06x13 - Flag on the Play

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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06x13 - Flag on the Play

Post by bunniefuu »

Bynes kicks off
at the goal line for New York.

She's out to the five-yard line.

There's a tackler at the 10.

Oh, and she's smacked down hard
at the 14-yard line.

New York ball, 1st and 10.

They're down by 3
with 38 seconds left in the game.

And Boston is desperately trying
to hold onto this lead, Rick.

Back out on the field comes

second-string quarterback
for New York, Meredith Muir.

This is her debut
with the Lingerie Football League

and what a debut it's been.

Starting quarterback Kristen Melvoy
was a no-show for this game.

That could be a costly decision
with Muir's performance tonight.


Spice it up. Come on, Tiff.

Muir back to pass.
Gets through the wall.

Caught by Bynes!

Oh, and she's hit
down at the 17-yard line.

New York ball,
1st and 10 from Boston's 17.

Trailing by 3 points here
as time's running out.

That's right.

New York needs a touchdown to win
and they can't stop the clock.

They're out of timeouts.

Red! Hike!

Fakes a handoff.
She's back to pass again.

Throws it down field
into the end zone!

It's caught, caught in the end zone
for a touchdown on the final play!

Oh, my!

New York has stunned this Boston team

with a dramatic come-from-behind
23 to 20 victory.

What an incredible finish
to this game, Dan.

Thanks to
the league's new star, Meredith Muir.

# Like a G6
Now I'm feeling so fly like a G6

# Like a G6
Like a G6

# Now I'm feeling so fly like a G6

# Gimme that Mo-Moet
Gimme that Cri-Cristal

# Ladies love my style
At my table getting wild

# Get them bottles poppin'
We get that drip and that drop

# Now give me two more bottles
cos you know it don't stop

# Hell yeah
Drink it up, drink-drink it up,

# When sober girls around me,
they be actin' like they drunk

# They be actin' like they drunk
actin-actin' like they drunk

# When sober girls around me
actin-actin' like they drunk... #

She's our vic.
Kristen Melvoy, 26 years old.

She was a starting quarterback
for New York.

Only she didn't show up
for tonight's game.

Sid, what are you doing here?
You short-staffed tonight?

Admit it, Sid. You're a fan.

Um, victim was found
floating face down in the tub.

Washerwoman's Syndrome. Must
have been in the water for a while.

Based on rigor,
I'm placing TOD between 7:00am

and 9:00am this morning.

More than 12 hours ago.

Why'd it take the team so long
to notice the body?

Because they use the whirlpool baths
after the game to treat injuries.

The team say they got into
the locker room at 5:30 tonight,

put their gear on,
headed straight out to play.

- Detective, can I have a word?
- Excuse me.

Are we looking at a drowning here?

I suspected so at first.

But then I noticed
a cloudy film in her eyes.

Well, it indicates dehydration.

Highly unlikely
if she was floating face down.

Exactly. She was already dead
when she hit the water.

Could be a dump job.

She was m*rder*d somewhere else
then put in the whirlpool bath

to destroy prints and DNA.

If that's the case,

we're looking for a k*ller
with some degree of intelligence.

Then we'll just have to be smarter
than he is.

# Out here in the fields

# I fight for my meals

# I get my back into my living

# Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah #

People thought Kristen was all fluff
because of the way she looked.

She took the game seriously.

She have any problems
with any of the other players?

- No, nothing out of the ordinary.
- What's the ordinary?

Competition, rivalry.

You know, girl stuff.
Nothing that would lead to m*rder.

All right, thanks.

What have you got?

A crumpled-up photo

at the bottom of our vic's locker.

You know, it came from right here.

Hmm. Either she tore it down
or someone else did.

All of her street clothes
are still here, Danny.

So are her keys and her wallet.

The trainer said Melvoy would come
in here in the mornings on game day

and work out by herself.

This wasn't a dump job.

