900 - December 7, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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900 - December 7, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:In the great house at Collinwood,

Elizabeth Collins' daughter has discovered that

her exhusband is back and that he has already

claimed the affection of their daughter.

And in the neighboring village, Paul Stoddard

faces a terrifying situation.

Furies he does not know insist he must

pay them what he owes.

I'm safe here.

I'm safe.



[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

[dramatic music]

[Paul whimpering]

Father, what are you doing?

Carolyn, please.

Get out of here.

Go away.

Stay out of this.

Out of what?

I don't know.

I can't tell you.


I thought you were them.

I thought they'd come for me.

Now, now, let me take you back to Collinwood.


You can't just sit here in this...

I have the same sign.

Barnabas gave it to me.

Who is Barnabas?

CAROLYN: The first night I ever saw you,

you were outside his house.

Now, no, he

he was still away then.

Well, I don't know why I was there, I swear.

Carolyn, please, you must leave.

I have to stay here.

I'll be alright, here.

Father, if that will protect you,

then so will this.

As long as you wear this, no harm can come to you.

If you believe in that sign on the floor,

you must believe in this.

[mysterious music]

I don't hear the voice.

It kept saying, "Tonight, tonight, tonight!"

Father, I, I know a doctor.

She can do something for you.

She can help.

I'm going to get her now.

No, no, no, no.

I don't want you to bring any doctor in here.

No, I don't want you to bring anyone here.

She might be one of them.

Will you trust me?

You're the only one I do trust.

You know,

whatever this is, it seems to be working.

Well, your, your old father is beginning

to feel like a new man.


[mysterious music]

Barnabas, you are not listening to me.

If, if Amanda, Olivia Correy is connected

with Amanda Harris, then, then it's obvious

she's come here for Quentin's portrait.

Well, she won't find it, will she?

But she's acting for him.

Quentin is alive.

I'm sure he is.

Julia, you make a bad detective.

You're wasting your time as well as mine.

Barnabas, I contacted Jamison Collins.

I asked for Quentin.

He said that Quentin's spirit was gone.

That can only mean that Quentin is alive.

Julia, you've begun to sound like a,

some hysterical woman novelist.

Now, what matter does it make whether Quentin

is alive or dead or whether Amanda Harris is here?

I'm simply not interested in them.

What are you interested in, Barnabas?

And don't tell me nothing because

I won't believe that.

I know that you must care about something,

but what, Barnabas, what?

[door closes]

Julia, thank god you're here.

Carolyn, what's happened?

Barnabas, I'm sorry to intrude this way,

but I must speak with Julia.

Something is wrong, what?

You've just given me a clue, Barnabas

as to what you do care about.

Let's see how bad a detective I am.

I'll leave you alone.

Julia, you must help me.

It's my father.

Your father?

[phone rings]


The time is at hand, Mr. Stoddard.

Who is this?

You know, Mr. Stoddard.

No, I don't know.

Who are you? Who?

Think, Mr. Stoddard, think.

You got our notification of payment due, didn't you?

Tell me who you are!




[phone rings]

[eerie music]

Oh no!


[dramatic music]

[knock on door]




Give me the desk, please.

Hello, this is Carolyn Stoddard.

Did Mr. Prescott leave any messages for me?

Thank you.

[dramatic music]

[knock on door]

Is Carolyn here?

You're Paul Stoddard.

Is she here or isn't she?

No, she, she's gone to you.

I'm Dr. Hoffman.

I was just getting my medical bag and joining her.

We've met before, Mr. Stoddard at the old house.

Did you want to wait here for her?

How long ago did she leave here?

Oh, about a half hour.

You've just missed each other.

Something's happened to her.

No, Mr. Stoddard, nothing has.

Are you, you look as if you need attention.

I'm a doctor, if there's

Oh, no.

You may be one of them.

I'm not one of whoever you're talking about.

Mr. Stoddard, let me help you

No, no, please, I have all the help I need.

Right here.

[dramatic music]

It's gone.

Oh my god, it's gone.

DR. HOFFMAN: What is, Mr. Stoddard?

How did they get it?


I stopped nowhere.

I saw no one.

What am I going to do now?

Why can't I think straight?

What am I going to do now?

[phone rings]

Excuse me.


Yes, yes he is, just a moment.

It's for you.


It's Carolyn isn't it?


We are watching you, Mr. Stoddard,

and we are waiting.

How did you find me?

Your payment is due now, Mr. Stoddard.

You must realize that.

What payment?


[heavy breathing]

[dramatic music]

They know where I am.

Mr. Stoddard, if, if someone's after you,

you should tell the police.


[phone rings]

Don't answer that!

But I must.

No, no.

DR. HOFFMAN: But it could be for anything

Don't answer it!


Don't answer it.

[phone ringing]

[phone ringing]

There's no use calling me.

I don't know what you want.

I don't owe anything to anybody.

Now stop it.


You came back to pay.

You know that, don't you?

We're waiting, Mr. Stoddard.

[eerie dramatic music]

Stay here.

They won't come here.

They're waiting.

I'll be alright,

if I stay.

[phone ringing]

It's not going to stop


[phone ringing]

I let it ring forever.

Maybe, maybe he didn't go back to the hotel.

Where could he have gone?

I don't know but,

I'm sorry I let him leave here,

but there was nothing I could do to stop him.

He just ran out.

