07x18 - Identity Crisis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: NY". Aired: September 22, 2004 – February 22, 2013.*
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Follows a group of investigators who work for the New York City crime lab.
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07x18 - Identity Crisis

Post by bunniefuu »

[Woman on P.A.]
The train will arrive shortly.

Please follow all warnings posted.

there is no smoking in the station

or in the trains at any point.

violators will be prosecuted.


A train is approaching.

Please stand clear of the platform.

Now boarding 28th Street.

Please step back. Doors closing.

Please clear the doors.

Next stop, Penn Station.

I'm getting off at the next stop.
You can have this seat.

Thank you.

Hey, old man.
What's in the box?

What's in the cigar box?

You're the one.
It's you.

You remember me?

Hey, man, leave him alone.

That's right, back off.
Leave him alone.

You and I are getting
off at the next stop.

Now arriving, Penn Station.

Now arriving, Penn Station.

Passengers, please exit.


- [muffled g*nsh*t]
- [crowd gasps, clamoring]


My God!

I think he's hurt.
I think he's hurt.

Call 911!

- [camera shutter clicking]
- [Woman] Reminder--

there is no smoking in the station

or in the train at any point.

Violators will be prosecuted.

- Where is she?
- There.

- Ellie!
- Mom!

Are you okay?

Please follow all warnings posted.

Hey, Mac,
bet you a cup of coffee,

this is the most
interesting crime scene

you'll go to all week.

You sound confident.

Obviously, you know
something I don't.

- Do you want to tell him?
- No, please.

All right.

If you had to guess,

how old do you say
our victim is?

Late 70s, early 80s maybe?


- Doc?
- Mid-30s would be closer to the truth.

- What?
- Yeah. And he's a woman.

I like my coffee black,
no sugar.

♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪

Reminder-- there is no smoking
in the station or in the train...

No ID on our vic.

sh**t's been described
as Caucasian male, 30s,

roughly six foot,
black hair, blue eyes.

Got a witness
working with a sketch artist.

And we're checking
with the Transit Bureau

about surveillance
from the platform.

From what I'm told,
the confrontation started

when the old man got on
the train at 28th Street.

There any indication our suspect
knew the old man was a woman?

No. No one seemed
to have a clue.

When the train pulled in here,
they both got off.

Everybody heard
a single g*nsh*t,

but nobody got a look
at the g*n.

Stellate lacerations
suggest it was close contact.

Which explains
why no one saw a g*n.

The sh**t concealed it, pulled
the victim close, and fired.


That makes sense but...

...there's no a trace of GSR.

Witnesses heard g*nf*re.

The victim appears
to have been shot,

but we have evidence suggesting
a g*n is not the m*rder w*apon.

The old man was sitting right there.

And I was standing right here.

And the guy with the g*n
came from over there.

He wanted to know
what was in the cigar box.

Did it seem like
they knew each other?

I guess.

He asked the old man
if he remembered him.

And he smelled bad,

like beer and fish.

- The old man?
- No, the other guy.

I remember because he lost his balance.
Put his hand on the window right there.

Hey, old man.

- What's in the box?
- [train rattles]

- Possible print.
- Yep.

How about a g*n, Ellie?
Did you see a g*n?

No, but I heard the sound.

Kind of like what you hear in the movies
when the bad guys have a sil*ncer.

Hmm. Yeah. Kind of like a...

- [imitates popping]
- Yeah, but only once.

Then there was a lot of blood.

The red line from Penn Station
to Time Square-42nd Street...

I think we're good.

- Thanks, Ellie.
- We apologize for this inconvenience.

You did good, kiddo.

I have one more question.

Step into my office.

Here you go, miss.
Thank you.

Thank you.

All right, what were you
doing on that train, Ellie?

You were supposed
to be at school.

I was going home.
I didn't feel good.

Okay, Ellie, you have never lied to me.
Don't start now.

Why do you think I'm lying?

I don't want this.
I don't like it.

All right, if you'd been sick,
I would have gotten a call from school.

Did you even go to school?

Oh, Ellie, why were you there?
Were you meeting someone?

Do your friends Lacey or Ann
have anything to do with this?

No! Why don't you
like my friends?

Oh, stop it, Ellie.
That's not true, and you know it.

Don't change the subject.

Where were you going?

I don't want you to be mad at me.

I'm trying really hard
not to be mad at you.

