851 - September 28, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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851 - September 28, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR: This night at Collinwood,

a man and a woman have closed the door on their past.

Many secrets and many enemies have stood between them,

but their love has been strong enough

to solve and defeat them all,

even their most powerful enemy, time itself.

For though he has come to the station

too late to catch the train

that was to take them to their new life,

Quentin Collins sees with joy

that Amanda Harris has waited for him.

[ wind howls ]

I should've known she'd wait.

Amanda, I knew you wouldn't get on that train.

WOMAN: [ gasps ] I beg your pardon?

Oh, I'm sorry.

Tell me, has the train for New York left yet?

A couple of minutes ago, I just got off it.

Are you alright?

Uh, yes, I'm alright.

I just made a mistake.

I made a terrible mistake.

[ tense music ]

[ eerie music ]

[ door knocks ]

Who is it?

Petofi, let me in.

What do you want?

Let me in, Charles, I want to speak to you.

Just a minute.


Quentin Collins didn't lose much time, did he?

What do you mean?

The portrait.

Did he get it?

CHARLES: What are you talking about?

Don't waste my time, Charles, where is it?

CHARLES: Where is what?

Quentin's portrait!

The one you stole from his room.

Why do you say I stole something, huh?


I don't know why, and I don't care why!

I do know it was an incredibly rash and foolish thing to do.

Now then, tell me,

did you find it?

I told you, I don't know what you're talking about.

Stealing that picture was idiotic, Charles.

I intend to punish you for it,

don't make that punishment worse by defying me now!

It seems none the worse for its adventures.

Would have been most unfortunate for you if it were.

Please understand me.

I don't mind theft,

I do mind stupidity,

and you have been incredibly stupid!

I have plans for Quentin Collins.

I will not let you interfere with them.

Well he didn't mind interfering with my plans.

What do you mean by that?

I asked Amanda to marry me.

And what did she say?

She might have said yes,

if he'd given her a little time,

but he didn't give her any time,

he just stole her away.

How very romantic.

CHARLES: Yeah, well it won't be, not after,

not after she spends a little time with him.

So the fair Amanda is planning to run away with Quentin.

That's right, on the six o'clock train.

And how do you think stealing this portrait would help to

prevent that romantic adventure?

Oh, I wasn't sure.

I hear a hint of evasion in your answer.

I dislike evasion.

Look Petofi, I didn't know what to do,

and I didn't know when to do it.

Many thoughts were crossing your mind.


Well let them cross your mind no longer.

Portrait is mine now.

And I intend to keep it.

Charles, you found your ideal in Amanda,

and you lost her.

Such a loss would be enough to unhinge

a far more stable mind than yours.

I understand, Charles.

I almost forgive you.

Tell me Charles, this was the first,

the only time you've ever deceived me, wasn't it?


PETOFI: You're quite sure of that?

Yes, I'm quite sure.


Then we know where we stand.

I have the portrait of Quentin,

Quentin has Amanda,

and you have all the pictures you've painted of her.

May I confess something to you, Charles?

Something I've never told anyone.

I too have an ideal.

A face I see as I drift off to sleep.

A woman who haunts my dreams.

A beautiful woman, tall with raven hair

and eyes like a cat.

Could you draw that woman for me, Charles?

Could you do that for a lonely friend?

Oh Petofi, that's something you see in your mind.

I couldn't put it down on a piece of paper--

Try, do try!

Just a quick sketch will do.

Draw a woman with black hair

and eyes like a cat.

Look, I'm afraid--

PETOFI: You hesitate, Charles, is there some reason

you don't want to draw this woman?

Yes, I'm afraid that I might disappoint you.

I'm only disappointed that you hesitate to do as I ask!

It's difficult Petofi, to see into somebody's mind.

Then look into your own mind.

Create someone entirely from your own imagination.

Do as I say, Charles and let's see what happens.

No, Petofi, I,

I'm afraid.

PETOFI: Of disappointing me?

Or is there something else?

No, no, there's nothing.

I'll try.

