no authorisation to go in.
- This ought to do it.

Dr Fuller is about to begin surgery!

Dr Fuller, I got a couple
of questions for you.

Detective, I imagine
you're here about a liver.

It's there in that cooler.

But there's a man in there
waiting for it.

So you can arrest me now
and he'll die.

Or you can let me go in there
and save his life.

I'll be waiting for you.

I make a phone call.

Every time to the same number?

Yes. Again. Same number every time.

I tell 'em what I need.
I don't know how or who does it.

A cooler's left for me at the clinic.

Is this the man
that delivers the coolers?

I told you, I don't see faces.
They're just voices on a phone.

You must pay them.

Cash. In an envelope.
Different post office box every time.

So what's the going rate
for a liver, Dr Fuller?


Depends on whether your patients
are desperate or not?

Closer to death, the more they'll pay
or the more you'll charge?

I don't set the price.

No, only for yourself, right?

So how much do you get paid

for turning a blind eye
to the Hippocratic oath?

No. Look at me.

I said, look at me!

The liver you transplanted today

belonged to a healthy young woman
who died to fill your pockets.

Her name.... Debbie Menzel.

And there are dozens more
just like her.

Their organs are being harvested

in motel bathrooms
and makeshift operating rooms.

Young girls who are butchered
and dumped on the side of the road!

And you agreed to the oath, doctor.
The covenant.

"l will keep them
from harm and injustice."

Do you remember
saying those words, huh?

You stupid, greedy son of a bitch.

I've never seen him before.

It's like I told you.
I... I make a phone call.

Yeah, all right. OK.

Write that phone number down,
Mr Fuller.

Finding Madeline Briggs
hasn't gotten any easier.

So we try harder. Phone number
Flack got had to give us something.

We're identifying the calls
made to that number.

Most of them are doctors.
We'll bring 'em in.

I'll show 'em Casey Steele's mug.

They're not gonna know him.
Drivers stay on the interstate.

One particular part of this business
doesn't mingle with another.

It protects them from being able

to identify anyone else
in the bigger organisation.

We have managed to identify
one player, Casey Steele.

From everything we know,
he's not a one-man operation.

If he's as connected as we think
he is, somebody's gonna help him.

Until then, he has to take care
of a pregnant woman.


And the witness that Flack talked to
didn't mention that she was pregnant,

which means Madeline could
still be in her first trimester.

And able to turn more tricks
before she begins to show.

Right. It's all for the purpose
of continuing their cash flow.

For them it's a business.

Madeline is
a dual revenue stream for them.

Unfortunately, the demand is there.

If it's not forced surrogacy,
it's prostitution,

body parts, blood, eggs, hair.

Even bone marrow has a price.

A lung or a kidney can sell
for a $100,000 on the black market.

Boss, I just got a real-time hit
on Joseph Winston's stolen phone.

I'm waiting for our suspect
to turn it on.

T riangulation traced it
to a pharmacy on Riverside Drive

and I just tapped
into their security cams.

Well, that's him.
That's Casey Steele.

What's he waiting for?

Lindsay, call the pharmacy.
Tell them to take their time.

Danny, call Hawkes and Flack.
They're going shopping.

Let's go.

Let's go!

- There's our guy!
- You think?

Let's go!

Look out!


- I got him! I got him!
- I'll head around the back!


- Hawkes?
- I lost him!

He couldn't have gotten far!
He's not that fast!

Guys, keep that side of the building
covered! He may be coming toward you!

- Hey, you all right?
- Yeah.

See if they see anything around back.

We got every patrol looking
for this guy but he knows it now.

According to the pharmacist,

Casey was waiting on a script
for diprivan to be filled.

Yeah, it's also known as propofol.
It's a sedative.

The evidence from Casey's truck

indicates that he was
injecting Madeline with it.

Confirming Madeline's still alive.

Detective Flack. Yeah.

Oh, yeah? We're on our way.

My boys found the car Casey stole
parked around the corner.

- Think she's in there?
- T runk looks open.


If Casey went to the pharmacy alone,
then where's Madeline?

Really not here.

Let's hope
there's something in this car

that will point us
in the right direction.

What did you find?

Got some fresh soil evidence
on the brake pedal.

Maybe we can match it
to a reference sample.

Get a location
where our driver's been.

- Boom! I got a match.
- Where?


There's nothing in that area
but junkyards.

Let's start with Corona Scrap.

That's where
your reference sample is from.

I'm gonna call Mac.

All right, green team,
blue team, set up over here.

Doc... can I offer you
a party favour?

I'm gonna have to pass.

It's the price of admission, Ray.
Casey Steele is a sh**t.

I can't risk you going in unarmed.

All right.

You know that the oldest projectile
fired from a w*apon

was recorded
in the 4th century in Japan?

It was fired from
a very crude hand-held cannon

that you lit with a wick.

Its sole purpose was for taking life.

Seems that
after 1,700 years of evolution...

...we haven't come very far.

Tac Team Two are on site.

Everyone knows the tac plan.
Target is armed and dangerous.

I want ESU all over the playing field
on this. Tight perimeter.

We got air support on the way
but there were too many parts.

So we've gotta move now.

we have an innocent in the mix.

One female, Madeline Briggs.

This goes bad, she's a hostage.
If it goes worse, she's collateral.

That means everyone stays hot.
Unless he decides to use her.

Now let's move.

Move, move, move!


She was here.

Hey! Freeze!

- Flack, man down!
- I got him!

I got you, guy. I got you.
Stay down. Stay down. Stay with me.

It's over.

You move and I'll put a hole in you.

Drop the w*apon!

Put the g*n down!

Get up!

Where is she?

Where's Madeline?

Where is she?

She's gone.

What do you mean she's gone?


Get him out.

Come on. Let's go.

Just relax.

We checked your cellphone, Casey.

You made repeated calls
to the same number.

One right after the accident,
the rest in the last 12 hours.

We're gonna track down the person
on the other end.

Good luck.

I understand. You're not afraid.

So listen very carefully. It's
still not too late to make a deal.

- Oh, is that right?
- That's right.

I'll give you my word
I'll do everything in my power

to make sure
everyone involved in this

knows that you cooperated with us.

That kind of advertisement
will put me in the morgue.

- Who's the new transporter?
- Who did you hand her off to?

Where are they taking her?

If you two gentlemen don't have
any more questions for me,

I think I'd like to go to jail now.

Take a look. Where are they?

You don't seriously expect me
to remember them all, do you?

I said, take another look!

I think that one's in Salt Lake City.

And Denver.

Get him out of here.


I'm so sorry.

I'll call you as soon as
I know something.

Madeline's mother.

She's convinced her daughter's dead

and there's nothing I can say
to offer her any kind of hope.

You're gonna find her, Ray.

You're gonna find her.
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