Okay, Ellie,

what you witnessed this morning
was horrible,

but I can't shake the idea

that something worse could have
happened on that train.

You could've gotten hurt.

Okay, we made a pact.

Honesty, no matter what.

I need you to tell me the truth, Ellie.

Why were you on that train?

Come on, Ellie, you can tell me.

I was going to visit my mom.

My real mom.

Oh, Ellie.

Isolated cryogenics?

Trauma to the inferior vena cava
led to massive hemorrhaging.

The COD's exsanguination;

She bled out.

Now, your assessment
was correct.

Wound characteristics are consistent

with close contact g*nsh*t.

However, there's no GSR.

And get this, no b*llet.

The wound's not a through and through.

Somebody dig it out?

Wound track appears undisturbed.

Sid, how does somebody suffer
a b*llet wound without a b*llet?

A possible w*apon
with the same force?

And just to complicate things,

the tissue and organs
surrounding the wound

were frozen on impact.

- How is that possible?
- I don't know.

The victim was thawing
right here on the table.

Now, I've been doing this job

too many years to mention,
and in all that time,

the w*apon that caused that injury

is one that I've never seen.

Our suspect's palm print

off the glass of our train...

got me absolutely nothing
in AFIS.

- That's just weird.
- What?

Any thoughts on why our vic
was wearing a mask?

And this isn't some kind of
costume party kinda thing.

The newspaper bundles
recovered from the cigar box

are the same shape
and size as money.

All right, so our
sh**t wanted the cash,

realizes it's fake, and...

I don't think so
because the witnesses all said

that he never even touched the box.

And nobody saw what was inside it.

But why k*ll her?

She clearly wanted to look
like someone else.

If she needed a disguise,

why a mask of some old guy?

An older person
would seem more innocent

and nonthreatening,
which would make you believe

that she was definitely
up to something.

Maybe she was just an actress
on her way to an audition?

- [laughing]
- [computer beeping]

Oh, man. Hey, come on.
That's not right.

- Don't do that. Stop.
- What?

He's just messing
with the age-progression software.

I wouldn't look.

Is that me?
That's not funny!

- I didn't do it.
- Yeah, but you're laughing.

- Well...
- You're gonna be married to her.

- Oh, my God.
- [laughter continues]

We're growing old together.

- Boss, one o'clock.
- What is happening in here?

We were-- Um, well,

while these guys were,
uh, goofing around,

I recovered a rust-like
substance from the vic's sweater,

more than likely transfer
from the m*rder w*apon.

- Rust, huh?
- Yeah.

I think you need
a distinct chemical composition.

You'll be staring
at a big fat dead end, chief.

- [Woman] Crime scene evidence, Detective.
- Oh.

Uh, there was no hit in CODIS
from the blood on the platform.

And Danny's print from the train-- dead end.

But I did manage
to find a partial print

on the adhesive tape
on the cigar box.

And I'm thinking
since our vic was wearing a mask,

she was probably
up to something,

and she might have a record.

Right, which we won't find anytime soon
because our vic is still a Jane Doe,

and I ran Sid's ten card
and we didn't get an ID.

So if that print you
recovered is hers,

it's not gonna get us a name.

I'm your wife, okay?
You don't have to turn on me.

- [Ross snickers]
- [Messer] You started this.

- You don't need to do that to me.
- I'm just doing my job.

- You three done?
- [laughs] Sorry.

Okay, let's get an ID
on our Jane Doe.

Hunting down a location
where this mask was purchased

might be a good place to start.

The quality of the material
suggests it was custom-made,

not something you find
on a costume store shelf.

There may be transfer on these items

that will get us to a m*rder w*apon.

Danny, that palm print?
Let's see if you we can run it for trace.

Maybe we can find something
that'll tell us

where our k*ller works,
lives or hangs out.

[cell phone vibrating]

This stuff was collected
at the crime scene after we left.

It belongs to our Jane Doe.

Danny, get your phone out
and let's record this.

- Yeah.
- Put it on speaker.

- [Messer] Go ahead.
- [Taylor] Hello?

[Man on phone]
Who's this?

Who are you trying
to reach, sir?

My wife Renee.
Who the hell are you?


That's Renee.

I don't understand.
What-- What happened?

There was a struggle
on the subway platform in Penn Station.


No, that doesn't make sense.

My wife is supposed
to be on a plane to Miami.

She's a flight attendant.

