915 - December 28, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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915 - December 28, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:Since his return from the past,

Barnabas Collins has been possessed

by the evil power of the Leviathans,

and he has been unable to do anything

but accept their commands unquestioningly.

But on this day,

a small boy in the antique shop

will finally cause him to question,

and the answer he will receive

will shock and terrify him.

[door chimes]

You took a long time getting here.

I had to stop by at Collinwood.

They were expecting me.

Who was expecting you?

Your good friend, Dr. Julia Hoffman?

This is no time to talk about Julia Hoffman.

Now, why did you want to see me?

MICHAEL: Because we do need to talk about Julia Hoffman.

Very urgently.

What do you mean?

Your friend was in here a little while ago.

She noticed this.

She knew it was the same one she had seen

on Joseph and Alexander.

Are you sure?

Are you questioning me?

She's a very busy lady, that Dr. Hoffman.

Her mind is always working.

Her eyes are always wide open.

Well, I want those eyes closed.


I want you to k*ll Julia Hoffman.


[dramatic music]

[waves breaking]

[eerie music]

There's no reason to treat her like

some kind of a special case!

Now that you serve us, you must forget

all that happened before.

I cannot forget that Julia Hoffman

risked her life for me.

I cannot take her life, and I cannot let

anyone else do it either.

Now, do you understand that?

I don't.

You can't let sentimentality make you careless.

She is now an enemy!

I will not regard her as an enemy.

Neither will you.

Now, the subject is closed.

[door chimes]

[ominous drumming]

[ominous music]

Whoever you are, wherever you are,

I want you to hear me.

The boy demanded that I k*ll a good friend.

I refused,

and demanded a hundred times.

So can any member of the Leviathans in this world

or any other world that they occupy,

the answer is still the same.

I still refuse.

I will not do things I cannot agree with or understand.

I mustn't let Michael upset me so.

He's only a child now.

And a child will respond to discipline.

A child can't demand that someone be k*lled.

He has no right.

No right.

What is happening to me?

[hypnotic music]

A child can't demand someone be k*lled.

He has no right.

[thunder crashing]

And you, Barnabas Collins, have no right to disobey.

[ominous drumming]

Who are you?

I am one of them.

It was your presence that I felt in the room.


I was waiting.

What do you want from me?

LEVIATHAN: Originally you were not one of us.

We made you one of us, because you alone

could transport our leader through time.

We hoped that just the act of making you one of us

would be enough, that you would be loyal to us.

But you are not.

You have dared to break our law.


Enemies must be dealt with.

That is the law.

I will not hurt her!

The boy is cruel!

He is a Leviathan, a true Leviathan.

He carries in his mind and in his heart

what we believe.

You are just an outsider.

You must constantly prove yourself,

because you will never be above suspicion.

What are you saying?

LEVIATHAN: Will you deal with Julia Hoffman?


I ask you to reconsider.

I will not.

Nothing will make me change my mind.

Suppose we find out. [laughs]

[dramatic music]

How do you plan to force me

to do something against my will?

LEVIATHAN: We will talk about that in time.

But let me ask you,

do you know who we are?

Who we really are?

No, I don't.

Before man, in the time before he existed,

we ruled, when there was only essence

and intelligence and nothing more.

None of these shapes that human beings wear today.

Then there was only energy and power,

and there was darkness.

Then man was formed.

He became dominant.

We had to submit or be destroyed.

Some of us did outwardly.

But in our hearts we were waiting,


silent as the serpent,

swift as the snake,

powerful as the Leviathan.

Some of us did not choose to take on

what you call human shape.

They went underground and

kept their true shapes.

Demons, fiends,

creatures of the night and the darkness

and of evil.

And what are those

people that you have taken over?

Like yourself, they're not true Leviathans.

They must be kept proving themselves

by meeting our demands.

I have no high hopes for them.

But they will do as required of them.

Only you're wrong.

They won't do.

Not if you demand things that are impossible,

just as I refuse to do what--

[wind howling]

VOICEOVER:We shall see what you will do,

Barnabas Collins,

for we know a great deal about you.

What you are, and what you were.

[wind howling]

Where are you?

Where have you gone?

[crashing thunder]

[doors slam open]

[loud thumping]

[bat screeching]

[dramatic music]

[Barnabas screams]

No, no!

Don't let it happen again!


It was a dream.

Only a dream.

But so like the way it happened before.

[crashing thunder]

The thunder, and the lightning,

the giant bat coming and biting me.

It was a dream.

Only a dream that was meant to frighten me.

I will not be frightened.

[suspenseful music]

How much time has passed since I went to sleep?

Three, four hours.

