01x01 - Golden Parachute

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x01 - Golden Parachute

Post by bunniefuu »

Flight 906, outbound Miami

to DC

Dropped off the radar at 08:20

Crashed right after takeoff

How many on board?

NTSB confirms

two pilots, six passengers

Total of eight souls

Eight souls unaccounted for. Okay

Look, their advising that we
wait for fire and rescue...

Tell them we were four miles away

when we took the call

First responders provide
immediate aid

no questions asked

We're taking this

Call MDPD. Tell them I want to set a

forward command post at
Levy 67 mobile recovery...

biohazard gear, the works

And then call in the night shift

We need all hands on deck

Eric Delko...hold on


What is it?

Right there

We've got a survivor right there!

Hold on sir! I'm coming!

Yes, this is Horatio Caine

This is CSI priority

I need an Air Rescue

I'm located six miles from
the Tammeane Trail

Hold on!

He's not breathing!


com'on BREATHE!



He's gone

I lost him

It happens

He could of told us

We don't need him to

We've got the whole story right here

The jet was registered to a
Scott Eric Summer

He made the Fortune 500 insuring
half the Gulf Coast

Did you get a flight plan yet?

It went straight to NTSB

They've got a go team flying in

They've got a go team flying in

What about fire and rescue?

They just went out to
look for survivors

Delko's with them

Is it as bad as it looks?

It's actually worse than it looks

NTSB is on their way in

They're gonna want updates

Flight logistics, weather,
eye witness reports.

Welcome back, Megan

I didn't know you were
gonna be in this week

Any survivors?

Nothing new

They'll be found in the first
few hours if we find

any at all

how are we doing on safety?

We got it covered

This is a level two biohazard site

We should be taking precautions

All personnel should have
Tyvek overalls on

double gloves, masks and
decontamination after every shift

Everyone doses up on antibiotics

Water is full of blood
borne pathogens

and bacteria from body decomp

Not to mention six thousand
pounds of Jet A fuel

No shift should last more
than twenty minutes

No food, no or water on site

They won't be able to eat out there

Spray from the airboat props

cause contamination

We're treating this as a crime scene

which means no object too small

any doubts, bag it, tag it


See if you can get me a
copy of the flight plan

It's nice to see you too

Thinking b*mb?

Well the jury's still out

Welcome back Megan

Welcome back Megan ask?

You're the expert

Well, no gas puncture

no pitting, no thining of metal

no thermal effect

we still have to swab for RDXPETN

but I think we'll know more when the

evidence comes in

NTSB told us to hold off

on recovery

Yeah but they're not
here yet, are they?

Horatio, we've been
through this before

ValueJet '96. I recall it well

Then I don't need to remind you.
The Feds have

jurisdiction over any air crash

They deputize local agencies

We're working for them

The Everglades is a slow moving

river with a current that travels
about four feet per hour

I know

The crash site slowly degrading
while we standing here

We're losing evidence

Four feet per hour

We need to processing right now

That's not your call, or mine


Listen. I am sorry for the way
things turned out for you

but I did not ask for this job

I know

Anytime you want to take it back,
let me know

That's not my call either

Until then, let's get to work

How are we doing on survivors?

Not good

How many do you got in here?

Four or five, depending on
which pieces match

Injuries are consistent
with catastrophic

blunt force trauama

This type of crash

Was it normal for you?

You didn't get up this morning

thinking it was your last,
did you honey?

Ask him, if he knows what brought
the plane down

Well, I think he might have just
answered your question

Small entry wound in the upper torso

It got him through and through

Calleigh please

Take a look at this

Looks like a medium caliber

Maybe a .32 or a .38

And the b*llet maybe still
lodged in the fuselage

Think we can find it?

Does Elvis wear a white jumpsuit?

What else can you tell me

We were just out there fishing

Heard a noise. Real loud.
Looked up and Boom!

That's all we saw

Did you approach the plane?

No sir, we high tailed it out of there

Phoned 911

You didn't think to look
for any survivors

Hey, we called you remember?

