877 - November 4, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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877 - November 4, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:Collinwood before the turn of the century.

On this night, a time of terror has temporarily ended

for Quentin Collins.

He has outwitted the infamous Count Petofi.

He has transferred the minds of both men

back to their rightful bodies.

Now, by means of a deception,

Quentin has set in motion a plot

that may mean the final destruction of Petofi.

[ suspenseful music ]

[ door opens and slams shut ]

I would appreciate your knocking before you come in here.

PETOFI: Charles, is that any way to greet an important guest?

CHARLES: I don't consider you an important guest.

You're not invited and you're not welcome.

Oh, I think I will be when you know what's happened.

- What are you talking about? - And what's going to happen.

I said, "What are you talking about?"

I've been considering your request, Charles,

that I restore your talent.

Since you cooperated with me

by showing me the way to the future,

I've decided you've redeemed yourself completely.

You shall be a great painter again.

Listen, Petofi,

I am in no mood for your nonsense.

Now, I know who you are, and I know you haven't the power

to restore my talent. So get out.

There are times, Charles,

when you're as unperceptive as Aristede.

You're quite unable to distinguish

what is genuine from what is not.

The regrettable fact is that two minds

have reverted to their proper parties.

I am Petofi again, and Quentin is Quentin.

A temporary but somewhat disconcerting setback for me.

I think you're lying.

Charles, you don't even understand me

when I'm trying to reward you.

Well, no matter.

This will make you believe me.

Come on, Petofi. What is this? Some kind of a trick?

PETOFI: You're beginning to feel different, aren't you?

You're beginning to feel like

the Charles Delaware Tate again, aren't you?

And so you are, my boy.

So you are.

Yes, yes.

Yes, I feel it.

Right here in my hand.

You believe me now.


This time, Charles,

there will be no deviation from your loyalty.

I demand total allegiance with the rendering

of your services upon request.

Is that understood?

- Yes. - Good.

Yes, it's understood.

Then act like a proper host. Let's drink on it.

I prefer brandy, if you have any.

Well, I don't have any brandy here.

I'll get you some.

[ Petofi grunts, thuds ]

[ tense music ]

[ theme music ]

[ Aristede laughing ]


you will pay for this.

[ Aristede laughing ]


You idiot.

You idiot, don't you see what you've done?

I've merely carried out orders.

His Excellency has no further use for that body.

This is Petofi,

and you could've k*lled him!

Is he dead?

No, there's still a pulse.

Obviously, Charles, you don't know what happened

between His Excellency and Quentin.


No, you are the one who doesn't know.

Their minds were switched back earlier this evening.

Don't you see?

You stabbed the real Petofi!

If this is your idea of a joke, it's not very funny.

It is no joke, Aristede.

He came here to restore my power.

That's impossible.

Oh, my God...

If he dies, my talent dies with him.

Quentin Collins did this, he tricked me!

You mean Quentin told you to come here and k*ll Petofi?

I didn't know about the switch, Charles.

I swear, I didn't know!

You'd better hope that he dies,

because if he doesn't, your life isn't worth anything.

But I didn't realize Quentin had tricked me.

I thought I was following his orders.

Now look, you've got to believe that.

And if he lives, you've gotta tell him that.

Just shut up.

Quentin will pay for this.

I'll make up for what I've done.

I'll find Quentin and k*ll him. I'll k*ll him!

- [ Petofi moans ] - Petofi, can you hear me?

[ Petofi moans ]

- Can you... Don't move. - [ Petofi moans ]

- Don't move. - [ moaning ] Aristede.

Yes, Aristede is gone.

Don't worry about him.

Just take it easy.

Now I'm gonna get a doctor.

[ stuttering ] Get doctor. Where has Aristede gone?

Look, don't worry about Aristede.

Must find out...

why he did it.

Look, Petofi, you mustn't move, just take it easy.

He said that he... He was tricked.

Tricked by Quentin.

I can't believe that.

Oh, my God.

Look, he's going to try and make it up to you

- by k*lling Quentin. - No!

- No, don't move. - Must be stopped!

Aristede must be stopped!

Please don't move.

No harm must come to Quentin.

Have my reasons.

Oh, Charles, find Aristede!