I dropped her off at JFK this morning.

We' just begun our investigation,
Mr. Garrity.

We have a lot of questions.

I don't get it.

What was she doing there?

Well, that's what we're trying to find out.

Was there anything strange
about her behavior this morning?

Anything that might have
seemed like nothing at the time,

but could help explain all this?

No. She was...


We'd like to talk to
her family, her friends.

There is no family.

She was an only child. Uh...

never knew her mom or...

Her dad died before we met.

I don't actually think
I've met any of her friends.

She'd talk to them
on the phone, though, but I...

Well, I'd like to get those names.

I only know their first names.


she always called them.

We just got married
six months ago.

We only knew each other
for three months before that.

I dropped her off

at the airport this morning.

Look, would it be all right
if I went in there?

I'd just like to say good-bye.

Sure. I'll give you
a few minutes alone.

Come on.

So I ran down all the information

Garrity gave us on his wife...

her maiden name, Wescott,
former addresses,

her social security number.

Either he's lying to us,

or he doesn't know
who he married.

- She's not Renee Wescott?
- No.

Renee Wescott died 12 years ago.



[pneumatic pop]

[computer beeping]


You're doing a lot
of damage in here.

Yeah, I was looking
for something

that would fire
like a g*n with no GSR

and a possible projectile
that could be jammed

or didn't exist at all.

So these are all cartridge-driven devices.

Staple g*n, nail g*n...

Some of these would be
pretty tough to conceal.

I'm desperate to find something

that matches our victim's injury.

- A vole c*ptive bolt device?
- Mm-hmm.

Even when these are unloaded

they jet forward
with a lot of force.

That could explain why

there was no projectile
in the wound.

And it closely mimics
our victim's wound tract.

But Sid said
that the tissue and organs

around the wound were frozen,

and that didn't happen
in any of these cases.

Okay, so what would
'cause it freeze?

Could any of these
sh**t liquid nitrogen?


But you know what?

Adiabatic cooling is possible.

The high pressure injection

and expansion of any compressed gas

would cause freezing.

That's it.

Great. So then what kind
of w*apon are we looking for?

I have no idea,
but we're a hell of a lot closer

than before I butchered
all these guys.

Thanks, Lindsay.

I hear our little old man
is back to being a Jane Doe?


And for a short while
today our Jane Doe

was a 68-year-old
African-American woman

named Renee Wescott.


Even our victim's
husband, Harvin Garrity,

had no idea she wasn't
who she said she was.

Sounds like she's a master of disguise.

I think identity thief
was her chosen profession.

That mask and phony stack of bills
reeks of something bigger.

- We just to need to prove it.
- Yeah.

- How's Ellie?
- I grounded her to the Bullpen.

Forcing her to read science journals.

What she witnessed today
will stick with her for a while,

but she's fine.

And how are you?

I think I messed up, Mac.

You know what all my friends
keep saying to me?

"Jo, you know, when most people
get divorced,

"they just rebound
into some awful relationship

"or they spend all their money
traveling through Europe

"trying to find themselves,

but you-- you adopt a child."

You're stalling, Jo.

Why don't you get to the part
where you messed up.

Man, you run
a tough confessional.


You know, I kept thinking
that I was gonna tell Ellie

all the details about her mother,

how she was adopted,
how she became my daughter,

and I just never could find the right time.

And I thought she was
too young to understand.

So I just painted a pretty
picture, you know,

told her her mother's name
and where she lived,

and hoped it would all go away
until I was ready.

You were scared it would
change how she felt about you.


And now I've run out of time

because the child was
on a subway heading to Penn Station

to catch a train
to Danbury, Connecticut,

to visit her mother.

And I had no idea, Mac.
She never said a word to me.

She sounds like a very
determined little girl.

She's lost her mind.

She skipped school
and bought a train ticket.

Lied to me.

Mac, this is the part where you say to me,

"Oh, Jo, stop feeling so guilty

'cause you never
told her the truth."

You didn't mess up, Jo.

You just complicated
things a little bit.

You do realize there's a window
of opportunity here, don't you?

You gotta tell Ellie the truth.

Mac, I don't think I can say it.

Well, it looks like
you got reinforcements.

Maybe these guys can help.

Oh, Tyler.

Oh, great.


Mom, a week ago,

Ellie asked me how far
Danbury, Connecticut was.

I thought it was
part of her homework.