Excellent, Charles.

One more stroke and she'll be finished.

Finish it, Charles!

Finish it.

Yes, she's beautiful,

and so real, I can't believe

she isn't here in the room with us.

No, no, she's not here!

What's the matter, Charles?

It's nothing.

Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

I'm sorry I forced you to draw my ideal woman.

I just uh,

thought you might be disappointed, that's all.

No, no Charles, you draw beautifully.

I said I almost forgave you for stealing Quentin's portrait.

And I almost did, but not quite,

because you were arrogant.

And arrogance must learn humility,

no matter how painful the lesson may be.

Goodbye, Charles!

I am sorry for your loss.

Petofi wait, I need...

[ door slams ]

[ tense music ]

It can't be.

No, he couldn't have.

It's true!

I can't, I can't sketch at all!

Not a single line!

[ door knocks ]

Well, Mr. Shaw.

Now, she's left these at my hotel.

Look at this, go on, look at it.

"Dear Tim,

"everything in my life has been unreal up until now,

"but I finally found reality,

"and it has changed me, completely."

TIM: Reality, what she means is she's found a new man.

Be quiet!

"I'm giving you back your brooch,

"give it to your next companion,

"I have no further use for it."

Now what can she think she'll gain with you?

Well, it won't be diamonds.

She doesn't want diamonds.

Doesn't she?

You have quite a lot to learn about Amanda.

Well now, why don't you start teaching me, Mr. Shaw?

And what is that supposed to mean?

You tell me everything you know about Amanda Harris.

Where you met her, who else she knows in New York,

and where she might go if she's left here.

I'm not telling you anything.

I came here to see Amanda,

and she's who I'm going to see.

QUENTIN: Well you can't, she's gone.

Without you?

Without you, Quentin.

Oh, she up and left without her Quentin.

Well that's the best news I've heard in a long time.

She left without me.

But I'll find her.

And you're going to help me.

- Oh, no, I'm not. - QUENTIN: Why not?

The only future she has with you is death.

Mr. Shaw, you're going to tell me

everything you know about Amanda Harris,

or I swear, you won't get out of this house alive.

[ tense music ]

Now you start telling me every thing you know about Amanda.

Don't k*ll me!

We didn't have so much to say,

it was just, met in New York.

She doesn't have any plans.

QUENTIN: Where did she stay in New York?

- The... - QUENTIN: Come on!

At the Hotel Holbrook.

But she never received any messages or mail.

Nobody ever came to see her.

She had no outstanding habits or interesting generalities.


In short, Quentin you're gonna have

a difficult time finding her.

But I will find her, Shaw.

I'll take the next train to New York and I'll find her.

TIM: Quentin, if you love her, you'll leave her alone.

Get out of here!

TIM: I'm not going to let you destroy her!

I said get out of here!

Why are you so harsh with Tim Shaw?

He was interfering in some plans of mine.


What kind of plans?

They wouldn't be of interest to you.

Quentin, all your plans are of interest to me.

Especially your marriage plans.

I have no marriage plans!

I know.

Don't you think it's time you did?

Well, uh, let's not be in a rush, huh?

Quentin, I sense your reluctance about marrying me.

When is it going to be?

QUENTIN: What do you mean?

When are we going to be married?

You choose the date.

Well, let's pick a date when I uh,

when I return from Boston, huh?

Boston, why are you going to Boston?


That's why I was arguing with, uh, Tim Shaw.

He gave me some information I don't trust,

I want to go check it out for myself.

Oh, it's really not like you, Quentin

to suddenly be so interested in business.

Yes, I know, but I've seen the success that Tim Shaw's had,

and I feel ashamed I haven't made more out of my life.

Oh, well.

I don't know whether or not I like this new serious Quentin.

But I'll marry him anyway.


Well uh, why don't we pick a date after I get back?

Complications may keep me there longer than I expect.

I'd hate to pick a date, then miss the wedding, you know?

Yes, I wouldn't like that either.

If you'll excuse me, I'll pack.

Can I help you?