Stop him, stop him!

[ tense music ]

[ knocking on door ]

You look surprised to see me, Excellency.

You didn't think I'd fail you, did you?

I just didn't expect to see you back so soon.

Well, it was just a matter of finding the victim.

- The rest was easy. - Then, uh, Petofi is dead?

He's got a knife sticking in his chest.

He will be very soon.

You should have stayed there until you were certain.

Believe me, he won't survive this.

Uh, can we have a drink to, uh, celebrate our victory?

Come on in Aristede.

I suppose you've made me very happy.

I should have to think of a suitable reward for you.

Oh, I've already thought of what I want for my reward.

And what is that?

Your life, Quentin Collins.

Now just what do you think you're going to do?

I know what happened earlier this evening.

I know that you're Quentin again.

You tried to trick me...

but you're going to pay! [ laughs ]

Yes, you'll pay.

CHARLES: Aristede, put down that sword.

Charles! Are you crazy?

I said put down that sword.

ARISTEDE: Look, just get out of here

and let me do what has to be done.

Aristede, put down that sword.

If you don't, I'm gonna blow your head off.

[ tense music ]

Put down that sword, Aristede.

ARISTEDE: He can't be allowed to live

after what he's done.

You don't know what you're doing, Charles.

I know what I'm doing, just following orders.

Is His Excellency gonna live?

Why don't you go and find out?

I can't do that, Charles.

Are you afraid, Aristede?

Yes, you're afraid, aren't you?

Well, you have good reason to be.

Go on, get out!

QUENTIN: So Petofi isn't dead, huh?

You've made a mistake, Quentin, sending Aristede to k*ll him.

I thought one of them would die, I didn't especially care which.

You know, Quentin,

you're really lucky to be alive right now.

Look, Tate, I know why Petofi sent you here to save me,

and I don't think I'm so lucky at all.

[ tense music ]

[ mysterious music ]

[ dogs barking and howling ]

[ tense music ]

Don't come near me, I'll k*ll you!

- Will you? - Yeah.

Put away that ridiculous knife,

I have no intention of harming you,

or of turning you over to the authorities.

Who are you?

Someone who has been watching you for a long time.

Watching me?

You're running about in circles, were you aware of that?

No, I don't know this area.

I don't know what I'm doing or where I'm going.

Under the circumstances,

you won't last much longer, will you?

No, I need some food.

- A place to sleep. - I can offer you both,

and a decent suit of clothes in the bargain.

Why, who are you, anyway?

I am Count Petofi,

that's all you need to know about me for the moment.

What's your name?

- Aristede. - Aristede, eh?

I like that, it has a--a certain ring of nobility about it,

and what was your crime, Aristede?

I k*lled a man in Liverpool.

- Why? -We had a disagreement.

Do you usually k*ll people you disagree with?

Look, how many questions I gotta answer?

I have my reasons

for being interested in your background.

Tell me about Dartmoor.

How did you escape?

Did you ever hear of a man named Garth Blackwood?

Yes, indeed I have.

I'm acquainted with the Master of Dartmoor.

Former master, he's dead.

How did you k*ll him?

How'd you know I k*lled him?

There was something about the way you said...

"He's dead."

Well, I wasn't the only one who was happy to see him dead.

All the prisoners at Dartmoor wanted to k*ll him.

He's cruel and sadistic.

He always carried a chain

and he enjoyed beating us with it.

Last month three prisoners died from Blackwood's beatings.

And about a week ago, we...

We all got together and drew lots

to see which one of us would k*ll him.

- And the task fell to you. - Yeah.

I heard him coming one night.

Had this wooden leg and foot dragged when he walked.

And always the sound of his chains rattling!

I waited until he reached my cell.

He intended to flog me with that chain.

Well, when he raised his arm,

I got this from out underneath my shirt

and I put it straight through his heart!

And made good your escape.

How fortunate for you.

No, not so fortunate.

Every night since I escaped, Blackwood's gotten closer to me.

How is that possible if he's dead?

I don't know, but it's true!

I can hear the sound of that foot dragging

and those chains rattling.

Getting louder, closer every night.

There's no way I can escape Garth Blackwood.

You can if you entrust your life to me.

