01x16 - Evidence of Things Unseen

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x16 - Evidence of Things Unseen

Post by bunniefuu »

You're not going to
disappoint me, are you, Ace?

No ID on him?

Jeans, t-shirt,
K-Mart socks.

Big spender.

He saved his pennies
for the peeps.


How old do you
think the girl is?

I don't know.
I never saw him before this.

Eighteen, maybe nineteen.

Just a kid.

So the w*apon had to be long
enough to penetrate this backdoor...

to do damage, right?

Yeah. The guy
inside the booth...

must have been pressing
against the wall.

Poised to see paradise.

Sharp force injuries.

Three knife strikes
through the door.

Only two in the body.

That's all he
needed I guess.

So, what about an ID, Alexx?

Nothing out of the ordinary.

So far.

Oof. Bad teeth.

He looks Eastern
European to me.

We'll post him in a
couple of hours.


You ever seen that video
"Sexy g*ns, Sexy Girls"?

If you go into a booth
with that saw,

you don't even have
to take your clothes off.

You'd make a fortune in tips.

You're standing
in my crime scene.

If you take the door,
I got to close the booth.

Then close the booth.

Can't blame a guy for
trying to make a living.

I hear you.
So what do we have?

Serrated blade,
eight inches.

With the strike wider at
the top than the bottom.

Some sort of hunting knife.
Well, he was hunting.

The question becomes how
did he know where to aim?

Wait a second.
What is this?

That looks recent,
doesn't it?

I'm taking the door with me.

Lot of people have
been in this booth.

Everybody but a janitor.

Hey, check this out.

It's a hair.

Could be from a million guys.

Yeah, but look how thick it is.

And it's needle-pointed.
I don't think that's human.

Here's another one.

Must have found at
least twenty of them.

Bet when you process
his clothes, you'll find more.

Who's this guy been
hanging out with?

Give me a hand,
Horatio, please.

T-shaped injuries.

Which means the k*ller
used a single-edged blade.

Any marks on the ribs?

Not the first one.

Slipped right between the ribs.

Punctured his left lung.

Filling the lungs with blood.

Which he then spewed
all over the plexiglas.

Second s*ab chipped
the fifth vertebrae...

and severed his spinal cord.

There's your cause of death.

Lights out, my friend.

Plywood, two layers.
Blade didn't fragment.

Cheap door,
good knife.

I think I've narrowed it
down to three.

Gryphon m35 ...

recon ...

With a tanto point.

And Echelon MPT.

Thank you.

So ...

is he military?

Is he SWAT?

Well, in any case,
it's weapons grade,

and whoever owns it,
didn't get it to play mumblety-peg.

Or "I spy."

Okay, so ...

I'm about six feet tall and...

that would make the k*ller
roughly the same height.

He would probably place his
left hand up here for support.

Making him right-handed.

And then lean in ...

to hide what he was doing.


people don't make a lot of eye
contact in a place like this, right?

So even if he was detected,

somebody might just
think he was wasted.

Well, he definitely knew
his way around the place.

There's a reason the
Italians call it "little death."

So he came and went.

Came and went.

This a good place
to k*ll somebody, isn't it?

I'm not working.

I am.

One of the cops.


Well, you came
to the right place.

My whole life's
a crime scene.

When are you going to arrest
whoever's responsible...

for me having this crappy
job in this crappy town?

Do you, um, work the same shift,
the same booth every night?

When I can get it.

It's in the back,
out of the way.

Make more money when
you give the guys a little extra.

Well, the guy they
took out of here...

in a body bag got extra,
didn't he?

Forgive me if I'm
not more surprised, but ...

Did you happen to notice what
part of town we're in, Slugger?

Oh, and by the way,

that guy that got k*lled
I never saw him before.

That's what you
were going to ask, right?

Actually, I was going to ask
you if you work off the clock.

Is that an offer?

I'll take that as a yes.

Where you from?

Lake Leelanau.



Only people from
home know that and ...

I don't make you
for a wolverine.

Well, I spend a lot
of time looking at maps.

You're a lot more fun
than you look, you know?

All right, CSI, what do
you want me to say?

How about ...

I won't go back.

I won't go back.

Then again,

you're paid to tell men
what they want to hear, right?

That's right.

We know it's not human.

Hey, did you see
that tall one?

At the peeps?

The medulla's fragmented.

The index is less
than one-third.

So, we're talking about
a higher primate.

Hey, did you
ever date a stripper?

Nah, I wouldn't
call it dating.

what did we get?

Hairs from the victim.

