864 - October 16, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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864 - October 16, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood, at the turn of the century.

Quentin, trapped in the body of Count Petofi,

has attempted with Evan Hanley to undo what has been done,

and regain his own body.

But at the end of the ceremony,

Petofi still lives in Quentin's body

and is intent upon revenge,

as a spellbound Evan Hanley learns.

Very well done, Evan.

Who is it for?

Who do you think?

I don't know.

Oh yes, you do.

It's for you.

I'm going to bury you alive.

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

Let me live.

Do you deserve to live, Evan?


To play at your black arts?

To be a dilettante warlock?

To live hypocritically as you do?

No, you cannot give me one reason why you deserve to live.

Not one.

EVAN: They trust me.


Judith, Edward, the others.

I can help you.

If I give you another chance,

will you do anything that I ask of you?


Even though you know that grave is waiting?

Knowing that.

All right.

You have exactly three minutes to tell me

what you can do for me.

You need someone like me.

Someone who knows your secret,

someone you can trust,

who can help you.

I have Aristede for all of that, Evan.

But he cannot appear at Collinwood!

If you and Aristede became friends, people would wonder.

You're very bright, my boy.

If they begin to suspect something,

Edward would confide in me.

I would see that he did.

I could keep you informed.

Please give me a chance.

There must be something you want to know!

Look at your grave.

Turn around and look at it.

Do you see it, Evan?

You remember it.

-I cannot forget it. -Good.

Because if you bungle this,

we shall meet right back here again.

I promise that.

What do you want me to do?

Oh, my, my boy, you're very anxious, aren't you?

There is a mystery to be solved.

Yes, a mystery.

And her name is Angelique.

[ suspenseful music ]

Operator, give me Coburn's Pharmacy, please.

Um, , I think the number is.

-Yes. -Making a call, love?

Just finishing, thank you.

Is the carriage waiting?

Oh, well, all you have to do is walk to the door,

open it, and find out.

Oh, la-de-da!

Grand, we are.

Considering the well known fact

that you may never be Mrs. Quentin Collins,

-as I could have told you, love. -If you--

As a matter of fact, I think you did, several times.

Now if you'll excuse me.

You don't give a girl much chance to gloat, do you?

It might interest you to know, and whoever told you this,

that I was the one who postponed the wedding.

It was you indeed?

Well then, I have to thank you for giving

the rest of us girls a chance!

And believe you me, there'll be a wedding

in this house soon!

But you'll be sittin' and watchin'.

If I choose to be, yes.

If anyone should ask for me today,

I'll be doin' a bit of shopping.

Well, I wouldn't buy my trousseau quite yet,

if I were you.

Oh, no!

I wouldn't make the same mistake you did, love!

[ giggles ]

Coburn's Pharmacy, please.

[ sighs ]

Mr. Coburn, this is Angelique DuBois.

Are my medicines ready yet?

Well I must have them right away, it's vital!

How soon will you be.

No, no, she's not here just now.

Well, as a matter of fact, she just left.

You're welcome.


Don't tell me she has a secret admirer.

ANGELIQUE: I didn't know who it was.


I hope you're not leaving because of me.


You said that just a bit too quickly.

What's wrong?

Nothing, nothing at all.

You're a very bad liar.

That surprises me.

Where have you been keeping yourself

since you broke off the wedding?

Perhaps I just haven't wanted to see you.


I might regret the decision I made.

How can I make you change your mind

if we never see each other?

How can I convince you that I could be a very good husband?

Well, you never seemed very interested before.

I am now.

Our courtship was anything but idyllic.

But I'm going to change all of that tonight.

Tonight, we are going to take the carriage

and go to the inn at Rockport for dinner,

and after dinner we shall look at the moon

shining on the water.

Now, you be ready at six.

-I wish I could be. -You will be.

No, Quentin, I can't, not tonight.

QUENTIN: Why not?

I just don't feel well, I have a headache.

QUENTIN: I'll make it go away.

Oh, what a boy you are.

I should have realized long ago.

You always become so fascinated

when I don't take enough interest in you.

Oh, I would love to have that dinner with you.

Tomorrow night, or the next.

You are changing, you know.

Because you demanded it.

Well, we'll, um, see how long that change lasts.

Oh, it will last, Angelique.

I intend for it to last a long time.

[ door knocks ]

Hello, love.


[ laughs ]

I expect you're wonderin' what I'm doing here, right?

[ giggles ]

No, I, I'm glad you're here.

I need company.

Any company?

That's what you didn't say.

No, actually, uh,

you're better than most.

[ laughing ]

You call that a compliment?

Let me start again.

Welcome to the Tate studio,

filled with paintings

by the late Charles Delaware Tate.

Hey, you ain't dead.

Yeah, well that remains to be seen.

I can see, I wouldn't be here if you was dead!

[ giggles ]

I got a surprise for you.

Will you promise I can do it?

Depends on what it is.

I want to buy a picture.

You're kidding.

Ain't I good enough?

Actually, you're better than most.

Can I have my choice?

Sure, take anything you want.

But you have to pay for it.

Hey, how are you gonna do that?

-Huh? -Oh, I got a way.

CHARLES: Yeah, yeah, I bet you do.

[ chuckles ]

Naughty boy!

Go ahead, take anything you like.