She came here this morning
and never left.

She was k*lled
in one of these two rooms.

# When the wind dies down
and the howling stops

# The hurting starts,
then I hear your name

# In this quiet time,
this aching time

# I can hear your fingers
on the window pane

# 'Cause in our lungs
there's something that we keep quiet

You have COD?

Respiratory failure caused
by anaphylaxis.

Elevated levels of histamines
in the blood.

Congestion of the pleural cavity.

I think she had
an allergic reaction to something.

The question is,
was it intentional or accidental?

Even if it was accidental,
we're still dealing with

someone who dumped her body
into a hot tub rather than call 91 1.

Whoever it was
didn't leave these bruises.

Hematologic reaction indicates
they were incurred

several days before death.

Most likely related
to her athletic proclivities.

Medical records are coming.

Meanwhile, I ran a tox screen
for the usual suspects -

heroin, cocaine, PCP,
meth and alcohol.

- None of them turned up positive.
- All right.


I don't know if it means anything,
but l... about six months ago,

I got a rather strange call.

It was from a Leanne Baldwin.

Her daughter, Natalie,
died of a sudden heart attack.

Natalie was visiting my ex-husband
in Michigan.

One night after dinner,
she went to sleep and never woke up.

Doctors said it was a heart attack,

but, somehow
that never sat right with me.

A mother knows her child.

And mine was a perfectly healthy
22-year-old girl.

Now, although myocardial infarction
is a common cause of death,

especially in women over 50...

All right.
Where are you going with this?

Natalie was 22 years old.

And she played on
the same football team

as our vic.

I'm so sorry for your loss,
Mrs Baldwin.

But, since your daughter's body
was examined in Michigan,

I'm afraid there's very little
I can do at this point.

Now I understand why
you were at the scene.

This is personal.

I reviewed
Natalie's death certificate.

- Everything seemed to be in order.
- And the autopsy?

Uh, the ex-husband didn't want one.
Religious beliefs.

Natalie Baldwin was embalmed
and flown to New York to be buried.

Now you think
there could be more to her death?

I'm thinking
maybe I missed something.

Sid, Natalie was pronounced dead.
Why are you blaming yourself?

Because I dismissed
her mother's suspicion

as that of a grieving parent.

Perhaps if I had looked

more closely,

I might have been able to prevent
the death of her teammate.

This fleck has the molecular
properties of paint,

but there's some kind
of metallic trace in it, as well.

- Metallic paint?
- I don't know.

It was wedged in the fabric
of her sports bra.

I'm thinking maybe
the k*ller transferred it

when he dumped our vic in the tub.

You could be right 'cause the
locker room was glass block and tile.

Nothing consistent
with metallic paint.

Any luck finding your badge?


Acupuncture joint
hasn't found it anywhere.

They searched a bunch of times.

You could get a command discipline
if you don't report it.

- It's been a week.
- I know how long it's been.

T rust me.

Hey. DNA on the syringe
definitely matches the vic.

Hmm. Sid didn't mention anything
about an injection mark.

It could have been obscured
by the condition of the skin

due to water exposure.

The syringe contained traces
of two different substances.

One I haven't identified yet,
the other is a lidocaine.

Local anaesthetic used in dental
and medical procedures.

Yes, and also sometimes used to treat
soft tissue injuries in sports,

Iike tennis, basketball.

And Lingerie Football.

If anything can help us find
the injection site,

it's toluidine blue.

I was able to confirm your discovery
of lidocaine in the victim's tissue.

However, I was not as lucky
with the other substance

you found in the syringe.

There's no trace
of any other foreign substance.

I'm still running tests
to try to narrow it down.

According to Ms Melvoy's
medical records,

she had an unusual sensitivity
to lidocaine.

It's generally a very safe drug,
if used properly.

I've seen dermatitis
and hypersensitivity

in connection with lidocaine,

but never a life-threatening
allergic reaction.