[knocking on door]

[crashing thunder]

Megan, come in.

I was sleeping, longer than I intended to.

MEGAN: I had been wondering all day

whether I should come and see you,

but I had to.

Why, what's the matter?

Well, after you left,

Michael told me what had happened.

He says he wants Julia Hoffman k*lled.

Did he tell you that I would not permit it?

Can you really stand up to him?


MEGAN: I don't think I can.

When we talked, the look on his face, it...

Well, it frightened me so.

It was inhuman, I...

Well, Barnabas, when he grows up,

he isn't going to be like that, is he?

I mean, they're capable of destruction--

Megan, this is not the time to talk about Michael.

Oh, but I must!

Please, Barnabas, you're the only one I can talk to.

No, not now. I'm extremely tired.

But Barnabas, you said that you'd been sleeping.

You want to get rid of me, but I won't go.

Barnabas, I can't, not feeling this way.

Megan, you'd better go now.

- Barnabas-- - It's starting to rain.

Barnabas, do I have to beg you to listen to me?

Then I will, because I am so frightened.

Barnabas, when I listen to him,

what he says seems so right,

but when I think about it,

I know how wrong it is.


I beg you to go now.

- Barnabas, I don't understand. - Megan, please go now.

[door slams]

What is happening to me?

[eerie music]

No, there's no reflection.

[dramatic music]

[hypnotic music]

[crashing thunder]

Why am I here?

It cannot be happening to me again.

I know why I'm waiting,

why I'm standing here.

I will not.

I will not let it happen.

I will go home.

I must.

Where are you going, mister?

Please leave me alone. I'm in a hurry.

Oh, try that with somebody else.

I've been watching you just standing there,

looking lonesome.

Why have you been watching me?

Maybe I didn't have anything better to do.

You see, I'm new in town, and I'm lonesome, too.

Well, why don't you go to the Blue Whale?

You'll find lots of friends there.

I found the friend I want.

No, you must leave me alone.

Come on.

I can be a very good friend.

You'll find that out.

Let's both go to the Blue Whale.

I can't go anywhere, except my home.

Well, take me with you.


I'm going alone.

Good night.

[thunder rumbling]

You know what?

I don't think you are going home.

Why should you?

A man, standing alone on a dark street,

storm coming up any minute.

That man is waiting for something,

isn't he?

[ominous music]

What's the matter?

WOMAN: I don't know.

Suddenly you frighten me.

Do I?

Then why don't you run away?

Why don't you go to the Blue Whale?

No, I told you.

I know what I want.

I'm not going anywhere.

Now come on, stop being coy.

I'd love to see the inside of your house.

Well, that's much friendlier.

[frightened shuddering]

No! [panicked gasping]

[woman screams]

[dramatic chord]

[thunder crashes]

Oh no.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

I couldn't help it.

I had to do it.

I had to.

[dramatic music]

[apprehensive music]

[thunder rumbling]

[doors slam open]

[thunder crashing]

[apprehensive music]

[ominous drumming]


Not up to your usual standard, is she?

But then that's no reason to shun her.

After all, you made her what she is,

as you will others.

I see.

You need time to think about it.

Well, think about this, Barnabas.

You want more,

an endless procession

of nights like this,

and then the days,

the desperate hunt for the coffin,

the race against the impending dawn.

What will happen after this night, Barnabas?

Does it begin again?

If it is to begin again, then perhaps it would

be best for the dawn to...

to find me here and destroy me.

But I will not k*ll Julia Hoffman.

That is not the issue!

The issue is your disobedience!

Fortunately for the moment,

Julia Hoffman need not die,

but she must be dealt with

and you will do it.

You, go back to the darkness.

[thunder crashing]

BARNABAS: So she is one of you.

Yes, the object of the lesson.

BARNABAS: Josette's portrait.

Josette's portrait.

why do I see it?

Another reminder, Barnabas.

You remember your lost love?

In another time?

Why, you were supposed to meet her, weren't you?

You never made it, did you?


Because you stopped me.

We stopped her, too.

We sent you here.

We kept her as hostage,

our assurance that you will continue

to do exactly what we tell you.

I don't believe you.

You don't know that.

You're lying!

Disobey, and Josette will die

the most horrible death imaginable.

Why, we may even let you see your lady love,

but she won't be a pretty sight.

I cannot let you harm Josette.

Do what you want.

Julia Hoffman will understand.

She's a very

understanding woman.

And Josette is a very beautiful one.

[thunder rumbling]

[crashing thunder]

They have lifted the spell,

but I must obey,

at least until I find a way to escape them.

Forgive me Julia, dear friend.

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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