897 - December 3, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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897 - December 3, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR: The night around Collinwood

is filled with an unknown, unseen terror.

The events which will occur this night

will be strange and mystifying,

even to those who take part in them.

For there are supernatural forces at work.

Forces which thr*aten the very existence

of Collinwood itself.

[ dramatic music ]

The water shall nourish each grain of sand,

wedged between the sacred, ancient stones,

and guide us to the threshold of a time to be,

and restore our flesh and bones.

VOICEOVER:Flesh and bones.

Flesh and bones.

[ echoes ]

Flesh and bones, flesh and bones.

Flesh and bones, flesh.

Flesh and bones.

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

[ knocks on door ]

Carolyn, come in.

Did you talk to Sabrina?

Yes, I had a long talk with her.

She fully recovered from her loss of speech?

No, not completely.

Not everything she says makes sense.

Chris, I'd like to know about you and Sabrina.

What about us?

Well, did you mean something to each other at one time?

Didn't she tell you?

CAROLYN: I'm asking you.

Yes, we meant something to each other at one time.


CHRIS: It doesn't matter now.

She doesn't mean anything to me anymore.

You still mean something to her.

CHRIS: What are you talking about?

CAROLYN: She's trying to protect you from something.

Why don't you just tell me what she said?

First, I would like to know why you

tried to keep me from seeing her.

She's a sick girl.

Yes, that was obvious, but how did she get that way?

Carolyn, what did she say?

CAROLYN: Something I found very difficult to believe.

- What was it? - Does it really matter?

I only want to know why she is the way she is.

What happened to her?

Are you afraid to tell me what she said?

- No. - Then tell me.

No, I'm not afraid.

She sent for me, she warned me

that you would try to k*ll me.

[ dramatic music ]

And you refused to believe her?

I could see no reason why I should.

I know you well enough to know you couldn't k*ll anyone.

What if I-- what if I had no choice in the matter?

What if I were out of control?

Chris, what are you saying?

Sabrina was right! You should've listened to her,

and you should've believed her.

The worst thing you could've done

was to come back here, and see me!


You've been wondering about me for a long time.

I couldn't tell you anything myself.

Now that Sabrina has, why don't you believe her?

It's the truth!

I'm a monster!

I have no choice, but to k*ll.

- I have no control over myself! - Chris, stop it!

Stop it!

You can't hate yourself that much.

- Oh, what -- - You just can't.

What do I have to do, to make you understand?

I'm rotten.

Do you have to be shown the other

side of me, in order to be convinced?

I couldn't have been so wrong about you.

CHRIS: Carolyn, why don't you do yourself a big favor?

Why don't you get out of my life?

Why don't you leave and leave me alone?

[ dramatic music ]

Barnabas, are you home?

BARNABAS: There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

CAROLYN: Barnabas, where are you?


BARNABAS: There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

Good evening, Carolyn.

CAROLYN: Barnabas, I don't understand.

Understand what?

I was sure I heard your voice,

coming from somewhere in this room.

You did.

Well, how is that possible, if you were out there?

Well, there's nothing mysterious about it.

I happen to be conducting an experiment

in electronics, to keep myself occupied.

Oh, I see.

But what are you doing here tonight?

Why are you so upset?

Barnabas, I had to see you.

I could think of no one else I could talk to you.

What's wrong?

I've just come from Chris's cottage.

I guess it's all over between us.

And you don't want it be?

CAROLYN: I don't know.

The other evening, you advised

me against seeing Chris anymore.

Carolyn, not only are you related to me,

but I happen to be very fond of you, as well.

Then why did you feel you had to give me that advice?

What do you know about Chris that I don't?


But you must have had some reason

for thinking I shouldn't see him again.

Well, I believe that, well, emotionally,

Chris is not a very stable person.

In fact, he could even be dangerous.

Chris agrees with you.

It seemed that my advice was sound.

What's wrong with him?

What makes him behave the way he does?

That should not concern you anymore, my dear.

Well, I can't just shut him out of my mind.


Do you trust me?

Yes, of course I do.

Then believe what I'm going to tell you.

You'll find a truer love than you

ever knew, with Chris Jennings.

A love that will make your present feeling for him

seem like the merest infatuation.

Barnabas, are you saying this,

just to make me feel better?


I feel it, well, that it is written somewhere.

I feel that it was your destiny.

