882 - November 11, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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882 - November 11, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:This night, Quentin Collins is preparing

to leave the Great House and Collinsport

so that he can escape the dangerous Count Petofi.

But at Charles Tate's studio, Petofi has already begun

his battle to recapture Quentin's body.

Though Quentin is unaware of this insidious danger,

there is someone, this night at Collinwood,

who can see the future and what she has just seen ahead

for Quentin Collins fills her with terror.

CHARITY:No time to lose.

The minute Quentin falls asleep,

Petofi will have him forever.

The minute he falls asleep.

[ suspenseful instrumental music ]

QUENTIN:Mustn't sleep... Mustn't.

Too much to do before I leave Collinwood.

Well, maybe, just for a minute.

[ dramatic instrumental music ]

[ waves crashing ] [ ambient instrumental music ]

[ soft instrumental music ]



Oh, pray God it's not too late.

What is it, what's the matter?

It ain't happened yet.

QUENTIN: What are you talking about?

Petofi is trying to change bodies with you again.

[ dramatic instrumental music ]

- When, where is he? - I don't know where he is.

I don't even rightly know what he's planning to do...

But I do know when it'll happen--

The minute you fall asleep.

The minute I lose conscious control of my mind.

Right, that's when he'll take it over.

QUENTIN: That means I can't even fall asleep for a second.

Not till you're safely away from here.

[ Quentin coughs ]

How long till your train leaves?

Four--Four hours... [ coughs ]

ordinarily it wouldn't be any trouble

staying awake for that long

but after not having slept for so many days and nights--

You got to, love, you just got to!

Look, I'll stay here with you and help you stay up.

You'll see.



Hey, Quentin!

QUENTIN: I'm all right.

Oh, I swear you frightened me to death.

I-I gotta keep walking you or talking or something

or I'll go outta my skin.

Come on, love.

[ door rattles shut ]


- What in the world? - QUENTIN: I'm in trouble.

Not yet, but he will be if he closes his eyes.

Petofi...He's started his attack again.

- That's what Charity says. - I seen it, it was horrible.

I'm dead tired for sleep

and my train doesn't leave for four hours.

- Where are your bags? - End bedroom, second floor.

Charity, will you get them? I'll stay here with Quentin.

All right, sure, but mind you keep an eye on him!

He's got a way of drifting off.

[ heels clicking ]

[ suspenseful instrumental music ]

BARNABAS: Quentin, Quentin!

[ Quentin coughs ] I'm all right, I'm all right.

I just need some rest.

CHARITY: His bags is in the foyer,

How is he doing?

Not too well.

I'm afraid that four hours of this

will be too much for him.

What else can we do?

I think there's someone that might help.

I must go to her now. You stay here until I get back.

[ suspenseful instrumental music ]

[ door rattles and shuts ]

CHARITY: Come on, love.

So, Barnabas, you want me to help you?

At least, you want me to frustrate Petofi

until you can put Quentin on a train to New York?


I remember very well

when he was planning to take another train to New York.

Very well, indeed.

Barnabas, Quentin is going to New York

to find Amanda Harris. I know it.

And my answer is no.

[ dramatic instrumental music ]

Angelique, if you care anything at all about Quentin--

I care about him-- Too much.

I need him to care about me just as much.

If he--If he leaves,

if he goes off searching for some other girl,

he never will.

But he can't stay here,

Petofi won't rest until he's taken that body again

and gone off to the future.

Now, if Quentin's life was ever in danger--

You want me to dispel that danger

and deliver him

to the waiting arms of Amanda Harris.

I'm sorry, Barnabas, I can't do that.

I'm too human,

too jealous.

Angelique, people like you and I

have lived long and troubled lives.

We have both seen a great deal of unhappiness and despair.

Now, if Quentin can be happy with Amanda,

you have no right to deny him that happiness.

What are you trying to say?

That--That I don't deserve love,

that I don't know how to love?

I haven't said that at all, now, surely there's someone else.

No, I've already found Quentin. He's the only one I want.

But, why Quentin?

If--If he's that important to you,

why would you destroy him rather than give him up?

Barnabas, I'll tell you something.

Only Quentin must never know anything about it.

What is it?

Before I came here this time,

I was in the everlasting pits of Hell,

where other creatures of my kind live.