I know, but look what I found
in her medical history.

This shows she suffered anaphylaxis
when exposed to lidocaine in 1992.

Sid, too high a dosage could've
proven fatal a second time around.


Take a look at this.

I think I found it near my Y'd
and tied sutures.

Puncture mark
right above the left breast.

It's an unusual placement
for an anaesthetic injection.

Although she could have pulled
a pectoral muscle.

Someone who knew her medical history

could've att*cked her
in the locker room.

Oh, no!


Everything we find out in this case
just leads to more questions.

I have an idea where
we might get some answers.

Mrs Baldwin,
when you came to me last summer

you expressed reservations
about your daughter Natalie's death.

It was more of a sense
that something wasn't right.

Did your daughter have
any medical allergies?

Not that I know of. Why?

A woman named Kristen Melvoy died
in the locker room yesterday.

She had an allergic reaction
to lidocaine.

Kristen Melvoy?

Natalie talked about her
all the time.

Mrs Baldwin, there are some
suspicious circumstances

surrounding Ms Melvoy's death.

Could lidocaine be a cause
of Natalie's death, as well?

Cardiac arrest can be a possible
result of lidocaine allergy.

Did she ever mention
getting any kind of injections

while she was on the team?

No. Is that what you think?

That Natalie was getting
drug injections?

Uh, and because there was no autopsy,
it's impossible to say.

So how will we ever know?

I'd like to ask your permission
to exhume your daughter's body.

Someone on that team
could be k*lling these women

and if that's the case,
we've gotta find out how.

I compared the prints on the photo
from Melvoy's locker

to the elimination prints
from the rest of the team.

They all belong to our vic
except the ones I've circled.

These foreign prints
are in the shape of a semi-circle,

Iike someone grabbed it
and ripped it off the locker.

Not just someone, Mac.
These prints belong to Meredith Muir.

She's the second-string quarterback.

Maybe she tired of waiting
for her competition to retire

and chose to give her a helping hand.

That's what I'm thinkin'.

3 touchdowns,
200-plus passing yards.

Any quarterback can be proud
of those stats.

Best game of my career.

Well, I have to be honest, Meredith.

The Lingerie Football League
isn't just about athletics.

You may have the better arm
but Kristen got all the photo ops,

the interviews,
the product endorsements.

Nobody likes the view from the bench.
I'm assuming you didn't either.

Kristen was a phony, stuck-up bitch.
That's what I didn't like.

Is that why you ripped the photo
off her locker?

We found your prints on it.

She threw a 30-yard touchdown
at a game last week.

Afterwards, she's parading around the
locker room like she's Eli Manning.

It just rubbed me the wrong way.

30 yards. Pretty good, huh?

You're a real star, Melvoy.

That's all there was to it, I swear.

You work part-time
as a dental hygienist, correct?

I can't support myself
on what I make playing football.

Ms Melvoy died from a reaction
to lidocaine, an anaesthetic used...

Yeah, l, I know what lidocaine is.

Did you also know
Kristen was allergic to it?

No, I didn't.

So you didn't inject her with it
to make it look like an accident?

- You really think I k*lled Kristen?
- She was your competition.

You had access to the locker room
and access to lidocaine.

I didn't k*ll Kristen.

Natalie Baldwin was on the team
last year before she died.

Natalie died of a heart attack.

How would you describe
your relationship with Natalie?

Not so good.

She was sleeping with my boyfriend.

According to Meredith Muir,

Natalie Baldwin was having an affair
with her boyfriend.

Talk about motive.

This game was played
seven months ago,

just before Natalie died.

Here are our players.

Meredith Muir, backup quarterback.
Flack's checking out her alibi.

Kristen Melvoy, starting quarterback,

found dead
in the locker room hot tub.

Natalie Baldwin,
died in her sleep six months ago.

Sid's having her body exhumed.

Meredith admitted she'd had
altercations with our two victims

on several different occasions.

