07x01 - The 34th Floor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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07x01 - The 34th Floor

Post by bunniefuu »



Oh, my God.

Danny (over speaker): If you
hurt her, I will k*ll you!

...man, I got you.


The most important thing to you

in the whole wide world,

right here in my arms.

Put her down.



Be careful.

You look a little nervous.

A little emotional.

I mean, your hands are shaking.

You want to make sure
you have a good shot,

'cause, uh, you
don't want to miss.

Just put her down, you
son of a bitch... please.

She puts the g*n down now!

Or I k*ll her!
You understand?

All right. Okay.

Babe, babe.

(Lucy crying)

Don't you touch her!

You have everything.

A wonderful wife.

Beautiful baby.

Aw, look at the cutie.

(b*llet whistling)


(sirens wailing)

♪ ♪

OFFICER: Courage is not
the absence of fear,

but rather the judgment

that something else
is more important.

Officer Lindsay Monroe Messer

is being recognized for an
extraordinary act of heroism.

It is my great honor to award
Officer Lindsay Monroe Messer

the Combat Cross.


She puts the g*n down now!


You shut down the lab for this?

There's a lot of people here.

Yeah, unofficially.

They all wanted to
be here for you.

Hello? Hello?

♪ Out here in the Fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪


I'm Jo Danville.

I'm your new
crime scene investigator.

And this young woman is dead.

Look, I hope this doesn't become
a regular thing, all right?

What do you mean?

Well, we like to have a cup
of coffee, read the newspaper

before we jump right into work.

Oh, I guess I was
under the impression

the NYPD Crime Lab was BYOB.

Bring your own body.

(laughs) Nice.

You know, if you
two are finished

with the comedy portion
of the program,

we got some work to do.

Sense of humor: Messer.

Sheldon Hawkes: no fun.

Don't listen to him.

I want to know what other floors
were compromised

and how somebody
got past security.

Taylor: Hey! What the hell
are you doing?

In case you missed it,

we have a m*rder
victim in the lab.

If you don't belong here,

get where you need to be.

If you have an assignment,

get to it. Move!

Well, I almost ran out of here.

Any idea who she is?

No. Definitely doesn't
work in the lab.

My first thought was (laughs)

it's a practical joke.

You know? Welcome
to the New York Crime Lab.

We usually sabotage
a pair of latex gloves

or have a tech pose
as a dead body in autopsy,

then suddenly pop to life,

But m*rder?

Not our style.

Good to know.

Dried blood pool.

She was stabbed
just above the clavicle.

Degree of rigor suggests
our victim's been here

at least eight hours.

Hard to believe
nobody found her.

Well, the lab was empty.

Only had two techs
on since midnight.

They never left the building,

had no reason to be
down by these elevators.

Two deep puncture wounds,
evidence of bubbling.

Probably punctured the airway.

She was choked
before she was stabbed.

Looks like petechial

in one eye,
which is very strange.

Excessive makeup,

which tells me
she's single, but dating.

The soles of her shoes
are significantly worn,

so I imagine she walks
either from her home

or to the subway
on her way to work.


Ah, the fragrance
was a gift from a man.

The scent is sweet, not floral.

Do you happen to know
her mother's maiden name?

Just trying to make a good
first impression with the boss.

You know what's so odd...

is I had to go
through a pat-down

and practically
give up my firstborn

to get through security
and up to this lab.

We're going to snip
a lock of your hair

before we give you a desk.

My point being that if she
doesn't work in the crime lab,

how did she get
onto this floor?

Trust me... that's a question
I definitely want answered.

(funky rock beat playing)

♪ Ah, ah... I'm gonna get ya ♪

♪ Ah, Mmm, ah ♪

♪ I'm gonna get ya ♪

♪ Oh... ah, I'm gonna get ya ♪

♪ Ah... ♪

♪ I'm gonna get ya ♪

♪ Uh, ah... I'm gonna,
I'm gonna get ya now ♪

(gasping): Help me!
♪ Uh,
I'm gonna get ya now, yeah ♪

Help me!
♪ I'm gonna get ya now ♪

Please help!

♪ Mm, mm-mm, mm-mm... ♪

No castoff.

No blood trail.

