881 - November 10, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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881 - November 10, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:On the great Collinwood Estate,

Garth Blackwood,

the demon master of Dartmoor Prison

relentlessly tracks down his victim.

Whoever stands in the way of his deadly justice must die.

And this stormy night,

there are many who will learn to their horror

that to the demon prison master,

the whole world is a jail,

and he alone holds the power

of life and death over all its inhabitants.

[ rattling ]

[ shuffling ]



GARTH: I call on the prisoner to surrender!

Ahh, no, I won't!

- GARTH: Surrender! - ARISTEDE: No!

GARTH: And face death.

It is the only way.


[ chains clanging ]

Justice must be done.

[ dramatic orchestral music ]

[ eerie music ]

[ thunder booming ]

Wait, please let me speak.

Nothing you can say can save your life.

ARISTEDE: Perhaps I can save

whatever existence you have left.

What do you mean?

You were brought here to k*ll me.

Once you've done that,

those who brought you have no more use for you.

They'll destroy you.

They will not destroy me.

I will destroy them after I deal with you.


- GARTH: For insubordination, - No!

conspiracy, jailbreak,

and the m*rder of Garth Blackwood.

[ thunder booming ]

[ Aristede screaming ]

The prisoner is ex*cuted.

[ shuffling ]

[ thunder booming ]

[ chains jangling ]

[ eerie orchestral music ]

He's dead.

Exactly the way Petofi said.

To Aristede.

We spent many pleasant hours together

but in the final test

he proved disloyal.

He didn't look so pleasant lying on the floor in the mill.

Death seldom shows us at our best.

Come now, Charles,

you mustn't upset yourself about Aristede.

Aristede wasn't the only person he k*lled.

On my way back here,

I stumbled on a body,

the body of a woman.

Whatever she did to anger the master of Darkmoor,

she won't do it again.

Oh, you look so self-satisfied, Petofi.

But then you don't know who the woman was.

Why should I care?

CHARLES: Because, Petofi,

the woman was a gypsy.

Yes, gypsy, Petofi.

Where did you see her?

CHARLES: Close to here.

She must've known I was here.

Aristede must've told her.

His last act of betrayal.

I must hurry, I've no time to lose.

CHARLES: You can't go anywhere in this condition.

Sit down.

Perhaps you're right.

If my psychic powers are as weak as this body is

I won't be able to go anywhere.

I won't escape them.

I must and I will!

Petofi can do anything,

and Petofi must go to the future now!

CHARLES: You can't go this way.

I don't intend to.

I plan to go to the future as Quentin Collins.

And that is how I shall go.

But, Petofi, he has his own body back.

And I have mine, with this to help me.

When one loses an engagement,

one doesn't surrender.

One fights harder to win the next engagement.

I must act now.

There are many reasons for me to go to the future,

and not one for me to stay here.

But there is one.

COUNT PETOFI: What's that?

Garth Blackwood.

Garth Blackwood has done what I wished him to do.

He doesn't matter anymore.

Yes, he does.

Don't you see, you brought him from the depths of hell,

Petofi, and you have to see that he gets back.

And why should I take the time to do that?


Because Aristede and that woman

aren't the only people that he's k*lled.

Yesterday, Petofi, he strangled Evan Hanley.

COUNT PETOFI: What do I care about Evan Hanley?

All his life he sought death

in the dark corners of his own mind.

Now, at last he's found it.

Petofi, tomorrow he will strangle others.

Don't you see, the man is a maniac.

And no concern of mine.

Tomorrow I will be years in the future,

in the year .

CHARLES: But what about me?

What about you, Charles?

After you're gone, he might come after me, Petofi.

What'll I, what am I gonna do?

COUNT PETOFI: Lock your doors and windows, Charles.


I haven't time for these arguments.

Don't you realize, Charles, that in the final accounting,

you are of no importance?

Nor is Quentin Collins.

Nor is anyone whose path may cross that of Garth Blackwood.

Only Petofi is important,

and Petofi is going to the future.

The rest of you may fend for yourselves.

[ rattling ]

[ shuffling ]

[ chains clatter ]

You are my prisoners,

both of you, and the penalty is death!

[ dramatic organ music ]

No, no!

[ Charles gasping ]

Petofi, Petofi, help me.

Release him, Garth Blackwood,

I command you to release him.

[ eerie orchestral music ]

CHARLES: It worked, the hand worked.

I don't know if it'll continue to work.

There's something in this demon that resists me.

CHARLES: What do we do?

The other creature you drew, Charles.

You shot him, didn't you?


Get your g*n, quickly.

I said quickly!

I don't know how much longer I can hold him at bay.

No longer!

You can obstruct justice, no longer!

[ g*nshots firing ]

[ dramatic orchestral music ]

He didn't disintegrate.

COUNT PETOFI: Get some rope, tie him up!

Petofi, he didn't disintegrate.

All the more reason to tie him up, now hurry!

You needn't be afraid of him, he can't hurt you now.

You have shot

the master of Dartmoor.

You have committed the ultimate crime.

The penalty for that is death!

Certain death!

COUNT PETOFI: Is he dead?

No, no, he's just unconscious.

What do we do now?

I shall begin my trance.

CHARLES: What about me?

You can wait here and watch him die.

But Petofi...

Look at the creature, Charles, he's dying.

Soon you'll be rid of him.

That's what you wanted, isn't it?