She had a rivalry with Melvoy
on the field and Baldwin off.

Oh, there you go.

They did not like each other.

I can buy that Muir gave Kristen
the lidocaine injection.

But are we thinking she gave Natalie
something else

that caused her heart to stop?

Well, we can't be sure until Sid
exhumes Natalie's body.

Hey, guys.

I fumed the syringe I found
in the locker room trash.

Most of the prints were smudged,
but I got a partial off the plunger.

Did you get a hit in CODlS?

No, I got something almost as good.

That mystery substance
I detected in the syringe earlier.

Ran it through the GCMS.
Picked up traces of somotrope.

Human growth hormone.

Can be used as a body-building drug.
Makes you faster, makes you stronger.

And used in excess, it can also lead
to congestive heart failure.

Let's take a look at the trainer.

Maybe he wanted to give his players
an enhanced advantage

over the competition.

Guess this job has its perks.

I heard you talked to Meredith Muir.
Shook her up pretty bad.

Guess you came
to question someone else?

Yep. You.

You were fired
from professional football last year

for boosting steroids.

That was a bum rap.

Those players get juiced
all the time.

With cortisone.

By trained team doctors,
which you are not.

Whatever. It was a long time ago.

- I moved on.
- To the Lingerie Football League?

Yeah. Think what you like.
These women can play ball.

Where were you yesterday
between 7:00am and 9:00am?

- At home.
- Anyone verify that?

My daughter. I made her pancakes.
Maybe you wanna grill her, too.

Look, I'm sorry about Kristen, OK?

I really am. I just don't get
what this has to do with me.

She died from a lidocaine injection.

In your locker room.

Do you think
I gave her that injection?

Old habits die hard.

We found traces of human growth
hormone in the syringe, too.

Maybe you gave her
some new fancy cocktail.

We're not saying it on purpose.

Maybe you gave her the shot,
she had a bad reaction, you panicked.

I wanna get back in the big show.
I gotta keep my nose clean.

That's exactly what I'm doing.
No needles. No dr*gs.

- No playing around.
- What about m*rder?

What is copper, tiny
and used to cover walls?

I have a feeling
you're gonna tell me.

The paint fleck I got on the
victim's clothes - it's nanopaint.

- As in nanotechnology?
- Yeah.

They insert copper
into these nanotubes,

then mix it in with the paint.

And the particles in the copper
deflect certain radio frequencies.

- Like cell phones.
- Exactly.

They use it in hospitals,
libraries, schools.

Run the sample through the lR spec
for specific colour characteristics.

I already tried that. I had no luck.
So, I did the next best thing.

You sent the lR spec data
to the manufacturer.

Along with a warrant.

If they identify the specific colour
and lot number,

we get a list of clients
who bought it.

And hopefully lead us
to a location of the k*ller.


T rainer's daughter confirmed she was
with him the morning before the game.

There's one problem.

- What's that?
- She's four years old.

And I bet she'd say anything
her dad told her to.

That's what I'm thinkin'.
We turned his office upside down.

Found no traces of HGH or lidocaine.

None of the players are copping
to taking any kind of shot.

You ready for some more
not-so-great news?

- Why not? You're on a roll.
- Meredith Muir's alibi checks out.

She was cleaning teeth
when Kristen died.

Dentist and patient confirmed it.

The only way into that locker room
is with a passkey.

Either Melvoy let her k*ller in
or they already had access.

I want everyone affiliated
with the team put through a sieve -

past history,
criminal records, everything.

You got it.

New York team's official website.

Why do I end up processing
locker room trash and you get this?

'Cause I'm married.

- But I did find something strange.
- Uh-huh.

2002 lnternational
T riathlon Championships.

So she does triathlons on the side.

Thing is,
Kristen Melvoy didn't win it.

She did. Her name's Shelly Davis.

OK. So Melvoy was taking credit
for someone else's accomplishment.