No spatter inside the elevator.

Her clothing and hair
were saturated with blood.

Nothing made it to the floor.

There's blood trace
on the "close" button,

so she was stabbed before
she got in the elevator.

No handbag, no jacket,

no phone...
she was not a visitor,

she works in this building.

All right, with that
kind of injury,

she couldn't have traveled far.

Pardon the pun, but our Vic

only stabbed the button
for this floor.

She had to have known this was

the crime lab.


So she got off on our
floor looking for help?

But she'd have to have
the access code

for this elevator to
even stop on this floor.

Not last night.

The surveillance cameras
and the security system

went down for a couple hours.

We're still looking
into the cause.

That's quite a coincidence.

Hey, how you doing?

Don Flack.

Hey. Jo Danville.

Nice to meet you.
You, too.

They don't usually
m*rder people in the lab.

This is new for them.


So why go through
the trouble of breaching

a high-security building?
You could just

lie in wait and attack
someone in the street.

I don't know.

But we're gonna check

every floor and corner
of this high-rise

until we find out.

I sense you don't feel deserving
of that medal.

I k*lled a bad guy.

I did what I was
supposed to do.

But where would you be
if you didn't have the courage

to pull that trigger?

I'm very concerned about you.

Look, I appreciate everything
you're doing for me.

I'll be fine.

Lindsay, I going
to recommend further counseling.

What don't you get?

I have no remorse,

I have no regrets,
I have no nightmares.

You can check them all off
your stupid little list.

Your work is done.
So, how is it

that after five months,

I hardly know anything
about you?

I'm here because
it's a department mandate

because I k*lled a guy.

That's all you need to know.

Everything else about me
is none of your business.


These elimination prints are

completely unnecessary.

I was an FBI Agent.

I'm in the federal system.

Look, I don't want
to knock your former employer,

but they're not exactly
built for speed,

and Mac is not a patient man.

You know what I think?

I think this is lame
attempt at a come-on.


You think I don't see right
through your little ploy?

I wonder if Harriet and
Charles would be upset

to know their youngest son
is a bit of a player.

(anxious laugh)

No. You-You've got
the wrong idea.

I mean, I'm seeing
someone, and...

Well, there's two.

How do you know
my parents' names?

I've seen your FBI file.

I have a file?

A thick one.

And I've seen some of
those Web sites you visit.

Well, I... You know, I...

I'm not the only one
that uses that computer.

I mean, I've got friends that
come over, and we do research.

What Web sites
are we talking about?

I didn't think
you'd be that easy.

I am just kidding.


(stunned chuckling)

About the Web sites,
or-or the file?

♪ ♪

The Vic's name is Sarah Nelson,

a ten-dollar-an-hour
junior associate

with a 60-hour work week.

This was left after the
cleaning crew came through.

Freshening up her
lipstick after hours.

She was either getting
ready to go out,

or waiting for a
late night rendezvous.

Well, she couldn't have had much
of a social life,

working all these hours.

Looks like our Vic was
face-planted into the window.

I don't think she was
stabbed here, though.

There's not a drop of blood.

Could have started
with a cozy encounter.

HAWKES: There's nothing
cozy about this.

Gravitational blood drops.

No directionality.

Probably from the blade
of a knife.

I'm guessing she slammed
into the display case

and was stabbed right here.

So, the surveillance cameras
and the security system

were tampered with
at an outside junction box,

and whoever did it
cleaned up after themselves.

System went down
at 12:04 A.M.

Midnight security guard's
not exactly Sherlock Holmes,

so it took him about an hour

to realize
that there was a problem.

System was back online
at 1:24 A.M.

initial estimate

put the time of death
between midnight and 1:00 A.M.

(gasping, screaming)



(gasping, screaming)


(scream echoes)

Sarah Nelson was m*rder*d
while I was still here.

I've solved the mystery
of what we thought

was petechial hemorrhaging

in the one eye.

Take a look.

Invisible to the naked eye.

Whatever they are,

they appear to have been there
for several days.

So it's unlikely
they're related to the m*rder?


Any sign of sexual activity?

Not recent, but our victim was

in the earliest stages
of pregnancy.

Any idea what type of bladed

instrument we're looking for?