Shouldn't we get a reward
or something like that?

Fishing my ass

Did you see the size of that
r*fle on their boat? .306?

They were poaching gators

There are panthers out
in the 'Glades

How do you know the r*fle
is not for protection?

How do you know they didn't
borrow the boat and

the owner left his r*fle inside?

I trust my gut

It seems pretty obvious

You sound just like Horatio

The problem with the obvious, Tim

is that it can make you
overlook the evidence

What do you make of this?

Electronic fuel injector.
Like in my car

Look closer

Serial number looks like it's
been worn down

Could be strippened

It's a used part

Shined up, given a phony
serial number, sold as new

It's an old trick

I'll have Speedle look into it

I need Speedle look into it

I'll take care of it

Thank you

Hey Herb Ritzm, come on

Do you want to do this while
we're young or what?

I need a minute

How about I take the pictures and

you go out there and

backstroke in that crap

You alright?

Yeah, I'm fine. You alright?


Sorry H

Stay focused

We were just talking about

after a plane crash like this

they used to find all these
passengers without any feet

They couldn't figure out why

But it turns out there's
a support bar

under the seat that was
acting like a guillotine

This seatbelt is unbuckled
and undamaged

Well the flight wasn't full

That's, uh...

six passengers, eight empty seats

Yeah but I've already counted

nine unbuckled belts,
so that would mean

one of the passengers
was unbuckled during

take off, doesn't it?

Might have been the guy
who shot the pilot

Might have been

How's everyone holding up?

They're fine,

they're doing their jobs

What have you got?


Not a pen, not a piece of paper,
not a paper clip


Who travels with an
empty brief case?

That's odd right?


H, com'on!

Rescue, I need a paramedic! NOW!

We got one with a pulse!

Eric! Don't let him go

into shock

He's got a pulsate

Sir, Sir, can you hear me?

Stay with us

Breathe, breathe

Stay with us

Ok, I'll meet you there


H, We've got a Scott Eric Sommer

Resides at Gables Estate

He's unconscious

but hold on guys

He can't tell us anything then

Maybe he can

What do you see?

No friction burn, right?

Means, no seatbelt

So he might be our sh**t

Yes, the question then becomes

why would you sh**t
your own pilot?

Thank you, gentleman

- Horatio?
- Ya

Got a call about a floater

five miles from here

I can't possibly take another
scene right now

Horatio, it is your scene


How did you get so far
from your friends?

Did you fall out of that plane?

Is that how you ended up
all alone out there?

All by yourself?

In more ways than one, I'll bet

Only woman on board

that couldn't have been easy

You were with them,

but not one of them

"All Boys Express"

Been on that flight


We may have an ID
on the flight plan

Christina Maria Calluchi

was Summer's senior accountant

Hello Christina

Preliminary exam indicates no
friction burns on her

lower torso

Which also means

no seatbelt and

a second passenger out
of their seat

- I'd rule out the bathroom then
- Mile high club?

I don't think so

It's such a small plane

It'd be hard to have an indiscreet
affair with your boss, I think

Not if he was picking up the tab

This stuff is all designer

Red suede

Price alone coulda k*lled her

I put a rush on the tox screen

Blood alcohol was .09

Legally drunk at 8 o'clock
in the morning?

We also found traces of fluoxitine

She was on Prozac

Who isn't

Anything you want to share?

Not currently

Could I have a grid please?

C-6 enlarge please

Zoom times four and hold

Zoom eight times and hold

What in the heck are those?

Could be impact related

Something she hit?

Or something that hit her

She's a lovely girl

Mrs. Calluchi

I found this at the crash site

It was empty

and it has what I believe are
Christina's initials on it

I was wondering if that
belonged to her

We, um,

we gave that to her when
she got her promotion

Has she, uh,


suffered any setbacks either

personally or professionally?

Not that I know of

My daughter battled depression

When she was in high school...

that was a very long time ago

She would never try to hurt herself,

would she?

