893 - November 28, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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893 - November 28, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:On this night, those who live at Collinwood

would begin to learn that a man long absent

from the Great House has returned,

determined to take his place there

and regain all he feels is due him.

And, at the Blue Whale, he has taken his first step

back into Collinwood by forcing a meeting

with Carolyn Stoddard.

Why are you sitting down here, I don't know you.

I don't understand any of this.

Well, I admit it's a very strange situation...

introducing yourself to your own daughter.

- Daughter? - Yes, Carolyn,

I am Paul Stoddard. Your father.

[ eerie music ]

You are my father?

Maggie knew it, she arranged this.

Oh, I'll never forgive her.

Where are you going?

Do you expect me to just sit here under the circumstances?

No, I don't.

But I've been away for years,

I think that's worth just five minutes of your time.

Will you give me that?

How can I?

After what you did to my mother.

Well, when a man is granted only five minutes

of a lovely daughter's time,

he'd be foolish to waste it on denials.

I admit it, Carolyn.

I was poor, your mother's money tempted me

and I tried to take it from her.

I'm sorry.

Since then I've learned that money is...

not all that important.

I don't understand you.

You sit here talking about money and its meaning

and you don't even mention the rest of it.

The rest of what?

What you did to my mother.

For nearly years Collinwood was a prison to her,

while you roamed the world living on her money

laughing at her.

PAUL: Why was Collinwood a prison to her?

Because she believed herself a murderess.

Who did she think she k*lled?

CAROLYN: You, Mr. Stoddard.

What are you talking about?

Let me refresh your memory.

You do remember planning to steal from her,

money, bonds, jewels.

You do remember the night she caught you

and hit you over the head.

Yes, yes, I remember all that.

And what about the rest of it?

What happened between you and Jason McGuire?

How do you know about Jason McGuire?

Oh, oh, I know all about that night.

When he told my mother that you were dead,

and that he had buried you in the basement.

He, he told Elizabeth that?

That's exactly what he told her.

And she would have believed it all her life,

and wasted all her life,

if Jason hadn't gotten greedy

and come back here.

Yes, well, when did he come back?

A few years ago.

He tried to blackmail my mother into marrying him.

He forced her to go through with the divorce.

And he almost succeeded.

Until we opened that trunk in the basement

and she found she'd k*lled no one.

That it was all a cruel conspiracy

between you and Jason.

But, Carolyn, I had no part in that.

Believe me, I had no part

in what Jason McGuire told your mother.

Then where did you go?

Why did you run away that night and stay away?

Because it was the night of the big lie for me, too.

What do you mean?

When I came to in that basement,

Jason McGuire was with me,

and he told me that your mother had paid him

a great deal of money to finish what she started.

To k*ll you?


How could you believe she would do such a thing?

Well, how could she believe that I could do such a thing?

But she did.

And I did.

We each of us wasted years of our lives.

For that matter, how could I believe

that Jason McGuire was doing me such a big favor?

Sure, keeping the money, but handing me back my life.

Provided I would leave Collinwood and...

never come back,

never come back again.

I believed all that, too.

CAROLYN: Where did you go when you left here?

Every place is the same for a man without money.

I happened to go to California.

CAROLYN: And what happened to you there?

Well, that's the odd thing, my darling.

I turned my hand to this and that

and everything turned out well.

Finally, I had everything I wanted,

except for one thing.

And what was that?

My daughter.

I traveled all over the world, I went everywhere

except the one place I really wanted to go.

When I saw you that day in the woods,

I knew that you were everything I'd ever dreamed...

and a little more.

I suppose I really should have let it drop right there,

but, oh, I wanted a chance to speak to you,

to--to tell you who I was.

And how I'd missed you.

My, my five minutes are up.

Why didn't you tell me who you were

when we met in the woods?

Why did I write you a hundred letters and never mail them?

Why did I pick up phones all over the world

and put them down again even though

my heart was breaking with loneliness?

Oh, Carolyn, if we could only make up

for the mischief Jason did.

