853 - September 30, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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853 - September 30, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, at the turn of the century,

and a tortured night for one who finds herself

having an unexplainable dream

about a woman she has just met.

[ moaning ]



Mademoiselle... [ laughs ].

I told you, Mademoiselle, that in our country,

it's flirting with misfortune for the bridegroom

to see his bride before the ceremony.

What did he say to that, Angelique?

Oh, he assured me he would never cause you misfortune.

No, not for the world.

But he begged me to give you some tokens

that you might not forget him.

[ laughs ]

but I would never forget him.

ANGELIQUE: Oh, I assured him of that.

May I see the tokens?

Something for the nose and eyes.

And something for the mind and heart.

Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.

Ha, how did he know that was my favorite?

"Oh, my love is like a red, red rose

"that's newly sprung in June.

"My love is like a melody

"that's sweetly played in tune.

"And I will come again, my love.

"Though it were , miles."

It's beautiful.

Yes, so beautiful.

Everything always is so beautiful

for the little Mademoiselle.

But be careful.

Too much good fortune can make the Gods jealous of you.

Jealous of you.

Jealous of you.

Jealous of you.

Where was I? Who was I?

What was happening to me?

Why was Angelique my servant? I don't understand.

But I don't really need to.

Edward said it was all in my mind.

[ suspenseful music ]

Poems and Songs of Robert Burns.

Something is happening.

It's not in my mind.

Something is really happening.

[ suspenseful music ]

[ eerie music ]

[ delightful music ]

Mr. Collins.

- Well, come on in. - Thank you.

Does the music bother you?

Mr. Collins, I must know about your fiancée,

all about her.

- Is she French? - Nope.

- She must be. - You asked me and I told you.

- How long has she been here? - QUENTIN: Six months.

Where did she come from?

She came to see me.

KITTY: From where?

Does that matter?

Yes, because I am sure that I've known her before.

Tell me, did Angelique ever live in England?

Surely, you can tell me that.

Well, if he can't, Lady Hampshire,

then I certainly can.

No, I have never been to England.

Does that satisfy your curiosity?

I'm sorry.

I know this must seem absurd to you,

but we have met before.

- Have we? - I'm sure of it.

May I ask you a personal question?

Were you ever a servant or a personal maid?

I would have been a very poor one, don't you think?

Service requires a kind of temperament

I don't possess.

You're not answering my question.

Quentin, assure Lady Hampshire

that you're not marrying below your status.

Lady Hampshire knows that.

I am sorry.

I certainly didn't mean to be insulting.

QUENTIN: Angelique.

You could have been a little kinder to her.

She reminds me of someone I loathed.

Well, why didn't you tell her, huh?

My charming Quentin.

I wonder how much longer

I'll put up with these moods of yours.

You can stop anytime you like.

I'll only wait so long for you to change.

And if I don't? What are you going to do?

Change you myself.

- I'm going back to the village. - What for?


That will do you good. I think I'll let you wonder.

[ suspenseful music ]

It's almost as if a ghost left them.

EDWARD: Kitty.

Oh, Edward, don't look at me that way.

You know I'm not mad.

I know that very well.

Who could have come into my bedroom

while I was asleep?

It must have been Jamison.

Edward, he's hardly paid any attention to me.

But that's how boys his age are.

They develop the most astonishing crushes.

I know that if you had come into this house

when I was Jamison's age, I would have thought

that nosegay was this big, and the book.

[ Kitty chuckles ]

Well, I don't think it would have been Robert Burns.

Donne, more likely.

That's funny.

I didn't know we had a copy of Burns in this house.

In the old house, hmm.

It must have come from the library there.

KITTY: Who lives in the old house?

No one.

You mean since Barnabas Collins?

Jamison often plays there. I'm sure that's the explanation.

Well, I must talk to him.

I'll see that he doesn't trouble you anymore.

Oh, if you'll excuse me,

I'll do it now before he goes to sleep.

You'll be all right now.


[ gentle music ]


Oh, Amanda, where are you?

Lady Hampshire.

- His eyes want to see again. - EDWARD: What is it?

He wants to come home.

What is she talking about?

QUENTIN: The portrait.

Where did she get it?

I will not let them harm you.

- Kitty, for God's sake-- - No, don't touch me.

You must come to your senses.

Let his eyes tell me what to do.

- No! - Please.

Joshua... Joshua Collins.


[ ominous music ]

[ gentle music ]

My husband, my husband.

I didn't want you to die.

Even though I loved him,

I did not want you to die, Jeremiah.

Poor Jeremiah.

Angelique made us marry. She used her black arts.

- Kitty, please. - Joshua, don't hate me.

I am not Joshua Collins and I do not hate you.

You cannot take me from my husband's grave.

Gerald is not buried here.

This is the grave of Jeremiah Collins.

Yes. Yes.

He died over years ago. You were not married to him.

He was married to a woman named Josette.


I don't want you to ever say that name again. Ever.

Don't blame him. He is not to blame.

Blame me but do not blame him.

- Kitty. - Don't call me that.

