918 - January 1, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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918 - January 1, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:The night of the full moon

has ended with the morning,

and for Paul Stoddard,

his hopes for escape have ended, too.

Elizabeth has brought him back from the police station,

secure that no one believed a word of his accusations.

Now with Paul incapable of struggle,

the members of Barnabas' cult must deal

with still another member of the household

who is dangerous to them.

How is he?

He's almost asleep.

Don't worry.

Mrs. Johnson won't leave him until he's completely asleep.

There'll be no more danger from him.

Barnabas says you did well.

He also said that you're to leave him here

and not move him until Barnabas tells you to.

I'll do whatever he says, of course.

Barnabas also asked me to remind you

that Julia Hoffman is your responsibility.

What are you gonna do about her?

k*ll her.

[ominous music]

[Dark Shadows theme]

VOICEOVER:Nothing in the papers.

Nothing about sudden, horrible death

or anyone seeing any mysterious animal.

Whatever Quentin did last night,

nobody knows about it yet.

But somebody has to know something.

Miss Corey's room, please.

Good morning, it's Dr. Hoffman.

Miss Corey, do you know if Grant Douglas

came in at all last night?

Well, perhaps he's in his room right now.

Yes, please call me back.

Thank you.

VOICEOVER:Perhaps he is in his room.

He's got to be.

[suspenseful music]

[g*n cocks]

[phone rings]



Oh, Miss Corey.

He hasn't come back yet?

Yes, yes I would appreciate knowing when he does.

Thank you.

VOICEOVER:He hasn't come back

because he couldn't come back,

because the full moon turned him into an animal

with no mind, no memory, nothing but the need to k*ll.

I knew that, when I saw his room in a shambles.

But if it did, then Charles Tate's portrait of him

didn't have the power I thought.

How will I help Chris at all, how will I?

Julia, is something the matter?

You seem so deep in thought.

JULIA: Yes, something is the matter.


Nothing I need bother you about.

Have you stopped confiding in me because you found me

so unsympathetic about Michael?

You weren't unsympathetic about Michael.

What then?

Well, just, I thought you were a little short-sighted.

Did you know that Paul caused Professor Stokes

to take him to the police last night?

JULIA: No I didn't.

Oh, Stokes phoned me, of course.

Wish he'd let me try to help him.

Oh, so do I, but he absolutely refuses.

He's terrified of you.

He's terrified of so many things.

I have a feeling that the reason for his terror

lies in that antique shop.

I don't know what it is yet, but I will find out,

and perhaps I can help.

[suspenseful music]


are you alright?

Where you going?

I just remembered something.

[eerie music]

I kept remembering things she'd said,

things she'd done for us.

All of a sudden,

I just couldn't go through with it.

I see.

Do you?

Then tell me what to do.

No, Elizabeth.

The book is there.

It can give you strength to put the past out of your mind

and to think only of the time that is coming.

The book is there to guide us.

[eerie music]

Chris, Chris what are you doing here?

I got tired of my cage at Windcliff, doctor.

But you've got to get back before.

Sorry doctor, I have different plans for tonight.

What are you talking about?

You and I are going to pay a visit

to Mr. Charles Delaware Tate.

I can no longer be both a man and an animal.

Chris, if I hadn't given you hope,

and somewhere there is hope for you.

Oh, Chris, Charles Delaware Tate is not the answer.

That man is not capable of helping anyone.

Forget him.

Now, go back to Windcliff and sooner or later

I will have the answer for you and Quentin.

Quentin and me.

If he is Quentin.

Well he is, that is one thing I've learned.

What do you mean?

Mr. Grant Douglas disappeared last night.

No one knows where he is or what he's done.

So, now Grant Douglas least of all.

The spirit of Jenny Collins said to me,

find Quentin Collins and you'll be alright.

Well, maybe I should just forget about that, too.

Well, I'm not so sure of that, Chris.

For a while, in some way,

he did overcome the werewolf curse.

Perhaps when he regains his memory,

he'll know something that can help.

You don't believe that, Julia.

You say maybe he's overcome the curse.

In fact, you're terrified that he hasn't overcome

anything at all.

That's true.

CHRIS: Not now, anyway.

You're right, Chris.

I am terrified.

If only I knew where he was.

[eerie music]



[ominous music]

[breathes loudly]

For the people of Leviathan,

all others are enemies.

But the enemies of Leviathan

must not die by the hand of Leviathan.

Only their own kind,


can end their existence on the Earth

that they have stolen from the people of Leviathan.

In that way their spirits

shall not return to w*r against us.

What does that mean?

That means that you're a true Leviathan.

Something inside of you kept you from k*lling Julia.

Something kept you from disobeying the book.

No, that's not true.

I wasn't thinking of the book

or Leviathan.

I was thinking of her,

of our friendship.

No, it wasn't that at all.

It was Leviathan.

You knew somehow that if you k*lled her,

her spirit would come back to w*r against us.

You knew because you are one of us.

We do not k*ll because the spirit of a dead enemy

is more dangerous than the enemy himself.