Yeah. Sounds like
half the people in this city, right?

Yeah. But how did she get her hands
on Davis' championship medal?

I don't know. Borrowed it. Stole it.

And maybe this Shelly Davis
wanted it back.

Deluxe Pawn Shop.

Certainly a step up from the place
my Uncle Teddy used

to pawn his cufflinks
when he needed a drink.

Yeah. Bars and pawn shops.

- Recession proof.
- I guess so.

What you got for me, fellas?

Two-tone gold on steel, nickel
and rhodium. Go for about 40 bucks.

Can't sell it here.
It's illegal to pawn a real badge.

We know the drill.
We're here on a case.

A woman called Shelly Davis pawned
her triathlon medal here last year.

Last year's ancient history.
I move a lot of merchandise.

How about this woman?
You recognise her?

I've been looking for that broad.

Gave her $10,000
for a diamond engagement ring.

Two weeks later, your people came in

and said the ring
had been reported stolen.

- They confiscate it?
- Yeah.

Put me back $10,000.

Did she buy anything
while she was in here?

Come to think of it, yes.
A sports medal.

That's the one.

- Worth about five bucks.
- Thanks.

Hold on. Do me a favour, buddy.
Can I see this dog tag right here?

Yeah. Korean w*r.
I'll let it go for seven bucks.

- I have to confiscate this.
- You're kidding!

No, you see that? Messer.
That's my grandfather.

Someone stole this from me.
You remember who brought it in?

- No. It's a cash transaction.
- They bring anything else?

- I don't remember.
- You got surveillance video here?

A lot of my customers
don't like being taped.

The pleasure was all mine, fellas.
Come back anytime.

What was that about?

Last week, my dog tags were stolen,
obviously, my wallet and my badge.

What? Where did this happen?

My back's been bothering me,
so I go to this acupuncture joint.

I come out of the treatment,
go to my locker...

Everything's gone, except my clothes.

Did you report your shield stolen?

No. I mean, I don't wanna
make a big deal about it. Yet.

- That's a big deal.
- I know.

There's a nut job running around
the city with your shield. Damn it.

Stell. Guess who reported Kristen
Melvoy's engagement ring stolen?

- Who?
- Her ex-fianc?.

Guy by the name of Scott Coleman.

So she pawns his ring
and he reports it stolen.

Sounds like a happy couple.

There was trouble in paradise.

A neighbour rang 91 1
eight months ago.

Said it sounded like
they were k*lling each other.

- Any arrests?
- No.

Melvoy refused to press charges,
but moved out three weeks later.

So, maybe Coleman decided to finish
the argument once and for all.

- Scott Coleman?
- Yeah. How's it goin'?

We need to ask you a few questions.

- I'll be right with you.
- Let me rephrase that.

We need to ask a few questions now.


She's dead?

She can't be.
I just spoke to her last week.

Oh, cut the act, Scott.

You don't get it.
Kristen was the love of my life.

You had a funny way of showing that.

A domestic disturbance call
at your apartment?

Before Kristen moved out,
our relationship got rough.

We both said and did a lot of things
we didn't mean.

Add a nosey neighbour into the mix
and you get 91 1.

- Where were you yesterday morning?
- Chelsea University.

I didn't k*ll Kristen,
if that's what you're asking.

She pawned the ring you gave her.
We've seen people k*ll for less.

We've known
each other since high school.

We were supposed to get married,
have kids.

What happened?

She changed.

After we moved here, she...

...started dieting.

Even got hair extensions,
fixed her teeth,

wanted her breasts enlarged.

When she got into
that Lingerie Football League,

she thought it was her ticket
to fame.

Next thing you know, that girl
from Seattle was ancient history.

So was our engagement.

- Was there somebody else?
- I don't know.

She partied a lot.
Some nights she wouldn't come home.

She started hanging out
with this girl, Natalie.

- Natalie Baldwin?
- Yeah.