Cortex to medulla ratio
tells us it's from an ape.

Uh, maybe a chimp,
maybe a gorilla.

Let's assume then that the victim
brought the hair to the party.

From where he works or lives.

Right, so let's check into zoos,
animal shows, circuses,

anywhere where
an Eastern European...

with bad teeth could
have access to an ape.

All right?

You work with Chimps?

I work all over the zoo.

With your cousin?

With that son-of-a-bitch.

God rest his soul.

Where'd you get those?

Where'd you learn
to speak Russian?

That's Victor Ratsch.
Night custodian.

His, uh, cousin
got him the job.

They couldn't stop
fighting. I mean,

I recommended they fire one
of them, but you know ...

who listens to the pr flak?

You know what
they fought about?

I don't know.

I don't speak Russian and
Vadim doesn't speak English.

Did Ratsch speak English?

Yeah, he was motivated.

American women.

Why do you think he went
to peep shows then?

I didn't say he had any
luck with them.

Okay, thank you.
Excuse me.

Yeah, Horatio.


She kept her word.

What's that?

She's not going back.

Both legs are broken.

Massive head trauma.

And unless she
was a diabetic ...

Track marks.

All the way from Michigan.

Like most vehicles versus peds,
she was flipped by the car.

Impact with the
pavement k*lled her.

Okay, but if she was
flipped by the vehicle,

there would be evidence all
over the vehicle, wouldn't there?

Imprint on her calf.

Could be electropark.

Parking by Braille.
Beep, beep.

Right. So we're looking for a
late model, high-end vehicle.

Is that a shard of glass, Alexx?

Can't be safety glass.

Could be from the headlight.

I'll take that.

You get anything, Eric?

No skid marks.

Side of the road,
she's all in black.

Seventy percent
of all drivers...

on the road after 2:00 A.M.
are over the legal limit.

Could be just an accident.

Guess that's possible.

Well, we find the car,
we'll ask the owner.

You do that.

I'm going to find out who
she danced for last night.

Thank you, Alexx.

It's not like we
take roll call here.

Guys come here
to be invisible.

If I looked, if I asked questions,
I'd be out of business.

Key to any business
is return customers.

What about them?

I notice them even less.

So nobody stands out?

You might want to
check out her husband.

He's a real prize.

How do you spell, uh, pimp?

Rick Breck.

Thank you.

Casa del Breck.

Married less than a year.

All righty.

Still on the honeymoon.

You and Amy have a car?

We've been looking.

She likes to walk home.

Liked the fresh air.

When she didn't show
you weren't worried?

She comes, she goes ...

she always calls.

How about last night?

She call you?

Yeah, but I wasn't here.

She left a message.

Can I hear it?

I erased it.

Remember what she said?

The usual.

Then you won't mind if I take
the answering machine with me.

There's nothing on it.


I have one more
question for you.

Do you have a life insurance
policy out on your wife?

Are you kidding?

I don't even have
health insurance.

We should get a warrant.

On what grounds?

On grounds that this
is a m*rder investigation.

It's a hit-and-run.

He is obviously lying.

His lips were moving,
of course he's lying.

You see, I think if we can
connect these two cases...

we have a shot
at probable cause.

The probable cause
is she's a stripper,

she's a junkie and
she's a whore.

She's also a human being ...

And now she's a corpse.

And by god, don't you ever step
on my investigation again.

Glass shard was from a
Mercedes Benz, S Series.

From this millennium,
but as far as that goes,

it's a dead end.

What else you got?

Well, I'm working on this tape
from the answering machine.

I know one thing the
husband wasn't lying about:

Amy's message was erased.

I recovered it using
high-tech microscopy.

Bottom line,
tape has memory.

Certainly more than Mr. Breck.
Let's hear it.

Hey, Rick,
I'm on my way.

Did you get the stuff you
promised you'd pick up?

See, here's where
we lose Amy,

but if you scrub out
the music ...

Hey, Rick,
I'm on my way.

Did you get the stuff you
promised you'd pick up?

Judging by the condition
of her arm,

she's definitely talking
about dr*gs.

And they say husbands don't
do anything around the house.

Okay, here we go.

After tonight,
I could really use some.

Ace, hi.

Don't start without me, okay?

Okay, now,
hold on a second.

Let's play it again.

Let's lift the background
and the siren.

Hey, Rick,
I'm on my way.

Did you get the stuff
you promised you'd pick up?

After tonight,
I could really use some.


Do we know "hey"?

Keep going.

Ace, hi.

We got a deal.