I don't know

Ever since she was a little girl

she was so good at keeping secrets

Will you help me please?

I will

I will

I've never seen one of these before

This old thing?


It's a boroscope

The SWAT boys use it for
a sneak and peek

I think it's kind of cute

Can I take a peek?

Be my guest

So, uh,

what exactly are we
looking for here?

Ballistics evidence

We think we may have had
a sh**ting on the plane

but so far, nada

You know, I've heard of you

You're the, uh, b*llet Girl, right?

What does that make you?
Airplane boy?

Yeah, I guess you can say I'm

aware on an airframe


Then what are these?

Those are bayonnette pins

They hold the door shut

Oh, I know that

I meant what are those

Some type of scoring

Could mean the door failed

Or someone wanted it to

Eric, How are we doing
on those black boxes?

I'm heading back now

I just came back to dose
up on those antibiotics

As soon as you know...


I just spoke to the pilot's widow

How's she doing?

Her radio car is with her now,

She's pretty hysterical

The thing is boss, she kept going on

about Summer and all the top brass

screwing over the rank and file

You want to know why
they were going to DC?

They were being investigated

by the Securities and Exchange
Commission, weren't they?

These are copies of subpoenas

for Sommer and his chief

financial officers

It's classic

Company fails and the
management bails

The boss sails into retirement
with a golden parachute

and a big fat severance
package, right?

Yeah and then Joe Cubicle
gets a nice pink slip

and a frozen pension plan

That whole plane load was on
the to Washington to be grilled

by the SEC

You're not gonna believe this

What's the matter?

Bayonnette pins holding the door

were filed down. NTSB concurs.

That door opened in flight

That explains our victim

that ended up five miles
from the crash


Company's in trouble

A lot of employees ticked
off at the boss

Exit doors pins were tampered

with most likely by someone

who knew their way
around jet aircraft

Means, motive

All they needed was an opportunity

Let's find out who
worked on that plane

Good as good?

Good as good

Nice going

Senior Esparsa, we know that

you have been using old parts

on company planes

And I want to know why

You make money on the side?

No. No par me

You trying to get back at someone?

Is that why you sabotaged

the exit door?

No comprendo. I did nothing wrong

We matched the markings to
your tools. We know it is

you who filed down the pins

I had to make them fit

We didn't have the right parts

I work hard

I get those planes up in the air

Nobody asks how at 30,000 ft

The plane was climbing

How high did this plane
get Calleigh?

Tower radar says

no higher than 4,000 ft

I'm cutting him loose

Why? He just confessed to using
faulty parts on that plane

They were flying too low

There was no depressurization

That's right, which is why that door

couldn't have come off by itself,
faulty pins or not

It was opened from the inside

Which reduces it to two
possibilities, doesn't it?

su1c1de or m*rder

You need to talk to your survivor

He's in a coma

Not anymore

Grace Memorial just called

He woke up

Did uh,

did anybody else?
Any of them...make it?

Just you

I'm sorry

We're gonna take care of them


I mean, we take care of our own

That's very commendable

Especially recently in light of your

company's recent
financial difficulties

I'm not sure if I know
what you mean

We hear that the SEC
is very interested in

how you take care of your own

May I ask you where
this is heading?

We'd like to get your

fingerprints and a sample of

your DNA if that's alright with you

Wait a minute

Do I need to have a lawyer present?

Mr. Sommer

we are merely trying to establish

what happened on the plane
from your point of view

That's all

I don't remember

It's all just a....it's fuzzy

Well, maybe I can

refresh your memory then,
what we do know

is your employee Christina
Calluchi fell to her death

sometime before the plane crashed

And she fell out a door that
had been opened from the


Does that ring a bell?

No. I didn't see anything

I was in my seat


you weren't in your seat

And neither was Christina

which is why there were no

friction burns from your seatbelts


would you like to try again?