She not only got Kristen
into every club in town,

she got her into
this weird stuff, too.

Weird like how?

Weird like they injected this crap
into their lips,

their cheeks, their foreheads.

Supposed to make you prettier,
younger, smoother. I don't know.

Do you know where
they got the injections?

No idea.

Scott made it sound like cosmetic
surgery was a recreational habit

for Natalie and our vic.

But who supplied the recreation?

Nanopaint is used in clinics
and hospitals.

Both have access
to cosmetic-enhancing dr*gs.

And some of those procedures
might involve lidocaine injections

to numb the site.

It's starting to look like

maybe the link between these
two women's deaths wasn't football,

but cosmetic surgery.

I'll think I'll start with
a CT-scan on Natalie's corpse, Mac.

How's Mrs Baldwin holding up?

Well, she's strong.
She just wants some answers.

Being a parent myself, l...

I mean, I don't know how
she gets through the day.

Just does what the rest of us do.
She keeps moving forward.

I introduce you to Natalie Baldwin,
or at least her 3-D representation.

What are those opaque masses
in her chest region?

- Silicone.
- She had implants.

These aren't implants.

This material is diffuse, spread out
over the entire thoracic cavity.

You mean that the silicone
is injected directly into her body?

I'm afraid so.

The City Health Department says

illegal use of silicone
is on the rise

as an alternative to plastic surgery,

especially among the
transgender population and the poor,

who are unable to afford
conventional surgery.

But again, breast enhancements
are the most common uses.

- Did the silicone cause her death?
- Oh, absolutely.

See that blockage
in her coronary artery?

I performed a biopsy.

The clot contains
high levels of silicone.

So a particle of it hardened,
broke off

and migrated into her bloodstream.

Exactly. And the resulting blood clot
caused her heart to arrest.

Industrial grade silicone, the kind
you can buy at any hardware store.

These fly-by-night doctors inject it
directly into peoples' bodies.

You're kidding me, right?

I just used this stuff
to fix a leak in our shower.

These doctors use it to make money
at these pumping parties.

Pumping parties?

Yeah. Well, they can happen anywhere.

Hotel rooms, apartments,
makeshift doctors' offices.

Invitations are usually
by word of mouth or on Twitter.

Instant results,
long-term consequences.

Well, the thing is Sid didn't find
a drop of silicone in Kristen's body.

But he did find a needle mark
in her upper chest.

Our k*ller could have used
the lidocaine to numb the tissue,

to prep her
for the silicone injection.

Kristen's ex said
she wanted larger breasts.

Maybe she was having the
same procedure as Natalie Baldwin.

But because she had an
allergic reaction to the lidocaine,

she just didn't get as far.


There's gotta be a mistake.

Natalie didn't have the money
for plastic surgery.

Mrs Baldwin, did she ever go
to a cosmetologist, perhaps?

Or a dermatologist,
have any kind of injections?

She mentioned Restalyne a few times.

Botox. But, silicone? No.

Do you know where she had
this work done?

I was lucky if I knew
the name of her boyfriend.

I thought this was about the team.
About lidocaine.

Now you're talking about silicone?

Iidocaine is sometimes used
in cosmetic procedures.

There could be a connection.

I'm sorry.
This is just a lot to absorb.

I know.

Mrs Baldwin,

we just wanna find out
who did this to Natalie.

Maybe if we could see her computer,

uh, or learn something from her
contacts or her emails.

I don't have her computer. But
I still have her cell phone at home.

Maybe that could help?

There's no address
for a cosmetic surgeon

in Natalie Baldwin's contacts,
but I did find a Tweet from this guy.

Dr Alphonse Portero.

I rang the Medical Board. There's no
record of him in the T ri-State Area.

- Can we trace the Twitter account?
- Subpoena's in the works.

Hey. I just heard back
from the nanopaint manufacturer.

The sample on the vic
is from a new colour line

called "KennebunkportGray."