Don't start without me, okay?

What kind of deal?

Let's go talk to Houseboat Rick,

find out who Ace is and what
kind of a deal Amy had going.

Okay, but what makes
you think he's going...

to be more cooperative this time?

An old drug charge I just
dug up on him won't hurt.

Let's go.

Another accident?

Let's call it in.

Fresh k*ll.

Barely waterlogged.

Any scratches or
defensive wounds, Alexx?

Not cursorily, no.

Foam around the
mouth and nostrils.

Earmarks of a drowning.

I'd like to see
what's in his lungs.

I'll find you.


The husband's dead,
the wife is dead ...

Russian's dead.

Yes, let's go talk to the
other Russian, the cousin,

before he chokes
on a twizzler.

Thank you, Alexx.

Tell him that I can see by
the scratches on his face...

that he's been in
a recent altercation.

A lion, a tiger ...

he says he doesn't remember.


Now tell him that if I check
under his fingernails,

and I can match it
to his dead cousin,

I'm going to arrest
him for m*rder.

He says he doesn't
have to talk to you.

All right.


Mr. Infante at the zoo says you
don't speak English, is that true?

Vadim, you've been in
the country for a long time,

so cut the crap and
answer my questions.

I haven't seen my
cousin in two days.

You two fight about the
girl at the peep show?

Peep show, Victor never
goes to peep show.

How about you?

I don't have to pay
money for women.

At peep show, lap dance,
you spend $5.00,

another $5.00.
$20 here, $20 there.

By end of night, you could
have banged a hooker.

Hold a real woman in
your arms instead of some...

picture in your head.

He knows what
I'm talking about.

How'd you get the
scratches on your face?

A big cat?

Victor stuck me with work
ever since he come here.

So you two fought.

Always fight.

I can't report him,
he's my cousin.

But then it gets worse.

So I say to him,
"no more."

It doesn't matter,
he wants more.

So, two nights ago,
he can't feed the lions.

He wants me to feed the lions,
so I say to him,

"You know, the lions,
they scare me.

I'll do anything else."

But no, that night
he has to go.

So I just lost it.

Where did he go that
he couldn't feed the lions?

He only says
to me it's business.

Big business, big man.

All he has to do is look mean.

Which, you know,
for Victor is not that difficult.

He says I feed the lions,
he cut me in.

But I know my cousin.

He give me $5.00,
he's making $500.

Plus, it's probably not legal.

To scare who, Vadim?

Yeah, that ...

I don't know that
in any language.

So you finished the post?

There was water in his lungs.

Okay, let's see what Speed says.


It's not salt water.

He didn't drown in the marina.

So somebody drowned
him somewhere else

and dumped him in the marina.

Well, it's not city water, either.

There's no trace
of the fluoride.

But I did find something
to keep us honest.

Go ahead.

Pine freshener and

Like on a boat.

I'll get this over to trace.


So Rick had a visitor
after we left.

Somebody rousted him ...

...dragged him down
to the bathroom ...

... gave him a plumbing lesson.

If he wasn't already dead,

my money would be on Victor.

Victor's cousin said that Victor
was leaning on people, right?

And that he worked
for a big man.

King Kong.

You know, back in Louisiana...

we used to keep our
animals out of the bedroom.

I've got more ape hair,
and I just started lifting.

So Victor was here.

And maybe he was leaning
on the happy couple.

Why would he be doing that?

I don't know.
Let's figure it out.

There's no sign of struggle here.

Eighteen with a husband and
a houseboat in the marina.

She probably thought
she was in paradise.

Things tend to look better
from a distance, don't they?

Except here.

Up close and couldn't
be more personal.

How come everybody
has naked pictures?

Especially dopers.

All these angles,
in sequence ...

they used a photographer.

Let's print this camera and let's
find out who took these pictures.

Don't start without me, okay?

Don't start without me, okay?

Don't start without me, okay?

Don't start without me, okay?

Don't start without me, okay?

Speed, you all right?

Yeah, why?

I went up front
to get my messages,

and trace is ankle
deep in spectras.

What the hell are you running?

It's on the, uh,
auto sampler.

I'm running the gamut.

Well, dear, it's an OSHA
claim waiting to happen.

You better get in there.


Take a look at these.

These carpet impressions
are interesting.

Best seat in the house.
Front and center...

there's the stage.
Curtain up.

All right.

So, we process the floor
between the chair and the bed,

particular attention
to the biologicals.

I'm on it.

Hey, you guys,
I've got something.

The panel wasn't
on right, so I just...