I didn't want to say anything
because I want to protect her

Christina was acting strangely,
that morning

she was very agitated

And she had been drinking

Don't take that with alcohol

Get off of me

You're saying,

she committed su1c1de

I'm saying she jumped
out the plane

Why didn't you stop her

I tried to

There 's just no time

When that door opened

she was gone, just like that

I don't remember anything
after that

There is something I
wanted to ask you

When did you hear the g*nsh*t?

g*n shot?

What g*n shot?

No g*n shot


would it be ok

if we took your prints now

You ran a chemical
profile on her hair?

Trace elements can generally

be found on the follicles

Luckly she was a brunette

Right. Dark hair

stores higher concentrations
of contaminents

Nice thing about hair is
that it grows at

an even rate, about a half
an inch per month

Gives us a nice timeline

She's been using

antidepressants for the past year

Prozac and Zolaft

Six months ago,
she smoked some pot

And they say blondes have more fun

Here's the interesting part

Three months ago,
huge spike of Dilated

Painkiller? Maybe she had a
car accident, surgury or..

Not according to her
medical records

And not at these levels

su1c1de attempt?

Mass spec doesn't lie

su1c1de is the only explanation

She was front and center
in a SEC investigation

She knew where all the
bodies were buried

Maybe she couldn't
live with that

Maybe someone couldn't
live with her?

She tried to k*ll herself
three months ago

Tried but failed

Well, maybe this time
she succeeded

Most whistleblowers are women

I think she was planning to take

the company down

We'll never know that, will we?

Her testimoney died with her

Much to her boss's benefit now that

she cannot testify

You want to k*ll someone

there's easier ways than
to sh**ting the pilot

especially when you're
on the same flight

A woman was m*rder*d
on that plane

That's a hunch talking

Where's the evidence?

Show me you're right

That can't be good

What does she think?

She can waltz in here after
six months of being gone

and just take over?

You know...

you're an ass

What did I say?

She lost her husband

What did they give her...
two weeks off

She needed a little bit of time

Big deal

Man, I didn't know

Yeah well there's a
lot you don't know

Gentlemen, those black boxes

We've been over the sight twice

And sonar pingers are supposed to

activate automatically when
the boxes hit the water

We're doing everything we can

We need to do better

As soon as you can

Maybe you just missed them

No way

They're gone.
I don't know where else to look

You know what, I think I do

Survey says

Ok, we've run the prints

The green runs are Christina's

the red ones are Sommer

and he is all over this door

He said he tried to stop her

That's what he says

Let's go through his story

Christina's gonna k*ll herself

She gets out of her seat

and goes to the door.
But Summer

comes after her, tries to stop her

They struggle

Why does he have a hand print

so high up here

Maybe her other hand was here


He's got prints on the
handle down here

Could've put his hands
there to brace himself

Why doesn't he just

take both hands, grab her

and pull her away from the door

She's trying to get the door open

Maybe he's trying to stop her

Or maybe it was the
other way around

It's inconclusive

There's any number of ways
it could've played out

Unless, now bear with me,
bear with me...


Summer's said that Christina

fell out of the plane

as soon

as the door opened

She was hanging on


She was hanging on

She was hanging on


The patient that was in
this room, where is he?

He checked himself out
about an hour ago

What the hell is this?

That's a warrant to search
the premises

For what?

For items looted from
an aircrash site

What you think, you
gonna sell it on Ebay?

Hey you got a locater signal?


Why don't you go get them?

Why don't you?

They're just babies

What are you waiting for?

Let's go

On three




Ok, black boxes

I understand that they're
really orange

This one over here is a
cockpit voice recorder

It records the last thirty
minutes of conversation

over the cockpit mics

This is a flight data recorder

Documents forty
parameters of the flight

Airspeed, flaps, trim, the works

So this will help us with a timeline

to figure out why it
went down, Peter?

Eagle 906, fly runway heading,
Runway 9

- Cleared for takeoff
- Set takeoff power

Power is set

See that game last night?

Dolphins pretty good this year

They'll never make the playoffs
without a quarterback

The first four minutes after
takeoff are normal

It gets pretty funky after that

This is the Captain

Our flight time to Washington D.C.

is two hours twenty minutes

Temperature is 72 degrees

What was that?