After quite a bit
of quiet deliberation,

I have a theory.

Uh, it'll be easier to show you.

Uh, the right subclavian
artery was completely severed,

resulting in massive
internal bleeding.

That would explain
the lack of arterial spray

at the crime scene.

Right, but take a look
at these wound tracks.


Moving at opposite angles.

And neither one by itself

would have severed
the artery completely.

Then we'd expect to see
at least some arterial spray

after the first s*ab wound.

Unless they happened

And the only way
that's possible

is with
a double-bladed instrument.

One capable of tearing through
each side of the artery,

completely severing it.

Like a pair of scissors.

Medium-velocity spatter.

DANVILLE: Directionality points
away from the s*ab wound.

That means this blood is more
than likely from her attacker.

She fought back.


(grunting, blade slicing)

Jimmy Choo.

Not bad on a junior
associate's salary.

Kate Spade purse,
designer blouse,

Dolce & Gabbana pants.

There's a month's pay
sitting on this table.

Maybe she was someone who had to
be clothes rich to get ahead.

Hmm. Plenty of stores
around here

that have great knockoffs
for a quarter of the price.

No one's checking tags.

Someone is taking care of her.

There are no guys in any
of the pictures on her desk.

Could be from an old flame.

She was expecting a visitor

that she really wanted
to look good for.

An older, more established guy.

Or a young hotshot
with lots of cash.

Well, maybe, but...

a discreet,
late-night rendezvous

with a man in the office
who lavishes her

with gifts... I'll put my money
on an older, more established,

wealthy, married man.


That's our suspect.

Sounds like you're
speaking from experience.

How I wish.

Not only will it figure out

the pass code to Sarah's phone,

but once I'm in,
it'll give me all her deleted

e-mails, texts and
internal application data.

Oh, so, uh, deleted is never
really deleted, huh?

I keep telling you guys that,
but nobody believes me.

Hey, so, uh,
what do you think of Jo?

I think, uh, Jo's
pretty damn smart.

She's cool.

I like her a lot.

Oh, she gives me the creeps.

I think she's got
secret files on all of us.


What kind of files?


(computer trills)
Okay, here we go.

We're in. Now here comes
the hard part...

sorting through all this crap
as fast as we can.

Hmm. Good luck
with that,

you geek.
Whoa, hey.

Where you going, man?
Pull up a chair.

Grab a keyboard,
help a brother out.

Come on, huh? Huh?

BONASERA: "Linds, just wanted
to congratulate you

"on your commendation today.

"You're so brave
in so many ways.

"It's just a little gift

"that represents my admiration
for you.

"Things here in New Orleans
are great,

"although it's not easy
being the boss.

"I'm going a million miles
an hour.

"Can't catch my breath.

"Say hey to everyone.

"I miss you all.

Love, Stella."

Lindsay? Hey.

I'm Jo Danville.

Nice to meet you.

I've heard a lot
of great things about you.


Oh, congrats on your medal.

Oh, thanks.

I got it.

I'm a mess.


You okay?

Yeah. Sorry. I...

No matter how mentally tough

you think you are, or
how justified you were,

k*lling another human being
is going to affect you.

There's no shame in it.

Till today,
I didn't feel anything.

What changed?

You putting that medal
around my neck.

For the first time
since the sh**ting,

it took me right back
to that moment.

You know, Shane Casey
came into my house.

He threatened my family.

I k*lled him.

I'd do the same thing
a hundred times over.

I never felt
scared before that.

I... I never cried.

I never thought about how much
danger we were in.

I just did what I had to do.

Well, nothing prepares you
for that kind of terror.

And there's no book on how
we deal with it afterwards.

We never went back
to that apartment.

I never took a day off work.

I just swept it all to the side

like it never even happened.

What if I can't deal
with it, Mac?

You already are.

It's happening.

This is the beginning
of coming to terms with it.

Is that what I'm doing?

You'll get through this,

How can you be so sure?

You're a warrior.

If there's one thing
I've learned over the years...

the spirit of the warrior
can't be broken.

Thought I'd find you up here.

Is this your new spot?

Did I have an old one?

Yes, you did.

Right here.


I talked to the department

Danny, I am not going
back there. I'm done.