I can do without you.

Yes, perhaps you can.

But don't decide to try.

[ door knocks ]

What are you doing here?

Is Quentin here?


Good, I thought he might still be here.

Oh, did you know he was going away?

Did you?

ANGELIQUE: He just told me.

Where is he going?

He said that he's going to Boston.

He said, do I detect a note of distrust in your voice?

You're a very beautiful woman, madam.

I have admired you for a long time.

Quite frankly it's unbelievable to me that

any man should prefer another woman to you.

What are you talking about?

I have a feeling that my conversation tonight

should be with you, not with Quentin.

I'm not sure that I'm interested.

I think you will be.

You see, my dear,

you and I have a common cause, at last.

[ tense music ]


What do you want?

Come, come, don't be so suspicious.

I came when I heard you were going to New York

with Amanda Harris.

I'm going to, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Why should I want to stop you?

She's a very lovely girl.


I see, you think my plans for you

depend on your staying here.

No, my boy, distance is no impediment to me.

Wherever you are, I will be with you.

Now come, catch your train.

Find your fair lady, wherever she may be.

- [ laughs ] - [ mysterious music ]

[ door knocks ]

Come in!

I've just seen our friend, Charles Tate.

And what did you find out?

Quite a few things.

My dear boy, I'm terribly sorry.

What do you mean?

Charles told me that your pretty companion

has fallen in love with Quentin Collins that they, uh,

plan to go away together.

Is that Miss Harris's farewell note?


And may I?

Well, what happened to Charles's studio?

Curious how she seeks reality.

Did he draw a person for you?

Yes, he did.

This is lovely.

Truly lovely.

She likes surprises, Amanda.

One day Quentin will surprise her,

and it'll be the last surprise of her life.

You really are concerned about her, aren't you?

TIM: Yes, yes I am.

Then, my boy, would you like me

to put the situation to rights?

Will you bring her back?

PETOFI: I will do what must be done.

I want her back.

I said I will do what must be done.

That will have to content you for the moment.

Now since you've been so patient,

I'll tell you what happened at my meeting with Charles.



Nothing, I tested him and he failed miserably.

You did have him draw a person for you?

A very beautiful lady,

but she failed to achieve the [ laughs ]

dimension of Amanda Harris.

I can't understand that.

I saw a man, I saw him come to life!

You saw what you wanted to see.

There's a curious phenomenon, Mr. Shaw.

Hungry men dream of food.

When a man has been hungry long enough,

he begins to imagine he sees food,

even when he's awake.

Mr. Shaw, you've dreamt of wealth and power

for a long, long time.

You think I just imagined this whole thing?

What else am I to think?

Don't be bitter.

I assure you there are still ways

in which we could be of use to one another.

Goodnight, Mr. Shaw.

[ tense music ]

[ train bell rings ]

That's the train to New York, Quentin.

You told me you were going to Boston.

I uh, changed my mind.


You are going to New York to find Amanda Harris?

What do you know about Amanda?

That you think you're in love with her.

I don't think, I know it.

Isn't that a bit inconvenient,

when you're going to marry me?

I tried to care very much for you, Angelique.

And I really would have gone through our bargain,

really I would have,

if I hadn't have met Amanda.

But the way I feel about her,

that only happens to a man once in a lifetime.

Quentin, don't bore me with this nonsense.

There isn't time!

You're right, I have a train to catch.

I wouldn't get on that train if I were you.

Why not?

Are you threatening me?

[ laughs ] What would you do, k*ll me?

Well you go right ahead.

At least I'll die walking away from you.

Quentin, I wouldn't hurt you.

No, I promise you.

If you get on that train, no harm will come to you.

[ tense music ]

But Miss Harris will not be quite so fortunate.

Wherever she is now,

wherever she is when I pierce this doll with her brooch,

she will die, horribly and painfully.

You wouldn't do that!

You'll make me do it if you get on that train.

You decide, Quentin.

Will Amanda Harris live,

or die?

[ tense music ]

[ eerie music ]
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