We've got a light on

Could be electrical. Lose a bus?

Exit light is definately on

We've got a door open

What the hell is
going on back there?

Losing power

Warning light, Engine 2

We're losing air speed

We lost No.2

Pull up! Pull up!

Ok. Shut that off please

Something's missing

There's no g*nsh*t

Can you play that back, Peter,
from the announcement?

Temperature is 72 degrees

Ok, hold it right there

Can you pull that up?

I'll run a reverse algorithm

Just lose the pilots

Ladies and gentlemen

That is Summer and
Christina, isn't it?

And the door opening


How long before the
door opening

and Christina's scream

She held on for 17 seconds

Until he pushed her
out of the plane

Now all we have to do is prove it

Speed, go to Christina's apartment
and do a full profile

What she ate.
How she slept at night

How she made it through the day

Calleigh, back to the airframe

Back to the pilot

I want that b*llet

Eric. Focus on the
number two engine

We still don't know what
brought down that plane

She didn't leave a note

No shrine of personal items

Only enough food to get
the cat through one night

Is that it?

Ah, full refridgerator,
phone calls to return

dry cleaning to pick up and

ISS courier picked up
the day she left

Was she on her meds?

Yeah, she filled her
perscription like clockwork

Which means she
didn't k*ll herself

That means she was coming home

Calleigh. The b*llet?

There was no b*llet

Well, how did the pilot get shot

He didn't

The rivet runs through it

Metal stress during the crash must

have popped the rivet loose

Plane literally ripped itself apart

That's not what bough
the plane down, right?

No actually, the shoe
hit the engine fan

I found a piece of leather
in the number two engine

Let me guess. Red suede.

We don't have the
evidence to nail this guy

We need the proof

Where are you going?

I'm going where we're all going

Back to those seventeen seconds

I'm the largest insurer
in the southeast

But I've been cooking
the books lately

and the SEC wants
to have a sit down

AS senior accountant, I know
where the bodies are buried

But I can't go through with it

And I tell you so

But I'm not gonna let you
take the company down

Cuz It's my life's work

So we argue

I take off my seatbelt
to get away from you

But I don't let you get away
from me that easily so I follow

Just wait

Then it gets physical

I push in into that door

Which flies open when
I grab the handle


And there you are,
hanging on for dear life

And this is my opportunity

For seventeen seconds we struggle
and I push you out of the plane

Which can't be proven because

there's no physical evidence
of an altercation

And our only witness is
Mr. Summer, our suspect


What else would be here?

What else would be here?

We've got the exit,
we've got the handle

The bulkhead

Cockpit door

But what we don't have,
ladies and gentlemen

is the fire extinguisher

Here we go

Here we go

I know what happened on this plane

Get off from me

Get off from me

No! No!

He k*lled her

But what about the
other passengers?

They would have seen everything

Somebody who nobody on the
plane they're not gonna testify

against and they're on the payroll

It would be against
their own interests

Except the only one
who knew everything

Christina was good at
keeping secrets

Sommer was banking on that

He just didn't bank on her
having a conscience

You okay?

Yeah, I guess I saved
the wrong guy

No such thing brother.
Not here

Right, every man's a prince

That's how we sleep at night


We found Sommer

He checked himself out

You're really swinging now,
huh Scott

Here you are

How are you holding up?


What's this?

This is a copy of a
report that Christina

sent to the Securities and
Exchange Commission

This is what she was working on

I don't understand

Well, she sent this the
morning she died

Now, Mrs. Calluchi this was

a very difficult decision

But she did the right thing

To whom it may concern

I hope I'm not writing
this letter in vain

To whom it may concern

I hope I'm not writing
this letter in vain

But I feel that I have a
responsibility to those

who depend on us

To those who expect us

to deliver an honest
and fair accounting

I feel a responsibility
to speak the truth

For those innocent victims
who are powerless

to speak it themselves

Because without the truth,
we ourselves become powerless

Christina Calluchi
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