Only, my stay here on Earth

made me dissatisfied with my life there.

I longed to come back here...

To Earth, to become a human being.

I begged my master for the chance.

Finally, he gave it to me

on one condition and one condition only.

BARNABAS: What was that?

That I make one man fall in love with me,

without any use of supernatural spells or powers.

One man, one chance.

That's what I was granted.

BARNABAS: And he is the one?

Yes, yes, you can see why

Quentin is the only man on Earth for me

if I want to remain here on Earth as a human being.

And I do. I do.

Angelique, if you try to keep him here,

you'll lose him anyway, either way, you will lose him.

Oh, I suppose that's true but at least,

it will be my choice how I lose him.

Um, my music was playing

when I came rushing into that theater

and that manager--

If ever a man was going to explode, it was him.

"Where was you?" he says.

"It ain't no concern of yours," I replied.

"Only thing what matters to you

"is that I'm here when I'm supposed to be.

"Pansy Faye ain't never missed a show in her life

"and don't you forget."


- QUENTIN: I'm sorry. - Quentin!

I just keep drifting away.

You drift away, love, you'll drift back sadly changed.

Hey, I got an idea, let's you and me sing!

I don't feel like singing.

Feel like it or not, you gotta do it, the show must go on.

That's the one and only rule there is, love.

So let's have a bright chorus from that new team,

Pansy Faye and Quentin Collins.

♪ I wanna dance with you ♪

Come on, love.

♪ Wanna dance your cares away ♪

♪ I'll be so close to you ♪

♪ In your arms ♪

♪ I'll always stay ♪

Come on, love, you gotta keep at it.

♪ Our hearts will beat in tune ♪

Open your eyes, love, open your eyes.

♪ In the rhythm ♪

[ suspenseful instrumental music ]

♪ Around and around ♪

♪ Together we two ♪

♪ Oh, I wanna dance with you ♪

And once again.

♪ I wanna dance with you ♪

[ door rattles ]

BARNABAS: How is he?

♪ Wanna dance ♪

I'm afraid he can't last much longer.

Well, there may be another way of handling this.

CHARITY: What's that?

Whatever it is, concerns Quentin and me.

Would the two of you please leave us alone for a moment?

We have some decisions we must make

before we can even consider

another way of handling this problem.

Angelique, there's no time for that now.

Oh, I think there's time, Barnabas,

for what Quentin and I have to discuss.

There must be, for this concerns the rest of our lives.

[ dramatic instrumental music ]

Quentin, when Barnabas came to me

and asked me for my help,

I said I'd make up my mind whether or not to give it.

Well, I have decided that I will help you get to New York...

On one condition.

- What's that? - That you take me with you.


ANGELIQUE: Is the idea so abhorrent to you?

You were willing to marry me and live here at Collinwood.

Yeah, what choice did I have

after you threatened to k*ll Amanda?

Amanda, Amanda.

There's a new life waiting for you in New York.

A new life with her,

that's what you're thinking, isn't it?

That's what you keep seeing-- Her, not me.

You answered your own question.

Her, not you.

Quentin, Quentin, look at me.

Look at me.

There's so much I can do for you,

so much, if you'll only let me.

Why won't you at least let me try to make you happy?

I can, I promise you, I can.

Will you please take me to New York with you?

I'm afraid I can't.

And even if I told you I promise not to look for Amanda,

I couldn't keep that promise

because every night I'd go to bed, I'd be thinking

tomorrow would be the day I'd find her.

And so you're not willing to pay my price for helping you?

QUENTIN: I'm afraid I can't, oh God. [ yawning ]

I see.

- What's the matter? - My eyes, they're burning.

I swear I'd do anything to get some sleep,

just to close them for awhile.

But you can't!

It must be quite wonderful

to be loved the way you love Amanda Harris.

It only happens once in a lifetime.

With ordinary people, yes,

but I imagine you'll fall in love a-again, Quentin.

We have a very long life ahead of us, you and I.

I think I won't have any lifetime

unless you help me.

Suppose--Suppose I don't ask you to pay the price now.

Suppose I agree to wait.

And then someday, somewhere...

long after Amanda Harris has ceased to exist,

you and I would meet again

and you could pay your debt to me then.