I know that.

I'm not asking you to.

But, uh, baby, you
deserve this, okay?

You deserve it.

Okay, not for... not for
the life you took,

but for the life you saved.

You saved our daughter.

You're my hero.

Hey, Josephine.

Ah, really?

That's not what it
says in your file.

Hey, Mac.

Check this.
Thank you.

Enemy-X. It's an app
that tracks locations

of the people you want to avoid

at the places you want to hang.

It sends a GPS signal
from their phone to yours...

And tells you
their location.

Looks like she has
a lot of enemies.

She did. But according
to the call log

in Sarah's phone
and a couple dozen

deleted text messages
and voice mail,

there was one guy begging
to see her, all right?

Then two days ago,
it just stopped.

Our first suspect
is Rudy Aronika.

And our Vic was definitely
trying to avoid him.

Where can we find him?

Oh, uh... right here.

I loved Sarah.

I didn't have any
reason to k*ll her.

DANVILLE: But, Rudy, isn't that
the perfect reason?

It's really the people that
we truly love

that can hurt us enough to bring
out that kind of rage.

She's pretty damn good.

Box of tissues on the table
is a nice touch.

The old power of suggestion.

I bet her a steak dinner
it wouldn't work.

Tell me what happened.

What did she do to you

that made you so angry
you wanted to k*ll her?

I didn't k*ll her.

Look, I'll admit
we'd been fighting a lot lately.

What were you fighting about?

Was she threatening
to expose the affair?


Sarah would never do that.

Sarah was dating me
because I was married.

She didn't want the commitment.

I was safe.

And for a while that was...

it was okay with me.

(voice breaking):
And then...

I just... I realized

what a wonderful
person she is... was.

So what do you think?

I think the only thing
he's guilty of

is a lack of integrity.

DANVILLE: Then you fell in love
with her, didn't you?


When she sensed you wanted
to leave your wife for her,

she started pulling
back, didn't she?


It was pretty much over.

And a couple of nights ago,
she asked me to come over.

I was just hoping, maybe
she'd had a change of heart.

But instead she told you she was
pregnant, isn't that right?

I was devastated.

Devastated or angry, Rudy?

Angry that she was
rejecting you?

Angry at what could have been?

No, I was devastated.

I had a vasectomy
two years ago, Detective.

Sarah was carrying
somebody else's baby.

ARONIKA: Yeah, that's right...
somebody else's baby.

(phone ringing)



I'll be right there.

What's up?

Foreign blood
from Sarah Nelson's blouse

got a hit to blood trace
from a mugging

that happened last night.

We have another victim,

and he's still alive.

Teddy Westwick's
got some office here.

This has gotta cost
a pretty Penny.

And then some.

You have two offices
in the city?


This one is just for me.

So basically,

you're filthy rich?

Yes. But it's not
the buildings I design

or the offices that I own

that make me rich, Detective.

It's my wife and daughter.

Mr. Westwick,
do you have any idea

why you were att*cked
last night?

It could have been
any number of things.

Money, jealousy and revenge
are the big three.

I think it was a good

New York mugging, Detective.

From a thug who was feeling
lucky, I suppose.

I'd just left the Avenue Grill.

Probably reeked of one too many.

And he thought he had a chance.

He, uh, he didn't
even say anything.

He just started slashing.

He cut my arm.

We struggled.

I took the scissors
away from him, stabbed him,

and he took off.

The details are in the report
the officers took last night.

You didn't know this guy?

Can you tell us
what he looked like?

No, I didn't really get
a good look at him.

He didn't demand any money
or property?


Why all the questions?

Don't you find his choice of
w*apon a little strange?

I'm sorry. What?
I mean a guy who was

sophisticated enough to disable

a state-of-the-art alarm system

comes gunning for you
with a pair of scissors?

Yes, I'll admit it's a bit odd.

It's more than odd.

It doesn't make any sense.

Were you in that office

last night, Mr. Westwick?

No, I was not.

Well, it's hard to believe
the m*rder of an employee

at your architectural firm,
less than ten blocks away,

an hour before you were

is merely coincidence.

I have no reason to ignore

that obvious possibility, but I
really don't know what to think.