... popped it open.

That's an Echelon MPT.

I've only seen those
at g*n shows.

It fits the one they
used on the Russian, too.

Blood on the knife.

Compared it to your DB
from the peep show ...

one and the same,
Victor Ratsch.

You found your m*rder w*apon.

Question is, who handled it?

Obvious answer's the
owner of the houseboat,

but someone
could've planted it.

Well, sorry,
can't help you with that.

Strictly DNA.

All yours.


So, Rick used the knife ...

... to dig a spy hole.

He estimated Victor's
body placement ...

... and then watched
Amy wind up Victor.

He braced himself against
the back of the booth...

... as Rick moved in
for the k*ll.

So, we know who
k*lled Victor, and why.

Question is, who
k*lled Amy and Rick?

Speed, did we get a report
on the car glass yet?

I got more off this
answering machine.

There's this weird sound.

Okay, listen to me.

We need to process the
residue on the headlight.

Yeah, I got those spectras,
but you got to hear this.

Ace, hi.

We've got a deal.

What are those clicks?

That's what I'm saying.

Ace, hi.

We've got a deal.

Click, click--
is that metal?

I don't know.

It sounds like the
technology is recording it,

and then transforming
it into something else.

Well, I got something
here more conclusive.

Residue from the glass
shard from the headlamp.


peanut shell,

just for starters.

Clarify, please.


Can you be more specific?

Elephant dung.

Elephant dung ...


On those Mercedes,

let's cross-reference those
parking permits at the zoo, okay?


Oh, god, yeah,
yeah, yeah.

Wait. Mr. Infante?
I gotta go. Bye.

We'd like to ask you
a few questions.

Yes, did you make any
progress in Victor's death?

We're actually here
to talk about your car.

Oh, you found it?

Tell me it's not stripped.

So, it's still missing?

Yeah. I contacted police
about it two days ago.

Two days ago?

The night that
Amy Cannon was k*lled.

In a hit-and-run.


Amy Cannon is
the peep-show dancer...

that was with Victor Ratsch
the day that he was k*lled.

Just a sec.

Hello. Yeah?
Yeah, just a sec. I...

yeah, yeah.
No, I'm right ...


Hey, that's a very
important call.

This is a m*rder

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Is there anything else
I can do for you?

I'll let you know.

Thank you.

Don't go far.

So, I checked for semen.

Quite a job-- sheets, towels,
comforters, bedside lampshade.

Multiple donors,
including the husband.

What about the carpet?

Well, here's the best part --

only one donor,
not the husband.

Not surprising.

And the volume was more
than the average ej*cul*te.

So, a repeat visitor.

Who had a favorite
spot beside the chair.

I don't know, I guess
he was stuck in a rut.

So what do we know?

That Amy had a side job.

My guess is, she trolled
for 'em at the peep

and reeled them
into the houseboat.

Which is where the
husband joined the show.

Okay, let's get a photograph
of Infante into the six-pack.

You and Tripp go back
to the peep, and show it around.

Out of one zoo
and into another.

You got it.

Recognize any of these guys?

Just point.

He comes here.

It's got to be from
inside the car, right?

Maybe she's popping her gum?

No, it's not sharp enough.

It's muffled.

Play it again.

Ace, hi.

We've got a deal.

Maybe she's putting
something in her purse.

H said she had
a backpack.

What's up?

Affirmative on the I.D.

Infante was a regular at the peeps?

He was a semi-regular,
but when he was there ...

He did it with Amy.

Little lie, big lie --
he knew her.

So, if we can match his DNA....

to what we get off the
carpet of the houseboat,

we can determine how well.

Okay, but how are we going
to get a DNA reference?

He'll never give it to us.

We don't have to.

His brand-new car will have a
theft-deterrent device on it, won't it?

That's right.
Report your car stolen,

company activates the
transmitter hidden in the vehicle.

Owner reported the car
missing two days ago.

Yeah, him and a thousand
other owners.

We finally got a radio
car in the city.

Hey, Sam 15's rolling now.


You got to love it when
the good guys win.

Wait a minute.

Cracked headlamp.
Isolated impact.

Got blood smears.

All right.
So, we got the car.

Let's get the DNA.


If we're looking for DNA
to match the carpet,

steering wheel's
our best bet.

Epithelial rich.

Best place to prove who
was the last driver.

This car's been reported stolen,

so we have to anticipate
a mixture of DNA, right?

Infante's and the car thief's.

H, I thought you made
him for a liar on this.

Infante is a liar.

I just don't know
what the lie is yet.