I can offer you security, respectability,

and a certain amount of adventure.

[ chains rattling ]


He's coming! He's coming!

PETOFI: Don't run away!

[ grunts ] Can't you hear him? He's getting closer!

Listen to me, Aristede!

I don't hear anything.

The sounds you hear are in your own mind.

No, he's gonna be here any minute!

Look into my eyes, Aristede.

Look at me.

[ chains rattling ]

Blackwood is dead, except in your mind.

You're being haunted by your own fear and conscience.

Those sounds don't exist.

You must dispel them from your mind,

you must do it now.

Cast them away... forever.

[ wind howling ]

I don't hear him anymore.

The sounds, they've stopped!

Garth Blackwood's finally dead.

And he shall stay dead,

as long as you remain my faithful servant.

How about it, Aristede?

I pledge you my undying loyalty.

Anything you want. I'll do anything,

anything at all.

I'm your most obedient servant.

[ tense music ]

My most obedient servant.

Oh, Charles.

What about Aristede?

Did you stop him?


I told him to come here, just like you told me to.

Tell me, Petofi, why do you want to be so lenient on him?

Why didn't you just let me k*ll him?


No, dear boy, I shan't be lenient.

Aristede's far too precious to die an ordinary death.

He shall be haunted and tormented to his grave.

We shall do that together.

- We? - Yes.

You will supply the talent, and I the information.

What information?

Get your sketchpad and pencil.

Get it, dear boy, hurry.

We're going to recreate the face of a man.

The one in the world whom Aristede...

fears above all others...

Garth Blackwood.

Does the name itself conjure up an image?

Not really.

Then look into my eyes,

and you will see his face.

[ tense music ]

Who is this man?

Aristede's executioner.

- Does he really exist? - He did, once.

You mean, he's dead?


But you and I will bring him to life, again.

[ wind howling ]

[ pencil scratching on sketchpad ]

Yes, Charles.

That's coming splendidly.

You want me to get rid of him?

No, no, Charles,

I think I know why Aristede has come.

Take your work into the next room.

Bring the sketch to me when it's finished.

So, Aristede, you've come back to face me.

I-I've come to beg forgiveness, Excellency.

PETOFI: Close the door, come in, dear boy, come in.

Excellency, uh, you must understand,

it was a natural mistake.

I didn't know what had happened,

I had no way of knowing what had happened.

Aristede, poor conscience-stricken Aristede.

You mustn't indulge in this orgy of incrimination.

- I do understand what happened. - You do?

Of course, one could only admire

Quentin Collins' courage and ingenuity.

Of course, you believed his story,

why shouldn't you?

T-That's what I thought.

Are you gonna be all right, Excellency?

Yes, quite all right, dear boy.

You're--You're willing to forgive me?

I am anxious to forgive you, Aristede.

ARISTEDE: Anxious?

Thank you, Charles.

Uh, I'd like to be alone with Aristede for a few moments.

He has a wonderful talent.

Imagine sketching a likeness of someone

you've never laid eyes on in your life.

You said you were anxious to forgive me, Excellency.

Yes, I think it very bad form

to dispatch a man with a heavy conscience.

Dispatch a man?

I--I don't understand.

Do you recognize this gentleman, Aristede?

ARISTEDE: Garth Blackwood.

What are you gonna do with that?

There's something you don't know about Charles Tate, Aristede.

Even I discovered it only by accident.

He has a unique talent,

a curious ability to draw portraits

which come to life.

No, that's--that's not possible.

I think it only fitting that you should be reclaimed

by the most relentless pursuer you have ever known,

Garth Blackwood.

And he shall take you with my blessings, my boy.

- Excellency-- - With my blessings!

Excellency, you said you were willing to forgive me!

No, y-y-you can't do this!

You don't mean it. No, it's not possible.

A--A picture can't come to life.

It's a trick. It's a trick to make me frightened.

OK, OK, I'm frightened. I'm frightened, all right?

I'm frightened, I said it!

Now, now please stop it!

[ chains dragging, rattling ]


No, no!

Y-You've gotta stop him!

- No! You've got to stop him! - Goodbye Aristede!

I shall miss you.

[ tense music ]

[ eerie music ]
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