Maybe we can.

You mean, I'm not a disappointment to you?

I don't know if you are or not.

I mean, I've never seen a picture of you

or anything of yours.

My mother wouldn't permit it.

But I do know I want you to stay for awhile,

now that you've come so far.

Let me see how far I can get mother to come.

[ dramatic music ]

I've got to feed him.

How do you know that, he didn't cry.

He doesn't have to cry.

I know he's hungry.

So, it's been happening to you, too?

What do you mean?

Ever since he's come, I've sensed...

he's telling me what he wants me to do for him.

And yet the fact is, he hasn't cried

or made one sound since he's arrived.

MEGAN: No, he hasn't.

You can't stay here and stare at him all day.

You've got to go to Mr. Collins' house

and pick up the furniture he promised us.

I don't wanna go tonight.

Why not?

Because he's lonely.

I can feel it,

that's why I brought him in here.

I feel it, too.

I'm gonna stay here with him, all night.

Can't we both stay?


You've got to go to Mr. Collins' house.

And there's something else you've got to do

and you know what that is.


I know what that is.

And now Carolyn,

I'll confess the truth to you,

it took all the courage I had

to come to our meeting tonight.

That's why I was late.

I kept imagining that you would never accept me.

But you knew I would have to accept you sooner or later.

After all, you are my father.

I'm glad it was sooner.

And mother will have to accept you, too.

Why don't you come into the house

with me now and see her?

Oh, no, no, thank you.

I'm afraid I've used up all my courage at the Blue Whale,

and I know Elizabeth.

I'm afraid it would be a long time

before she would accept me, if she ever would.

No, I'm afraid I've come as far as I can go.

CAROLYN: Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

The next step is, is up to you.

What do you mean?

Well, suppose you talk to your mother,

sound her out about me.

I--I know her present feelings,

and of course, don't reveal to her

that you've seen me yet.

And I'll know whether I should stay or go.

No, you can't go.

We've only just met.

PAUL: I don't want to go.

CAROLYN: Then no matter how difficult it is for us,

we'll make things work out.

[ door creaks ]

Just give me time.

PAUL: I will, but under the circumstances,

I don't think I should contact you here.

Is there anyplace else I can meet you?

There is an antique shop in the Village.

Megan and Philip Todd own it.

You can leave messages for me there.

All right.

Goodnight, sweetheart.

I'm a happier man tonight than I ever thought

I would be again.

Good night.

[ eerie music ]

[ gasps ]

What are you doing there?

Well, he's a surprise, isn't he?


Well, your new boyfriend.

What are you talking about?

Carolyn, I saw him kiss you.

I heard you tell him that you didn't want him to go,

and that you'd try and make things work out.

David, don't you know it's terrible to spy on people?

Are you gonna tell Aunt Elizabeth that

I was spying on you?

I-I'll tell you what David, I won't mention it to anyone,

if you won't mention it.

We'll just forget the whole thing happened.

All right, if you tell me who he is.

David, I can't tell you who he is.

But just believe me, when the right time comes

you'll know all about him

and you'll be very happy for me.

Now, you run on to bed.

And, David!

Remember, not a word to anyone!

[ knocking on door ]


I just picked up some things at your cousin's house.

It's not too late for me to drop in for a minute?

No, no, of course not.

As a, as a matter of fact

I was going to stop by the shop tomorrow.

I hate to ask you, Philip, but I need a favor.

Oh, name it and it's yours.

There's a man who can't get in touch with me here

at the house for--for several reasons.

I told him he could reach me at your shop,

if it's all right with you.

All right? It's perfect.

CAROLYN: What do you mean?

Megan and I want you to help out at the shop

on a regular business-like basis, starting tomorrow.

Is that all right?

Oh, yes!

Are you sure you need someone regular?

I couldn't be more sure.

And you're sure you want me?

I couldn't be more sure of that either.

[ dramatic music ]

[ bell jingling ]


Well, here's the working girl ready, willing and able!


Where did you get the baby?