You want to take notes?

Well, you're watching me
like you want a DNA lesson.

No, I was, uh,
just admiring your ...


Oh. I got mad technique.
You got no idea.

Primary donor on the steering
wheel matches the carpet.

Yeah, that's the registered
owner of the car, Infante.

Minor donor's unknown.


Well, get it in CODIS,
hope for a hit.

Sounds good.

Mr. Infante, how many
private peeps did you,

uh, get from Amy?
Define private.

Not at her place of employment.


Look it, if I'm guilty of anything
it's being a loyal customer.

I liked Amy.
I liked what she did for me.

I liked how she made me feel.

At Show Land?


Just at Show Land?

Mr. Infante,

we can confirm your DNA in her
bedroom on multiple occasions.

Okay ...

so what?

Yeah, I was there.
Consenting adults -- nothing illegal.

All right.

Let me tell you how
I think it went.

It started at Show Land ...

First time?

I'll try anything once.

You couldn't get enough.

Once you had a taste of Amy,
she had her hooks in you.

We can go someplace
more private.

No tokens. No glass.
No limitations.

You can't possibly
be here because

I watched two people having sex
in the privacy of their own room.

No, no, no.

We like you for their m*rder.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

We know you hired Victor.

And a thousand.

I love Americans --

they pay up front.

You hired Victor
to muscle them.

They were blackmailing me.

And you didn't want your
palm beach donors

to get wind of what you were doing
with these consenting adults?

That's right.

I thought it would be an
embarrassment, and frankly,

I didn't think it was going
to stop at one payment.

So when they k*lled your guy,

you stepped in and
did the job yourself.

A little hit-and-run,
a little drowning ...

No! I told you,
my car was stolen.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

Guys we're talking
about 50, 60,000 bucks.

I don't think
they were serious.

I can earn that with a private
viewing with one of the gorillas.

We can close this one out.

I think we need to take a beat.

We've got motive...


We have a very expensive
four-wheel w*apon.

Have you got a better idea?

I think I do.

Eric? You get
the minor donor?

Hot off the press, boss.

We got a hit off the
steering wheel.

Convicted felon.

Who is it?

Practically family.

Hello, Ace.
Nice going.

Have a seat, Mr. Davis.

I'll stand.

I think you're going
to want to sit for this one.

Lewd and lascivious
conduct, pandering,

grand theft auto,
and now m*rder.

Right, a guy gets
m*rder*d at my shop,

you want to pin it on me?

Ironically, that's the one
we're not going to hang on you.

You m*rder*d
Amy and Rick Breck.

Why would I bite the
hand that feeds me?

Amy was a great earner.

Nineteen-- looks fifteen.

I couldn't keep 'em away ...

with that, uh,
farm girl act.

I had guys lining up.

Outside your booth?
Or in their houseboat?

All the girls chippee on the side.

It's part of the business.

Yes, it is, but you see,

Rick and Amy were making
some real money off

a blackmailing scheme and
not cutting you in, were they?

Mr. Davis, your DNA places
you behind the wheel...

of a car that k*lled Amy.

Hey, Rick,
I'm on my way.

Did you get the stuff
you promised you'd pick up?

After tonight,
I could really use some.


Ace, hi.

We got a deal.

Don't start without me, okay?

Why don't you get in the car.

Alone? Are you crazy?

Meet me and Rick
in the houseboat.

And I can assure you ...

That DNA doesn't lie.

We got a deal.


The zoo guy's, uh, car?

The kink lent it to me so
I'd look the other way...

while he was off perving
with Amy and her husband.

Then what? He, uh ...
he calls it in stolen.

It sounds to me like,
uh, insurance fraud.

Sounds like something
else to me.

Sit down.

The guy has TMJ.

Cracks his jaw.

That's a nervous habit.

How'd you get
him on this, though?

I had him give me a taped statement
about how he didn't k*ll anybody.

And he got nervous.


What can I do for you, slugger?

♪What you gonna do
when you just found forever?♪

♪Where you gonna get to when
you can't get it together?♪

♪Forever and a day♪

♪a fly gets caught
upon a spider's web♪

♪the snake still has
another skin to shed♪

Well, what do
you want for this?

I want you to take
the day off.

What about tomorrow?

Tomorrow is what
you make of it.

♪Forever and a day♪

♪the truth be told♪

♪you're more than
stones and rings of gold♪

♪you can't be
bought or sold♪

♪what you gonna do when
you just found forever?♪

♪Where you gonna get to
when you get it together?♪

♪each and every day.♪
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