CAROLYN: I don't understand.

How can you be so sure?

I feel it, therefore, I believe it, my dear.

I wish I could feel the same way.

It will take time.

When it happens, you will know it.

Barnabas, thank you for listening

to me, and for being so concerned.

Well, you go back to Collinwood and get some rest.

Try to turn your mind to the future.

Good night, Barnabas.

Good night, my dear.

[ suspenseful music ]

[ door creaking ]

[ click ]

[ tape rewinding ]

BARNABAS:There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

There is no margin for error.

Do you understand what must be done?

- Then go and see. -There is no margin for error.

BARNABAS: Punishment is necessary.

There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

There is no margin for error.

Punishment is necessary.

[ thud ]

[ crying ]

Who's in here?

Who's in this room?

Who are you?

You must not do it.

CHRIS: What are you talking about?

You must not die.

All there is to hope.

Hope? What are you talking about?

Who are you? Tell me who you are!

I cannot help you, but he can.

You must find him.

CHRIS: Find, find who?

Who do you want me to find?

Quentin Collins.

Wait a minute!


You'll have to tell me more than that.

VOICEOVER: Quentin Collins.

Quentin Collins.

Operator, Operator, get me the police!

[ bell jingling ]

PHILIP: Hello, darling.

Philip! Philip!

Philip, thank goodness you're all right!

Well, of course I'm all right.

- What's the matter with you? - What's the matter with me?

I've been worried sick, you were gone all night!

Oh, I know, I'm sorry.

I met a man who wanted to show me a house, full of antiques.

Why didn't you call?

PHILIP: Well, I agreed to go and look,

and he said he wanted a quick appraisal.

Well, once I got started, I completely lost track of time.

MEGAN: Well, but, it's so unlike you.

Megan, you don't think I'm lying to you?

Oh, no, of course not.

It's just that I don't understand,

and I've been so terrified.

PHILIP: Terrified of what?

Well, ever since late yesterday, I've had this feeling

that someone was coming here to k*ll me.

Now, why would you think a thing like that?

I don't know.

It just came over me, suddenly.

Another of your strange premonitions?

Philip, Philip, please don't joke about it!

I'm so frightened, and I'm so glad you're back.

It's all right, darling, I'm here now.

Everything's going to be all right.

You won't let anything happen to me, will you, Philip?

PHILIP: No, I won't.

Is that coffee I smell?

I made some a little while ago.

Well, why don't we have some?

It'll help calm your nerves.

How is the baby, Megan?

Oh, he's no better.

He's still running a high fever.

I don't know what we're gonna do.

It's a shame about the book.

You should've been more careful.

I should've?

Well, it's your fault that it was stolen.

Philip, we were both responsible!

Yes, but you were the last one to have it.

Now, I'm not angry with you, Megan.

I'm just stating a fact.

Philip, don't you think I feel badly enough already?

I have just been through

the most terrifying day of my life!

PHILIP: Darling, I didn't mean to upset you.

I can't help but be upset.

Now, why don't you finish your coffee,

and try to relax?

I'll be right back.

MEGAN: Where are you going?

I'm out of cigarettes, I'm going to go get some.

MEGAN: No, no, no, Philip.

Philip, don't, don't please! Please don't leave me!

Now, I'm only going down the street to the drug store.

I'll be back in just a few minutes.

No, no, Philip, please.

Philip, Philip, please, please don't leave me.

I beg you!

Now, look, you've gotta get a hold of yourself.

Now, believe me, there's no menacing stranger,

lurking around here in the dark,

who's going to come in and attack you.

How do you know that?

Because I know it.

Now, I'll only be gone a few minutes.

[ bell dinging ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ grunts ]

[ chair creaking ]

[ clock chiming ]

[ grunts ]

[ sighs ]

- [ flapping ] - [ gasps ]

[ sighs ]

[ coughs ]

- [ thud ] - [ gasps ]

[ grunts ]

[ squeaking ]

[ thud ]

[ whimpers ]

Who's up there?

[ crying ]


What is going on?

Is the Lowell Apothecary?

This is Mrs. Todd

from the antique shop, down the street.

Is my husband still there?


You haven't seen him?

But he just went there a few minutes ago

to buy some cigarettes!

I see.

Thank you, thank you.

- [ thud ] - [ screams ]

[ rattling ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]
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