Portraits of sinners,



Oh, not quite ladies.

Hey, Amanda Harris.

Yes, I painted her.

Twice, here's another one.

Yeah, well, uh, a person can make

the same mistake twice, can't they?


I'll take this one.

-Well, it's yours. -How much is it?

I don't know, whatever you want.

Turn around, let me see it and I'll tell ya.

-No, not that. -Oh love, you got three of--

I'm telling ya, it's not for sale.

CHARITY: You said everything was!

Why, why is it you want that?

I like it!

Quentin sent you here, didn't he?

-Quentin? -Yeah, it was Quentin Collins.

You think I'd buy this for Quentin,

feeling the way about him I do?

Or the Reverend Trask.

[ laughing ]

That old crow.

Hey, who was it?

You know, you ain't very nice!

I mean, I didn't really like Miss Harris,

but this painting, I find it sort of restful.

You said you'd sell me anything I wanted.

Will you, or won't you?

It doesn't make any sense.

What do you paint for, Mr. Tate?

To sell 'em, or to argue with people what wants to buy 'em?

I paint them to sell.

It just so happens that the painting you want is to.

The painting you want is $,.

[ Charles laughs ]

CHARITY: Here you are.

Where did you get that?


Did I ask you where you got your talent, Mr. Tate?

I asked you, where did you get that money?

Do you ask everyone how they can pay your price?

Now what's so peculiar about me?

It ain't stolen, Mr. Tate.

Will you wrap the painting, please?

[ playful music ]

[ suspenseful music ]

[ hatch door creaks ]

[ door knocks ]

Come in.

Are you actually reading a score?


But that is very dangerous.

The real Quentin would never do that.

You're very right, my boy.

From now on, I'll read my score in my room.

You have news for me, don't you?

-I have news. -QUENTIN: Good, tell me.

She went to Coburn's Pharmacy.

They seemed to know her very well.

-Yes. -Then where did she go?

She went to Shipwreck Point.

There was a clump of trees there.

She stopped,

brushed away some leaves,

took hold of an iron ring,

and lifted a door into the ground.

She went down into some sort of a cave.

QUENTIN: Did you follow her?

Why, no!

You are very wise.


Thank you.


tonight we will know what she's doing,

why she postponed the wedding,

and what her connection is to the late,

at least to us, Julia Hoffman.

You will return.

Yes, you will return there.

Wait until she leaves.

What if she comes back?

I'll keep her here.

I want you to find out

everything you can about that place.

Report back here at :.

But there may be someone else there.

There, there must be.

And won't it be interesting to find out who it is?

But, if I am not back here by .

Then I will begin to worry,

because I would have lost someone who showed signs

of being an intelligent servant.

[ dramatic music ]

[ hatch door creaking ]

[ clock chiming ]

[ door clicks open and shuts ]

Well, I, uh, I've been very worried about you.

ANGELIQUE: Oh, darling.

How's your headache?

ANGELIQUE: Much better, thank you.

Good, did you buy some medicine for it

when you went in to town?

Why no, I didn't, why?

Well, I just think it's very silly for one

to have a headache and not do anything about it.

Where were you?

Oh, Quentin.

Honestly, you act as though we're married.

You've no right to ask me that.

Oh, yes I do. We're still engaged.


Do we have to discuss it now?

-I'm really very tired. -QUENTIN: Why?

-From my errands. -Errands?

Do you want me to tell you what I think your errands were?

If you wish.

I think you're seeing another man.

Quentin. [ scoffs ]

How could there be another man?

It takes all my time and effort, just dealing with you.

[ laughs ]

Oh, I'm flattered, though, that you seem to care.

Why darling, that's not true.

Come now.

Let's forget all about my headache.

Let's go in and talk about pleasant things.

[ water dripping ]

Who's here?

Who's there?

You seem so preoccupied.

-Shall I make you a drink? -No.

Well, you are changing.

You keep saying that.

Don't you think it's possible for one's change

or one's taste to change in brandy?

Perhaps I'm just restless.

Perhaps I'll take a walk.

ANGELIQUE: Shall I come with you?

Well I, uh, I thought you told me you were exhausted.

All right, Quentin, if you don't want me

to come with you, I won't.

No, no, it's not that.

It's just that, uh, well, I had a business appointment.

I thought I wouldn't make it, but I decided I would.

I shan't be long.


He's left without you again, love.

[ Charity giggles ]



[ Evan moans ]

Some, someone was behind me.

-They hit me. -QUENTIN: Who? Tell me, who?

I don't know.

Please, please don't do anything to me.

It wasn't my fault.

-It wasn't my fault. -No, no, it wasn't your fault.

Not this time.

Miss Trask, and I am going to call you that.

Well, I can't think why.

I think we've wasted quite enough time discussing Quentin.

After all, he is still my fiancé.

We spent the entire evening together.

[ cackles ]

Well, that don't mean a thing, love.

Don't mean a thing.


Are you back already from your business?

-Yes. -I hope it went well.

Well, I won't know until later.

Excuse me, it's getting late.

Well, I have an appointment early in the morning.

Of course, darling.

Good night.

Good night.

What's the matter with you?

It ain't him.

[ chuckles ] What are you talking about?

That man ain't Quentin Collins!

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]
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