It's all in the book, Elizabeth.

Everything we must know.

Everything we must do is in this book.

[eerie music]

Miss Corey.

It's you.

Brilliant, Dr. Hoffman.

You weren't in your room all last night.

Equally brilliant, Dr. Hoffman.

Well where were you?

What are you, my doctor or my keeper?

Do I have to check in with you every night?

Stop staring at me, I'm not an animal in a cage!

I know that you're not an animal in a cage,

and whatever happened, it wasn't your fault.

It was my fault.

- What? - I didn't have to hit the guy.

Who did you hit?

Last night,

I got in a fight at the High Hat Lounge.

The guy who kept staring at the girl I was with.

You were at the High Hat Lounge in Portland last night?

Unless they moved it.

What were you doing there?

I went there to find out what I could about Grant Douglas.

What did you find out?

Not much.

He seems to be a pretty solitary fella, that boy.

But I did find out a few things about Frederick Thorn.

Frederick Thorn?

That's right.

I kept asking questions

and a guy recognized the locker key I had,

so he sent me to the right storage house,

and I found what I put in the locker.

Now, I'll save you all the trouble and time.

I read all of it very carefully.

There are a few letters in there,

frantic letters from a girl who asked Thorn

why he abandoned her so quickly.

There's a driver's license,

which clearly means that he didn't intend to drive anymore.

Now listen, I said I'd save you the time.

He was born in .

Oh yes,

yes there was a photograph.

It was cut out of a newspaper.

A photograph of

Olivia Corey.

Now why, doctor, why?

I don't know.

Are you sure you went to the High Hat Lounge last night?

Am I sure?

Now what in God's name, where do you think I was?

And what do you think I was doing?

What do you suspect I was doing, hmmm?

Or should I say Quentin Collins?

Now what kind of a man is this Collins

to make you run in here as if there were no tomorrow?

Well, come on.

Come on, doctor, stand up and tell me.

Well, what's the matter?

Did the fact that I get in a fight last night,

did that change the image of me for you, huh?

Well, is that it?

No, nothing, nothing has changed my image of you.

Excuse me.

[suspenseful music]

I see, thank you very much.


Grant Douglas was at the High Hat Lounge last night

and he did get into a fight at around midnight.

So, whoever he is, he's not a werewolf, not now.

You know, it's strange.

They seem to accept him so naturally as Grant Douglas.

But Julia,

Julia if he isn't.

The portrait worked.

So it still exists.

[door knock]

Come in.

I'm Chris Jennings.

Dr. Hoffman introduced us at the hospital.

I need your help.

[laughs] You need my help.

I'm desperate.

I don't have time to explain.

Tell me, will you help me?

Are you sure you haven't been

dipping into the whiskey supply?

You wouldn't be the only one.

I'm cold sober and perfectly serious.

I want you to go with me to meet Charles Delaware Tate.

- See who? - Charles Delaware Tate.

He's a painter, he's old, a recluse.

He won't see me if I go by myself.

Well now, what difference would my being there make?

I don't even know who he is.

He knows Quentin Collins.

Quentin Collins,

mister generous.

You know that I have had enough of Quentin Collins

to last me for lifetimes?

And I don't need to hear any more about him

from some decrepit old hermit!

Not even if it helps you to find out who you are?

- Or don't you care? - Now you listen to me.

I care.

I want to know who I am

more than I want anything in this world,

but I'm telling you, I'm not Quentin Collins!


Alright, alright, now look.

I'll go with you

and if it'll help you to get in,

I'll say I'm Quentin Collins.

- But that's it. - Okay.


because when we get there,

I wanna do the talking.

I failed him.

He told me to deal with Julia and I haven't.

You will.

Oh yes, you will when the time is right.

I wish I knew when that was.

You will.

In the meantime, I've gotta go and talk to Barnabas

and make sure he's not angry with you.

[eerie music]


I said go away, I want to see no one.

You'll see me, Mr. Tate.

VOICEOVER:Why should I?


I am Quentin Collins.

[gate creaks]

Stand where you are, both of you.

Don't come any closer.

That's right, no further.

Now, let me take a good look at you.

Liar, liar.


You are not Quentin Collins.

You are a young man.

Yeah, so are you.

I thought you told me he was old.

Yes, yes, old in years.

Old in years,

but there are ways of remaining young

if one has true genius

and one is a true artist.

Isn't that right, Quentin?

You see, I call you Quentin.

I call you Quentin because you are merely another example

of the genius of Charles Delaware Tate.

My genius.

You know him?

Do you think I'm Quentin?

How could I ever forget you?

What do you mean?

You took Amanda Harris from me.

Who's Amanda Harris?

[Charles laughs]

What's the matter?

Why are you laughing?

His true love.

QUENTIN: Stop that laughing.

And you don't even remember her. [laughs]

Stop it.

I always knew she was a fool, a fool.

Stop it.

Collins, wait a minute.


[Charles laughs]

[eerie music]

[Dark Shadows theme]
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