You couldn't have known, Tyler.

She kept it all to herself.

You didn't have to come
all the way down here, Russ.

Tyler and I were having lunch
when Ellie called.

She sounded pretty upset.
Is Ellie okay?

Pretty tough day for a 12-year-old girl.

Hey, son, why don't you give
your mom and I a minute, okay?

Tyler, why don't you take Ellie home,
and I'll check in with you guys later?


- I love you.
- Love you.

Sounds like this morning
was a little rough on you, too.

Okay, Russ, really,
we don't need to over think this.

Jo. I'm worried about you.


Well, you're great
at playing the brave one,

keeping a stiff upper lip.

This isn't going away.

Ellie wants to see
her biological mother,

and I know it scares
the hell out of you.

What, you have a little black book

listing all the weaknesses of the ex-wife?

No. It's a list of all the things
that I adore about you.

And I care.

Mac. Print from the tape
on the cigar box got a hit.

Quincy Willis.

Lindsay, it says he died
in prison three months ago.

I know, but it's at
least a lead, right?

He was convicted of a federal crime,

so I'm trying to get the FBI
to rush a confidential file.

I was hoping, maybe,
you could throw your muscle around?

I can do better than that.

There's an FBI agent
in the lab right now.

Quincy Willis
was a master of disguise,

proficient at identity theft,
forgery, counterfeiting,

one of the most notorious
con artists on the Eastern seaboard.


This face look familiar to you?

Got to be Quincy's daughter,
Sabrina Willis.

He taught her everything he knew.

So why isn't she
in any crime database?

Took 15 years
for us to catch Quincy.

He doesn't make
the kind of mistakes

that made it easy, you know.

And you're thinking
like father, like daughter,

she's picking up where
Quincy left off.

Well, something got her m*rder*d.

This is Harvin Garrity.
Married our vic six months ago.

Nothing about him rings a bell.

My guess is he's just another dupe.

Probably has money,
and Sabrina's just stockpiling

all she can
for that retirement fund.

Con artists aren't big savers.

It's the pleasure of the game.
It's an addiction.


This bundle of newspaper
wrapped in rubber bands

was Quincy's trademark.

Size and shape of money,
roughly the same weight.

Put real cash on the top and bottom,
the rest is easy.

If Sabrina Willis
was working her magic in the city,

I guarantee there's a collection of marks
out there licking their wounds,

sorry they ever met her.

Well, where are they?

'Cause we don't have a case file

or a complaint or a description

or anything that would suggest

that this girl was out there
conning anybody.

That's because our search

has been centered
on a young blonde woman...

when all along we should
have been looking

for the crimes
of an 80-year-old man.

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'll never
forget that little weasel.

He scammed a hole bunch of us.

We were waiting in line
for concert tickets.

What's it worth to you
not to wait in this line?

I got a connection inside
that can get you tickets.

- Just huh..
- [Man] No, that's okay.

By the time you
get to that window,

all the good seats
are gonna be gone.

Just seemed like
a nice old man.

So the kid went for it.

One ticket.


when you get back.

Yeah. Yeah.

All right, he goes,
he comes back.

He gives the kid one ticket.
Great seat.

The rest was easy.

All right, you said 120, right?
Yeah, yeah.

- All right, there you go.
- I got it. All right.

And once he had everybody's money,
he never came back.

Yeah. And the kid with the concert ticket,

he disappeared, too.
I mean, he was in on it.

That's why they call it
a confidence game, Mr. Fisk.

They get you to believe
and then they take you.

Yeah. Never even got to see the concert.

He's dead?

Well, let's just say
he's not out there

scamming people anymore.

Filed that complaint a year ago.
I thought it was a lost cause.

Imagine you didn't get
my watch and my cash back.


That's what I get for feeling sorry
for the guy.


- You all right?
- Yeah.

You need some help?

I need to get some cash
to a buddy around the corner.

Bunch of guys saw me get
the money out of the ATM.

I think they plan on taking me.

Try to help a guy out, right?

He had the whole thing planned.


No, no, no, no.

It's better if you carry
it close to your body.

- Hide it.
- Like...?

Y-you better give
me your wallet.

Watch, too.
They might take it.

I was so stupid.

I should've known.

- Wrap it in the newspaper, like this.
- Okay.

Tuck it down the
back of your pants.

So he gives me
back the newspaper,

and I do what he tells me,

only there was no guy
around the corner.