Blood found on Sarah Nelson's
body was a match

to blood found at the scene

of your mugging.

Your attacker first
came to your office,

then found you on the street.

It appears this guy
was hunting you.

And it sounds like he was after
more than a Rolex and some cash.

Something he was
willing to k*ll for.

Help us out.

What could he have been after?

Look, I'm sorry
that young woman is dead.

I'm told she was a... a devoted
employee, a terrific person.

Believe me, if I thought
anyone I knew was responsible

for her death, I certainly
wouldn't protect them.

Detectives, I was walking home
and a strange man att*cked me.

That's what I know.
That's all I know.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Oh, hey, Lindsay.
What's up?

Listen to this...

when is a match
to a fingerprint

not a direct match
to a fingerprint?

Uh, uh, when the DNA
of the fingerprint

is a match in CODIS.

But that rarely happens.

It just did.

I found a mystery
print on the scissors.

I ran it through
AFIS, I got nothing.

Then I swabbed DNA
from the print. Get this...

12 hits in CODIS.

Yeah, it turns out

our k*ller is a burglar.

And a high end one at that.

He never takes anything
less than 50 grand.

He's never been caught,
never been I.D.'d.

Yeah, burglars don't k*ll.

Unless they have to.

So we got the guy, right?

Well, no, because
the hits in CODIS

were to an unknown profile.

Okay, but we got
the prints still.

Yeah, which got me
nothing in AFIS.

Then we just run it

through every database
in the entire world.

(phone ringing)

Hey, what's up?



Because I said so.

No, no, absolutely not.

Because I... said so.

Love you, too.

Was that your son?

No, my mama.

A canvas of the area
around the Avenue Grill

got us what we
thought we would get...

which was nothing.

We're tagging the security
surveillance in the neighborhood

but that's going to
take a little while.

What about Westwick?
Was he seen with anyone?

Anyone follow him out?

No. Bartender can't say
that he was there,

but can't say
that he wasn't either.

Same thing
with the waitress on shift.

Busy place.

Check this out.

Sid confirmed that the scissors
recovered from the scene

of Westwick's mugging are

with the scissors
that k*lled Sarah Nelson.

Same length, width of blade
as well as puncture marks:

Perfect match.
Lindsay's processing them now.

DANVILLE: This is where
this whole thing throws me.

Who brings scissors
to m*rder someone?

A knife, a g*n, even poison

would make more sense.

You're suggesting it wasn't

Scissors are
like a letter opener;

Items that you would grab
in the heat of the moment

that could be on a desk

in the office.
The compromised

surveillance and the alarm
system would indicate

that this was
definitely planned.

And the disabling of
the pass codes of the elevator

just prior to the m*rder...

can't do something
like that on the fly.

So maybe m*rder wasn't
part of the plan.

Then why'd our k*ller
lie in wait

outside that bar, Chase
Westwick down the street?

We can ask him.

You got a name?
And a location

courtesy of the New York City
Liquor License database.

Print was a match
on this scissors.

Thank you.

Here you go, ladies.

Compliments of the house.

How you doing?

I'm looking
for an Alex Brodevesky.

Oh, yeah.
He's right over there.

(patrons screaming)

Your turn.


You kidding me?

(patrons screaming, clamoring)

(patrons yelling)

Police! Look out! Move!

Get up... get up...
get up!


I have to admit this is
pretty special for us.

You're quite the infamous man.

You don't lift anything
worth less than 50 grand.

I imagine you wouldn't
break into a building

with a crime lab in it

unless it was for something
with that price tag,

so what'd you steal?

Look, aside from your recent
venture into m*rder, we've been

looking for you
for a really long time.

So let me give you a friendly
piece of advice,

and this is not something
I usually do, right?


You can continue
with your story.

But it's only gonna come back
to bite you in the ass

when you need to make a deal.

He's not kidding.

I've made a living
in some unconventional,

possibly illegal ways,

but I didn't k*ll that girl.

But you admit to attacking
Theodore Westwick.

I'm telling you he att*cked me!

Why would he do that?

Because I saw him k*ll her.

Look, I broke into the place.

I saw him...

we struggled...

I ran, he followed.

He stabbed me in the back.