Soon you and the rest of the world will be rid of him.

I don't want to stay.

I told you that, that I'd do it though, and I will.

[ thunder booming ]

[ Garth screaming ]

CHARLES: Petofi!


[ chains jangling ]

I can't k*ll you now,

much as I would like to.

But remember,

this is only a stay of execution.

You are sentenced to die,

and I will carry out that sentence later.

Why didn't the rope hold?

How did he break loose?

It was his last burst of strength.

He's dying now, there's no doubt about it.

He's dying.

[ thunder booming ]

QUENTIN:So tired.

Yet so much to do before I can leave Collinwood.

I've just got to keep going, no matter how tired I am.

Sorry, I didn't know this room was occupied.


It's you, it's really you.

Yes, it's really me.

Oh, I'm so happy you're all right again.

And you've beaten that bloody monster at his own vile game.

Oh, I haven't beaten him yet,

and I won't until I go away from Collinwood.

You're leavin' then?

QUENTIN: I must.

Petofi hasn't finished with me yet.

He won't be until I can go somewhere

where he can't find me.

When are you leaving?

I take the early train tomorrow.

By tomorrow night, I should be in New York.

New York?

Mm hmm.

I suppose you won't be comin' back here anymore?

Oh, not for a long, long time.

By then I won't be as pretty as I am now.


I mean, everyone changes, everyone grows older.

I wish you didn't have to go.

QUENTIN: I have to.

Oh, I know that.

You can't always get your wish in this life.

Once I wished you and me could fall in love

like some ordinary Mary and Jim

and get married and settle down

and raise some little nippers of our own.

To tell you the honest truth,

I still wish that, Quentin.

I'd even have given up my career for you.

You know I'd never ask you to do that.


No, of course you wouldn't.

Well, I guess you'll just have to go without me then.

Now, what's all this about?

Oh, that's the history of Quentin Collins.

They're just some letters and pictures

and papers, so forth,

I was going through to see

if there was anything worth taking with me.

From the looks of you, you can't see very much.

I've never seen you look so tired.

Yeah, no wonder, I haven't slept for a couple of nights.

But why don't you go to bed now

and worry about all this in the morning?

There's no time, then.

I'll be all right, just got to keep going.

- Look here - What?

What do you think of that?

Quentin Collins, age .

That's before I knew what life was all about.

Oh, oh [ laughs ].

You was a love.

[ both laughing ]

Can I keep this?

Are you sure you want it?

- Oh, yes. - All right.

I'll give you a picture of me to take along.

If you'd like.

QUENTIN: I'd like it.

It's really quite nice.

Some people might think it's a bit racy,

but you just tell'em,

that's Pansy Faye.

She was a part of my history, too.

And don't you forget that, love.

I shall begin my concentration now, Charles.

Soon I will be in a deep trance.

When I achieve that, you may leave me.

How long will the trance last?

I don't know.

I cannot make the exchange of minds

unless Quentin Collins plays his part, too.

What must he do?

Very simple, as long as he remains in control

of his own mind, I cannot recapture his body.

The moment he falls asleep,

the moment his mind relaxes its vigil,

his body is mine again.

Yes, his part is very simple.

And inevitable.

[ thunder booming ]

[ dramatic orchestral music ]

Well, I guess since this is all

I'm going to get from you tonight,

I might as well go on to bed.

[ Quentin moans ]

Hey, what's the matter, love?

Oh, nothin', I'm all right.

I guess a person staying up two nights

begins to feel it after a while.

You sure that's all it is?

Yeah, I'm sure, I'm all right.

Maybe you should go on to bed too,

and finish this up in the morning.

No, I've got to get my life in order now.

PANSY: Well, then promise me you'll take a little nap.

Maybe have some Brandy.

I'm all right, I promise you.

You run upstairs and let me finish.

All right.

Oh, cher.

What is it, love?

You mind if I come up to say goodbye before I leave?

No, I wouldn't mind at all.

Good night, Quentin.

Good night, Pansy.

[ thunder booming ]

[ quiet orchestral music ]

[ eerie orchestral music ]

PANSY:Well, old girl, he's really going.

And nothing's going to stop him now.


And no one.

[ gasping ]

Yes, someone's going to stop him.

If he can have his way.


Who is it?

Who is it?

I've got to see what's happenin' to him?

[ chiming ]

[ tinkly music ]

[ glass tinkling ]


Done, exactly as I said it would be.

The minute Quentin Collins fell asleep.

Did you bring the wands?

CHARLES: Yes, I have them.

Just think, Charles, the minute I throw these wands

I shall be started toward the future.

When I was there I had such a short glimpse of it.

It only whetted my appetite.

And now I am voracious for the future.


But what a minute, you can't do it here.

Yes, here.

When the people awake in the morning

this body shall be gone for all time.

But it might be dangerous.

No, here, right here, right now.

No more time to lose.

[ wands clatter ]

[ thunder booming ]

PANSY:No time to lose.

[ gasping ]

There's no time to lose.

The minute Quentin falls asleep,

Petofi will have him, forever.

The minute he falls asleep.

[ thunder booming ]

[ soft eerie orchestral music ]

QUENTIN [ thinking ]: Mustn't sleep, mustn't.

Too much to do before I leave Collinwood.

Oh, but maybe,

just for a minute.

[ dramatic orchestral music ]

[ eerie music ]
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