He's my sister's baby.

She brought him here last night.

We're looking after him while she vacations in Canada.

Oh, he's beautiful.

What's his name?


Hello, Joseph.

He seems so calm, does he cry very much?

No, he never seems to cry at all.

How long will you be keeping him?

I don't quite know.

Megan, I, I want to apologize.

What for?

For being so stupid and self-centered yesterday.

You and Philip were acting so strangely.

I thought you were annoyed with me,

I had no idea you were waiting for your sister,

and expecting a baby to take care of.

Does your sister have any other children?

No, only Joseph.

I've got to take him upstairs now.

Will you look after things for me while I'm away?

[ door slams ]

[ bell jingling ]

Well, you two here to buy or just browse?

Well, we're really here cause Mrs. Johnson's

at the knitting store.

And we wanted to see where you're going to work.

My father says you'll be working here

regularly now.

That's right, starting today.

He's not sure it's proper for a Collins.


I think it's neat when there are things

like this to play with.

[ laughs ] That's nothing, Amy.

There's a real live baby upstairs.

Really, what's its name?

Joseph and he's brand new.

Hey, this isn't brand new, it must be years old.

Give or take a year.

David, why don't you mention to your father

that we have some very distinguished toy soldiers?

What with Christmas, birthdays and so forth coming up.

How do you like them?

They're neat.

Well, that's the end of my sales pitch,

I have to go to work now.

So, you two look around for yourselves.

Look, but don't touch.

DAVID: All right.

Anything you break or damage,

David's father gets billed for.

We won't touch anything.

All right.

[ bell jingles ]

[ dramatic music ]


Hello, Mr.--Mr. Prescott.

The knives and plates have finally arrived.

They're in the back if you'd like to have a look at them.

Oh, well, yes, yes, of course.

I, uh, I think you two had better

get back to Mrs. Johnson's.

You know how she hates to be kept waiting.

Oh, but she takes forever

making her mind up about wool.

I still think you'd better go.

She's right, Amy, we had better go.

Goodbye, Carolyn.

Goodbye, David, Amy.

Well, now, what was that all about?

Why did you ask me to keep quiet until after they'd gone?

The boy is my cousin David Collins, Roger's son.

He saw you with me last night.

He still doesn't know who you are,

but I would prefer to keep it that way

until I can speak to my mother.

Oh, then you haven't?

Well, she'd gone to bed early with a headache

and she didn't get up for breakfast this morning.

I see, well, then, she still has no idea?

No, no one has.

I had breakfast with Uncle Roger,

but I thought I had better wait.

Well, don't wait too long.


What do you mean, is something wrong?

Something you didn't tell me about last night?

No, no, no, of course not.

Are you sure?

You will speak to your mother

as soon as you can, won't you?


[ wind whistling ]

[ door closes ]

Where's the book?

You took it upstairs with you.

Didn't you?

I didn't take it anywhere.

But, but it's gone.

I know, I thought you took it upstairs.

It's--it's just been misplaced.

We'll search the shop.

It's gotta be somewhere in the shop.

Where else could it be?

Why did you take this old thing?

I had to.

AMY: Why?

I just had to.

But I still don't understand.

Carolyn said if we accidentally tore anything

my father would have to pay for it.

I ripped a page, that's why I took it.

But, but it couldn't be worth a lot,

it's not even in English.

Who could read it?

I don't know, but just don't tell anybody.

I don't want my father to be angry with me.

David Collins, you better return it,

if you know what's best for you.

Well, are you going to return it?

Are you?

I don't know.

[ drawer slams ]

It's no use, Philip.

Someone's taken it, the book is gone.


It has no value, except to us.

I know.

But I also know that whoever took it

must pay for it with his life.

Oh, Philip!

What's the matter?

Philip, what made me say that?


Whoever has the book, must die.

You and I would never have dreamed of

No, we wouldn't have.

But it's all different now.

We serve him.

And whoever has taken his book...

we will track down.

And k*ll!

[ eerie music ]
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