Don't call me that.

Thank you, thank you very much.

- Is everything all right? - Yes, yes, I think it is.

When will you need more?


And if you could, possibly bring it earlier.

Yes, all right.

It's curious meeting you, even liking you.

- After all you've heard. - All of it true, I'm sure.

Oh, that wasn't very tactful, was it?


No, I'm sure that everything that Barnabas has told you

was the truth.

However, there is one truth that he never was able to accept.

That I sincerely, honestly loved him.

As you love Quentin now?

As Iwilllove Quentin when he lets me.


Angelique, you must--you must both be--be very careful.

Petofi is planning something.

Something, and it-- and it involves Quentin.

I'm sure of that.

You've got to watch him

and--and do everything you can to protect him.

Yes, I'll try.

But that hand.

That hand frightens even me.

I've never admitted that before, even to myself.

I'll deny it again tomorrow.

But it does, Julia, it does.

I've got to get back to Collinwood.

It wouldn't do to arouse suspicion

by staying away too long.


[ leaves rustling ]


- Barnabas, is that you? - Lady Hampshire--

No, no, I must go to Barnabas. He's in danger.

Lady Hampshire.

[ suspenseful music ]

Ah, the most charming woman at Collinwood.

What do you want here?

To see your fiancée, of course.

He isn't in.

I've already been told that. I shall wait.

What do you want him for?

My dear Angelique, you're incredibly direct.

For a moment, I thought I was talking to Julia Hoffman.

Well, you're not.

You're talking to the woman

who's going to marry Quentin Collins.

Are you asking me for my blessing?

No, there's no need for that and there won't be.

- You have the hand? - Yes.

And I also have a gift of my own.

I can summon up strange and horrifying spirits.

How would you like to be walking through the woods one night

and hear a noise?

Suddenly in your path there's a bolt of lightning

and there stands King Johnny Romano,

his sword held high.

You wouldn't risk that meeting, would you?

[ eerie music ]



You are here.

I feel it.

But where?

Where are you, my darling, where?

Yes, yes, my darling, I'm coming.

I'm coming.

[ gentle music ]

[ suspenseful music ]

You are coming to me.

You are coming to me.


What are you doing here?

What have you done to Barnabas?

Why do you keep him locked up in there?

- You let me see him. - Barnabas is dead.


No, he is not dead. You won't let me see him.

You won't let me see him.

Quentin, help.


QUENTIN: Lady Hampshire.

Let me go, let me go.

- JULIA: Go after her, Quentin. - No.

JULIA: You must.

Julia, I know why you stayed in our time.

I just found out.

- Barnabas isn't dead, is he? - JULIA: You know that he is.

No, I don't. I believed her.

I don't know why, but I did.

Because you want to believe her, that's why.

Quentin, you saw Barnabas in his coffin.

Everybody told you that they saw the stake in his heart.

Go and find out for yourself. Go to the cave.

Edward has had the cave sealed.

And Barnabas' body is there. Barnabas is dead, Quentin.

Oh, Quentin.

I don't want to believe it either, but I must.

And, you must, too.

Edward, what--whatever is happening to me,

it must stop.

It will.

With rest...

and love.


Will love cure me, Edward?

I'm sure it will.

Oh, Edward, I don't think

I could live through this without you.

Edward, did you talk to Jamison?

Uh, did he leave the nosegay on my bed?

Yes, he did.

No, he did not.

But thank you for the kind lie, Edward.

We'll find who left it, Kitty.

I know we will.

[ foreboding music ]

Are no other forms of relaxation available?

- QUENTIN: Not for me. - But there are, my boy.

Let me teach you some of them.

Petofi, I'm too tired and confused.

Now will you please leave me alone?

PETOFI: You are becoming as inhospitable as Charles Tate.

QUENTIN: Don't mention that name.

PETOFI: Love has made you bitter.

I asked you to leave me alone.

I'll do better than that, my boy.

- I'll calm you. - QUENTIN: Don't count on it.

Years ago, in the Middle East, I learned a fascinating trick.

It takes your cares away completely.

Shall I show it to you?

You can if you'll leave afterwards.

PETOFI: Certainly.

Look at my hand.

Amazing what it can accomplish.

[ eerie music ]

You're admiring my ring? Surely, you've seen it before.

No, I never noticed it before.

It comes from the Middle East, too.

There's a legend connected with it.

When you wear it, according to the legend,

you make yourself available to begin a new life.

Charming, isn't it?

Fantasy, perhaps, but such agreeable fantasy.

Would you like a new life, Quentin?


And who wouldn't? Even I, even I.

Would you like to be as you are now in your new life?

Never, never.

PETOFI: Sleep, Quentin.

[ Petofi whispering ] Sleep... sleep.

A new life.

You may awake anytime now, Quentin.


[ suspenseful music ]

PETOFI:When you wear it,

you make yourself available to begin a new life.

To begin a new life.

Would you like a new life, Quentin?

Not with you. Not with you.

[ anxious music ]

[ ominous music ]
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