I've got to find him.

Carolyn, I think he doesn't want help.

But he needs it so.

He needs it so.

[light uptempo music]

The nauga, it's gone.


Maybe I'll be safe here.

[dramatic music]

I've been expecting you, Mr. Stoddard.

You're the one [mumbles].

Don't go.

We have much to discuss.

Would you care for a drink, Mr. Stoddard?

Or would you prefer to keep your mind clear?

Yes, that would be better, I think.

I'm Barnabus Collins.

I don't know you.

What do you want of me?

No more than is due.

I don't owe you anything!

Sit down, Mr. Stoddard.

[dramatic music]

So, you owe us nothing.

Do you remember the night that you left Collinsport?

You mean, years ago?

Yes, I should think you'd remember

such an important night in your life.

What did you do that night, Mr. Stoddard?

I can't remember anything that happened

that long ago.

Think, Mr. Stoddard.

Because if you do, I'm sure everything

will become quite clear.

Nothing important happened, I, I'd just

had living up there, turning into stone

like the rest of the Collins'

and I got out.

Think more carefully.

Begin in the afternoon.

Things were going on as usual.

Roger was pouting.

The baby was crying.

Yes, she did cry a lot, didn't she?

Because you paid no attention to her.

How did you know that?

I heard.

I don't know how she turned out to be

such a nice person.


Jason McGuire and I were having a few drinks, that's all.


Just sitting around sh**ting the breeze.

The truth, Mr. Stoddard.

You'll never discover what is happening

unless you tell the truth.

Jason knew how unhappy I was there.

He knew what I was going through,

living up there in that big house.

Well, we talked about all the money

that was up there

and how I was unable to get any of it.

And after you and Mr. McGuire had your little talk?

Well, I got out of there.


Well, I came down here to [stammers]

try to think something out.


How to get the money.

What's wrong with that?


Nothing at all.

Were you alone, here?

MR. STODDARD: Well, yes.

Are you sure?

Well, of course I'm sure.

You simply stood over there at the bar

and had a drink by yourself?


Are you positive?

You didn't meet anyone there?

A man?


wait a minute, now.

There was a man there.

Standing over at the bar.

Funny sort of a guy.

And then all of a sudden,

he began to sing.

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ For he's a jolly good fellow

♪ That nobody can deny

You're not a jolly good fellow.

Yes, you can say that.

My name is Strak.

I like to, you know, make friends wherever I go.

Yes, mine's Stoddard,

and you're in the wrong town for that.


You knew I wasn't from around here, eh?

[Stoddard chuckles]

I know every face in this town by a heart.

I'm a traveler.


Man, I'd sure like to be one right now.

STRAK: You got problems, my friend?

[Chuckling] Yes, you might say that.

STRAK: Well solve 'em.

Let's solve 'em.

Well, then, you tell me how and I will.

The advice of strangers is often best.

But you know, I don't think you're as

unhappy as you say you are.

You taking bets on that?

I am.

I will.

I'll bet on anything, everything.

I'm an inveterate gambler.

Well, so am I, but I always lose.

I'd give anything to change my luck.


You said it.

Ah, come on, now we're both drinking

and we're gettin' a little philosophical

but I don't think that you would do anything.

[Chuckles] Oh, yes I would.


Now, let's assume that I have the power

to give you whatever you want.

What would you take?



No limits.

Ah, come on, now.

If we're playin' this game there has to be some limits.

[Chuckles] Everything I can collect in years,

how's that?

And, what do I get in return?

Well, now, let's see.

The object of this game is to outfox your opponent, right?

Yeah, yeah.

Outwit the buyer if you can.

How 'bout in return,

I will give you anything I have of value,

even my most precious possession.

Collectable in years.


I say we got a deal.

Let's shake hands on it and have another drink, shall we?

[Chuckling] Sure.


Two more of these, I'll buy.

No, no, no, I'll buy,

because my friend, you just lost.

How do you figure?

Well, I said you can have anything I have of value.

And my friend, not what I may have in the future

because right now I have nothing.

Well, you're pretty clever, Mr. Stoddard.

I'll have to hand you that.

Too bad it's only a game.

Especially when you outsmarted me so beautifully [laughs].

[laughs] How curious of you to forget that night.

Well, it was a drunken conversation.

Nothing important.

Are you sure?

What was the date of that night?

December, uh, .

BARNABUS: The month?

December and I think

BARNABUS: The day?

The fourth.

years ago to the minute.

Well how have things been going for you those years?

Very good.

Oil wells, the stock market, so what?

Well, I think we upheld our end of the bargain.

But lately?

Well, not so good.

Then things happened the man said would

Yes, we know.

You lost everything.

See, we planned it that way so that you would

be here for our meeting tonight.

What do you want of me?

I have nothing now.

I had nothing then.

Oh, think, Mr. Stoddard.

You did have something then except

you never realized it.

[both laugh]

What are you laughing at, Mr. Stoddard?

Well, I just realized

my most precious possession.

I just realized.

It's supposed to be my soul.

Well, you can have it.

It's all yours.

No, your soul, Mr. Stoddard, is not your

precious possession, obviously.


Oh, Father, I'm so glad you two found each other.

I've been so worried.

Of course, it's alright now, Carolyn.

Everything's going to be alright.

Indeed it is,

now that you're here.

You're your father's most precious possession, you know.

[dramatic music]
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