917 - December 31, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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917 - December 31, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:The night of the full moon

has fallen over Collinwood.

At the inn, Julia Hoffman has discovered, to her horror,

that Grant Douglas is missing.

And at the great house, Carolyn Stoddard

is terribly disturbed about her father,

unaware that he and she are important parts

of the plan that Barnabas has brought back from the past.

Mother, are you sure that keeping father sedated

all the time, is the best thing?

Dr. Reeves says so, we must accept his judgment.

I wish Julia was still treating him.

Well, you know why she isn't.

Perhaps, if I could speak to father,

try to get him to see how unfounded his fear of her is.

I could convince him that--

Carolyn, I cannot discuss it now,

I'm expected at the Historic Society

with these pieces of silver.

You should take more interest in that, too.

I'm interested in my father at the moment.

Mother, it breaks my heart to walk into his room

and see him just lying there, unable to move or speak.

He's almost not human anymore.

Darling, you mustn't worry so,

everything that can be done is being done for him.

I'll see you later.

[intense music]

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]

[dramatic music]

[struggling at the door]




Someone might hear.

They're after me, I've got to get away.

Where did you want to go?

Anywhere away from here.

Let's go into the drawing room and talk about it.

No, no, darling, I have no time to talk.

Must get out of here.

No one else is at home, no one is going to come.


Oh, no, I can't stay here.

You, you must understand that!

Father, I don't understand.

This is where you so badly wanted to be.

And this is where you should be, especially now that you're sick.

But if I stay here, I'll be dead!

Carolyn, you don't know what it was like up there,

lying in that room, knowing it was going to become my tomb.

You must stop imagining things.

There is not a reason in the

world for that to be your, your tomb.

Oh, yes, there is a very good reason.

They're trying to k*ll me.

CAROLYN: Father, no one is trying to k*ll you!

Yes, they are.

They've somehow gotten into this house.


The ones who are after me.

Father, you've got to get over this notion

of yours that people are trying to harm you.

Get over it?

How can I when it's the truth?

Carolyn, you saw me when I came into this house,

you came in with me.

Now, please, look at me and then tell me no one's

doing anything to me.

Well, go on, look at me.

Now, for heaven's sake, let me out of here

before it's too late.

You wait here.

I'll go upstairs and get your coat.

[dramatic music]


[sinister music]

Oh, no.




What's wrong with him?

Nothing now.

Were you really going to take him away?

He seemed so frightened.

ELIZABETH: Where were you going to take him?

I don't know.

If I hadn't come back for your

great grandmother's sugar bowl, you, oh, Carolyn.

Carolyn, I'm worried about you.

I'm alright.

What about father?

He'll sleep for a while,

and then I'll have Misses Johnson take him to his room.

Darling, come with me.

Come on.

Carolyn, you must accept the situation.

You must believe how ill your father really is.

I don't want to believe it.

None of us does, but we must.

[dramatic music]

PAUL:Did I make it downstairs?

Or did I dream it?

No, I didn't dream it.

You gave us quite a scare.

PAUL: I don't want that medicine.

ELIZABETH: You must take it, Paul.

It's the only thing that'll make you feel better.

No, no, it's what's making me sick, I know it.

Don't act like a child,

Doctor Reeves prescribed it.

Well, maybe he's one of them.


Paul, I humored you about your,

about Doctor Hoffman, she's not treating you--

PAUL: No, I never said anything about--

You did, you kept screaming that she was one of them,

whoever they are.

Now let me tell you one thing for your own good,

I am not going to get rid of Dr. Reeves.

Now take your medicine.


Very well, if you want to go on

upsetting Carolyn, go right ahead.

You are hurting her very much, you know.

[door opens then closes]


Oh, Carolyn, if she only knew how much I've hurt you.

But I will make it alright, somehow.

As soon as I get out of this house,

and I will get out.

If I don't take that medicine, I'll get my strength back.

It's the medicine makes me weak, very weak.

[knocking at door]

So, Misses Stoddard says that you didn't take your medicine.

PAUL: No, and I'm not going to take it,

and you can't make me take it, either.

Oh I don't intend to, I brought you some warm milk

to help you get some rest,

and some fresh cookies to help you get your strength back.

These cookies are Carolyn's favorite.

Is there anything in that milk?

MISSES JOHNSON: What do you mean?


Of course not.

People take too much medicine, as it is.

For my way of thinking, they'd be better off without it.

Oh, I'm going to get you some fresh flowers

to help cheer this room up a bit.

Have a good rest, Mister Stoddard.

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

It didn't take long.

MISSES JOHNSON: Well, no wonder,

with all that medicine in his milk.

Well it had to be that dosage,

couldn't take the chance of his waking up

before we moved him.

MISSES JOHNSON: Misses Stoddard,

are you sure you're doing the right thing by him?

If I had any fears, they were dispelled

after I talked to Mister Barnabas.

Still seems a little drastic.

Can't take a chance on him getting away,

of upsetting Carolyn again.

Well no, we mustn't have that.

Alright, then, Misses Johnson,

you go to the tower room and be sure that

everything's ready for him.

I'll wait downstairs for Mr. Barnabas.

When he gets here, we'll move him.

- Oh, Misses Johnson. - Yes.

One more thing, I don't want you

to say anything to anyone about this.

I'll handle it with the help of Mr. Barnabas.

Of course.

What made you think, for even one moment,

that I wanted you back?