40 gallons were just purchased
by a library in the Bronx.

25 gallons were purchased
by the Chelsea Theater.


50 gallons by
a plastic surgery clinic in Brooklyn.

That's where we'll find our k*ller.

Hey, we're looking for a Dr Portero.

There is no Dr Portero working here.

Are you sure? Alphonse Portero.

The only Al we have
is Allen Greenway,

and he's on our cleaning crew.

Where can we find him?

Allen Greenway?

Go around the front.


Check it out!

Don't move, don't move!

Get up. It's over, Doc.

Recognise her? Kristen Melvoy.


How about her? Natalie Baldwin.

Look, I'm just a janitor.

You were on the cleaning crew
at St Maria's Hospital

and three other clinics, as well.

Yeah, so?

So you had access
to confidential patient records,

addresses, paperwork.

And you used that information
to peddle yourself off as a doctor.

That sounds like
some kind of movie plot.

What'd I do next, huh?
Steal a pilot's uniform, fly a plane?

You performed dangerous medical
procedures on unsuspecting women.

You stole Botox, Restalyne, HGH

and anything else you could pilfer
from stock rooms or trash cans.

We've matched several serial numbers
from pharmaceutical wrappers

found in your apartment with
missing stock from those clinics.

Everyone at work helps themselves
to the supplies. Even the doctors.

I guess none of them told you

that injecting silicone
directly into human tissue

can cause respiratory failure,
aneurisms, cardiac arrest.

That some people are allergic
to certain medications

that can lead to a fatal reaction.

You wanna just do it right here?

Medications like lidocaine.

How do you feel?

Oh, my God.

You thought dumping
Kristen's body into the hot tub

would destroy evidence.

But you forgot about this.

We recovered it
from the locker room trash.

It not only contains lidocaine,
but we found traces of HGH.

I don't know what that means, man.
I'm, I'm just a janitor.

I didn't even graduate high school.

OK. So, I'll break it down for you.

There was no human growth hormone
in Kristen Melvoy's body.

That leaves only one possibility.

You were recycling used syringes.

Those needles are found in every
hospital and clinic in the city.

There's millions floating around.

But only one of them leads
directly back to you.

That print you just gave us,

it'll match a partial we found
on this syringe, won't it?

You're good at making up stories.
You tell me.

Your print is on this syringe
because you didn't wear gloves.

And you didn't wear gloves

because you didn't think anything
would go wrong.

But it did.

And you panicked.

You recklessly endangered her life

and then you stood there
and watched her die.


You're right.

It was an accident though.

I didn't know she had that allergy. I
was just trying to make a few bucks.

She, she asked me to do this.

You know, I mean,
it's not like I m*rder*d her.


What you did was worse than m*rder.

Dr Hammerback?

Mrs Baldwin. Hi.

I just wanted to say...

Thank you.

It was hard to learn
what Natalie put herself through.

But at least now I have some closure.

Good. I'm glad.

This was Natalie's.

I want you to have it.



- That's her signature right there.
- Oh, yeah.

Thank you.

People always think
my job is so difficult.

But, being a parent
is the toughest job of all.


Take care.

- Any luck?
- Hey. Couple of prints.

Probably belong to the guy
at the pawn shop though.

Oh, I forgot. We need diapers.

- Yeah, what else is new?
- And we need wipes.

I'll pick 'em up on the way home.

- I'm gonna be here for a bit though.
- Sure.


Got a hit here.

Shane Casey? How did
his print get on your dog tag?

I have no idea.

I mean, this guy is supposed
to be serving a life sentence.


Well, you really are a fan, huh?

Natalie Baldwin's mother
just gave this to me.

It's autographed by the team.

- Mind if I have a look?
- Sure.

But you have to do
something for me first.

Yeah, what's that?

Go long, Mac.

Come on.

Come on now.
Warm up those hands. Here we go.

All right.
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