There's no thugs, either.

So, I go back to find
the old man, and he's gone.

He made the switch
when he showed you

how to carry the money.

The rocks were roughly

the same weight as your wallet
and your watch.

Makes it a little tough
to extend a hand

to a stranger
who might really need it.

Mr. Wendle, you ever seen
the movie The Sting?

It's on TV all the time.

Always catch it in the middle.

Well, maybe you want to
watch it from the beginning.


For every one person
who filed a report,

there's got to be
ten times as many who didn't.

It's embarrassing to be duped.

But at some point in every scam,

there's the opportunity
to walk away, or say no.

And then if you don't,
who do you blame?

It's a shame.

Some of these people
were taken for change,

but others lost thousands.

I wanted to tell him that
the old man wasn't even an old man.

But I couldn't.

Didn't want to add insult to injury.

- Think it matters?
- Yeah, I do.

I mean, one more layer of deception--
that would tick me off.

Maybe our k*ller found out.

Thanks for the coffee.

Thanks for stopping by to check on Ellie.

She's a great kid.
You did good, Jo.

Kind of jealous we didn't adopt her together.

Well, that wouldn't have been
the solution to our problems.

I don't know.
She's kind of magical.


It's gonna be a little rough for you
this morning.

You want me to stick around?

For once, I'd love for you to come
to the rescue and do the hard part,

and I could just sweep in
when it's time for the hugs.


No. This one I gotta do on my own.

Okay. Well...

good luck.

I'll check on you later, okay?

- [door opens]
- [sighs]

[door closes]

Mom, aren't you going to work?

No, honey. You know what?

I thought maybe I would take you
to meet your biological mother today.

- Really?
- Yep.

First, I need to tell you something, though.
Sit down.

Your mother, Gina Baker,

was very young when you were born,

and she'd had a pretty rough life.

I mean, she'd spent time
in juvenile detention,

and she was arrested for petty crimes.

She had an addiction problem.

She was a drug addict?


We learned in school that babies
whose mothers used dr*gs

were drug addicts, too.

Was I?

You had what they call
prenatal cocaine exposure,

which resulted in you being born premature
and underweight.

But, God, you were just so strong
and such a fighter

that you-- you grew up

to be a healthy, beautiful young lady.

Is she better now?

Gina's in prison, honey.

You said she lived in Connecticut.

She's in federal prison there.

She was involved in a m*rder
with some really bad people, Ellie,

and I'm the one who put her away.

Will she ever get out?

I don't know. Maybe.


you adopted me because you felt guilty?

Oh, no, honey. No.

Gina didn't have any family,

and nobody knew
who your biological father was,

so you would've ended up
with Child Services

and, ultimately, foster care.

I adopted you because you needed me

and because I needed you.

Our m*rder w*apon.

It's an HPK knife.

A cartridge in the handle expels
a freezing ball of compressed gas.

The g*nsh*t sound witnesses heard
was the release of gas,

and the b*llet was air
that forced movement of the gas.

Which explains why Sid found frozen tissue.

The high-pressure release of the gas
freezes the tissues and organs

surrounding the point of injection.

Divers, hunters, the military,
outdoor survivalists

use this knife for protection
against predators.

Beneath water, a shark is stabbed.

The gas expands,
creating a temporary wound cavity.

The animal becomes buoyant,
floats to the surface,

and no blood is expelled
to attract other predators.

It narrows our suspect pool
but not by much.

All right.
But we made a connection.

See, the trace that Adam found
on the vic's clothing is a match to the trace

that I found on the partial palm print.

It's Halomonas titanicae bacterium.

First discovered in the sunken remains
of the Titanic.

Also forms on wrought iron
and vanadium steel,

which we found on the vic's palm print
left on the window.

That brings us to rusticles--
underwater icicles.

They can only form
at depths below 230 feet.

So our suspect must be a professional diver,

because very few are certified
to dive at this depth.

Which brings us back to vanadium steel.
Although it's not manufactured anymore,

it was used to build
World w*r ll German U-boats.

And there's a sunken German U-boat
off the shore of New Jersey.

[Hawkes] We find the certified diver
who explored that U-boat

and carries this w*apon,
that could be our k*ller.

Find him.

[Men chattering]

Hey, Ronnie, get that loaded up.

- How you doing?
- Hey.

You know where we can find Jason Locke?