Stabbed you in the back?


He chased me right
out of the building.

The struggle on the street,

I took the scissors from him
to defend myself.

I cut him, and then I got
the hell out of there.

And you never thought
to go to the police?


I'm a thief.

My word against his?

Plus a money guy like Westwick

he can make a guy like me
disappear without a trace.

His story explains a lot.

The plan to burglarize
the office... premeditated.

That's why
the security system was down.

Scissors as a m*rder w*apon,
grabbed in a moment of rage.

This m*rder was
a crime of passion.

Two separate crimes.

So Alex was attempting burglary
at the same time

Westwick was k*lling Sarah.

Do you believe him?

I will when we find the proof.

This is the shirt
Theodore Westwick wore

the night of the mugging.

I'm hoping the blood spatter
pattern will tell us

who's the attacker
and who is the victim.

It's almost impossible.

I'll take that challenge.

Look, I know, as
forensic investigators,

we're not supposed to
consider innocence or guilt,

that we draw upon scientific
unbiased conclusion.

In this case,
I'm going to assume

that Alex Brodevesky
is innocent,

and see if the science
proves my theory.

You can't do that.


Uh, well, be-be... because.

That's it? Because?

I'm not breaking any rules.

I'm trying to create new ones.

No blood drops.

(both grunting)

Ross: The blood
pattern on the wall

at the mugging scene
indicates Alex

was pushed against it
during the struggle.

But if Westwick
was slashed first,

he would've been
bleeding heavily,

and there are no
gravitational blood drops

anywhere on the ground
near the wall.

We've got arterial spray
from Westwick's wound

on the newsstand...

(grunting, panting)

several yards from where
he claims he was att*cked.

Now if Westwick's forearm
was cut first,

we'd have gravitational
blood drops like this

all over the crime scene.

But there is none,
which means Alex was stabbed

in the back first,

before Westwick's arm
was slashed.

So Alex fought him off,

grabbed the scissors
to defend himself,

slashed Westwick,
and then took off.

I'm telling you he att*cked me!

He stabbed me in the back!

He's telling the truth, guys.

Which means
Westwick k*lled Sarah.

No, we don't have absolute
proof of that though.

Just Alex's accusation.

Hey, what's up?

Know every answer,
leave no questions.

I can't explain the castoff
on the cuff of this shirt.

These spots are castoff
from the scissors,

but in order to get
inside the cuff,

it had to have been
from this stabbing motion.

And it wasn't from Westwick
stabbing Alex in the back.

Alex's shirt would have absorbed
most of the blood

when the scissors were

There wouldn't have been
enough blood on the blades

to create this pattern.

And the only way that pattern
is possible

is if Westwick stabbed Sarah.


Guys, new development.

Sid found the origin
of the thorns in Sarah's eyes:

Tarantula hairs.

Apparently, the spider spews
hairs as a defense mechanism.

That means Sarah
was in Westwick's

private office
in the Chrysler Building.

And Westwick implied
that he didn't even know her.

We got him.

(sirens wailing)

Move, move, move, move!

Charlie, go!

I'm all clear!

Delta, clear!



CHOPPER PILOT (over radio):
Eagle's got eyes on the suspect.

61st floor, platform.

(helicopter circling)


Get down, face first,
right now!

Don't move!

Get off the ledge, Westwick!

Down on the ground!

That helicopter is not your
escape out of here.

It's one of mine.

What happened was an accident.

It was an argument that got out
of hand. You gotta believe me.

It was m*rder!

No, that girl was going
to ruin my life.

She thought I would
be a father to that baby.

She didn't care what
that would do to my family.

Damn it.

She didn't care about me at all.

Get down on your knees

and put your hands
behind your head!

(slow, distorted);
Don't do it!

Thank you, sir.

Are all of your cases
like this?

Pretty much.

Thinking of quitting already?

Hell, no.

I do have to admit it was
one heck of a first day.

(Southern accent):
We do things a little slower

down in Virginia.

Well, welcome to the New York
crime lab, Jo Danville.

It's still a beautiful city.

Yes, she is.

♪ These streets will make you
feel brand-new ♪

♪ The lights will inspire you ♪

♪ Let's hear it
for New York... ♪
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