[dramatic music]

PAUL:Elizabeth, she's one of them too.

[knocking at door]





Oh Carolyn, thank heavens it's you.

Why did you get out of bed?

I had to, I have to get out of here.

I have to hurry before it's too late.

Let me help you back to bed.

No, no, no, not bed.

Carolyn, it's worse than I thought.

What do you mean?

I've just discovered something terrifying,

and you've got to get me out of here before they get to me.

No one is going to get to you.

I'll sit by your bed until you fall asleep.

No, dear, no, you can't protect me like that.

The only thing that you can do for me

is to get me out of here.

CAROLYN: Father, why is it worse now than it was before?

Because, no, I can't tell you here.

But I'll tell you when we're safely away from here.

CAROLYN: What do you want me to do?

Just go out into the hall and look around and,

and make sure the coast is clear,

and I'll wait here until you get back.

You will do that for me, won't you?

You'll do it for me, to save my life?

Yes, of course.

[door closes]

He's so sick!

He said he'd stay until I came back.

What are we going to do?

Look for him.

He can't go very far in his condition.

[creepy music]

I want you to help Carolyn search the grounds.

You realize how important it is that we find him?

Oh of course, Misses Stoddard.

I've got to phone the doctor

and make arrangements for after we find him.


[dramatic music]

Mister Stoddard?

CAROLYN:Father, where are you?


MISSES JOHNSON: Mister Stoddard?

[intense music]

[dramatic music]

What's the matter, man?

What happened, what's wrong with you?

What, nothing's wrong, just have to get away.

You've got to help me.

Get away from what?

I can't tell you.

Who are you?

What are you doing here?

PAUL: My name is Stoddard.

You're Paul Stoddard, Carolyn's father.


They sent you after me, didn't they?

Nobody sent me, I just happened by,

fortunately for you.

You could catch a death of

cold lying out here like this.

Well, I seem to be marked for death,

no matter where I turn, don't I?

What's that?

Mister, look here, whatever your name is.

My name's Stokes.

Professor Stokes.

Professor Stokes, you've got to take me to the police.

To the police?

Yes, I'm in terrible danger.

In danger, Mister Stoddard, from whom?

I can't say that, but I will tell it to the police.

I'd better take you back to Collinwood.

- No, no! - Call the police from there.

No! No, not to Collinwood.

Please, Professor Stokes,

you've got to take me to the police,

it's the only thing you can do for me.

If you don't, I'll be dead.

No, no, no, I am not being hysterical or melodramatic--

My car is over there.

I'll help you to it,

then we'll go to the police.

[dramatic music]

POLICEMAN: What happened?

This here is Mister Paul Stoddard,

he has a story he wants to tell the police.

I don't know what it is,

he wouldn't tell me until we got here.

POLICEMAN: You look like you'd better sit down, Mr. Stoddard.

Thank you.

POLICEMAN: Would you like some coffee?

PAUL: Oh, fine.

I never thought I would get here.

Well, you got here.

And everything's going to be alright.

It will never be alright 'till they stop chasing me.

Thank you.


They have been after me ever since I got here.

What are these people doing to you?

At first, there were just little hints, phone calls,

things like that to, veiled threats,

it was their way of making me know

that I was under their control.

And I was, too, because when I tried to get away

they took me back to Collinwood.

I see.

No, you don't see.

You think I'm mad.

POLICEMAN: I think you're frightened.

PAUL: You would be, too, if they were after you.

You said you'd tell us everything, Mister Stoddard.

Who are they?

There are a great many of them,

people you'd least suspect.

Will you name one of them?

Yes, I'll name one, alright,

my wife, Elizabeth Stoddard.

That's a little hard to believe.

It's impossible to believe, and yet you tell me why?

She took me back into Collinwood,

after years of open hatred,

unless they wanted me there,

and you know this town,

you know how they gossip.

And you know my wife.

Why, why would she risk all that gossip,

unless they wanted her to do so?

It's still a little hard to believe.

Yes, and because it's Elizabeth Stoddard who's involved,

you will do nothing.

I didn't say that.

I intend to talk to Misses Stoddard and the doctor

and whoever else is involved.

If you still feel you're being held c*ptive, well,

we'll have to do something about it.

Wouldn't you say so, Professor Stokes?

I most certainly would.

Oh, well, then you must keep me locked up under guard,

until after you've made your investigations,

and I'll tell the whole story.

There'll be time enough for that, later.

Yes, I guess so.

Could I get to a telephone, please?

I would like to call my daughter and tell her

that I'm here and that I'm alright.

I'll do that for you, Mister Stoddard.

POLICEMAN: Fine, that's good.

It'll give us a chance to rest until she comes.

PAUL: Yes.

[dramatic music]

You had a good nap? You feeling better?


Oh yes, I can't tell you how much better I feel.

Well that's good,

because there's somebody here to see you.

PAUL: Oh, Carolyn.

[intense music]

No, no, no!

Don't let her near me!

I told you on the phone, Professor Stokes,

he's terrified of me.

PAUL: I've got to get out of here!

POLICEMAN: No, no, no Mister Stokes, Mister Stoddard,

the best thing to do is go back with your wife.

No, no.

He won't go back with me unless I give him a sedative.


POLICEMAN: Come on now, Mister Stoddard.

But you said you'd help me.

PROFESSOR: We are helping you, Mister Stoddard.

PAUL: Traitors!

[intense music]


[eerie music]
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