[ door rattles ]


I've decided, I'll do what I can to help Quentin.

Thank you, Angelique, thank you.

What's she going to do?

Angelique can perform certain psychic things.

And I've--I'll attempt to intercept Petofi's thoughts,

divert them from--from Quentin.

Can she really do that?

ANGELIQUE: I've done it before.

I better start right away.

Charity, will you go into the foyer?

- Can't I watch? - No!

No, you cannot.

[ door rattles shut ]

Barnabas, keep Quentin awake while I concentrate on Petofi.

[ suspenseful instrumental music ]

Fire, be my eyes.

Go where I cannot go.

See what I cannot see.

Show me the man I seek at this moment.

Show me the image of Andreas Petofi.

[ fire crackling ]

[ piano chord music ]

I see him but he's not at the mill.

He's at Cha- Charles Tate's studio.

BARNABAS: Tate's studio?

Yes, so now that I've found him, I must reach him

and try and stop him.

He, whom I see at this moment,

turn your thoughts from the one who occupies them now.

As the foam breaks on the wave, let your thoughts break.

As the wind scatters the ashes of the dead,

let your thoughts scatter.

Turn them from Quentin Collins.

Turn them from Quentin Collins!

- What's the matter, Angelique? - I don't know!

My powers don't seem to be affecting him at all.

BARNABAS: You mean, you can't get to him at all?

On other occasions I have,

but he's in--He's in so deep a trance

that I can't seem to get through to his mind.

What are we going to do?

It--It'll be a long time before that train leaves.


BARNABAS: Quentin, Quentin!

I'm all right, I'm just so tired, I'd give anything

to get some sleep.

You must keep fighting.

Is there no way to reach him? No way at all?

- Yes, I think there is a way. - What is it?

When Petofi captured me at the mill,

he did so by forcing me to fight two enemies at once.

If only I could do that with him,

if only I could continue to divert his thoughts

while at the same time I was doing him some personal harm,

I believe I could break his powers of concentration.

But don't you need something of his to do that?

Oh, yes, with a man like Petofi, it would have to be something,

that he's wearing at this moment,

something that still had within it, the heat of his blood

and the warmth of his breath.

Something that's impossible to get.

CHARITY:Impossible, is it?

Nothing's impossible if you want it bad enough.

[ under her breath ] I don't know,

I think what we must do now

is get a carriage, put Quentin in it,

and drive him to Bangor.

There must be an earlier train to Boston there.

From Boston, he can go on to New York.

Yes, I'll go get the carriage and be outside.

Meanwhile, I'll tell Charity to come help you with Quentin.

Quentin, Quentin!

I'm--I'm never going to make it.

I know I won't make it.

Charity's not in the foyer. She must be upstairs.

- I'll go get her. - ANGELIQUE: No, no, no.

There's not time. You stay here with Quentin.

I'll get the carriage.

Quentin, Quentin, everything's going to be all right.

And you'll be free of Petofi.

Barnabas, why don't we stop deluding ourselves.

I'm not going to make it to New York.

I'm not going to be safe.

Quentin, you mustn't despair.

Now, you must go to New York and look for Amanda.

Meanwhile, I'll stay here and search for the portrait

and as soon as I've found it, I'll come to you.

Now, where will you be?

Oh, the Innfield Hotel.

Shaw said that Amanda used to live there.

So perhaps she's gone back there.

Maybe they've seen her and know something.

Then, that's where I'll come to you.

Quentin, Quentin, you're going to be all right, I swear.

All of us here will do everything we can

to make sure that it's all right.

[ ambient instrumental music ] [ wind whistling ]

CHARITY:Well, my girl, you'll really look the fool

if you go back with nothing.

You said you'd do it. You better just do it.

Pansy Faye never missed a show in her life.

He'll k*ll me if he comes to.

Go on in, you dummy,

Quentin ain't got all the time in the world.

[ suspenseful instrumental music ]

His tie should do it.

If I can just undo his tie.

[ dramatic instrumental music ]

PETOFI: Why are you here?

You, let go of me!

No, I won't let you go.

You interfered with my plans once too often, Miss Trask.

This time, you will be sorry for it.

[ dramatic instrumental music ]

[ eerie music ]
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