- He was just here.
- Thanks, buddy.


Jason, we just wanna talk with you.

NYPD. Show us your hands, now!



Do me a favor and move.
Go ahead!

How much money
were you taken for, Jason?

I'm not sure what you're talking about.

We have a body in the morgue

and plenty of witnesses
who can ID you as the k*ller.

So I'm not asking if you did it.
I'm here for motive.

So let's try this again.
How much money were you taken for?


Swindled by a girl I thought
I was in love with.

Sabrina Willis.

I didn't know her by that name.

- I met her when she was bartending.
- ♪♪ [pop rock]

A dive in the Village.

In a matter of weeks, we were dating.
I went to the bar every night.

I know it sounds crazy,
but I was in love with her.

You never questioned
why things moved so quickly?

No. I mean...

I was a lonely guy.

She was a very hot girl.

How did she take your money?

Looking back now, um, I can see...

I was just so stupid.

♪♪ [continues]

Do you wanna do something risky?

What are you talking about?

I overheard those two guys
over there talking.

She said they had a plan

to rob this rich old man of his money.

He carries $50,000 cash in a cigar box,
makes withdrawals from his bank

same time every day,
heads for the track.

So the idea was
to rob him before they did?

It was so easy.

Until I got back to the bar that night.


- Hey.
- They found out.

They came back for the money.
They didn't believe that I didn't have it.

What are you talking about?
What happened? Who did this to you?

They went after the old man,
but he didn't have the money.

He told them he was robbed.
They must've put two and two together

and realized I overheard their conversation.

They want the money,
or they're gonna come back and k*ll me.

- What?
- Where is it?

It's all newspaper.

- Where's the money, Jason?
- I don't know. I just opened it now.

They're gonna come back and k*ll me!

What are we gonna do?

So you cleaned out your savings.

Yeah. I sold my truck,

my guitar,
borrowed from my brother even.

I gave it all to her.
Never saw her again.

For a couple days,
I thought that they did k*ll her.

I went by the bar,

hung around the neighborhood
she said she lived in,

filed a missing persons report.

Took a week.
Then it dawned on me.

It was just part of a big scam.

The two guys in the bar
had nothing to do with it.

She made up the whole story.

She knew all along that you would
come back with a box full of paper.

The cuts and bruises-- fake.

Then yesterday happened.
At first, I saw the box.

How could you be sure
it was the same one?

'Cause I remember the tape
that was holding it together.

Then I stood up.

I'll never forget it--

that first moment that I knew
that she was the old man.


I loved the way she smelled.

And there was this strand of blonde hair.

[breathing heavily]

I didn't plan on k*lling her.

I don't even remember
pulling the knife out of my bag.

- [grunts]
- [people screaming]

She do this to anybody else?

A few.

- Hey, Detective?
- [door opens]

Do me a favor.

Tell my brother that I'm sorry.

He needed that money.
I'm not gonna be able to pay him back.

I'll tell him.

[door opens]

[door closes]

- Mom?
- Yeah?

I don't wanna do this.
I don't need to see her.

Did you change your mind
because of what I told you?

No. I'm glad you told me.


This all started because of Ashlyn Cooper.

- Who's Ashlyn Cooper?
- A girl at school.

But she looks like her mom.

They have the same blonde hair,
blue eyes, same nose.

I won't grow up to look like you.
So I-- I just--

You just wanted to see what you might
look like when you grow up.


That's all I was really thinking about
when I was on the train.

But today,

I'm kind of scared,
and I don't know what I'd say.


We'll go another time.

We'll go when you're ready.



- What are you doing here?
- Forgot my homework.

I left myself a Post-it on my desk
so I wouldn't forget,

and, of course, I forgot.

On your desk?

Okay. Thank you.
Yes, it's a mess. I know.

Uh-huh. How'd it go?

Oh. It didn't.
Ellie changed her mind.


Yep. That about sums it up.


Mac, you need to get married
and have kids

so I don't have to go through
all these challenges alone.

- Have you lost your mind?
- Yeah. Don't get married.

Just adopt a child.
Children are wonderful.

Misery loves company, huh?

You would make a great father.

Jo, stop.

Don't you ever think
about being a grandfather?


Hey, if I buy you a burger and a beer,
will you stop talking?

Done. You know I have
a weakness for food.

Let's get a real juicy,
greasy hamburger with a light beer.


You would make a great father.

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